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grep for ROS bag files and live topics

Project description


grep for ROS bag files and live topics.

Searches through ROS messages and matches any message field value by regular expression patterns or plain text, regardless of field type. Can also look for specific values in specific message fields only.

By default, matches are printed to console. Additionally, matches can be written to a bagfile or as HTML/CSV/SQLite, or published to live topics.

Supports both ROS1 and ROS2. ROS environment variables need to be set, at least ROS_VERSION.

Using ROS1 live topics requires ROS master to be running.

Using ROS2 requires Python packages for message types to be available in path; in ROS1 messages can be grepped even if the packages are not available.


Example usage

Search for "my text" in all bags under current directory and subdirectories:

grepros -r "my text"

Print 30 lines of the first message from each live ROS topic:

grepros ".*" --max-per-topic 1 --lines-per-message 30 --live

Find first message containing "future" (case-insensitive) in my.bag:

grepros future -I --max-count 1 --name my.bag

Find 10 messages, from geometry_msgs package, in "map" frame, from bags in current directory:

grepros frame_id=map --type geometry_msgs/* --max-count 10

Pipe all diagnostics messages with "CPU usage" from live ROS topics to my.bag:

grepros "CPU usage" --type *DiagnosticArray --no-console-output --write my.bag

Find messages with field "key" containing "0xA002", in topics ending with "diagnostics", in bags under "/tmp":

grepros key=0xA002 --topic *diagnostics --path /tmp

Find diagnostics_msgs messages in bags in current directory, containing "navigation" in fields "name" or "message", print only header stamp and values:

grepros --type diagnostic_msgs/* --select-field name message \
        --print-field header.stamp status.values -- navigation

Print first message from each lidar topic on host

grepros ".*" --live --topic *lidar* --max-per-topic 1

Patterns use Python regular expression syntax, message matches if all match. '*' wildcards in other arguments use simple globbing as zero or more characters, target matches if any value matches.


Using pip

pip install grepros

This will add the grepros command to path.

Requires ROS Python packages (ROS1: rospy, roslib, rosbag, genpy; ROS2: rclpy, rosidl_runtime_py).

If you don't want to install the ROS1 stack, and are only interested in using bag files, not grepping from or publishing to live topics, minimal ROS1 Python packages can also be installed separately with:

pip install rospy rosbag roslib roslz4 \

Using catkin

In a ROS1 workspace, under the source directory:

git clone
cd grepros
catkin build --this

This will add the grepros command to the local ROS1 workspace path.

Using colcon

In a ROS2 workspace, at the workspace root:

git clone src/grepros
colcon build --packages-select grepros

This will add the grepros command to the local ROS2 workspace path.

Matching and filtering

Specify any number of patterns to match, e.g. match messages containing any of the words:

cpu memory speed

Match anything (note that * wildcards need to quoted to stop shell from auto-expanding them):


Match as plaintext, not Python regular expression patterns:


Select non-matching messages instead:


Use case-sensitive matching in patterns (default is insensitive):



Stop after matching a specified number of messages (per each file if bag input):

-m          100
--max-count 100

Scan only a specified number of topics (per each file if bag input):

--max-topics 10

Emit a specified number of matches per topic (per each file if bag input):

--max-per-topic 20


Scan specific topics only (supports * wildcards):

-t      *lidar* *ins*
--topic /robot/sensors/*

Skip specific topics (supports * wildcards):

-nt        *lidar* *ins*
--no-topic /robot/sensors/*

Scan specific message types only (supports * wildcards):

-d     *Twist*
--type sensor_msgs/*

Skip specific message types from scanning (supports * wildcards):

-nd       *Twist*
--no-type sensor_msgs/*

Set specific message fields to scan (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

-sf            twist.linear
--select-field *data

Skip specific message fields in scan (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

-ns               twist.linear
--no-select-field *data

Only emit matches that are unique in topic, taking --select-field and --no-select-field into account (per each file if bag input):


Start scanning from a specific timestamp:

-t0          2021-11     (using partial ISO datetime)
--start-time 1636900000  (using UNIX timestamp)
--start-time +100        (seconds from bag start time, or from script startup time if live input)
--start-time -100        (seconds from bag end time, or script startup time if live input)

Stop scanning at a specific timestamp:

-t1        2021-11     (using partial ISO datetime)
--end-time 1636900000  (using UNIX timestamp)
--end-time +100        (seconds from bag start time, or from script startup time if live input)
--end-time -100        (seconds from bag end time, or from script startup time if live input)

Start scanning from a specific message index in topic:

-n0           -100  (counts back from topic total message count in bag)
--start-index   10  (1-based index)

Stop scanning at a specific message index in topic:

-n1         -100  (counts back from topic total message count in bag)
--end-index   10  (1-based index)



Read messages from ROS bag files, by default all in current directory.

Recurse into subdirectories when looking for bagfiles:


Read specific filenames (supports * wildcards):

--n        /tmp/*.bag
--filename my.bag 2021-11-*.bag

Scan specific paths instead of current directory (supports * wildcards):

-p     /home/*
--path my/dir

Order bag messages first by topic or type, and only then by time:

--order-bag-by topic
--order-bag-by type



Read messages from live ROS topics instead of bagfiles.

Requires ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_ROOT to be set in environment if ROS1.

Set custom queue size for subscribing (default 10):

--queue-size-in 100

Use ROS time instead of system time for incoming message timestamps:




Default output is to console, in ANSI colors, mimicking grep output.

Disable printing messages to console:


Manage color output:

--color always  (default)
--color auto    (auto-detect terminal support)
--color never   (disable colors)

Set maximum number of lines to print per message:

--lines-per-message 5

Set maximum number of lines to print per message field:

--lines-per-field 2

Start printing from, or stop printing at, message line number:

--start-line  2   (1-based if positive
--end-line   -2   (count back from total if negative)

Print only the fields where patterns find a match:


Print only matched fields and specified number of lines around match:

--lines-around-match 5

Print only specific message fields (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

--print-field *data

Skip printing specific message fields (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

--no-print-field header.stamp

Wrap printed matches in custom texts:

--match-wrapper ***
--match-wrapper <MATCH> </MATCH>

Set custom width for wrapping printed message YAML (auto-detected from terminal by default):

--wrap-width 120



Publish messages to live ROS topics. The published topic name will default to /grepros/original/name. Topic prefix and suffix can be changed, or topic name set to one specific name:

--publish-prefix   /myroot
--publish-suffix   /myend
--publish-fixname  /my/singular/name

Set custom queue size for publishers (default 10):

--queue-size-out 100


--write my.bag

Write messages to a ROS bag file, the custom .bag format in ROS1 or the .db3 SQLite database format in ROS2. If the bagfile already exists, it is appended to.


--write my.csv --write-format csv

Write messages to CSV files, each topic to a separate file, named as my.__topic__name__.csv for /topic/name.

Output mimicks CSVs compatible with PlotJuggler, all messages values flattened to a single list, with header fields like /topic/


--write my.html --write-format html

Write messages to an HTML file, with a linked table of contents, message type definitions, and a topically traversable message list.


Note: resulting file may be large, and take a long time to open in browser.

A custom template file can be specified, in step syntax:

--write-format-template /my/html.template


--write my.db --write-format sqlite

Write an SQLite database with tables pkg/MsgType for each ROS message type and nested type, and views /full/topic/name for each topic. If the database already exists, it is appended to.

Output is fully compatible with ROS2 .db3 bagfiles, supplemented with full message YAMLs, and message type definition texts.


Command-line arguments

positional arguments:
  PATTERN               pattern(s) to find in message field values,
                        can specify message field as NAME=PATTERN
                        (name may be a nested.path)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -F, --fixed-strings   PATTERNs are ordinary strings, not regular expressions
  -I, --no-ignore-case  use case-sensitive matching in PATTERNs
  -v, --invert-match    select non-matching messages
  --version             display version information and exit
  --live                read messages from live ROS topics instead of bagfiles
  --publish             publish matched messages to live ROS topics
  --write OUTFILE       write matched messages to specified output file
  --write-format {bag,csv,html,sqlite}
                        output format (default "bag"),
                        bag or database appended to if file already exists

  -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...], --topic TOPIC [TOPIC ...]
                        ROS topics to scan if not all (supports * wildcards)
  -nt TOPIC [TOPIC ...], --no-topic TOPIC [TOPIC ...]
                        ROS topics to skip (supports * wildcards)
  -d TYPE [TYPE ...], --type TYPE [TYPE ...]
                        ROS message types to scan if not all (supports * wildcards)
  -nd TYPE [TYPE ...], --no-type TYPE [TYPE ...]
                        ROS message types to skip (supports * wildcards)
  -t0 TIME, --start-time TIME
                        earliest timestamp of messages to scan
                        as relative seconds if signed,
                        or epoch timestamp or ISO datetime
                        (for bag input, relative to bag start time
                        if positive or end time if negative,
                        for live input relative to system time,
                        datetime may be partial like 2021-10-14T12)
  -t1 TIME, --end-time TIME
                        latest timestamp of messages to scan
                        as relative seconds if signed,
                        or epoch timestamp or ISO datetime
                        (for bag input, relative to bag start time
                        if positive or end time if negative,
                        for live input relative to system time,
                        datetime may be partial like 2021-10-14T12)
  -n0 INDEX, --start-index INDEX
                        message index within topic to start from
                        (1-based if positive, counts back from bag total if negative)
  -n1 INDEX, --end-index INDEX
                        message index within topic to stop at
                        (1-based if positive, counts back from bag total if negative)
  -sf [FIELD [FIELD ...]], --select-field [FIELD [FIELD ...]]
                        message fields to use in matching if not all
                        (supports nested.paths and * wildcards)
  -ns [FIELD [FIELD ...]], --no-select-field [FIELD [FIELD ...]]
                        message fields to skip in matching
                        (supports nested.paths and * wildcards)
  -m NUM, --max-count NUM
                        number of matched messages to emit (per each file if bag input)
  --max-per-topic NUM   number of matched messages to emit from each topic
                        (per each file if bag input)
  --max-topics NUM      number of topics to emit matches from (per each file if bag input)
  --unique-only         only emit matches that are unique in topic,
                        taking --select-field and --no-select-field into account
                        (per each file if bag input)

Output control:
  -B NUM, --before-context NUM
                        emit NUM messages of leading context before match
  -A NUM, --after-context NUM
                        emit NUM messages of trailing context after match
  -C NUM, --context NUM
                        emit NUM messages of leading and trailing context
                        around match
  -pf [FIELD [FIELD ...]], --print-field [FIELD [FIELD ...]]
                        message fields to print in console output if not all
                        (supports nested.paths and * wildcards)
  -np [FIELD [FIELD ...]], --no-print-field [FIELD [FIELD ...]]
                        message fields to skip in console output
                        (supports nested.paths and * wildcards)
  -mo, --matched-fields-only
                        print only the fields where PATTERNs find a match
  -la NUM, --lines-around-match NUM
                        print only matched fields and NUM message lines
                        around match
  -lf NUM, --lines-per-field NUM
                        maximum number of lines to print per field
  -l0 NUM, --start-line NUM
                        message line number to start printing from
                        (1-based if positive, counts back from total if negative)
  -l1 NUM, --end-line NUM
                        message line number to stop printing at
                        (1-based if positive, counts back from total if negative)
  -lm NUM, --lines-per-message NUM
                        maximum number of lines to print per message
  --match-wrapper [STR [STR ...]]
                        string to wrap around matched values,
                        both sides if one value, start and end if more than one,
                        or no wrapping if zero values
                        (default "**" in colorless output)
  --wrap-width NUM      character width to wrap message YAML output at,
                        0 disables (defaults to detected terminal width)
  --write-format-template OUTFILE_TEMPLATE
                        path to custom template to use for HTML output
  --color {auto,always,never}
                        use color output in console (default "always")
  --no-meta             do not print source and message metainfo to console
  --no-filename         do not print bag filename prefix on each console message line
  --no-console-output   do not print matches to console
  --verbose             print status messages during console output
                        for publishing and bag writing

Bag input control:
  -n [FILE [FILE ...]], --filename [FILE [FILE ...]]
                        names of ROS bagfiles to scan if not all in directory
                        (supports * wildcards)
  -p [PATH [PATH ...]], --path [PATH [PATH ...]]
                        paths to scan if not current directory
                        (supports * wildcards)
  -r, --recursive       recurse into subdirectories when looking for bagfiles
  --order-bag-by {topic,type}
                        order bag messages by topic or type first and then by time

Live topic control:
  --publish-prefix PREFIX
                        prefix to prepend to input topic name on publishing match
                        (default "/grepros")
  --publish-suffix SUFFIX
                        suffix to append to input topic name on publishing match
  --publish-fixname TOPIC
                        single output topic name to publish all matches to,
                        overrides prefix and suffix
  --queue-size-in SIZE  live ROS topic subscriber queue size (default 10)
  --queue-size-out SIZE
                        output publisher queue size (default 10)
  --ros-time-in         use ROS time instead of system time for incoming message
                        timestamps from subsribed live ROS topics


Includes a modified version of step, Simple Template Engine for Python, (c) 2012, Daniele Mazzocchio,, released under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) by Erki Suurjaak. Released as free open source software under the BSD License, see for full details.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

grepros-0.2.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (62.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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