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Client for GroundX API

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Python >=3.7


pip install groundx-python-sdk==1.3.14

Getting Started

from pprint import pprint
from groundx import Groundx, ApiException

groundx = Groundx(

    # create
    create_response = groundx.buckets.create(
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BucketsApi.create: %s\n" % e)


async support is available by prepending a to any method.

import asyncio
from pprint import pprint
from groundx import Groundx, ApiException

groundx = Groundx(

async def main():
        # create
        create_response = await groundx.buckets.acreate(
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling BucketsApi.create: %s\n" % e)



Create a new bucket. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

create_response = groundx.buckets.create(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

name: str

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/bucket post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Delete a bucket. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

delete_response = groundx.buckets.delete(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

bucket_id: int

The bucketId of the bucket being deleted.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/bucket/{bucketId} delete

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Look up a specific bucket by its bucketId. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

get_response = groundx.buckets.get(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

bucket_id: int

The bucketId of the bucket to look up.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/bucket/{bucketId} get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


List all buckets within your GroundX account Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

list_response = groundx.buckets.list(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

n: int

The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.

next_token: str

A token for pagination. If the number of documents for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a "nextToken" value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n documents.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/bucket get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Rename a bucket. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

update_response = groundx.buckets.update(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

new_name: str

The new name of the bucket being renamed.

bucket_id: int

The bucketId of the bucket being updated.

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/bucket/{bucketId} put

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Upload the content of a publicly accessible website to a GroundX bucket. This is done by following links within a specified URL, recursively, up to a specified depth or number of pages. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

crawl_website_response = groundx.documents.crawl_website(
            "bucket_id": 123,
            "cap": 100,
            "depth": 3,
            "source_url": "",

โš™๏ธ Parameters

websites: WebsiteCrawlRequestWebsites

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents/website post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Delete multiple documents hosted on GroundX Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

delete_response = groundx.documents.delete(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

document_ids: List[str]

A list of documentIds which correspond to documents uploaded to GroundX

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents delete

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Delete a single document hosted on GroundX Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

delete1_response = groundx.documents.delete1(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

document_id: str

A documentId which correspond to a document uploaded to GroundX

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/document/{documentId} delete

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Look up an existing document by documentId. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

get_response = groundx.documents.get(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

document_id: str

The documentId of the document for which GroundX information will be provided.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/document/{documentId} get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Get the current status of an upload, initiated with documents.upload_remote, documents.upload_local, or documents.crawl_website, by specifying the processId (the processId is included in the response of the documents.upload functions). Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

get_processing_status_by_id_response = groundx.documents.get_processing_status_by_id(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

process_id: str

the processId for the upload process being checked

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/{processId} get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


lookup all documents across all resources which are currently on GroundX Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

list_response = groundx.documents.list(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

n: int

The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.

next_token: str

A token for pagination. If the number of documents for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a "nextToken" value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n documents.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


lookup the document(s) associated with a processId, bucketId, or projectId. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

lookup_response = groundx.documents.lookup(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

id: int

a processId, bucketId, or projectId

n: int

The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.

next_token: str

A token for pagination. If the number of documents for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a "nextToken" value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n documents.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents/{id} get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Upload documents hosted on a local file system to a GroundX bucket. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

upload_local_response = groundx.documents.upload_local(
            "blob": open("/path/to/file", "rb"),
            "metadata": {
                "bucket_id": 1234,
                "file_name": "my_file.txt",
                "file_type": "txt",

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents/local post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Upload documents hosted on public URLs to a GroundX bucket. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

upload_remote_response = groundx.documents.upload_remote(
            "bucket_id": 1234,
            "file_name": "my_file.txt",
            "file_type": "txt",
            "source_url": "",

โš™๏ธ Parameters

documents: DocumentRemoteUploadRequestDocuments

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/ingest/documents/remote post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Add an existing bucket to an existing project. Buckets and projects can be associated many to many. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

add_bucket_response = groundx.projects.add_bucket(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

project_id: int

The projectId of the project which the bucket will be added to.

bucket_id: int

The bucketId of the bucket being added to the project.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project/{projectId}/bucket/{bucketId} post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


create a new project, a project being a collection of buckets which can be searched. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

create_response = groundx.projects.create(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

name: str

The name of the project being created.

bucket_name: str

Specify bucketName to automatically create a bucket, by the name specified, and add it to the created project.

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project post

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Delete a project. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

delete_response = groundx.projects.delete(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

project_id: int

The projectId of the project to be deleted.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project/{projectId} delete

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


look up a specific project by its projectId. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

get_response = groundx.projects.get(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

project_id: int

The projectId of the project to look up.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project/{projectId} get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


list all projects within your GroundX account. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

list_response = groundx.projects.list(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

n: int

The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.

next_token: str

A token for pagination. If the number of documents for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a "nextToken" value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n documents.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project get

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


remove a bucket from a project. Buckets and projects can be associated many to many, this removes one bucket to project association without disturbing others. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

remove_bucket_response = groundx.projects.remove_bucket(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

project_id: int

The projectId of the project which the bucket will be removed from.

bucket_id: int

The bucketId of the bucket which will be removed from the project.

๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project/{projectId}/bucket/{bucketId} delete

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents


Rename a project Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

update_response = groundx.projects.update(

โš™๏ธ Parameters

new_name: str

The new name of the project being renamed.

project_id: int

The projectId of the project to update.

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/project/{projectId} put

๐Ÿ”™ Back to Table of Contents

Search documents on GroundX for the most relevant information to a given query. The result of this query is typically used in one of two ways; result['search']['text'] can be used to provide context to a language model, facilitating RAG, or result['search']['results'] can be used to observe chunks of text which are relevant to the query, facilitating citation. Interact with the "Request Body" below to explore the arguments of this function. Enter your GroundX API key to send a request directly from this web page. Select your language of choice to structure a code snippet based on your specified arguments.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Usage

content_response =
    query="my search query",

โš™๏ธ Parameters

query: str

The search query to be used to find relevant documentation.

id: int

The bucketId or projectId of the bucket or project being searched. The documents within the specified container will be compared to the query, and relevant information will be extracted.

n: int

The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.

next_token: str

A token for pagination. If the number of search results for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a "nextToken" value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n search results.

verbosity: int

The amount of data returned with each search result. 0 == no search results, only the recommended context. 1 == search results but no searchData. 2 == search results and searchData.

โš™๏ธ Request Body


๐Ÿ”„ Return


๐ŸŒ Endpoint

/v1/search/{id} post

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This Python package is automatically generated by Konfig

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Source Distribution

groundx_python_sdk-1.3.14.tar.gz (87.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

groundx_python_sdk-1.3.14-py3-none-any.whl (293.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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