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A tool for making coverage and edge cases seeking easier.

Project description

Guess Testing

Welcome to Guess Testing!

Ain't nobody got the time to write unit tests! But... everybody wants a 100% coverage! If you're not a QA person (or even if you do), this here solution is just PERFECT for you!

Test your code with Guess Testing! No more hard work searching for edge cases, possible exceptions, or immunity to weird inputs. Save your strength and let the CPU do the hard work.

Getting Started

First off clone this project, it is written for Python 3.8, but due to its basic requirements can work on many other versions.


No additional packages are required for using Guess Testing, but for a pretty progress bar, rich is required.

pip install rich


You can install Guess Testing using PyPI!

pip install guess-testing

That's it!


Guess Testing is package that can be imported and used for many reasons, such as:

  1. Finding the smallest set of parameters for getting a full coverage of a scope.
  2. Finding the possible exceptions the code can throw and from where, and which arguments cause these behaviors.
  3. Finding all the possible return values of a function, and which arguments cause them.
  4. Any form of stress testing, analysing an unknown code, and many, many more cases.
  5. Supports coverage checking for instructions as well, and not only line numbers, meaning 1 if False else 0 will be shown as not covered.

As a python package, it is importable, like so:

import guess_testing

Guess Testing offers two main features that can be used separately, guessing and generators:

  • Guessing - The ability to guess values for a function until specific requirements are met.
  • Generators - The ability to generate values using explicitly constructed generators (many generators are available), or using the factory and retrieving a generators that correlates to the type annotation specified, or a function, supports typing module type specifications.

Test Run


Let's see an example of how Guess Testing can be of benefit:

import typing

from guess_testing.guess import Guesser, StopConditions

def e(a: typing.List[int]) -> str:
    if len(a) == 0:
        return 'no enough'
    if len(a) == 1:
        return 'still not enough'
    if a[0] == a[1]:
        return 'wow!'
    if a[0] % a[1] == 0:
        return 'great!!'
    if a[0] % a[1] == 1:
        return 'amazing!!!'
    return 'boo...'

guesser = Guesser(e)
guesser.guess(stop_conditions=StopConditions.FULL_COVERAGE, suppress_exceptions=ZeroDivisionError, pretty=True)

Now all that's left is running the code, let's see it in action!

Guess Testing in action

The code in this example run can be found in Example E.

More examples are available here.

Now how about checking a code that cannot be really covered (from Example H)?

from guess_testing.guess import Guesser

def h(a: int) -> str:
    return 'a' if a == 666 else 'b'

guesser = Guesser(h, trace_opcodes=False)
print(f'Attempts: {guesser.attempts_number}, coverage: {guesser.coverage["coverage"]}.')

guesser = Guesser(h, trace_opcodes=True)
print(f'Attempts: {guesser.attempts_number}, coverage: {guesser.coverage["coverage"]}.')

And here is the output:

Attempts: 1, coverage: 100.0.
Attempts: 10000, coverage: 77.77777777777777.


Let's review two more examples using the generators' ability (taken from Example F):

import typing

from guess_testing.generators import TypingGeneratorFactory

def e(a: typing.List[int]) -> str:

generators = TypingGeneratorFactory.get_generators(e)

for _ in range(10):

Now the result:

{'a': List[int]}
[39784, 47413, 20590, 47366, -47725, 60081, 41957]
[35520, 54323]
[47232, -18372]
[-28274, 30664, -65376, 41264, -25118, 1267, -46631, 15847, 64907, 14002, -26615, 37780]
[26879, -9958, 12824]
[-32159, -23371, -46221, 40098, 42298, 60795]
[-8062, 64305, -14024, 46788]
[-62397, 12193, -48413, -45434, -56422, -45250, 24665, 37593, -4881, -40823, 48727, 43525]
[18760, -36428, -34772, -41072, 50803, 54740, -25575, 1038, 57881, -10428, -4403, 738, -6967, -48162, 19645]

Here's another one, a bit more extreme (Example G):

from guess_testing.generators import AnyGenerator

for _ in range(5):
    a = AnyGenerator()

The output:

 \`^-e*	s"
{b">)nL2F!>Kwqm[#Ea'", b'}miy,z/s5%b.K!S}+%HIGE;', b'x+Xl}%]', b')Tv6*4!0bOiWTX \t@s5~th', b'\tng`cwihx }]AOG^+B+]aI%^<N'}
range(-106, 146, 3)
Any[Dict[range, Set[Tuple[bytes, Tuple[float, range, bytes, float, int, str, str, int], Optional[int], str, int, int, str, Optional[str], float, Union[bytes, float]]]]]
{range(142, 84, -13): {(b'Jed$hLGm*r<', (6061.102397463284, range(-182, 84, 5), b'f JZ2a\t`(T\t\t~#@gq\\BiXcppaL;', 59788.322449126455, -21382, 'vqs+EWF;MT', '>0KU^M`V6aY#_0ML7F!{Z@k', -36984), 65290, "!5&B~|I}3'(gyn", 61028, -48215, 'J,/D<^*', None, -34340.94111622384, 36318.84981154413), (b'M%OO"se9++L =zkI!NB6', (-45943.93015499736, range(-136, -250, -9), b'(G0w%8W', -49341.06623806014, -35119, "pw|\n'feBaA&y|Pm3En5qKlH", '_', 19407), None, '@,<}', -58973, -39676, 'M9B2#Y\\/&>SUhr{D]QX&@g', None, -6771.0225166350865, 17953.02869843178), (b'\n>Pq#WX%9j0cP\t\n[&69Na', (59756.45329086066, range(188, 18, -8), b'6%AwI\n^*J', 17843.915863410482, 37394, 'm', 'g-sg*P+zVf\\E}Xe-"E%AOA', 654), None, '/|MX', 13629, 20249, 'Vh5`k', None, -18457.706529832867, b' I\\hs|F"/G3x@=w/\\@ylod')}, range(-69, 51, 14): {(b'@hD3XG(mXyhOhhFIi`', (-48414.6792535391, range(206, 147, -6), b'6', -49660.2374652366, -16765, '\tiBEoIA8J|!', '#6|h5rZ^8jqJ8)4P/Y]3&\t\n^Z(0mUu ', -39067), 18580, '~O_Y>}m\\;', -41405, -49532, 'I\nre\\qk9Br', 'D7/!;%RvnK|.T|10PPd>zm\\2', 19229.08590640183, b"29w='-"), (b'8RKx\t+\nO*y6', (-23989.597098010956, range(-74, -180, -10), b'^l"', -27009.428944051397, -21856, "ji(R|;DJYu1L;`3P~'", 't6M]6\tKbA[YBM', 53320), 55584, 'zq `Jdgx', 58167, -42862, '3!Z#$=*9B9k2xo1yZR3bS5L k70', None, 1485.9038149998378, b'Fsp$A`*Lf>Bm\t'), (b'IHPrVA}r(X\n=sBJBRRCTbD6 r=', (-4270.938814840687, range(-156, -28, 9), b"E!N8&A*]'f+I.}vs K%vneRtl", -51874.38267907938, 59835, "'>#", '5^y}tV9', -40700), -24724, 'G-9sxOL&;-@<gX;%f(s\n~6Q1C)Nb8', 16441, -60863, '@ q)(o1tR^#.pWJ9mh', 'V|&Ku )pBDbKbYk^F', -56010.928772953805, b"Mh'.|(AG|\tAH pOSW+ 9UMZ~BRCF"), (b"R^.8]+P'x`&PL';^YC2D2e\tF&HYG$/", (55385.839622465704, range(-195, 247, 8), b'k,mRbA)am0B{iSQB;f0xyz.@1/', -58084.83839066779, 9638, 'jNo.A\\=hzv`', 'd-9wJgRu3/F)^6KNz"w3ld', -23142), None, 'l4T o]_QEodfDx`.L Ff/a])1GDfh*d', 14183, 37399, '[z', 'R0{S,MobrbL)JzF\\a-9qxgWi@', -53686.94791173827, -53906.83011259345)}, range(38, 173, 5): {(b'jWtS{B\t!!gw=5R', (-54625.96096071691, range(0, 17, 9), b'tSo[",oP=\\xZH1!I=i(^V~Hr_\tKg', 42414.37211844041, -36300, 'Sb}+1yGj', 'HSor."vtJ%pnrW9u2Gxt', 9253), 22162, 'n{1v}vZ-\n]]C/Q.|+%AL@SGh=q"yEl', 59251, -50410, 'hewbN5\tN$$>dHB3DXQes', '_X>@WCY5r>kZSK.4R#', -19080.31279827142, b'qa'), (b'utd|\n!gOM4!S\\cmGfVp&q', (-8911.45439566129, range(-88, 206, 14), b'];;rK&Z$~7A4_0OrbC)/UAkB0pd', 40567.294265301854, 16272, 'GDWQf+sv7', "'j\nJO)!^#V-Ci,@OXcb-F6", 34625), None, 'zK<Ut3]L6r@V`S>JT8|VLwf-7', -50911, -49434, '\tJ0s\tjt7aC"e$p^>q-!\'w VGTY**', '->Xbz', -51000.874039128335, b'W5_//J1b'), (b'{;_{#NwL', (51402.26074773303, range(83, 114, 11), b'jZ)]ze8qLGWs,%(ML/e"Vu\t2b.T', 25045.334653222963, 45764, '[DAfR8>xFnsl&', '%g=XmA3yKDn\\>GyJ1M=GctE', -25793), -58741, ']tCaMNlG0', -35997, -35653, '', None, -29895.7629650734, -5510.623280990272)}, range(197, -166, -10): {(b'2fl#\n4=~\n', (30838.544126882523, range(37, 53, 12), b'', -55626.15589803162, -2782, '+8z(@-byU|,y', 'H\t6Hym0t=tJ1;gB+")cc2~U7_N8', 435), 32374, "'64G6k5&/5;%GD\\4yw5QQa5W2", -59028, -7503, '@', None, 24283.372749339585, 6002.933190658208), (b'2li', (46742.049468635014, range(178, 135, -14), b'-gdV^W0rzESl', 45446.97718622832, -58056, 'O{_hiZXOH_tWDprcL', 'OCcDq9s@z{<)EaIzhQnrE=`.HSUltU"/', 18900), None, ')h&c^-]0 ."0#jALGy/^>4\'}x', -17091, 31195, "P{wr1k'>w", 'jep D\ti]c`<ofgs', -44788.92195243921, b"';aSfU%_Zi4m(a)Rj"), (b'@^3Q]{w0Zoh', (-32615.848080003692, range(-222, -48, 4), b'', -35338.69118396347, 38072, ')]b#hIy#HWsrK}m\nwbN\\mI#*rtn5', 'ck>_7\t/wy}+[0bozfe"xQ*wH+1KA3/', 13689), None, '|.\\[x00xhOyJP-~$BvE,^2', 36070, 50966, 'x-eW_si"H{=@@Lx@9%%{#X', 'H16X%0!', -65109.57009461633, b'8p*^r>6\\>p[9X'), (b'sl', (-35509.71250712419, range(-7, -161, -1), b'[0RzM p>]4AOZondIrqmY', 25750.749062151415, -50484, 'WW(IoG)d8wD_xthHj<POU0>q+IH\t%', 'iT7Iv55cDDrv^W', -5469), -50716, 'sY', 22768, -49621, 'qeo', None, -15570.433261305618, b'P!3N!66-o[&1+/t^M"{\n;1b^B'), (b'[\n6;2 }go$=', (56497.48271086576, range(-142, 240), b'zj&^\\IyeSJsuZvY2*r5M]re', 50083.99999237551, 1437, '+TZn.dt{i__4lwn,[jelk;', 'W+c#. AGztC33Wi,D)0H1HMCW{g7$Z', 46441), None, 'ph', -43120, 41448, '=Ia^vRQ[WhccJGvBNP@P7AiEguVNt&', 'O&', 41929.618576370514, b'|'), (b'94;_\tbnz2K1"-$<\t=A#ZrN', (-16749.2972131383, range(125, 180, 15), b"X(JNb-kL\n;FR+PnO&'uF(", 51769.409772379455, 50167, "`Um3LGN<Sf'N00", ';!}', 3763), 47024, 'w2Pf$E', -47775, 46368, "MotF#EFqt'Dr(&*Q-!FMO", '(O|CtB6\\#\'/"~sC7x""ER\tZ)f@', -13458.812261542887, -28230.012451079398), (b'R.AbcH$]8C,F"3,EkH$l', (23468.859113567785, range(-75, 16, 6), b'1tXsQ<33=k"BHFz"XAl^NH', -28062.275854534557, -24144, 'PW"cW#i+Fhsk4g6[-y9.>=X\n}9viq7t', 'k[j6qs08IHOLb&&qx.i5FTNo!q=[8d', -20080), None, 'zZxfWoY\nmT4pH!!\n', 45547, -41940, "!0{']", None, 32781.35939388593, b'}}RE#i)bIa~WCT#6-lKbyzGgI,)q=l')}, range(147, 228, 3): {(b'\n;x|k\\2+ma', (-19933.857194358017, range(189, 232, 14), b'DD\\i', 29013.955016102715, 12015, '| sOF^]Z&J~Pq_I', "2RqMGYqz8o;D*b'~F", 25288), 54822, 'fmsn+urhnS', -30117, -27204, '=0)wD6s`%u4', None, -18160.127657124118, 11247.066641066645), (b'--JwMT', (-21648.865442750757, range(225, -108, -4), b'%EKY8_qK}X\t=.}O`+Ng#2.98Z\\N4', 31314.398448628897, 43566, '8oHO\nu7tm5<b5dV3#Zs&<mo+s6ai', '!9ya&\\`mD$lr&),$Y', 7374), None, ' 5#*\n\nY@SDnE59k>n', -48489, -18715, 'yyTCuggF5G@3y+fli#s`>%0', None, -25822.68021834112, b'sBG*/ZV!I6scF.wxkZj4|GS|R/QBO'), (b"$Dc1#sa'mw9qfBVGc0a|ZcVk&HEjR#m", (54584.39088031152, range(-34, 5, 12), b'\'%,st4\n~"', -23698.59451198249, 30855, '"!5$bL GKh;\\P%', 'bP>\n@YiNwAq.~rd!', -25592), -10324, 'nz;O"', 26861, -62072, 's||+S$b@7dHPvQl6dWqS$Rux9F7', None, -6462.115152492843, -32528.548492490954), (b'#e$ZB/nIkzAlet', (-30999.013129800252, range(116, 42, -16), b'mJM @x#fG', 31996.133968443814, -982, 'ob', 'JaN;M7**7"Q!OvLLitK<=;6|<DvW|`J', 30425), 55321, 'AVMvpw&WxeK2_fMr}LwD$*JiL{oG0G2', 22323, -46320, '|MS23\n\tP ekW7C2{-hh0}CG', '', -4504.968661873834, 35408.66802173626), (b'Q@', (-51080.9769971449, range(160, 254, 10), b'qk#|c', -302.00565038113564, 45226, 'n;$,1w0D/MnkW_am{~~N', "81'$*58.I", 60489), -54847, 'vVm(_B$$,5XrbY1_6-5o+]9r\t~vtY,Kn', -1431, 30613, "'`}=\\^0RJqFs_\\Hh}t6l,", None, 25389.224618838794, b']V5C\n>KYJ%4uOtkF`,Pylzsjd'), (b'~s+c[l}$f\tgf"n]7O\'Bm]S2nlv\\=@n6{', (-28692.274939021387, range(222, 232, 8), b'zaYr/a";', -53008.522760568754, -48162, 'YQ6tf|. NaiD"GB}07-w F!t-20DZ3^', '\\TT7Zn5o~@+O\\9Jr )[,@d,S*', 26646), None, "Gb`+w4bgn=v'xgJiMrh&qGjMWAa1fJ<", -28890, -45994, "/_$ke4R'88gTc7b8SJBX1S0qtlV", None, -21393.30159639279, -34175.98580719603), (b'H.S', (27776.2094144063, range(-204, -194, 8), b')`1vn=\n)z+]~\nh8bRkgedB8@0\t2', 24587.63540395662, 36817, '_U+XE8Q', 'tfA\thqf[9LdBlSZ-6q$+5', 41603), None, "r#qp!wUrnEAQmV$ybIwA'6TCU|]Y$", 29596, 60627, '~CM"B(c%T><', None, -63082.10742114196, -15399.742436829576), (b"M.~*|~(.wV\n'7iF6TwjqOKe)i", (10915.796802950208, range(248, 198, -11), b"k5'f;>.K7dY", 6356.343347406888, 54569, ']/}', '"t*G6f5HHe\trtkLH*h', -30082), None, "\n6Z#87NI/d^i-]\n> T Q`XkK]|['.Rln", -5273, -14847, '3`lklM^]8(t$', 'I7);phLi.', -19236.815881414164, b'=&Mf#~.;\nlN\nk\\\tv-@skjjW*%Dc'), (b'Vx[]K8D<f', (-38568.605068380435, range(47, 230, 7), b"AP6V($'i\\Ja]3z\\$=y_*A", 18808.766096409614, 48090, ']H_y%', '', -32294), -61684, "naZ'f i\tAvH Jm92<gX&f", 27889, -51228, "Fc\tQDX'u$|[ XW;N", None, 53309.05484556117, 32743.241303759612), (b"8F^SwOv4b-%FJY/HBP&'=cn8R\nOV|", (-61485.83843367016, range(-64, -205, -3), b"!'C8P}f6HQGUuE~\\]g|s#P{b((LY\\$", -36309.31550649446, 38054, 'JXN&FwWsFXAH', '\t&RVC4`g[U&)1Vd+!', -11547), 12744, 'N.[ZP', 23862, 39946, 'zCn\nBP4B3Is+zbk+<&[fC@Y/a$l', 'Y5mIhHYs`D', -49597.68713053333, -15871.954271176117), (b'MDQF)W', (-14362.799812386846, range(73, 208, 9), b".nOs'he", 2113.404012473926, -37452, 'g$E@*#~', 'fTlr.Pqx}-or,5T*A0^e+7rW', -45139), None, 'p%k}pp6', 54731, 48825, 'TyP}vMj-%P 2JwogE|"Zi5W', None, -30232.399958611393, b'ZBh6')}, range(76, 200, 14): {(b'k4urHPsvZ!L2]~=', (23631.676258783365, range(248, 56, -13), b'9', -46865.07703048218, 8890, 'o1ODV8<Dpxz{mt"aP#"u<', 'SC\tCdJ79\\\ncVK=pf', 53520), -37719, ' kT]3P>r\tCNRd&"_df^d[maA*\\M*~wq@', -32719, -11341, 'U', None, -19015.266575680667, b'Zp ,pB0rLE-\\8u[&;'), (b'in1abW`^*R_buON', (42573.445735579706, range(-217, -214, 2), b'usDroh]F<>6p&_}[zk]FxVSu[ %|Jae', 46649.74982854276, -13473, 'gltQIR_', 'Txqr#O==', 58125), -44727, '.VF', 4347, 1116, '\\', None, 2486.8884299673664, b'+C.dRx|5o\n~$}$Ftg"xQGJK#d'), (b'W47!na9@0CGJG<426Y$p-""3!T\'=', (-52117.988399096255, range(179, 122, -6), b'WohHoLu$<k<5', -28515.455708052075, 36372, 'Hm!g5X_t23^q*D5h= %vSXW(H=#F', '1jgU[5PR;5`_3/J0|"ESI-]9qqL', 37128), -61442, '&4/Ma[j 06<wxvtI"7}dP@;/qoeU8&N', 39348, 64294, 'm^S8\\99kvLoWIw<56,rGtGIjf$\n\t]YD', '!U7-ye KF`%Ol,#q,+4\n_P>)kQ', -27219.58269700197, -42536.255873737085), (b'>s"y_*z&W#(D', (-56693.4869867887, range(145, -69, -13), b'k4[', 48310.11188188453, 58048, 'EFED\ti', 'i*iN;y{(/dw.-i>*\nXVm8', -18055), 46672, 'V" $bSxgV%o`J$FiTuFK2gMgk<', 23715, 48548, '52;^{pn\'h"^LG5x^k"1dlx$GV,wOHK~', 'S$pkZ44$', -22734.52614520985, b'R'), (b",0_~%NT(G0(4Qi.%wC_'", (-13321.9667390143, range(14, 120, 15), b'T*Lk#!)NkNa*%O#>0L/J#f#p\\gys', 16749.447666725056, 23528, 'gNwI+PmpBX`-', 'YEL!#\\\'\nE.vsGv"', 22007), 59603, 'gl`H5*L', -3282, 59414, 'U]"!,p7j/Wj!&]\'#x]@p j!vmAp\'', None, -61332.0768587535, b'/ 9LF8'), (b'#,)_%9>VAtu`', (37655.630982279996, range(246, 233, -4), b'U{', -34512.461216433265, -64079, 't>H68yFh', 'k{Y ', 17726), 38382, 'NjogzzgBy[*]*K', 7686, -5845, 'igBr9HD*WDUke=h\nu3_1f!f', 'cuuRfBCU@^D,*Pvq=q2wiiH5Fj`Uh', 25750.328246073288, b'`eeJ18\nd<@$By_u7|{gN$^ EAU@)+3R'), (b'pn<VQ~', (-63767.705621233734, range(53, -86, -6), b'/"bp', -40624.090642747935, -50731, 'VwXN30raXp)1', 'Ry#lO\tUhD\td^cT', -18541), None, "gZ+s'3<jn-U58x/>uwaaf6CbZC,i5", -46126, 24410, "LaZ8j@,C|'{DtcLh8YyaQ8ldd", None, -9500.58804343034, b'N.7\\+SM($<,N"t0nt,pz@.l\t'), (b'|/S2NZ;|NuCNw(', (17295.092865168903, range(-51, 221, 4), b'aZ~ZC2((tPDhaLPz', -44634.92324800996, 20004, 'HcMX0', "-jxx))'mb){=&v>H", -34476), None, 's=qsb*/}Dk@N A', -6564, -46422, 'ez_i0', None, -53706.76079492936, -56732.593312654935), (b' ', (-32516.75569545648, range(200, 238, 12), b'\nh4o\\CBOPtOF1o', -38311.166323040015, -28159, ',xv/6ylyt', '%{{\nrp}oYzAxa#*a8aLu', 29321), 15598, 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35759.64960829314, -26361, "tL*X5c'", 'l Zu4"@UrtXg&%7', 46293), -23499, 'tdKGZ."', -18687, 6165, "P\\hk`AG3&'dgf`0<&7;v'6A{k^A${~&", '9zA;', 45471.756805740486, 977.3731568737858), (b'$vk!-mV+\\!%7\t{kF>$/PNz', (-1232.5792183574522, range(31, 26, -5), b'"m~\\vc(&y0)U)p$', -57014.71958769244, -50942, '_>}R,q)6`f0E&!]&x4', 'WrH3A7Vu!a<8TSsS\n;riZzy,)`_dW7', 42833), 24260, 'MAZTRRBkbOc', 2284, -57247, 'xy^2"j&VuHE>;Fs)SP', '8a8+c|NU', 59552.1172441409, -15132.27273881495), (b"R\nM3[1|'vPJ!\tp<19}CtN", (63286.01566570849, range(245, 184, -9), b'ui%V#ekVs~tHuYFfmNL"Snk', 33665.21534806733, 31015, 'ckr;O{{@', 'u"iQYxJ(Kf./{VM_F]5', 57720), None, '6NDo', -3589, -17436, 'H[~9$D=4\n(!OnN', None, 27146.499078221823, b'0kbXxNu'), (b"_`Onmk'S%+=", (38892.952465826515, range(197, 215, 5), b'0SA")n#%RKCos/%Y9dHFju7cN', -27493.065304241114, -20230, '-z!HWyFx z<\'"\\hvckY.\\Hk[1{j}H~5', "e{g!)'U>4)AHn3\t]D~", 1030), 54793, '4,[Gv%J|H$D21N$8,g\\8', 42625, 27843, '0&b\\DR-\t\nW)5noy1#G7X~.q', None, -22036.258589191144, b'afbGp'), (b'6 B\t/t', (-59598.26174451437, range(199, 198, -1), b'/CJKNXN"Ix/j}xCT[Q', -6618.055926226269, 21342, 's=INRD5', '\t|4$Nwqk7w.Rb$[CP>D{!Z-w[oNT4sc*', 61), None, 'VPI', -21532, 62550, "oqun&'O-j|!#q5jn\n.r3 ", None, 10604.55739242585, b'r)YG3,5xd$GIU6Q+xSro'), (b'#F{{i,E/5+6C!8yFRYIrhpkPZ,+]L}c', (33237.92799434591, range(-133, -211, -10), b"'oO^F2Kr4n&k", -42467.72773359447, 59516, '8]}f]bx', 'h', 24405), None, '', -65287, 52716, '"9]XXNTZ.Sg);[[\t@Id<~848a\ttBH%', '_K$eA8OP', -33194.36744397624, -56966.818012266085), (b'57\t=Y !%\t\tFY1w$g<', (-63934.855779690435, range(204, 114, -7), b'.=}rur7!(@yq~%*', -60213.90168755746, -20675, 'U*e;_n/.{KquA4kd%1^Y', '+]3aJx4}tX;n/\n7', 35386), 44904, 'hDF/Xc\n7{$ 2zsrC Vu^K^Zg_11YI#;~', -48560, 53685, 'v9/ibn0)eU-pPj', '+H+1ZlB6 uI-n_Y', -33517.0852678091, b'z&\n5vJ%S7xp\tys(g'), (b'J.mmBdB&SE-o\taz[RR"Ctrg6*f}', (-46115.22746326482, range(-82, 208, 3), b'k362V6[ZC', 11606.480007914943, 15619, 'J~_Qp"y{CL8aWye60nd[', '9U"C.Gn#W+kLcCA@!d', 24343), None, "MC(~+\n'HPJQuW-&}y]}LLm4/]", 869, -10173, 'FjAn', '^!R7O@*Y|^Bm;;i3{4', -55278.514886898236, 54310.09133847324)}}

Technologies and Capabilities

  • Guess Testing is written in Python 3.8.
  • Does not require any additional packages.
  • Features a pretty progress bar for enhanced satisfaction.
  • Very lightweight.
  • Flexible guessing stop conditions, like full coverage (by lines and instructions), an exception is thrown, certain time has passed, call count limit is reached...
  • Allows getting information by coverage, return values, and exceptions.
  • Easily extendable.
  • Contains a string representation for the generators that fits typing and the builtin python types.
  • What more can I say? It's small, standalone, and can actually be of use.


The code is documented using Google Python Style Guide format.

I hope that it can answer whichever questions that may arise.


Feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions, ideas, and anything else you think I should be aware of. Also, tell me what legendary matches have been played with Chess, or how playing against Stockfish improved your strategy, I'd love to know.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.



  • I would like to thank my wife - Tohar Harpeness, my son - Amittai Harpeness, my parents, my computer, and my free time, for enabling me to work on this small project, it has been fun.

  • I thank Typing for their simple and versatile usage, and for being easily parsed.

  • I thank my previous experiences trying to debug a code that isn't mine and getting to all of its cases to better understand it, and not being able to do so easily. Which gave me the idea for this nice package to help others like me.

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guess_testing-1.3.1.tar.gz (35.9 kB view details)

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guess_testing-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (23.6 kB view details)

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Details for the file guess_testing-1.3.1.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: guess_testing-1.3.1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 35.9 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.8.0 pkginfo/1.8.2 readme-renderer/33.0 requests/2.27.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 urllib3/1.26.8 tqdm/4.63.0 importlib-metadata/4.11.2 keyring/23.5.0 rfc3986/2.0.0 colorama/0.4.4 CPython/3.8.12

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Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 5d38ec39120b93ab6c351a522c517e27470cd8c780c2ce8a9c42ec560f03c852
MD5 8b6d1378fcd37252a0bf4392aa209ab9
BLAKE2b-256 3ea8ca7701495296829199e1d6eb686b80af0d1821a2a2f7bcb857836044d1c0

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File details

Details for the file guess_testing-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl.

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  • Download URL: guess_testing-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 23.6 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.8.0 pkginfo/1.8.2 readme-renderer/33.0 requests/2.27.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 urllib3/1.26.8 tqdm/4.63.0 importlib-metadata/4.11.2 keyring/23.5.0 rfc3986/2.0.0 colorama/0.4.4 CPython/3.8.12

File hashes

Hashes for guess_testing-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 ebe7d1d6cbf8469207524255f29f2fccc9a7b7c0bf0522fb311c5b0b7df22984
MD5 17bc7f6297421406c8ff997bff6e76f1
BLAKE2b-256 374138e219900987eafcc5c4366896595dd1ef1af23ffef7021a1899c28bbf0a

See more details on using hashes here.

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