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Many useful groupby / itertools functions

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Many useful groupby / itertools functions

pip install group-and-iter-everything

update 2023-02-11

lista = list(range(20))

for x in iter_windowed_distance(lista,fillvalue=None,distance=3):


(None, 0, 3)

(None, 1, 4)

(None, 2, 5)

(0, 3, 6)

(1, 4, 7)

(2, 5, 8)

(3, 6, 9)

(4, 7, 10)

(5, 8, 11)

(6, 9, 12)

(7, 10, 13)

(8, 11, 14)

(9, 12, 15)

(10, 13, 16)

(11, 14, 17)

(12, 15, 18)

(13, 16, 19)

(14, 17, None)

(15, 18, None)

(16, 19, None)

update 2023-02-08

from group_and_iter_everything import *

# sort dict keys

print(dict(iter_sorted_dict_keys(di={1: 2, 11: 2, 2: 2})))

# output: {1: 2, 2: 2, 11: 2}


# normalize list of lists (same length)

l = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [1]]

print(list(iter_normalized_list_of_lists(l, fillv=None)))

# output: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, None], [1, None, None]]


# transpose list (very useful for coordinates [x,y]])

l = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5)]


l = [[1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5]]


# output:

# [[1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5]]

# [[1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5]]


# Drop duplicates in nested lists

l2 = [[1, 2], [1, 2], 7, [3, 8], [3, 8]]


# output: [[1, 2], 7, [3, 8]]


# Sort dict by value

di1 = {1: "bu", 11: 2.0, 2: "anna"}

di2 = {1: "bu", 11: "bax", 2: "anna"}



# output:

# [(11, 2.0), (2, 'anna'), (1, 'bu')]

# [(2, 'anna'), (11, 'bax'), (1, 'bu')]


# Group a text by Unicode names

text = """Unidecode is not a replacement for fully supporting Unicode for strings in your program. There are a number of caveats that come with its use, especially when its output is directly visible to users. Please read the rest of this README before using Unidecode in your project.

In most of examples listed above you could represent Unicode characters as ??? or \15BA\15A0\1610, to mention two extreme cases. But that’s nearly useless to someone who actually wants to read what the text says."""

tu = groupby_unicode_name(

    text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True



# output:

# ....

# 'LATIN SMALL LETTER B': ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b'],

# 'LATIN SMALL LETTER V': ['v', 'v', 'v'],

# 'LATIN SMALL LETTER W': ['w', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'w'],

# 'COMMA': [',', ','],



# ....


# Call different functions in a thread, and get the result as a dict.

import requests

def testx(

    testnumber, *args, **kwargs

):  # a threaded function must have *args, **kwargs and can't have the keyword argument _starttime.

    # If your function doesn't have *args and **kwargs, add it.

    print(f"start {testnumber}")

    return random.randrange(1, 30)

def reqd(

    u, *args, **kwargs

):  # don't forget: You have to add  *args, **kwargs to the threaded function

    return requests.get(u)

urls = [




# This is how you have to build the list for Threading

# (1, testx, ("halkl",), {"vds": 3})

# 1 - name of the thread, must be unique!

# testx - the function

# ("halkl",) - args (if the function doesn't have args, use ()

# {"vds": 3} - kwargs (if the function doesn't have kwargs, use {}

no_fu_args_kwargs = [

    (1, testx, ("halkl",), {"vds": 3}),

    (2, testx, ("hxxalkl",), {"vxxds": 3}),


alle = len(no_fu_args_kwargs)

for ini, i in enumerate(urls):  # appending other threads

    no_fu_args_kwargs.append((alle + ini, reqd, (), {"u": i}))

resi = execute_as_thread(



    # recommended, if you don't want to wait the function returns None, but you can find your results in group_and_iter_everything.threadingbatch.results, once all threads are done, the key "done" will change to True

    return_dict=True,  # Works only when wait_to_complete is True

    threadtlimit=2,  # Limit of threads

    # number of simultaneously executed threads


    # call Kthread.kill after n seconds, if your function uses sleep, it is better to use this sleep function: from kthread_sleep import sleep

    sleepafterkill=0.02,  # sleep time after calling Kthread.kill # don't use 0.0

    sleepafterstart=0.02,  # sleep time after starting a thread  # don't use 0.0

    ignore_exceptions=False,  # You can go on when there are Exceptions



# output:

# resi

# Out[3]:

# defaultdict(<function threadingbatch.<lambda>()>,

#             {'done': True,

#              '3': defaultdict(<function threadingbatch.<lambda>()>,

#                          {'results': <Response [200]>,

#                           'realstart': 1675824200.253053}),

#              '2': defaultdict(<function threadingbatch.<lambda>()>,

#                          {'results': <Response [200]>,

#                           'realstart': 1675824200.2320704}),

#              '1': defaultdict(<function threadingbatch.<lambda>()>,

#                          {'results': 18, 'realstart': 1675824200.1902106})})



# Executing without waiting for the results:

resi = execute_as_thread(



    # you can find the results in group_and_iter_everything.threadingbatch.results, once all threads are done, the key "done" will change to True









# print(threadingbatch.results)


# Not finished yet ('done': False)


# defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x0000000012A134C0>, {'done': False, '3': defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x0000000012A134C0>, {'results': None, 'realstart': None}), '2': defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x0000000012A134C0>, {'results': None, 'realstart': None}), '1': defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x0000000012A134C0>, {'results': None, 'realstart': None})})


# rjust/ljust a list of strings

text = """

Read the running tests and linters section of our documentation to learn how to test your code. For cross-browser 




        l=[1, 2] + text,  # can contain any dtype

        ljust=None,  # if None and getmax is True -> the longest str will be used

        ljustchr="-",  # fill with char

        rjust=None,  # if None and getmax is True -> the longest str will be used

        rjustchr="-",  # fill with char






        l=[1, 2] + text, ljust=0, ljustchr="-", rjust=None, rjustchr="-", getmax=True





        l=[1, 2] + text, ljust=None, ljustchr="-", rjust=0, rjustchr="-", getmax=True





        l=[1, 2] + text, ljust=0, ljustchr="-", rjust=12, rjustchr="y", getmax=False





        l=[1, 2] + text, ljust=15, ljustchr="x", rjust=0, rjustchr="-", getmax=False



# output:

# ['------------1', '------------2', '---------Read', '----------the', '------running', '--------tests', '----------and', '------linters', '------section', '-----------of', '----------our', 'documentation', '-----------to', '--------learn', '----------how', '-----------to', '---------test', '---------your', '--------code.', '----------For', 'cross-browser']

# ['------------1', '------------2', '---------Read', '----------the', '------running', '--------tests', '----------and', '------linters', '------section', '-----------of', '----------our', 'documentation', '-----------to', '--------learn', '----------how', '-----------to', '---------test', '---------your', '--------code.', '----------For', 'cross-browser']

# ['1------------', '2------------', 'Read---------', 'the----------', 'running------', 'tests--------', 'and----------', 'linters------', 'section------', 'of-----------', 'our----------', 'documentation', 'to-----------', 'learn--------', 'how----------', 'to-----------', 'test---------', 'your---------', 'code.--------', 'For----------', 'cross-browser']

# ['yyyyyyyyyyy1', 'yyyyyyyyyyy2', 'yyyyyyyyRead', 'yyyyyyyyythe', 'yyyyyrunning', 'yyyyyyytests', 'yyyyyyyyyand', 'yyyyylinters', 'yyyyysection', 'yyyyyyyyyyof', 'yyyyyyyyyour', 'documentation', 'yyyyyyyyyyto', 'yyyyyyylearn', 'yyyyyyyyyhow', 'yyyyyyyyyyto', 'yyyyyyyytest', 'yyyyyyyyyour', 'yyyyyyycode.', 'yyyyyyyyyFor', 'cross-browser']

# ['1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '2xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'Readxxxxxxxxxxx', 'thexxxxxxxxxxxx', 'runningxxxxxxxx', 'testsxxxxxxxxxx', 'andxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'lintersxxxxxxxx', 'sectionxxxxxxxx', 'ofxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'ourxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'documentationxx', 'toxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'learnxxxxxxxxxx', 'howxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'toxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'testxxxxxxxxxxx', 'yourxxxxxxxxxxx', 'code.xxxxxxxxxx', 'Forxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'cross-browserxx']


# How to avoid multiple break conditions like in this example

done = False

counter = 0

for i in range(1, 6, 1):  # 1st loop

    print("i:", i)

    for j in range(1, 11, 2):  # 2nd loop

        print("   i, j:", i, j)

        for k in range(1, 21, 4):  # 3rd loop

            print("      i,j,k:", i, j, k)

            if i % 3 == 0 and j % 3 == 0 and k % 3 == 0:

                done = True

                break  # breaking from 3rd loop

        if done:

            break  # breaking from 2nd loop

    if done:

        break  # breaking from 1st loop


# print(i,j,k)

# 3 3 9

# Break any nested loop with a condition

def cond(

    i, j, k

):  # the function which checks every loop if the break condition is True

    return i % 3 == 0 and j % 3 == 0 and k % 3 == 0

alli = range(1, 6, 1), range(1, 11, 2), range(1, 21, 4)

for v in iter_with_breaking_condition(

    *alli,  # pass all iterables

    cond,  # function with the condition


        "i": 0,

        "j": 0,

        "k": 1,


    # the variables that need to be shared with the condition function, they don't have to exist yet

    output_var="outdiv3",  # the name of the output dict with all variables from input_vars

    delete_old=True,  # input_vars will be deleted

    clean_vars=True,  # input_vars will be deleted after finishing the execution

    print_vars=True,  # verbose

    counter="counter",  # like enumerate


    # you can access now all variables that you passed as input_vars as well as counter

    # You have to update them if they are part of the break condition

    it.i, it.j, it.k = v


print(it.outdiv3)  # you can access the variable in output_var

# output

# print(it.outdiv3)

# {'i': 3, 'j': 3, 'k': 9}

# Another example

def cond(i, j, k):

    return i % 3 == 0 and j % 3 == 0 and k % 3 == 0

alli = [50, 50, 50] * 100, [150, 150, 150] * 100, [250, 250, 250] * 100

for r, g, b in iter_with_breaking_condition(


    lambda total: total > 10000,

    input_vars={"total": 0},







    # print(v) = + r + g + b



# output:

# print(it.out)

# {'total': 10350}


# Merge nested dicts and iterrate (keys/value pairs) without loosing data (values are joined and not overwritten)

people = {

    1: {"name": "John", "age": "27", "sex": "Male"},

    2: {"name": "Marie", "age": "22", "sex": "Female"},

    3: {"name": "Luna", "age": "24", "sex": "Female"},

    4: {

        "name": "Peter",

        "age": "29",

        "sex": ["Female", "Male"],

        1: "xx",

        "sex2": ("Female", "Male"),



people3 = {

    1: {"namexxxxxxxxx": "John", "age": "27", "sex": "Male"},

    2: {"name": "Marie", "age": "22", "sex": "Female"},

    3: {"name": "Luna", "agexxxxxxxxxx": "24", "sex": "Female"},

    4: {

        "name": "Peter",

        "age": "29",

        "sex": ["Female", "Male"],

        1: "xx",

        "sex2": ("Female", "Male"),



people2 = {

    11: {"name": "Johnaaa", "age": "2x337", "sex": "Maleooo"},

    21: {"name": "Mariexx", "age": "22", "sex": "Female"},

    13: {"name": "Luna", "age": "24444", "sex": "Feoomale"},

    14: {

        "name": "Peter",

        "age": "29",

        "sex": ["Female", "Male"],

        111: "xx",

        "sex2": ("Female", "Male"),



d1 = {1: {"a": "A"}, 2: {"b": "B"}}

d2 = {2: {"c": "C"}, 3: {"d": ["D", "dd", "s"]}}

dict1 = {1: {"a": 1}, 2: {"b": 2}}

dict2 = {2: {"c": 222}, 3: {"d": {3, 6}}}

data2 = {"A": [4, 5, 6]}

for (



) in iter_join_dicts_no_loss(people, people2, d1, d2, dict2, dict1, data2, people3):

    print(keys, item)

# output:

# ...

# (1, 14, 'sex', 1) Male

# (1, 14, 111) xx

# (1, 14, 'sex2', 0) Female

# (1, 14, 'sex2', 1) Male

# (2, 1, 'a') A

# (2, 2, 'b') B

# (3, 2, 'c') C

# (3, 3, 'd', 0) D

# (3, 3, 'd', 1) dd

# ...


# get free file names (enumeration)

for ini, fi in enumerate(


        folder="f:\\testfiles", fileextension=".txt", leadingzeros=5



    with open(fi, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:


    if ini == 5:



# output:

# f:\testfiles\00002.txt

# f:\testfiles\00003.txt

# f:\testfiles\00004.txt

# f:\testfiles\00005.txt

# f:\testfiles\00006.txt



# log split for iterables

for li in iter_log_split(list(range(20))):


# output:

# [0]

# [1, 2]

# [3, 4, 5]

# [6, 7, 8, 9]

# [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

# [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]


# Iterate through a nested dict (keys/value pairs) and update

# the values in the original dict

dictoriginal = data = {

    "level1": {

        "t1": {

            "s1": {"col1": 5, "col2": 4, "col3": 4, "col4": 9},

            "s2": {"col1": 1, "col2": 5, "col3": 4, "col4": 8},

            "s3": {"col1": 11, "col2": 8, "col3": 2, "col4": 9},

            "s4": {"col1": 5, "col2": 4, "col3": 4, "col4": 9},


        "t2": {

            "s1": {"col1": 5, "col2": 4, "col3": 4, "col4": 9},

            "s2": {"col1": 1, "col2": 5, "col3": 4, "col4": 8},

            "s3": {"col1": 11, "col2": 8, "col3": 2, "col4": 9},

            "s4": {"col1": 5, "col2": 4, "col3": 4, "col4": 9},




for keys, value, setvalue in iter_nested_dict_to_edit(dictoriginal):

    if keys[-1] == "col1":

        if isinstance(value, int):

            if value > 4:




# output:

# dictoriginal # changes the original dict!

# Out[16]:

# {'level1': {'t1': {'s1': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 4, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 9},

#    's2': {'col1': 555, 'col2': 5, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 8},

#    's3': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 8, 'col3': 2, 'col4': 9},

#    's4': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 4, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 9}},

#   't2': {'s1': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 4, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 9},

#    's2': {'col1': 555, 'col2': 5, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 8},

#    's3': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 8, 'col3': 2, 'col4': 9},

#    's4': {'col1': 10000, 'col2': 4, 'col3': 4, 'col4': 9}}}}


args = [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

vad = list(iter_adjust_list_same_common_size_without_cutting(*args))

for indexno, itemno, multiplicated_item in vad:

    print(indexno, itemno, multiplicated_item)

# output:

# All items have been adjusted to 28 items (lowest common value that can be divided by the length of all lists), nothing has been cut off

# 0 0 [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]

# 0 1 [(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)]

# 0 2 [(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), (6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)]

# 0 3 [(7, 7, 7, 7), (8, 8, 8, 8), (9, 9, 9, 9), (10, 10, 10, 10), (11, 11, 11, 11), (12, 12, 12, 12), (13, 13, 13, 13)]


# same as iter_adjust_list_same_common_size_without_cutting, but zipped

vad2 = list(iter_adjust_list_same_common_size_without_cutting_zipped(*args))

for indexno, itemno, multiplicated_item in vad2:

    print(indexno, itemno, multiplicated_item, end="|")

# output:

# 0 0 [(0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,)]

# 0 1 [(1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4)]

# 0 2 [(5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6)]

# 0 3 [(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)]


# returns a single list with adjusted length of every item

vad3 = list(iter_adjust_list_next_to_each_other_zipped(*args))

for multiplicated_item in vad3:


# output:

# [(0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,), (0,),

# (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3, 4),

# (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 6), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13),

# (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)]


# returns the first value in every list

vad4 = list(iter_transpose_ajusted_list(*args))

for multiplicated_item in vad4:


# output:

# (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

# 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7)


# equilibrates the quantity of each list item

vad5 = list(iter_equilibrate_zip(*args, maxresults=10))

for multiplicated_item in vad5:

    print(multiplicated_item, end=",")

# output:

# 0,0,5,6,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,5,6,0,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,5,6,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,5,6,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,0,5,6,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,5,6,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,


# Same as iter_equilibrate_zip but without flattening

vad6 = list(int_equilibrate_each_value_zip_keep_list(*args))

for multiplicated_item in vad6:

    print(multiplicated_item, end=",")

# output:

# [0],[0],[5, 6],[0],[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],[0],[0],[5, 6],[0],[7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],

# [5, 6],[0],[0],[5, 6],[0],[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],[0],[0],[5, 6],

# [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],[0],[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],[0],[0],[5, 6],[0]

# ,[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],[0],[7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],[0],[5, 6],[0],

# [0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],[0],[0],[5, 6],[0],[0],[1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6],

# [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]


# get all ascii characters in different formats


# output:

# ...

# (b'0xf2', 242, b'\xc3\xb2'),

# (b'0xf3', 243, b'\xc3\xb3'),

# (b'0xf4', 244, b'\xc3\xb4'),

# (b'0xf5', 245, b'\xc3\xb5'),

# (b'0xf6', 246, b'\xc3\xb6'),

# ...


word, wordlist, wordlist_b = iter_string_to_utf16_byte(word="""ü'~ç)""")

# output:

# word

# Out[18]: b"\xfc'~\xe7)"

# wordlist

# Out[19]: [b'\xfc', b"'", b'~', b'\xe7', b')'] without empty bytes

# wordlist_b

# Out[20]: [b'\xfc', b'', b"'", b'', b'~', b'', b'\xe7', b'', b')', b''] # contains empty bytes


# Convert a list of utf-16-le to string



# output:

# Out[21]: ["ü'~ç)"]

# Out[22]: ["ü'~ç)"]


# converts hex string to binary

pattern = ["0xff", "0xde", "0xdd", "0xaa"]

binconv = list(iter_hexstrings2bin(pattern))


# convert to np array

binconvnp = np.frombuffer(b"".join(binconv), dtype="uint8")


# output:

# [b'\xff', b'\xde', b'\xdd', b'\xaa']

# [255 222 221 170]


# convert hex to int / int to hex

print(list(iter_int_to_hex(range(13, 18))))

l = ["0xd", "0xe", "0xf", "0x10", "0x11"]


# output:

# ['0xd', '0xe', '0xf', '0x10', '0x11']

# [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]


# string to binary

ii = list(iter_str2bin(binbytes="baba", fill=8))

# output:

# [b'00000062', b'00000061', b'00000062', b'00000061']


# Use NumPy to split an iterable into n slices

a = np.array(list(range(20)))

for q in iter_split_with_np_in_n_slices(a, n=4):


# output:

# [0 1 2 3 4]

# [5 6 7 8 9]

# [10 11 12 13 14]

# [15 16 17 18 19]


# Use NumPy to split an iterable into n pieces with a certain size

for q in iter_split_with_np_in_pieces_of(a, n=4):


# output:

# [0 1 2 3]

# [4 5 6 7]

# [8  9 10 11]

# [12 13 14 15]

# [16 17 18 19]

for q in iter_split_with_np_in_pieces_of(a, n=10):


# output:

# [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

# [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]


# convert data to void (raw)

for b in iter_convert_np_array_to_v(np.array([1, 2, 3]), contiguous=True):


# output:

# [b'\x01' b'\x00' b'\x00' b'\x00']

# [b'\x02' b'\x00' b'\x00' b'\x00']

# [b'\x03' b'\x00' b'\x00' b'\x00']


# apply a vectorized function against each item in a NumPy array



        np.array([10, 20, 30]), function=lambda x, y: re.sub("0", y, str(x)), y="222"



bb = np.fromiter(iter_npapply_vetor_function(nparray=a, function=hex), dtype="O")

cc = list(iter_npapply_vetor_function(nparray=bb, function=int, base=16))

# output:

# ['1222', '2222', '3222']

# bb

# array(['0x0', '0x1', '0x2', '0x3', '0x4', '0x5', '0x6', '0x7', '0x8',

#        '0x9', '0xa', '0xb', '0xc', '0xd', '0xe', '0xf', '0x10', '0x11',

#        '0x12', '0x13'], dtype=object)

# cc

# Out[21]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]


# Converts a NumPy array to one string

a1 = np_array_to_string(

    nparray=np.array([1, 2, 3]).astype("S8"),





a2 = np_array_to_string(

    nparray=np.array([1, 2, 3]), encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", replace0=True


a3 = np_array_to_string(

    nparray=np.array([1, 2, 3]).astype("f"),





# output

# a1

# Out[30]: '123'

# a2

# Out[31]: '\x01\x02\x03'

# a3

# Out[32]: '�?@@@'


# Search a sequence in a NumPy array

for k in iter_search_sequence_numpy(

    n := np.array(list(reversed(range(10)))), np.array([3, 2, 1])


    print(k, n[k])

# 6 3

# 7 2

# 8 1


# Finds the lowest common multiplier that every number/list can be divided

print(get_common_division_multiplier(3, 4, 9))

print(get_common_division_multiplier([3, 4, 9], [1, 2, 8, 4, 3], [2, 2]))

# output

# {36: {9: 4, 4: 9, 3: 12}, 108: {9: 12, 4: 27, 3: 36}}

# {30: {5: 6, 3: 10, 2: 15}}


# Copies a list, and shuffles it (original doesn’t change)

for k in iter_shuffle_copied_list([10, 11, 23]):


# output

# 23

# 10

# 11


# Shuffles a dict (original doesn’t change)

for key, item in shuffle_dict({1: 2, 5: 23, 323: 4}).items():

    print(key, item)

# output

# 323

# 4

# 5

# 23

# 1

# 2


# Normalizes lists by repeating

# Finds the lowest common multiplier that every number/list can be divided

# No item is left out

for key, item in cycle_list_until_every_list_fits(

    [4, 5, 6],

    [4, 1],




    print(key, item)

for key, item in cycle_list_until_every_list_fits(

    [4, 5, 6],

    [2, 1],

    [44, 42, 21],




    print(key, item)


# list(cycle_list_until_every_list_fits([4, 5, 6], [4,1], maxresults=4, append=True, ).items())

# Out[3]:

# [(6,

#   defaultdict(list, {0: [[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]], 1: [[4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1]]})),

#  (12,

#   defaultdict(list,

#               {0: [[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]],

#                1: [[4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1]]})),

#  (18,

#   defaultdict(list,

#               {0: [[4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6]],

#                1: [[4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1]]})),

#  (24,

#   defaultdict(list,

#               {0: [[4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6],

#                 [4, 5, 6]],

#                1: [[4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1],

#                 [4, 1]]}))]



# list((cycle_list_until_every_list_fits([4, 5, 6], [2,1],[44,42,21], maxresults=2, append=False, ).items()))

# Out[5]:

# [(6,

#   defaultdict(list,

#               {0: [44, 42, 21, 44, 42, 21],

#                1: [4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6],

#                2: [2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]})),

#  (12,

#   defaultdict(list,

#               {0: [44, 42, 21, 44, 42, 21, 44, 42, 21, 44, 42, 21],

#                1: [4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6],

#                2: [2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]}))]


# Sorts a dict by keys

sort_dict(di={2: 3, 54: 23, 1: 2})

# output

# {1: 2, 2: 3, 54: 23}


# Get random values from a list (no repetition)

iter_get_random_not_repeating_values(list_=list(range(10)), howmany=4)

# Out[6]: [6, 4, 3, 1]

iter_get_random_not_repeating_values(list_=list(range(10)), howmany=4)

# Out[7]: [5, 6, 7, 9]


# Get random values from a list (with repetition limit)

iter_get_random_values_with_max_rep(list_=list(range(3)), howmany=9, maxrep=4)

# Out[8]: [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1]

iter_get_random_values_with_max_rep(list_=list(range(3)), howmany=9, maxrep=4)

# Out[9]: [2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1]


l = ["hallo", "12hal33", "42ha004942r", "4204h213", "hall000", "h", "cvwsA"]

for _ in (iter_sort_by_item_pos(l, 3,fillvalue='')):


# output:

# h

# 4204h213

# 12hal33

# 42ha004942r

# hallo

# hall000

# cvwsA


update 2023-01-26


seq=['hallo','hatschi', 'boot','bobo', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'float', 'boat' ]

print(groupby_element_pos(pos=0,seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {'h': ['hallo', 'hatschi'], 'b': ['boot', 'bobo', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'boat'], 'f': ['float']}

print(groupby_element_pos(pos=1,seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {'a': ['hallo', 'hatschi', 'baba'], 'o': ['boot', 'bobo', 'boat'], 'd': ['bdoo'], 'l': ['float']}

print(groupby_element_pos(pos=0,seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True))

# output: {'h': [(0, 'hallo'), (1, 'hatschi')], 'b': [(2, 'boot'), (3, 'bobo'), (4, 'baba'), (5, 'bdoo'), (7, 'boat')], 'f': [(6, 'float')]}

print(groupby_element_pos(pos=1,seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True))

# output: {'a': [(0, 'hallo'), (1, 'hatschi'), (4, 'baba')], 'o': [(2, 'boot'), (3, 'bobo'), (7, 'boat')], 'd': [(5, 'bdoo')], 'l': [(6, 'float')]}


seq=['habichdich','hallo','hallihallo','hatschi', 'Game: halo' , 'boot','bobo', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'float', 'boat' ]

print(groupby_substring(substring='hallo',seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {'hallo': ['hallo', 'hallihallo'], 'ha': ['hatschi'], 'hal': ['Game: halo'], '': ['boot', 'bobo', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'float', 'boat']}

print(groupby_substring(substring='hallo',seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True))

# output: {'ha': [(0, 'habichdich'), (3, 'hatschi')], 'hallo': [(1, 'hallo'), (2, 'hallihallo')], 'hal': [(4, 'Game: halo')], '': [(5, 'boot'), (6, 'bobo'), (7, 'baba'), (8, 'bdoo'), (9, 'float'), (10, 'boat')]}

print(groupby_substring(substring='hallo',seq=seq, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=False))

# output: {'ha': [0, 3], 'hallo': [1, 2], 'hal': [4], '': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}



# output: ha



# output: ax


from pprint import pprint


pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# '': [WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=203870, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 278, 0, 464), dim_client=(278, 464), coords_win=(1453, 1731, 601, 1065), dim_win=(278, 464), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'),

#                                                      WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=269452, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 128, 0, 48), dim_client=(128, 48), coords_win=(1730, 1858, 847, 895), dim_win=(128, 48), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'),

#                                                      WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=466062, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 61, 0, 4), dim_client=(61, 4), coords_win=(1730, 1791, 669, 673), dim_win=(61, 4), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'),

#                                                      WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=531594, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 196, 0, 114), dim_client=(196, 114), coords_win=(1257, 1453, 919, 1033), dim_win=(196, 114), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'),

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# (0,

#   1,

#   0,

#   1): [WindowInfo(pid=4264, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=1973524, length=2, tid=18104, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files\\Just Great Software\\RegexBuddy 4\\RegexBuddy4.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=7408, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=196686, length=2, tid=7712, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ClipAngel 1.94\\ClipAngel.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=8188, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=660968, length=2, tid=16892, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=11824, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=268808, length=2, tid=1344, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=203884, length=2, tid=16940, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=19288, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=330702, length=2, tid=5068, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Skype for Desktop\\Skype.exe'), WindowInfo(pid=19324, title='GDI+ Hook Window Class', windowtext='G', hwnd=658766, length=2, tid=3760, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_client=(1, 1), coords_win=(0, 1, 0, 1), dim_win=(1, 1), class_name='GDI+ Hook Window Class', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Skype for Desktop\\Skype.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# (1912, 3848, -8, 1088): [WindowInfo(pid=16160, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='Python Console - dfdir', hwnd=1840892, length=23, tid=7456, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1921, 1080), coords_win=(1912, 3848, -8, 1088), dim_win=(1936, 1096), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe'),

#                          WindowInfo(pid=16160, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='dfdir – Administrator', hwnd=529490, length=34, tid=7456, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1921, 1080), coords_win=(1912, 3848, -8, 1088), dim_win=(1936, 1096), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe'),

#                          WindowInfo(pid=16160, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='stopjogo – Administrator', hwnd=4459518, length=32, tid=7456, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1921, 1080), coords_win=(1912, 3848, -8, 1088), dim_win=(1936, 1096), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# (61, 4): [WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=466062, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 61, 0, 4), dim_client=(61, 4), coords_win=(1730, 1791, 669, 673), dim_win=(61, 4), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe'),

#           WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='', hwnd=531600, length=1, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 61, 0, 4), dim_client=(61, 4), coords_win=(1730, 1791, 719, 723), dim_win=(61, 4), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe')],

# (67, 20): [WindowInfo(pid=8188, title='tooltips_class32', windowtext='', hwnd=65862, length=1, tid=8200, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 67, 0, 20), dim_client=(67, 20), coords_win=(1740, 1807, 1049, 1069), dim_win=(67, 20), class_name='tooltips_class32', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# (1936, 1096): [WindowInfo(pid=16160, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='Python Console - dfdir', hwnd=1840892, length=23, tid=7456, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1921, 1080), coords_win=(1912, 3848, -8, 1088), dim_win=(1936, 1096), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe'),

#                WindowInfo(pid=16160, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='stopjogo – Administrator', hwnd=4459518, length=32, tid=7456, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1921, 1080), coords_win=(1912, 3848, -8, 1088), dim_win=(1936, 1096), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe')],

# (3840, 1080): [WindowInfo(pid=8188, title='Progman', windowtext='Program Manager', hwnd=131422, length=16, tid=6272, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 3840, 0, 1080), dim_client=(3840, 1080), coords_win=(0, 3840, 0, 1080), dim_win=(3840, 1080), class_name='Progman', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe': [WindowInfo(pid=7708, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=6621606, length=12, tid=18480, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),

#                                        WindowInfo(pid=7708, title='MSCTFIME UI', windowtext='MSCTFIME UI', hwnd=3016006, length=12, tid=18480, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='MSCTFIME UI', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),

#                                        WindowInfo(pid=7708, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=3998632, length=20, tid=18480, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1022, 0, 578), dim_client=(1022, 578), coords_win=(242, 1280, 130, 767), dim_win=(1038, 637), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe')],

# 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe': [WindowInfo(pid=6652, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=65686, length=12, tid=6656, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe'),

#                                         WindowInfo(pid=6652, title='RunDLL', windowtext='', hwnd=1376404, length=1, tid=6656, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(78, 94, 78, 94), dim_win=(16, 16), class_name='RunDLL', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe'),

#                                         WindowInfo(pid=6652, title='rxDiagRuntimePumpWindowClass', windowtext='RxDiag Message Pump 2.1 Nov 23 2021 07:27:35', hwnd=65688, length=45, tid=6656, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 360, 0, 57), dim_client=(360, 57), coords_win=(300, 680, 300, 400), dim_win=(380, 100), class_name='rxDiagRuntimePumpWindowClass', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# 3396: [WindowInfo(pid=3396, title='NVSVC64.DLL', windowtext='NvSvc', hwnd=197238, length=6, tid=9536, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1424, 0, 728), dim_client=(1424, 728), coords_win=(208, 1648, 208, 975), dim_win=(1440, 767), class_name='NVSVC64.DLL', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_c0e159863e7afdde\\Display.NvContainer\\NVDisplay.Container.exe'),

#        WindowInfo(pid=3396, title='NvContainerWindowClass00000D44', windowtext='NvContainerWindowClass00000D44', hwnd=65632, length=31, tid=3400, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='NvContainerWindowClass00000D44', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_c0e159863e7afdde\\Display.NvContainer\\NVDisplay.Container.exe'),

#        WindowInfo(pid=3396, title='UxdService', windowtext='UxdService', hwnd=131560, length=11, tid=9520, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1424, 0, 728), dim_client=(1424, 728), coords_win=(182, 1622, 182, 949), dim_win=(1440, 767), class_name='UxdService', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_c0e159863e7afdde\\Display.NvContainer\\NVDisplay.Container.exe')],

# 3588: [WindowInfo(pid=3588, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=527634, length=12, tid=17620, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Skype for Desktop\\Skype.exe'),

#        WindowInfo(pid=3588, title='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', windowtext='', hwnd=986134, length=1, tid=17620, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 130, 0, 10), dim_client=(130, 10), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Skype for Desktop\\Skype.exe')],

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

#{'invisible': [WindowInfo(pid=648, title='COMTASKSWINDOWCLASS', windowtext='Task Host Window', hwnd=131108, length=17, tid=688, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 120, 0, 0), dim_client=(120, 0), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='COMTASKSWINDOWCLASS', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\taskhostw.exe'),

#               WindowInfo(pid=648, title='CicLoaderWndClass', windowtext='', hwnd=65722, length=1, tid=700, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 120, 0, 0), dim_client=(120, 0), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='CicLoaderWndClass', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\taskhostw.exe'),

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# 19160: [WindowInfo(pid=18720, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=1252582, length=12, tid=19160, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\conhost.exe')],

# 20820: [WindowInfo(pid=1664, title='Chrome_WidgetWin_0', windowtext='', hwnd=3481304, length=1, tid=20820, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='Chrome_WidgetWin_0', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'),

#         WindowInfo(pid=1664, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=4396660, length=12, tid=20820, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')]}

# ...



pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# '_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow': [WindowInfo(pid=8188, title='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', windowtext='', hwnd=2039638, length=1, tid=14128, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'),

#                              WindowInfo(pid=8188, title='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', windowtext='', hwnd=2825750, length=1, tid=4980, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'),

#                              WindowInfo(pid=18984, title='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', windowtext='', hwnd=266452, length=1, tid=15264, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='_SearchEditBoxFakeWindow', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe')],

# 'crashpad_SessionEndWatcher': [WindowInfo(pid=3588, title='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', windowtext='', hwnd=986134, length=1, tid=17620, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 130, 0, 10), dim_client=(130, 10), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Skype for Desktop\\Skype.exe'),

#                                WindowInfo(pid=12872, title='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', windowtext='', hwnd=464830, length=1, tid=12688, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 130, 0, 10), dim_client=(130, 10), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', path='C:\\Program Files\\Krisp\\WebView2\\msedgewebview2.exe'),

#                                WindowInfo(pid=13436, title='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', windowtext='', hwnd=4194640, length=1, tid=11620, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 130, 0, 10), dim_client=(130, 10), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'),

#                               WindowInfo(pid=20928, title='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', windowtext='', hwnd=464914, length=1, tid=14920, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 130, 0, 10), dim_client=(130, 10), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='crashpad_SessionEndWatcher', path='C:\\Program Files\\Krisp\\WebView2\\msedgewebview2.exe')],

# ...



from pprint import pprint

pprint(res,width=25, compact=True)

# ...

# 'GitHub Desktop': [WindowInfo(pid=17556, title='Chrome_WidgetWin_1', windowtext='GitHub Desktop', hwnd=5966550, length=15, tid=12196, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 960, 0, 660), dim_client=(960, 660), coords_win=(669, 1629, 123, 783), dim_win=(960, 660), class_name='Chrome_WidgetWin_1', path='C:\\Users\\Gamer\\AppData\\Local\\GitHubDesktop\\app-3.1.4\\GitHubDesktop.exe')],

# 'Greenshot - the revolutionary screenshot utility': [WindowInfo(pid=18276, title='', windowtext='Greenshot - the revolutionary screenshot utility', hwnd=597088, length=49, tid=14100, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(-32000, -31840, -32000, -31972), dim_win=(160, 28), class_name='', path='C:\\Program Files\\Greenshot\\Greenshot.exe')],

# 'Hidden Window': [WindowInfo(pid=10876, title='HwndWrapper[Krisp.exe;;773b0141-7627-46a3-8fd7-70ae4b8b3669]', windowtext='Hidden Window', hwnd=399360, length=14, tid=19056, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1424, 0, 728), dim_client=(1424, 728), coords_win=(156, 1596, 156, 923), dim_win=(1440, 767), class_name='HwndWrapper[Krisp.exe;;773b0141-7627-46a3-8fd7-70ae4b8b3669]', path='C:\\Program Files\\Krisp\\Krisp.exe'),

#                   WindowInfo(pid=10876, title='HwndWrapper[Krisp.exe;;c309ef14-1945-423d-9140-f7e8760938b5]', windowtext='Hidden Window', hwnd=395536, length=14, tid=19056, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 1424, 0, 728), dim_client=(1424, 728), coords_win=(208, 1648, 208, 975), dim_win=(1440, 767), class_name='HwndWrapper[Krisp.exe;;c309ef14-1945-423d-9140-f7e8760938b5]', path='C:\\Program Files\\Krisp\\Krisp.exe')],

# ...


v = [r"baba", r"baba", r"bubu", 3,4,5]

print(group_vars_by_hash(seq=v, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {-7914231873912742807: ['baba', 'baba'], -6908341703943681820: ['bubu'], 3: [3], 4: [4], 5: [5]}

print(group_vars_by_hash(seq=v, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True))

# output: {-7914231873912742807: [(0, 'baba'), (1, 'baba')], -6908341703943681820: [(2, 'bubu')], 3: [(3, 3)], 4: [(4, 4)], 5: [(5, 5)]}


files = [r"F:\00401 - Copy.jpg", r"F:\00401.jpg", r"F:\bw_pic.png", ]

group_files_by_hash(seq=files,continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True)

# {'6d7ca5ec1deb81e4a127719a7b1b3328': ['F:\\00401 - Copy.jpg', 'F:\\00401.jpg'],

#  'fab1479078ac767ec468b28425f5069a': ['F:\\bw_pic.png']}


groupby stuff


# Almost all groupby functions accept the kwargs: continue_on_exceptions, withindex, withvalue

# continue_on_exceptions=True - Exceptions are pulled, and each Exception gets its own group


    div=2, seq=(["1", 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]), continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {'EXCEPTION: not all arguments converted during string formatting': ['1'],

# False: [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, 3, 333],

# True: [4, 4]}



# withindex=True - Returns the index and the value of the input list:


    div=2, seq=(["1", 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]), continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True


# output:{'EXCEPTION: not all arguments converted during string formatting': [(0, '1')], 

#  False: [(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 5), (6, 3), (7, 5), (8, 22.22), (9, 3), (11, 333)], 

#  True: [(10, 4), (12, 4)]}


# withvalue=False - Only the index of the input list is returned:

# output: {'EXCEPTION: not all arguments converted during string formatting': [0], 

# False: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11],

# True: [10, 12]}


print(list(iter_2_cycle_second_until_first_done(iter1=[3, 3, 4, 4], iter2=[1, 2])))

# output: [(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)]



    coord=(50, 100),

    seq=[(100, 100), (300, 500), (900, 23), (10, 10)],




# output: {True: [(100, 100), (300, 500), (10, 10)], False: [(900, 23)]}



    seq=["dd", "b", "ff", "saaa"],


# output: {2: ['dd', 'ff'], 1: ['b'], 4: ['saaa']}


print(group_values_in_flattened_nested_iter_and_count(seq=[1,2,3,4,[33,412,2,2,3], {(3,4), (1,4)}], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 3, 33: 1, 412: 1}


print(groupby_type(seq=["dd", "b", "ff", "saaa", 1, 3, 5, 22.22, (3, 4), [333, 4]]))

# output: {<class 'str'>: ['dd', 'b', 'ff', 'saaa'], <class 'int'>: [1, 3, 5], <class 'float'>: [22.22], <class 'tuple'>: [(3, 4)], <class 'list'>: [[333, 4]]}

















        (3, 4),

        [333, 4],



# output: {1: ['dd', 'ff', 'saaa', 1, 22.22, (3, 4), [333, 4]], 2: ['b', 5, 'b', 5], 4: [3, 3, 3, 3]}



    div=2, seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]])


# output: {1: [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 333], 0.21999999999999886: [22.22], 0: [4, 4]}



    div=2, seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]])


# output: {0: [1], 1: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], 2: [5, 5, 4, 4], 11.0: [22.22], 166: [333]}




    seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3,2,2, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {True: [1, 2, 2], False: [3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, 3, 4, 333, 4]}




    seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {True: [1], False: [3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, 3, 4, 333, 4]}




    seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 2,2,2,5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {False: [1], True: [3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 22.22, 3, 4, 333, 4]}




    seq=(["1", 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {"EXCEPTION: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'": ['1'], False: [1], True: [3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, 3, 4, 333, 4]}




    seq=(["1", 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {False: ['1', 1, 5, 5, 22.22, 4, 333, 4], True: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]}



    regexpressions=[r"^\d+$", '^A+$'],

    seq=([1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5,'AA', 'BB', 22.22, *(3, 4), *[333, 4]]),




# output: {True: [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 'AA', 3, 4, 333, 4], False: ['BB', 22.22]}



    seq=[2.0,1,1,3,5,3.0, 3.4,2.4,25.3], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {True: [2.0, 1, 1, 3, 5, 3.0], False: [3.4, 2.4, 25.3]}



    seq=[1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.9,1.8,2.0,1,1,3,5,3.0, 3.4,2.4,25.3], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.9, 1.8, 1, 1], 2: [2.0, 2.4], 3: [3, 3.0, 3.4], 5: [5], 25: [25.3]}



    seq=[1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.9,1.8,2.0,1,1,3,5,3.0, 3.4,2.4,25.3], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1: [1.0, 1, 1], 2: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.9, 1.8, 2.0], 3: [3, 3.0, 2.4], 5: [5], 4: [3.4], 26: [25.3]}



    seq=[1.11111111,1.111222222,1.11113334,1.3,1.9,1.8,2.0,1,1,3,5,3.0, 3.4,2.4,25.3], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1.11: [1.11111111, 1.111222222, 1.11113334], 1.3: [1.3], 1.9: [1.9], 1.8: [1.8], 2.0: [2.0], 1: [1, 1], 3: [3, 3.0], 5: [5], 3.4: [3.4], 2.4: [2.4], 25.3: [25.3]}



    n=1,seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'mama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {'o': ['hallo', 'bdoo'], 't': ['boot', 'flaot'], 'a': ['baba', 'mama']}



    n=1,seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'hmama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {'h': ['hallo', 'hmama'], 'b': ['boot', 'baba', 'bdoo'], 'f': ['flaot']}


    n=1,seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'hmama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=False


# output: {'h': [0, 5], 'b': [1, 2, 3], 'f': [4]}


    n=1,seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'hmama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=True, withvalue=True


# output: {'h': [(0, 'hallo'), (5, 'hmama')], 'b': [(1, 'boot'), (2, 'baba'), (3, 'bdoo')], 'f': [(4, 'flaot')]}



    char='a',seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'hmama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1: ['hallo', 'baba'], -1: ['boot', 'bdoo'], 2: ['flaot', 'hmama']}



    char='a',seq=['hallo', 'boot', 'baba', 'bdoo', 'flaot', 'hmama' ], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {1: ['hallo'], -1: ['boot', 'bdoo'], 3: ['baba'], 2: ['flaot'], 4: ['hmama']}


text = '''One evening, a few days later, K. was walking along one of the corridors that separated his office from the main stairway—he was nearly the last one to leave for home that evening, there remained only a couple of workers in the light of a single bulb in the dispatch department—when he heard a sigh from behind a door which he had himself never opened but which he had always thought just led into a junk room. He stood in amazement and listened again to establish whether he might not be mistaken'''.split()


    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken'], False: ['evening,', 'later,', 'K.', 'stairway—he', 'evening,', 'department—when', 'room.']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken'], False: ['evening,', 'later,', 'K.', 'stairway—he', 'evening,', 'department—when', 'room.']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken'], False: ['stairway—he', 'department—when']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken'], False: ['evening,', 'later,', 'K.', 'stairway—he', 'evening,', 'department—when', 'room.']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'K.', 'He'], True: ['evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'K.', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['One', 'K.', 'He'], False: ['evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken']}



    seq=text, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: ['One', 'evening,', 'a', 'few', 'days', 'later,', 'was', 'walking', 'along', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'corridors', 'that', 'separated', 'his', 'office', 'from', 'the', 'main', 'stairway—he', 'was', 'nearly', 'the', 'last', 'one', 'to', 'leave', 'for', 'home', 'that', 'evening,', 'there', 'remained', 'only', 'a', 'couple', 'of', 'workers', 'in', 'the', 'light', 'of', 'a', 'single', 'bulb', 'in', 'the', 'dispatch', 'department—when', 'he', 'heard', 'a', 'sigh', 'from', 'behind', 'a', 'door', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'himself', 'never', 'opened', 'but', 'which', 'he', 'had', 'always', 'thought', 'just', 'led', 'into', 'a', 'junk', 'room.', 'He', 'stood', 'in', 'amazement', 'and', 'listened', 'again', 'to', 'establish', 'whether', 'he', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'mistaken'], True: ['K.']}


print(groupby_isin(value='1', seq=['1', '11', '2', 1,2,3,54,2], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {True: ['1', '11'], False: ['2'], "EXCEPTION: argument of type 'int' is not iterable": [1, 2, 3, 54, 2]}


import random


    rectangle=(0, 0, 100, 100),



            g := random.randrange(1, 200),

            f := random.randrange(1, 200),

            g + 100,

            f + 100,


        for _ in range(10)





# output: {False: [(0, (88, 157, 188, 257)), (1, (176, 63, 276, 163)), (2, (38, 102, 138, 202)), (4, (159, 145, 259, 245)), (5, (84, 199, 184, 299)), (6, (6, 160, 106, 260)), (7, (101, 133, 201, 233)), (9, (188, 148, 288, 248))], True: [(3, (27, 68, 127, 168)), (8, (2, 58, 102, 158))]}


import pandas as pd

import math

import numpy as np


    seq=[pd.NA, np.nan, None, math.nan, 3,54,3,(22,34,412), {323,31}, [3312,3]],

    emptyiters = False,

    nastrings = False,

    emptystrings = False,

    emptybytes = False,





# output: {True: [<NA>, nan, None, nan], False: [3, 54, 3, (22, 34, 412), {323, 31}, [3312, 3]]}


import pandas as pd

import math

import numpy as np


    seq=[pd.NA, np.nan, None, math.nan, 3, 54, 3, (22, 34, 412), {323, 31}, [3312, 3]],





# output: {False: [<NA>, nan, None, nan, 3, 54, 3], True: [(22, 34, 412), {323, 31}, [3312, 3]]}


import os


    seq=os.listdir(r'F:\gitrep\screenshots'), continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {'': ['.git', '.gitignore', 'color', 'debugdf', 'enumeratefiles', 'LICENSE', 'sortfiles'], '.png': ['144.png', '146.png', '2022-12-27 03_40_27-.png', '2022-12-27 03_49_27-.png', '2022-12-27 04_01_57-.png', '2022-12-27 04_02_09-.png', '2023-01-01 09_48_27-single_elements.png', 'add_methods.png', 'allcolors.png', 'asciiart.png', 'bluestacksauto.png', 'buttonsearch.png', 'collage.png', 'colorfind1.png', 'colorfind1xxx.png', 'colorfind2.png', 'colorfind3.png', 'colorfind4.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000000.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000001.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000002.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000003.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000004.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000005.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000006.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000007.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000008.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000009.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000010.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000011.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000012.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000013.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000014.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000015.png', 'cv2_putTrueTypeText_000017.png', 'dfresults.png', 'df_act01.png', 'df_act01_0.png', 'df_act02.png', 'df_act02_0.png', 'df_screen01.png', 'df_screen02.png', 'diff.png', 'findshapes_1.png', 'findshapes_2.png', 'findsquare.png', 'fromjsonorg.png', 'from_nested_dict.png', 'generateimgs.png', 'horizontal.png', 'imagediffsquare.png', 'jsonstring.png', 'json_from_file.png', 'json_from_file_sp.png', 'json_url.png', 'lines.png', 'merg1.png', 'merg2.png', 'merg3.png', 'merg4.png', 'merg5.png', 'merg6.png', 'merg7.png', 'noformat.png', 'norm.png', 'pandasconsoleplott.png', 'pandsnesteddicthtml.png', 'papag_00000000.png', 'papag_00000001.png', 'papag_00000002.png', 'papag_00000003.png', 'papag_00000004.png', 'papag_00000005.png', 'papag_00000006.png', 'papag_00000007.png', 'papag_00000008.png', 'papag_00000009.png', 'pic1.png', 'pic2.png', 'pic3.png', 'pic4.png', 'pic5.png', 'PROXY.png', 'randomscreenshots.png', 'rect1.png', 'rect2.png', 'resultsscreenshots.png', 'rotate1.png', 'rotate2.png', 'screencap1.png', 'screencap2.png', 'screencap3.png', 'screencap4.png', 'screenshotpandasseries.png', 'screenshotpandastable.png', 'seleniumkeys.png', 'sendevent_key.png', 'sendevent_key_video.png', 'sift.png', 'splitted0.png', 'splitted1.png', 'templatematching1.png', 'templatematching2.png', 'templatematching3.png', 'templatematching4.png', 'templatematching5.png', 'templatematching6.png', 'templatematching7.png', 'tensorflowscreen.png', 'tesseractscreen.png', 'testwholescreenshot.png', 'timemea.png', 'vc01.png', 'vc01_0.png', 'vertical.png', 'zoompics_0000001.png', 'zoompics_0000002.png', 'zoompics_0000003.png', 'zoompics_0000004.png', 'zoompics_0000005.png', 'zoompics_0000006.png', 'zoompics_0000007.png', 'zoompics_0000008.png'], '.css': ['df_style.css'], '.html': ['fromjsonorg.html', 'from_nested_dict.html', 'jsonstring.html', 'json_from_file.html', 'json_url.html', 'myhtml.html'], '.jpeg': ['splitted1.jpeg'], '.mp4': ['tesseractscreen.mp4']}


from a_cv_imwrite_imread_plus import open_image_in_cv





    colors=[(0, 0, 0)],











# output: {100: [(0, 0, 10, 10), (0, 10, 10, 20), (0, 20, 10, 30), (0, 30, 10, 40), (0, 40, 10, 50), (0, 50, 10, 60), (0, 60, 10, 70), (0, 70, 10, 80), (0, 80, 10, 90), (0, 90, 10, 100), (0, 100, 10, 110), (0, 110, 10, 120), (0, 120, 10, 130), (0, 130, 10, 140), (0, 140, 10, 150), (0, 150, 10, 160), (0, 160, 10, 170), (0, 170, 10, 180), (0, 180, 10, 190), (0, 190, 10, 200), (10, 0, 20, 10), (10, 10, 20, 20), (10, 20, 20, 30), (10, 30, 20, 40), (10, 40, 20, 50), (10, 50, 20, 60), (10, 60, 20, 70), (10, 70, 20, 80), (10, 80, 20, 90), (10, 90, 20, 100), (10, 100, 20, 110), (10, 110, 20, 120), (10, 120, 20, 130), (10, 130, 20, 140), (10, 140, 20, 150), (10, 150, 20, 160), (10, 160, 20, 170), (10, 170, 20, 180), (10, 180, 20, 190), (10, 190, 20, 200), (20, 0, 30, 10), (20, 10, 30, 20), (20, 20, 30, 30), (20, 30, 30, 40), (20, 40, 30, 50), (20, 50, 30, 60), (20, 60, 30, 70), (20, 70, 30, 80), (20, 80, 30, 90), (20, 90, 30, 100), (20, 100, 30, 110), (20, 110, 30, 120), (20, 120, 30, 130), (20, 130, 30, 140), (20, 140, 30, 150), (20, 150, 30, 160), (20, 160, 30, 170), (20, 170, 30, 180), (20, 180, 30, 190), (20, 190, 30, 200), (30, 0, 40, 10), (30, 10, 40, 20), (30, 20, 40, 30), (30, 30, 40, 40), (30, 40, 40, 50), (30, 50, 40, 60), (30, 60, 40, 70), (30, 130, 40, 140), (30, 140, 40, 150), (30, 150, 40, 160), (30, 160, 40, 170), (30, 170, 40, 180), (30, 180, 40, 190), (30, 190, 40, 200), (40, 0, 50, 10), (40, 10, 50, 20), (40, 20, 50, 30), (40, 30, 50, 40), (40, 40, 50, 50), (40, 50, 50, 60), (40, 140, 50, 150), (40, 150, 50, 160), (40, 160, 50, 170), (40, 170, 50, 180), (40, 180, 50, 190), (40, 190, 50, 200), (50, 0, 60, 10), (50, 10, 60, 20), (50, 20, 60, 30), (50, 30, 60, 40), (50, 40, 60, 50), (50, 50, 60, 60), (50, 140, 60, 150), (50, 150, 60, 160), (50, 160, 60, 170), (50, 170, 60, 180), (50, 180, 60, 190), (50, 190, 60, 200), (60, 0, 70, 10), (60, 10, 70, 20), (60, 20, 70, 30), (60, 160, 70, 170), (60, 170, 70, 180), (60, 180, 70, 190), (60, 190, 70, 200), (70, 0, 80, 10), (70, 10, 80, 20), (70, 20, 80, 30), (70, 170, 80, 180), (70, 180, 80, 190), (70, 190, 80, 200), (80, 0, 90, 10), (80, 10, 90, 20), (80, 20, 90, 30), (80, 170, 90, 180), (80, 180, 90, 190), (80, 190, 90, 200), (90, 0, 100, 10), (90, 10, 100, 20), (90, 20, 100, 30), (90, 170, 100, 180), (90, 180, 100, 190), (90, 190, 100, 200), (100, 0, 110, 10), (100, 10, 110, 20), (100, 20, 110, 30), (100, 170, 110, 180), (100, 180, 110, 190), (100, 190, 110, 200), (110, 0, 120, 10), (110, 10, 120, 20), (110, 20, 120, 30), (110, 170, 120, 180), (110, 180, 120, 190), (110, 190, 120, 200), (120, 0, 130, 10), (120, 10, 130, 20), (120, 20, 130, 30), (120, 170, 130, 180), (120, 180, 130, 190), (120, 190, 130, 200), (130, 0, 140, 10), (130, 10, 140, 20), (130, 20, 140, 30), (130, 30, 140, 40), (130, 160, 140, 170), (130, 170, 140, 180), (130, 180, 140, 190), (130, 190, 140, 200), (140, 0, 150, 10), (140, 10, 150, 20), (140, 20, 150, 30), (140, 30, 150, 40), (140, 40, 150, 50), (140, 50, 150, 60), (140, 140, 150, 150), (140, 150, 150, 160), (140, 160, 150, 170), (140, 170, 150, 180), (140, 180, 150, 190), (140, 190, 150, 200), (150, 0, 160, 10), (150, 10, 160, 20), (150, 20, 160, 30), (150, 30, 160, 40), (150, 40, 160, 50), (150, 50, 160, 60), (150, 140, 160, 150), (150, 150, 160, 160), (150, 160, 160, 170), (150, 170, 160, 180), (150, 180, 160, 190), (150, 190, 160, 200), (160, 0, 170, 10), (160, 10, 170, 20), (160, 20, 170, 30), (160, 30, 170, 40), (160, 40, 170, 50), (160, 50, 170, 60), (160, 60, 170, 70), (160, 130, 170, 140), (160, 140, 170, 150), (160, 150, 170, 160), (160, 160, 170, 170), (160, 170, 170, 180), (160, 180, 170, 190), (160, 190, 170, 200), (170, 0, 180, 10), (170, 10, 180, 20), (170, 20, 180, 30), (170, 30, 180, 40), (170, 40, 180, 50), (170, 50, 180, 60), (170, 60, 180, 70), (170, 70, 180, 80), (170, 80, 180, 90), (170, 90, 180, 100), (170, 100, 180, 110), (170, 110, 180, 120), (170, 120, 180, 130), (170, 130, 180, 140), (170, 140, 180, 150), (170, 150, 180, 160), (170, 160, 180, 170), (170, 170, 180, 180), (170, 180, 180, 190), (170, 190, 180, 200), (180, 0, 190, 10), (180, 10, 190, 20), (180, 20, 190, 30), (180, 30, 190, 40), (180, 40, 190, 50), (180, 50, 190, 60), (180, 60, 190, 70), (180, 70, 190, 80), (180, 80, 190, 90), (180, 90, 190, 100), (180, 100, 190, 110), (180, 110, 190, 120), (180, 120, 190, 130), (180, 130, 190, 140), (180, 140, 190, 150), (180, 150, 190, 160), (180, 160, 190, 170), (180, 170, 190, 180), (180, 180, 190, 190), (180, 190, 190, 200), (190, 0, 200, 10), (190, 10, 200, 20), (190, 20, 200, 30), (190, 30, 200, 40), (190, 40, 200, 50), (190, 50, 200, 60), (190, 60, 200, 70), (190, 70, 200, 80), (190, 80, 200, 90), (190, 90, 200, 100), (190, 100, 200, 110), (190, 110, 200, 120), (190, 120, 200, 130), (190, 130, 200, 140), (190, 140, 200, 150), (190, 150, 200, 160), (190, 160, 200, 170), (190, 170, 200, 180), (190, 180, 200, 190), (190, 190, 200, 200)], 65: [(30, 70, 40, 80)], 27: [(30, 80, 40, 90)], 11: [(30, 90, 40, 100)], 13: [(30, 100, 40, 110)], 30: [(30, 110, 40, 120), (60, 110, 70, 120), (60, 120, 70, 130), (100, 130, 110, 140), (110, 130, 120, 140), (120, 90, 130, 100), (120, 130, 130, 140), (130, 70, 140, 80), (130, 80, 140, 90)], 71: [(30, 120, 40, 130)], 76: [(40, 60, 50, 70), (130, 40, 140, 50), (160, 120, 170, 130)], 0: [(40, 70, 50, 80), (40, 80, 50, 90), (40, 90, 50, 100), (40, 100, 50, 110), (40, 110, 50, 120), (50, 70, 60, 80), (50, 80, 60, 90), (50, 90, 60, 100), (50, 100, 60, 110), (50, 110, 60, 120), (50, 120, 60, 130), (60, 70, 70, 80), (60, 80, 70, 90), (60, 90, 70, 100), (70, 40, 80, 50), (70, 50, 80, 60), (70, 70, 80, 80), (70, 80, 80, 90), (70, 110, 80, 120), (70, 120, 80, 130), (70, 130, 80, 140), (70, 140, 80, 150), (70, 150, 80, 160), (80, 40, 90, 50), (80, 50, 90, 60), (80, 70, 90, 80), (80, 80, 90, 90), (80, 110, 90, 120), (80, 120, 90, 130), (80, 130, 90, 140), (80, 140, 90, 150), (80, 150, 90, 160), (90, 40, 100, 50), (90, 50, 100, 60), (90, 70, 100, 80), (90, 80, 100, 90), (90, 110, 100, 120), (90, 120, 100, 130), (90, 130, 100, 140), (90, 140, 100, 150), (90, 150, 100, 160), (100, 40, 110, 50), (100, 50, 110, 60), (100, 60, 110, 70), (100, 70, 110, 80), (100, 80, 110, 90), (100, 110, 110, 120), (100, 120, 110, 130), (100, 140, 110, 150), (100, 150, 110, 160), (110, 40, 120, 50), (110, 50, 120, 60), (110, 60, 120, 70), (110, 70, 120, 80), (110, 80, 120, 90), (110, 110, 120, 120), (110, 120, 120, 130), (110, 140, 120, 150), (110, 150, 120, 160), (120, 40, 130, 50), (120, 50, 130, 60), (120, 60, 130, 70), (120, 70, 130, 80), (120, 80, 130, 90), (120, 100, 130, 110), (120, 110, 130, 120), (120, 120, 130, 130), (120, 140, 130, 150), (130, 100, 140, 110), (130, 110, 140, 120), (130, 120, 140, 130), (140, 70, 150, 80), (140, 80, 150, 90), (140, 90, 150, 100), (140, 100, 150, 110), (140, 110, 150, 120), (140, 120, 150, 130), (150, 70, 160, 80), (150, 80, 160, 90), (150, 90, 160, 100), (150, 100, 160, 110), (150, 110, 160, 120)], 1: [(40, 120, 50, 130), (120, 150, 130, 160), (150, 120, 160, 130)], 83: [(40, 130, 50, 140)], 60: [(50, 60, 60, 70), (60, 50, 70, 60), (60, 140, 70, 150), (140, 60, 150, 70)], 70: [(50, 130, 60, 140), (130, 50, 140, 60), (130, 140, 140, 150), (140, 130, 150, 140)], 97: [(60, 30, 70, 40)], 66: [(60, 40, 70, 50)], 52: [(60, 60, 70, 70)], 16: [(60, 100, 70, 110), (80, 30, 90, 40)], 51: [(60, 130, 70, 140)], 78: [(60, 150, 70, 160)], 43: [(70, 30, 80, 40)], 40: [(70, 60, 80, 70), (80, 60, 90, 70)], 6: [(70, 90, 80, 100)], 26: [(70, 100, 80, 110)], 72: [(70, 160, 80, 170)], 20: [(80, 90, 90, 100), (90, 90, 100, 100), (100, 90, 110, 100), (110, 90, 120, 100)], 10: [(80, 100, 90, 110), (90, 30, 100, 40), (90, 100, 100, 110), (100, 30, 110, 40), (100, 100, 110, 110)], 32: [(80, 160, 90, 170)], 36: [(90, 60, 100, 70)], 14: [(90, 160, 100, 170), (160, 90, 170, 100), (160, 100, 170, 110)], 15: [(100, 160, 110, 170)], 17: [(110, 30, 120, 40)], 9: [(110, 100, 120, 110), (130, 90, 140, 100)], 33: [(110, 160, 120, 170), (160, 110, 170, 120)], 54: [(120, 30, 130, 40), (130, 60, 140, 70)], 73: [(120, 160, 130, 170)], 58: [(130, 130, 140, 140)], 81: [(130, 150, 140, 160), (150, 130, 160, 140)], 69: [(150, 60, 160, 70)], 64: [(160, 70, 170, 80)], 31: [(160, 80, 170, 90)]}



    seq=[1, 2, 3, 45, 56, 6, 32, 12], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False


# output: {'odd': [1, 3, 45], 'even': [2, 56, 6, 32, 12]}





            os.path.join(r"F:\gitrep\screenshots", x)

            for x in os.listdir(r"F:\gitrep\screenshots")







# output: {'folder': ['F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\.git', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\color', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\debugdf', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\enumeratefiles', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\sortfiles'], 'file': ['F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\.gitignore', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\144.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\146.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\2022-12-27 03_40_27-.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\2022-12-27 03_49_27-.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\2022-12-27 04_01_57-.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\2022-12-27 04_02_09-.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\2023-01-01 09_48_27-single_elements.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\add_methods.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\allcolors.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\asciiart.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\bluestacksauto.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\buttonsearch.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\collage.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\colorfind1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\colorfind1xxx.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\colorfind2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\colorfind3.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\colorfind4.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000000.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000001.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000002.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000003.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000004.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000005.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000006.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000007.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000008.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000009.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000010.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000011.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000012.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000013.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000014.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000015.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\cv2_putTrueTypeText_000017.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\dfresults.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_act01.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_act01_0.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_act02.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_act02_0.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_screen01.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_screen02.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\df_style.css', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\diff.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\findshapes_1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\findshapes_2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\findsquare.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\fromjsonorg.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\fromjsonorg.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\from_nested_dict.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\from_nested_dict.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\generateimgs.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\horizontal.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\imagediffsquare.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\jsonstring.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\jsonstring.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\json_from_file.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\json_from_file.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\json_from_file_sp.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\json_url.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\json_url.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\LICENSE', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\lines.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg3.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg4.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg5.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg6.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\merg7.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\myhtml.html', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\noformat.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\norm.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pandasconsoleplott.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pandsnesteddicthtml.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000000.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000001.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000002.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000003.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000004.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000005.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000006.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000007.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000008.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\papag_00000009.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pic1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pic2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pic3.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pic4.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\pic5.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\PROXY.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\randomscreenshots.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\rect1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\rect2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\resultsscreenshots.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\rotate1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\rotate2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screencap1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screencap2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screencap3.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screencap4.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screenshotpandasseries.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\screenshotpandastable.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\seleniumkeys.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\sendevent_key.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\sendevent_key_video.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\sift.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\splitted0.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\splitted1.jpeg', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\splitted1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching1.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching2.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching3.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching4.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching5.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching6.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\templatematching7.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\tensorflowscreen.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\tesseractscreen.mp4', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\tesseractscreen.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\testwholescreenshot.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\timemea.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\vc01.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\vc01_0.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\vertical.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000001.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000002.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000003.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000004.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000005.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000006.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000007.png', 'F:\\gitrep\\screenshots\\zoompics_0000008.png']}


import pandas as pd

import math

import numpy as np

print(groupby_sys_size(seq=[pd.NA, np.nan, None, math.nan, 3,54,3,(22,34,412), {323,31}, [3312,3]], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False))

# output: {48: [<NA>], 24: [nan, nan], 16: [None], 28: [3, 54, 3], 64: [(22, 34, 412)], 216: [{323, 31}], 72: [[3312, 3]]}



    seq=[[1,2,34,], (1,32,4), (2,3,4,54), [2,3,3]], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False


# output: {1: [[1, 2, 34], (1, 32, 4)], 2: [(2, 3, 4, 54), [2, 3, 3]]}



    textlist=["autobahn", "computerproblem", "kind", "opa", "kind opa"],

    wordlist=["kind", "opa"],







# output: {(): ['autobahn', 'computerproblem'], ('kind',): ['kind'], ('opa',): ['opa'], ('kind', 'opa'): ['kind opa']}



    seq=[[1, 2, 2], [5], [2, 3], [4, 4, 4], [12, 0], [6, 6], [1, 2]],




# output: {5: [[1, 2, 2], [5], [2, 3]], 12: [[4, 4, 4], [12, 0], [6, 6]], 3: [[1, 2]]}



    seq=["", "", 'bababa', ''],





# output: {'valid': ['', ''], 'not_valid': ['', 'bababa']}



    seq=['11', 'bb', '"bb"'], continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {<class 'int'>: ['11'], 'EXCEPTION: malformed node or string: <ast.Name object at 0x0000000013A54340>': ['bb'], <class 'str'>: ['"bb"']}



     continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output:  {'\\U0001D11E': ['ascii',

#                 'big5',

#                 'big5hkscs',

#                 'charmap',

# 				 ......

#                 'palmos',

#                 'ptcp154',

#                 'shift_jis',

#                 'tis_620',

#                 'utf_7',

#                 'utf_8',

#                 'utf_8_sig'],

# '¥U0001D11E': ['shift_jisx0213', 'shift_jis_2004'],

# '啜〰\u3130ㅄ䔱': ['utf_16', 'utf_16_le'],

# '展〰〱䐱ㅅ': ['utf_16_be'],

# '𝄞': ['raw_unicode_escape', 'unicode_escape']}



    seq=10*[1,2,34,4,2,3,54,6,6,4,3,2,21,45,56], percent_true=63.7, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: [1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 34, 4, 2, 3, 4, 56, 4, 2, 45, 2, 2, 3, 54, 2, 21, 1, 4, 6, 3, 21, 34, 2, 54, 3, 21, 45, 1, 2, 4, 54, 6, 4, 56, 1, 4, 56, 1, 2, 4, 54, 3, 1, 54, 4, 3, 21], True: [2, 34, 4, 3, 54, 6, 6, 21, 45, 56, 1, 2, 54, 6, 6, 3, 2, 21, 45, 1, 2, 34, 2, 3, 54, 6, 6, 4, 3, 21, 56, 1, 34, 4, 6, 6, 4, 3, 45, 56, 2, 34, 2, 3, 54, 6, 4, 2, 45, 56, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 6, 4, 2, 56, 34, 2, 3, 6, 3, 2, 21, 45, 2, 34, 2, 3, 54, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 21, 45, 34, 2, 3, 6, 6, 4, 2, 21, 45, 56, 2, 34, 4, 2, 3, 6, 6, 2, 45, 56]}



    seq=[11,200,34,4,52,63,54,65,67,48,3,2,21,55,56,59,61,60], value=60, equallimit=3, continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True


# output: {False: [11, 200, 34, 4, 52, 54, 65, 67, 48, 3, 2, 21, 55, 56], True: [63, 59, 61, 60]}


coordlist = 2 * [(1, 2), (34, 4), (2, 3), (61, 60)]

print(groupby_coords_almost_equal(seq=coordlist, x_coord=4, y_coord=3, limit_x=5, limit_y=1,

                                  continue_on_exceptions=True, withindex=False, withvalue=True))

# output: {(True, True): [(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3)], (False, True): [(34, 4), (34, 4)], (False, False): [(61, 60), (61, 60)]}


coordlist = [(745, 519),

 (747, 522),

 (747, 517),

 (747, 517),

 (750, 522),

 (756, 449),

 (757, 461),

 (757, 461),

 (757, 438),

 (830, 144),

 (759, 435),

 (759, 435),

 (761, 468),

 (761, 468),

 (764, 521),

 (1079, 199),

 (770, 474),

 (770, 425),

 (773, 516),

 (776, 515),

 (776, 515),

 (778, 520),

 (779, 519),

 (780, 420),

 (780, 420),

 (782, 478),

 (782, 478),

 (1083, 151),

 (1083, 151),

 (1083, 151),

 (1083, 151),

 (784, 478),

 (759, 435),

 (784, 478),

 (819, 137),

 (819, 137),

 (819, 137),

 (797, 524),

 (825, 125),

 (826, 149),

 (800, 446),

 (800, 446),

 (801, 517),

 (801, 517),

 (802, 520),

 (802, 520),

 (804, 519),

 (804, 519),

 (808, 431),

 (808, 431),

 (809, 464),

 (809, 464),

 (812, 438),

 (813, 449)]

xx=(group_coordinates_by_distance(coordlist, limit_x=10, limit_y=10, continue_on_exceptions=True))

for x in xx:


# output: ((813, 449),)

# ((779, 519), (773, 516), (776, 515), (778, 520), (764, 521))

# ((808, 431), (812, 438))

# ((1083, 151),)

# ((830, 144), (826, 149))

# ((761, 468), (757, 461), (770, 474))

# ((825, 125),)

# ((756, 449),)

# ((745, 519), (747, 517), (750, 522), (747, 522))

# ((780, 420), (770, 425))

# ((784, 478), (782, 478))

# ((804, 519), (802, 520), (797, 524), (801, 517))

# ((757, 438), (759, 435))

# ((819, 137),)

# ((809, 464),)

# ((800, 446),)

# ((1079, 199),)


Iter stuff


for _ in iter_enumerate_multiple([3, 4], [55, 55]):


# output: 

(0, 3, 55)

(1, 4, 55)


for j in iter__chain([3, 4], [55, 55], [{33:31}, 4,1]):


# output: 





{33: 31}




people = {1: {"name": "John", "age": "27", "sex": "Male"}, 2: {"name": "Marie", "age": "22", "sex": "Female"},

          3: {"name": "Luna", "age": "24", "sex": "Female"},

          4: {"name": "Peter", "age": "29", "sex": ["Female", "Male"], 1: "xx", "sex2": ("Female", "Male"), }, }

for keys, item in iter_nested_dict(people):

    print(keys, item)

# output: 

(1, 'name') John

(1, 'age') 27

(1, 'sex') Male

(2, 'name') Marie

(2, 'age') 22

(2, 'sex') Female

(3, 'name') Luna

(3, 'age') 24

(3, 'sex') Female

(4, 'name') Peter

(4, 'age') 29

(4, 'sex', 0) Female

(4, 'sex', 1) Male

(4, 1) xx

(4, 'sex2', 0) Female

(4, 'sex2', 1) Male


for x in (iter_split_list_into_chunks_fill_rest(n=3, iterable=[1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 21], fillvalue=None)):



# output: 	

(1, 2, 3)

(4, 4, 2)

(21, None, None)





            iter1=[33, 133, 35, 3300],

            iter2=[331, 1133, 434, 44, 555, 22, 767, 446, 66, 2234],




# output: 

# [(33, 331), (133, 1133), (35, 434), (3300, 44), (33, 555), (133, 22), (35, 767), (3300, 446), (33, 66), (133, 2234)]




            iter1=[331, 1133, 434, 44, 555, 22, 767, 446, 66, 2234],

            iter2=[33, 133, 35, 3300],




# output: 

# [(331, 33), (1133, 133), (434, 35), (44, 3300), (555, 33), (22, 133), (767, 35), (446, 3300), (66, 33), (2234, 133)]


print(list(iter_reverse_lists_of_list(lis=((323,33,331), (331,552,1)))))

# output: [[331, 33, 323], [1, 552, 331]]


print(list(iter_split_by_index("For performance reasons, the value of errors is not checked for validity", [6, 8, 12, 13, 18])))

# output: ['For pe', 'rf', 'orma', 'n', 'ce re', 'asons, the value of errors is not checked for validity']

print(list(iter_split_by_index([32.,3,123,424,4242,4,24,532,54,53254,24,24,24,532,35624,42], [6, 8, 12, 13, 18])))

# output: [[32.0, 3, 123, 424, 4242, 4], [24, 532], [54, 53254, 24, 24], [24], [532, 35624, 42], []]


for kl in iter_get_every_nth_element(iterable=[1,2,3,4,4,5,6,3,2.4,4,5,5,4],start=0, step=2):


# output: 









print(list(iter_find_same_ending_elements(iters=[list((1,2,3,4)), list((1,2,3,4)), list((5,1,2,3,4))])))

# output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


print(list(iter_find_same_beginning_elements(iters=[list((1,2,3,4)), list((1,2,3,4)), list((1,2,3,4,5))])))

# output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


for x in iter_nested_list_from_item(variable=[244, 244, 2], shape=(2, 3,2)):


# output: [[[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]], [[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]], [[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]]]

#         [[[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]], [[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]], [[244, 244, 2], [244, 244, 2]]]


print(list(iter_repeat_items(iterable=[34,4,23], reps=3)))

# output: [34, 34, 34, 4, 4, 4, 23, 23, 23]


print(iter_count_occurrences_of_item_in_multiple_iterables(iterables=[['hallo', 'mein', 'Freund', 'ou'],['hallo', 'mein', 'Freund', 'oxu']]))

# output: Counter({'hallo': 2, 'mein': 2, 'Freund': 2, 'ou': 1, 'oxu': 1})


print(iter_count_occurrences_of_item_in_multiple_iterables_flatten_everything(iterables=[['hallo', ['mein', 'Freund'], 'ou'],['hallo', ['mein'], 'Freund', 'oxu']]))

# output: Counter({'hallo': 2, 'mein': 2, 'Freund': 2, 'ou': 1, 'oxu': 1})


list1 = [(255, 255, 0), (255, 21, 23), (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]

list2 = ['yellow', 'red', 'black', 'black']

print(list(iter_values_from_list1_based_on_values_of_list2(list1, list2, condition=lambda x: x == 'black')))

# output: [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)]


print(list(iter_windowed(iterable=[1,23,3,2,34], n=2)))

# output: [(1, 23), (23, 3), (3, 2), (2, 34)]


for subit in iter_batch('ABCDEFG', 3):

    for x in subit:

        print(x, end=' ')


# output:	

A B C 

D E F 



npar = numpy_all_permutations(iterable=list('abcdefghijklmnop'), len_of_each=6)

# output:

array([['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'],

       ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'g'],

       ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'h'],


       ['p', 'o', 'n', 'm', 'l', 'i'],

       ['p', 'o', 'n', 'm', 'l', 'j'],

       ['p', 'o', 'n', 'm', 'l', 'k']], dtype='<U1')


(5765760, 6)


print(numpy_random_array_no_reps_beginning_end(iterable=['hallo','du','wie','er', 'ich', 'es'], block_count=3))

# output:

[['du' 'wie' 'es' 'ich' 'er' 'hallo']

 ['es' 'hallo' 'ich' 'du' 'wie' 'er']

 ['du' 'ich' 'wie' 'er' 'es' 'hallo']]	


l1 = [1, 2, 3]

l2 = [4, 5, 6]

l3 = [7, 8, 9]

for l11, l22, l33 in iter_nested_for_loop(l1, l2, l3):

    print(l11, l22, l33)

# output:

1 4 7

1 4 8

1 4 9

1 5 7

1 5 8

1 5 9

1 6 7

1 6 8

1 6 9

2 4 7

2 4 8

2 4 9

2 5 7

2 5 8

2 5 9

2 6 7

2 6 8

2 6 9

3 4 7

3 4 8

3 4 9

3 5 7

3 5 8

3 5 9

3 6 7

3 6 8

3 6 9


l1 = [1, 2, 3]

l2 = [4, 5, 6]

l3 = [7, 8, 9]

for ini, l11, l22, l33 in iter_nested_for_loop_enumerate(l1, l2, l3):

    print(ini, l11, l22, l33)

# output:

0 1 4 7

1 1 4 8

2 1 4 9

3 1 5 7

4 1 5 8

5 1 5 9

6 1 6 7

7 1 6 8

8 1 6 9

9 2 4 7

10 2 4 8

11 2 4 9

12 2 5 7

13 2 5 8

14 2 5 9

15 2 6 7

16 2 6 8

17 2 6 9

18 3 4 7

19 3 4 8

20 3 4 9

21 3 5 7

22 3 5 8

23 3 5 9

24 3 6 7

25 3 6 8

26 3 6 9


for i in iter_chain_flatten([332313,5434,2342], {3232,342},312, 331):


# output:	









for ini,cir in enumerate(iter_spiral(radius=10,eccentricity = 1.5,step = 0.1,t = 0)):


    if ini==15:


# output:

(1.4925062479170388, 0.09983341664682815)

(2.940199733523725, 0.39733866159012243)

(4.299014201065228, 0.8865606199840189)

(5.526365964017311, 1.557673369234602)

(6.581869214177796, 2.397127693021015)

(7.428020534187105, 3.3878548403702125)

(8.030842966487128, 4.509523810663837)

(8.360480512165985, 5.7388487271961806)

(8.39173457165397, 7.04994218664735)

(8.104534588022096, 8.414709848078962)

(7.484336003522027, 9.803280960675787)

(6.522439580580125, 11.184469031606715)

(5.2162271581794535, 12.526256410423509)

(3.5693100009050576, 13.796296219838446)

(1.5915870375233105, 14.962424799060818)

(-0.700788535230937, 15.993177648664085)		


vara= ['key1','x', 'key2',['one', 'two', 'three']]

# normal python version

for k in vara:

    if isinstance(k,list):

        for li in k:

            print(k, li)



# output:	




['one', 'two', 'three'] one

['one', 'two', 'three'] two

['one', 'two', 'three'] three

# same thing, but much shorter:

for k in iter_nested(iterable=vara):


# output:		




[['one', 'two', 'three'], 'one']

[['one', 'two', 'three'], 'two']

[['one', 'two', 'three'], 'three']	


# same as iter_nested, but with path to each value

for k in iter_nested_with_path(iterable=vara):


# output:	

[((0,), 'key1')]

[((1,), 'x')]

[((2,), 'key2')]

[((3,), ['one', 'two', 'three']), ((3, 0), 'one')]

[((3,), ['one', 'two', 'three']), ((3, 1), 'two')]

[((3,), ['one', 'two', 'three']), ((3, 2), 'three')]	



# output:	[['key1'], ['key1', 'x'], ['key1', 'x', 'key2'], ['key1', 'x', 'key2', ['one', 'two', 'three']]]



# output:	[[['one', 'two', 'three']], ['key2', ['one', 'two', 'three']], ['x', 'key2', ['one', 'two', 'three']], ['key1', 'x', 'key2', ['one', 'two', 'three']]]


from ansi.colour.rgb import rgb8, rgb16, rgb256

from ansi.colour import fg, bg, fx


for colour in iter_rainbow_colors(num_colors=10):


    print("".join(list(map(str, (

            fx.bold, bg.brightwhite, fg.brightwhite, rgb256(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]), text, bg.brightwhite,

            fg.brightwhite, fx.bold, fx.reset,), ))))

# output:

(250, 54, 54)


(247, 170, 54)


(202, 247, 23)


(79, 254, 35)


(49, 252, 130)


(27, 248, 248)


(33, 120, 250)


(88, 48, 249)


(207, 25, 252)


(248, 42, 166)



print(list(iter_reshape({1: 22, 5: list(range(12))}, [2, [3], {2}, (1, (3,), 2)])))

# output: [[22, 0, [1, 2, 3], {4, 5}, (6, (7, 8, 9), 10, 11)]]


for _ in iter_rotate_left(iterable=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2], n=10, onlyfinal=False ):


[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1]

[3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2]

[4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3]

[5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4]

[6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

[2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2]

[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1]

[3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2]


for _ in iter_rotate_right(iterable=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2], n=10, onlyfinal=False ):


[2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3]

[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

[6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4]

[4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3]

[3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2]

[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2]

[2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3]

[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


for _ in iter_rotate_left(iterable=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2], n=2, onlyfinal=True ):


[3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2]    


for _ in iter_rotate_right(iterable=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2], n=2, onlyfinal=True):


[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]    


from string import ascii_letters

print(iter_number_of_combinations(it=ascii_letters, k=10))



for k in iter_call_function_over_and_over_with_new_value(f=lambda x: x * 2, x=1):


    if k > 10000.0:


# output:
















for k in iter_call_function_over_and_over_with_new_value(f=lambda x: x / 2, x=1):


    if k < 0.001:


# output:













for x in iter_stop_when_next_item_is_duplicate(
















# output:










iterable = [

    (233, 233, 1123, [42, 11, 33, 221, 13]),

    (122, 122, 12312),

    (2121, 212),

    (434, 123, 4243, 32),

    (434, 123, 42423, 3322),


for list1, list2 in iter_nested_one_ahead(iterable):

    areequal = list1[-1] == list2[-1]

    if areequal:



# output:

[(233, 233, 1123, [42, 11, 33, 221, 13]), 233]

[(233, 233, 1123, [42, 11, 33, 221, 13]), 233]

[(122, 122, 12312), 122]

[(122, 122, 12312), 122]


iterable = [

    (233, 233, 1123, [42, 11, 33, 221, 13]),

    (122, 122, 12312),

    (2121, 212),

    (434, 123, 4243, 32),

    (434, 123, 42423, 3322),


for ini, p in enumerate(iter_random_values_from_iter_endless(iterable=iterable)):

    if ini == 10:



# output:











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MD5 1ecb11e0f467c46286c9a39eb7513036
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Details for the file group_and_iter_everything-0.19-py3-none-any.whl.

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SHA256 cf0af085ce9f066f3e61372920c5ec6746a5c96a459e27fad1e16f6d90d5eae9
MD5 36dec62a14e8d2843a43ad6f388e5784
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