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The most powerful, flexible and extensible way to control the output of large language models.

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The most powerful, flexible and extensible way to control the output of large language models.
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About KeyMaker

KeyMaker is a Python library that provides a powerful, flexible, and extensible way to control the output of large language models like OpenAI API-based models and Hugging Face's Transformers. It allows you to create and apply constraints on the generated tokens, ensuring that the output of the model meets specific requirements or follows a desired format.


To install KeyMaker, simply run the following command:

From source:

pip install

From pypi:

pip install headjack-keymaker


You can further optionally install KeyMaker to leverage HuggingFace or LlamaCpp directly with [huggingface] and/or [llamacpp] pip options.


Basic Example

First, note that Prompts and Completions are two of the fundamental types in Keymaker.

To use KeyMaker with a language model, you need to first create a Model object. For example, to use KeyMaker with Hugging Face's GPT-2 model:

Some basic imports

from keymaker.models import Huggingface
from keymaker import Prompt
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

For demo purposes, we can use a local Huggingface model

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("gpt2")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")

hf = Huggingface(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

create a prompt using the Prompt class

prompt: Prompt = Prompt("Dogs are known for their")

Prompts are interchangeable with strings

>>> prompt == "Dogs are known for their"

generate a basic completion with no constraints max_tokens and name are optional

completed_prompt: Prompt = await prompt.complete(
    model=hf, max_tokens=1, name="dog_ability"

check that the original prompt is still the same

>>> prompt == "Dogs are known for their"

print out the completed prompt string

>>> print(completed_prompt)
Dogs are known for their ability

completed_prompt.completions is a Completions object and gives access to any strings created from .complete calls on its parent Prompt. If the Completion was named you can access it as an attribute on the .completions with . syntax or ['']

>>> print(completed_prompt.completions.dog_ability)
 ability is a Completion object which simply stores the string completion and the start stop indices in the prompt

>>> print(
        completed_prompt.completions.dog_ability.start : completed_prompt.completions[

print out the Completions object for the completed prompt

>>> completed_prompt.completions
Completions([], {'dog_ability': Completion(text = ' ability', start = 24, stop = 32)})

Accessing Completions

When using KeyMaker to generate text with constraints, you can name the completions to easily access them later. All completions are stored in the completions attribute of a Prompt object.

Here's an example of how to access both named and unnamed completions:

from keymaker.models import chatgpt
from keymaker import Prompt
import openai

openai.api_key = "sk-"

chat_model = chatgpt()

prompt = Prompt("The weather is ")

# Generate an unnamed completion
constraint1 = RegexConstraint(pattern=r"sunny|rainy|cloudy")
prompt = await prompt.complete(model=chat_model, constraint=constraint1)

# Generate a named completion
constraint2 = RegexConstraint(pattern=r" and (cold|warm|hot)")
prompt = await prompt.complete(
    model=chat_model, constraint=constraint2, name="temperature"


# Access the unnamed completion
unnamed_completion = prompt.completions[0]
print(f"Unnamed completion: {unnamed_completion}")

# Access the named completion
named_completion = prompt.completions.temperature
print(f"Named completion: {named_completion}")


The weather is sunny and warm
Unnamed completion: sunny
Named completion:  and warm

In the example, we create a Prompt object with the text "The weather is ". We then generate an unnamed completion with a RegexConstraint that matches the words "sunny", "rainy", or "cloudy", and a named completion with a RegexConstraint that matches " and " followed by "cold", "warm", or "hot".

We access the unnamed completion by indexing the completions attribute of the Prompt object, and the named completion by using the name as an attribute of the completions attribute.

Model Options

As it stands, the models available for use out of the box are Huggingface models and APIs implementing the OpenAI spec.

KeyMaker is also designed to make it as simple as possible for you to Add Your Own Model

Huggingface (direct)

Huggingface models are optional, and you need to install KeyMaker with pip install ...[huggingface], then, simply import the Huggingface Model class:

from keymaker.models import Huggingface


OpenAI Models can be accessed out-of-the-box:

from keymaker.models import OpenAIChat, OpenAICompletion #e.g. chatgpt/gpt4, text-davinci-003 respectively

There are aliases for common models:

from keymaker.models import chatgpt, gpt4

chat_model=gpt4(...optional configurations for underlying `OpenAIChat` otherwise use defaults)


KeyMaker also provides an implementation wrapper around Llama-Cpp-Python

from keymaker.models import LlamaCpp
from keymaker.constraints import RegexConstraint
from keymaker import Prompt

model = LlamaCpp(model_path="~/Downloads/orca-mini-v2_7b.ggmlv3.q3_K_S.bin")

constraint = RegexConstraint(r"I (eat|drink) (meat|wine)\.")
prompt = Prompt("I'm a farmer and ")

prompt = await prompt.complete(model=model, constraint=constraint)
# Prompt('I'm a farmer and I eat meat.')

This can be enabled by installing the optional dependencies with pip install ...[llamacpp]

OpenAI Compatible Servers

Coming Soon - Ripe for contibution

KeyMaker is looking to make the OpenAI Model support other compatible APIs. Simply pass a compatible tokenizer and go!


See Llama-Cpp-Python

Huggingface (API) via vLLM

Cuda Only See vLLM

Using Chat models

KeyMaker provides functionality for using roles with chat models. While this is optional, lack of usage could potentially impact performance.

Chat models (e.g. OpenAIChat or the aliases chatgpt, gpt) have the following default attributes (which can vary should you Add Your Own Model)

    role_tag_start = "%"
    role_tag_end = "%"
    default_role = "assistant"
    allowed_roles = ("system", "user", "assistant")

This affects the way your prompt will be seen by the chat model. For example:

prompt = Prompt(
%system%You are an agent that says short phrases%/system%
%user%Be very excited with your punctuation and give me a short phrase about dogs.%/user%
"Dogs are absolutely pawsome!"

would be seen by the chat model as:

[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'You are an agent that says short phrases'},
 {'role': 'user',
  'content': 'Be very excited with your punctuation and give me a short phrase about dogs.'},
 {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '"Dogs are absolutely pawsome!"'}]

Mixing Chat and Non-Chat Models

Further, should you want to intermingle the usage of chat and non-chat continuations, KeyMaker provides utilities to do so:

from keymaker.utils import strip_tags

prompt = Prompt(
%system%You are an agent that says short phrases%/system%
%user%Be very excited with your punctuation and give me a short phrase about dogs.%/user%
"Dogs are absolutely pawsome!"

regular_prompt = strip_tags(prompt, roles_seps = {'system': '', 'user': 'User: ', 'assistant': 'Assistant: '},)
>>> regular_prompt


Prompt('You are an agent that says short phrases
User: Be very excited with your punctuation and give me a short phrase about dogs.
Assistant: "Dogs are absolutely pawsome!"')

Using Constraints

KeyMaker provides several out-of-the-box constraints that can be applied when completing prompts.

KeyMaker is also designed to make it as simple as possible for you to Add Your Own Constraint

Let's go through some of the built-in constraint types and how to use them.


RegexConstraint allows you to constrain the generated text based on a regex pattern.

from keymaker.constraints import RegexConstraint

constraint = RegexConstraint(
    pattern=r"I (would|could) eat [0-9]{1,2} (burgers|burger)\."

prompt = await Prompt("Wow, I'm so hungry ").complete(
    model=chat_model, constraint=constraint
# Wow, I'm so hungry I would eat 11 burgers.

Note: This example is a little contrived in that there is static completion in regex itself. This is not always the most efficient way to do some completions. You may consider doing multiple completions in a case like this. KeyMaker does its best to avoid unnecessary calls to the model if a token is clearly determined.


ParserConstraint allows you to constrain the generated text based on a context-free grammar or a pre-built parser. For example, to generate text that follows a simple grammar:

from keymaker.constraints import ParserConstraint

grammar = """
start: "A" "B" "C"

constraint = ParserConstraint(grammar=grammar)

To apply this constraint, pass it to the complete method:

prompt = Prompt("Start: ")
prompt = await prompt.complete(model=hf, constraint=constraint, name="grammar")


OptionsConstraint allows you to constrain the generated text based on a list of string options. For example, to generate text that contains one of the following options:

from keymaker.constraints import OptionsConstraint

options = {"apple", "banana", "orange"}
constraint = OptionsConstraint(options=options)

To apply this constraint, pass it to the complete method:

prompt = Prompt("I would like an ")
prompt = await prompt.complete(model=hf, constraint=constraint, name="fruit")
# I would like an apple


StopsConstraint allows you to constrain the generated text by stopping at a specified string or regex pattern.

Say we want the model to generate between two XML tags and stop once it reaches the second.

If we are afraid of a malformed end tag with unneeded whitespace, we can account for it as well.

constraint = StopsConstraint(r"<\s*/?\s*hello\s*>", include=True)

prompt = Prompt(
    "Finish this phrase with an end tag then say 'finished' <hello>Hi, the world is "

prompt = await prompt.complete(
    model=chat_model, constraint=constraint, name="world_description", stream=MyStream()

# beautiful.</hello>

Combining Constraints

KeyMaker also allows you to combine multiple constraints using logical operators like AndConstraint, OrConstraint, and NotConstraint.

from keymaker.constraints import OrConstraint, RegexConstraint, OptionsConstraint

regex_constraint = RegexConstraint(pattern=r"peanut")
options_constraint = OptionsConstraint(options={"apple", "banana", "orange"})

combined_constraint = OrConstraint([regex_constraint, options_constraint])

prompt = Prompt("Whenever I see a basketball, it reminds me of my favorite fruit the ")

prompt = (await prompt.complete(model=chat_model, constraint=combined_constraint)) + "."

# Whenever I see a basketball, it reminds me of my favorite fruit the orange.

Streaming Completions

KeyMaker provides a very slim and intuitive means to access completion generation as it happens.

Simply pass a prompt complete an asynchronous function

from typing import Optional
from keymaker import Completion

async def my_stream(completion: Optional[Completion]):

prompt = Prompt("Hello, I'm a talking dog and my name is")

prompt = await prompt.complete(

# R
# over
# .
#  How
#  can
#  I
#  assist
#  you
#  today
# ?
# None

As you can see, the incremental tokens R, over, ... were passed to the my_stream function and were printed as they were generated. Further, the stream was fed a terminal signal of None indicated the stream was complete hence the Optional[Completion] type hint.

Decoding Parameters

KeyMaker allows you to set some of the parameters used to sample tokens.

from keymaker.types import Decoder, DecodingStrategy

decoder = Decoder(temperature = 0.7, top_p = 0.95, strategy = DecodingStrategy.GREEDY)
# use your parameterization in a completion

prompt = await prompt.complete(..., decoder = decoder)

Creating Custom Models

To create a custom model, you need to extend the Model class provided by KeyMaker and implement the required methods. Here's an example of creating a custom model:

from keymaker.models.base import Model
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Optional, Set
from keymaker.constraints.base import Constraint
from keymaker.types import Decoder

class CustomModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, ...):  # Add any required initialization parameters
        # Initialize your custom model here

    async def generate(
        text: str,
        max_tokens: int = 1,
        selected_tokens: Optional[Set[int]] = None,
        decoder: Optional[Decoder] = None,
        timeout: float = 10.0,
    ) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
        # Implement the logic for generating text with your custom model

    def encode(self, text: str) -> TokenIds:
        # Implement the logic for encoding text as token ids

    def decode(self, ids: TokenIds) -> str:
        # Implement the logic for decoding token ids as text

    # ...

You can then use your custom model with KeyMaker as you would with the built-in models:

model = CustomModel(...)
prompt = Prompt("My custom model says: ")
prompt = await prompt.complete(model=model, constraint=your_constraint, name="custom_output")

Creating Custom Constraints

To create a custom constraint, you need to extend the Constraint class provided by KeyMaker and implement the constrain_tokens method. Here's an example of creating a custom constraint:

from keymaker.constraints.base import Constraint
from keymaker.types import TokenConstraint

class CustomConstraint(Constraint):
    def __init__(self, ...):  # Add any required initialization parameters
        # Initialize your custom constraint here

    def constrain_tokens(
        self, base_text: str, completion_text: str, model: Model
    ) -> TokenConstraint:
        # Implement the logic for constraining tokens based on your custom constraint

You can then use your custom constraint with KeyMaker as you would with the built-in constraints:

constraint = CustomConstraint(...)
prompt = Prompt("My custom constraint says: ")
prompt = await prompt.complete(model=your_model, constraint=constraint, name="custom_constraint_output")


Contributions are very welcome. Simply fork the repository and open a pull request!


Some constraints in KeyMaker are heavily derived from the work of Matt Rickard. Specifically, ReLLM and ParserLLM. Similar libraries such as LMQL and Guidance have surved as motiviation.


KeyMaker and its contributors bear no responsibility for any harm done by its usage either directly or indirectly including but not limited to costs incurred by using the package (KeyMaker) with LLM vendors. The package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Copyright 2023- Nick Ouellet (

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Source Distribution

headjack_keymaker-0.0.1a2.tar.gz (222.3 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

headjack_keymaker-0.0.1a2-py3-none-any.whl (24.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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