A DSP Toolkit
Project description
HiFiberry DSP
Software for HiFiBerry boards equipped with DSP. This package can be
used to read/write data to HiFiBerry DSP boards using the Beocreate TCP
Before installing the dsptoolkit, you need to have a working Python 3
installation (>=3.5) and a working pip.
You can then install the toolkit by just running
sudo pip3 install --upgrade hifiberrydsp
This will only install the software, but not activate the server.
Depending on your system, you might need to create a startup script
or a systemd unit file for this.
If you're using a Debian based system (e.g. Debian, Raspbian), there
is a script that does all the work for you. Just run the following
bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hifiberry/\
This server runs in background and provides a TCP interface (port 8089)
to access DSP functions. It is compatible with SigmaStudio. That means
you can directly deploy DSP programs from SigmaStudio and change
parameters online.
The server automatically dumps the so-called parameter RAM to the file
system when it terminates. On startup, it checks for a parameter RAM
file and if it exists it writes it back to the parameter memory. This
ensures that parameters like volume controls, filter parameters, switch
settings will be automatically restored even if they are not saved in
The server accepts the following command line parameters:
-v Verbose output.
--alsa Create an ALSA volume control that is synced with the volume
control of the running DSP program
Command line utility
dsptoolkit is a tool that is used to directly access functions of the DSP
via the TCP server. This means it can run on another system.
The general usage pattern is
$ dsptoolkit command parameter
The following command are supported. Note that some command need specific
parameters in the DSP profile. If the DSP profile does not support these,
the command won't have any effect.
* install-profile
writes a DSP profile to the DSP EEPROM and activates it. A profile
installed with this command will be automatically started after a reset
* set-volume volume
set the volume. Volume values can be defined in real values (0-1),
percent (0% to 100%) or decibels (use need to use negative values to
reduce the volume)
* get-volume
gets the current setting of the volume control register.
* set-limit
sets the volume limit. The effect is the same as setting volume. The
idea of this setting is having a volume control that can be changed
between 0 and 100% (or -inf dB to 0dB) and the limit setting to set
the maximum volume of the system.
* set-rew-filters|set-rew-filters-left|set-rew-filters-right filename
Deploys parametric equaliser settings calculated by REW to the
equaliser filter banks (left, right or both).
Not all DSP profiles will support this setting
To make sure the filters are still active after a system reboot, make
sure you use the store command.
* set-fir-filters|set-fir-filters-left|set-fir-filters-right
Deploys a FIR (finite impulse response) filter to the left, right or
both FIR filter banks.
A FIR filter file is a simple text file with one real number per line.
Not all DSP profiles will support this setting
To make sure the filters are still active after a system reboot, make
sure you use the store command.
* clear-iir-filters
Resets the IIR filter banks to default values. This is helpful if you
deployed filters to the DSP that do not perform as expected
* read-dec|red-int|read-hex address
Reads a memory word from the given address and interprets it as a
decimal value, integer value or just displays it as a HEX value
Addresses are 2byte long and they can be defined as integers or hex
Hex values are defined by the prefix 0x (e.g. 0x01aa)
* loop-read-dec|loop-read-int|loop-read-hex address
Works exactly like the read-xxx command. However, it reads the values
in a loop. This is often useful when debugging DSP programs as you can
easily see if and how parameters change
* write-reg address value
Writes a value to a 2-byte register. This command should be used to
write the DSP register addresses. While it will also accept DSP RAM
addresses, these are 4 bytes long and the command will only set the
first 2 bytes of a RAM cell
* write-mem address value
Writes a 4 byte value to a memory cell.
The value can be given as an integer or hex value.
When using this command on register addresses, the command will write
to 2 consecutive register addresses as addresses have a length of
only 2 bytes.
* mute|unmute
Mutes/unmutes the output. This only works if the profile supports
a mute register
* servers
Find all servers on the local network using Zeroconf
* apply-settings settings-file
Apply the parameter settings from the given parameter file to the
running program.
* store-settings settings-file [xml-file]
Apply the parameter from the given parameter file to the
running program. Also store them into the given DSP profile.
This means, the deault settings of this DSP Profile will be changed.
There are 2 possible ways to merge this into a DSP profile:
1. If an XML file is given in the command line, the settings will be
applied to this DSP profile. The profile file will be edited.
A backup version of teh DSP profile will be stored
2. If no xml-file parameter is given, dnstoolkit retrieves the
currently running DSP program directly from the server, applies
the settings and pushed the profile back to the server. In this
case, the server not only activated this, but also stores the
changed settings to the EEPROM. They will then be automatically
activated after a reset of the DSP board.
* save
saves the current parameter RAM to the file system. This is recommended
if you have deployed new filters or changed other settings that
should be re-activated later
This does NOT save anything to EEPROM
* load
restores the parameter RAM from the file system
* store-filters
Store filters currently deployed in the IIR and FIR filter banks to
* store
Store all known paramater settings (filters, volume, balance) that
are currently active on the DSP to the DSP's EEPROM.
Reseting the EEPROM will than recover these settings
* reset
Resets the DSP. The program will be loaded from the EEPROM. The
parameter RAM won't be stored and/or recovered from the file system.
REW integration
The software can be used to push filters created by Room Equalisation
(REW) to the DSP.
DSP profile format
DSP profiles can be generated directly in SigmaStudio. However, to
enable the full potential of DSP Profiles and allow DSPToolkit to
directly control the
DSP program, you need to add some additional metadata to the XML file.
IIR filter format
Standard IIR filters like high-pass, low-pass, bandpass and parametric
equalisers can be described by a simple text syntax. This allows to
create these filters from a textual respresentation that can be edited
easyly without the need to use SigmaStudio to to filter adjustments
* lp:frequency:q
defines a second-order low-pass filter with the given corner frequency
and quality. If quality isn't given, 0.707 is used (Butterworth filter)
* hp:frequency:q
defines a second-order high-pass filter with the given corner frequency
and quality. If quality isn't given, 0.707 is used (Butterworth filter)
* eq:frequency:q:gain
defines a parametric equaliser with the given center frequency
and quality. gain (in decibel) can be positive or negative
Often IIR filters can be chained to define more complex filters, e.g.
lp:1500Hz, lp:1500Hz, hp:300Hz:0.6, eq:1200Hz:2:+3dB
This defines a filter that consists of:
- a 4th order low-pass at 1.5kHz (created from two 2nd order filters)
- a 2nd order high-pass as 300Hz with a quality of 0.6
- a parametric equaliser at 1.2kHz with a quality of 2.0 and +3dB gain
Settings file format
A settings file is a text file that consists of lines of attribute:value
pairs. Attributes are register names defined in the profile metadata.
Values can be
- float values
- integer values
- decibel values (in format +xdb, -xdb)
- percent values (for volume, will be converted to a -60db-0dB volume
control range)
- IIR filter definitions (see above)
Let's assume the following DSP profile:
<metadata type="IIR_L">37/80</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R">117/80</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L1">197/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R1">237/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L2">277/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R2">317/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L3">357/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R3">397/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L4">437/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R4">477/40</metadata>
<metadata type="balanceRegister">525</metadata>
<metadata type="channelSelectRegister">546</metadata>
<metadata type="volumeControlRegister">541</metadata>
<metadata type="volumeLimitRegister">542</metadata>
A simple settings file for this DSP profile could look like this:
volumeLimitRegister: -10dB
Applying these settings would set the the volumeLimit to -10dB.
You can check this by running the command
dsptoolkit get-limit
A more complex file:
volumeControlRegister: -3dB
volumeLimitRegister: 90%
mute: 0x1
balanceRegister: 0.8
IIR_L: lp:1500Hz, hp:300Hz:0.6, eq: 1200Hz:2:+3dB, vol:-1dB
IIR_R1: vol: +3dB
IIR_R2: vol: -3dB
IIR_R3: vol: +0dB
In this case, the mute setting would be ignored as no mute attribute
is available in the DSP profile.
Software for HiFiBerry boards equipped with DSP. This package can be
used to read/write data to HiFiBerry DSP boards using the Beocreate TCP
Before installing the dsptoolkit, you need to have a working Python 3
installation (>=3.5) and a working pip.
You can then install the toolkit by just running
sudo pip3 install --upgrade hifiberrydsp
This will only install the software, but not activate the server.
Depending on your system, you might need to create a startup script
or a systemd unit file for this.
If you're using a Debian based system (e.g. Debian, Raspbian), there
is a script that does all the work for you. Just run the following
bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hifiberry/\
This server runs in background and provides a TCP interface (port 8089)
to access DSP functions. It is compatible with SigmaStudio. That means
you can directly deploy DSP programs from SigmaStudio and change
parameters online.
The server automatically dumps the so-called parameter RAM to the file
system when it terminates. On startup, it checks for a parameter RAM
file and if it exists it writes it back to the parameter memory. This
ensures that parameters like volume controls, filter parameters, switch
settings will be automatically restored even if they are not saved in
The server accepts the following command line parameters:
-v Verbose output.
--alsa Create an ALSA volume control that is synced with the volume
control of the running DSP program
Command line utility
dsptoolkit is a tool that is used to directly access functions of the DSP
via the TCP server. This means it can run on another system.
The general usage pattern is
$ dsptoolkit command parameter
The following command are supported. Note that some command need specific
parameters in the DSP profile. If the DSP profile does not support these,
the command won't have any effect.
* install-profile
writes a DSP profile to the DSP EEPROM and activates it. A profile
installed with this command will be automatically started after a reset
* set-volume volume
set the volume. Volume values can be defined in real values (0-1),
percent (0% to 100%) or decibels (use need to use negative values to
reduce the volume)
* get-volume
gets the current setting of the volume control register.
* set-limit
sets the volume limit. The effect is the same as setting volume. The
idea of this setting is having a volume control that can be changed
between 0 and 100% (or -inf dB to 0dB) and the limit setting to set
the maximum volume of the system.
* set-rew-filters|set-rew-filters-left|set-rew-filters-right filename
Deploys parametric equaliser settings calculated by REW to the
equaliser filter banks (left, right or both).
Not all DSP profiles will support this setting
To make sure the filters are still active after a system reboot, make
sure you use the store command.
* set-fir-filters|set-fir-filters-left|set-fir-filters-right
Deploys a FIR (finite impulse response) filter to the left, right or
both FIR filter banks.
A FIR filter file is a simple text file with one real number per line.
Not all DSP profiles will support this setting
To make sure the filters are still active after a system reboot, make
sure you use the store command.
* clear-iir-filters
Resets the IIR filter banks to default values. This is helpful if you
deployed filters to the DSP that do not perform as expected
* read-dec|red-int|read-hex address
Reads a memory word from the given address and interprets it as a
decimal value, integer value or just displays it as a HEX value
Addresses are 2byte long and they can be defined as integers or hex
Hex values are defined by the prefix 0x (e.g. 0x01aa)
* loop-read-dec|loop-read-int|loop-read-hex address
Works exactly like the read-xxx command. However, it reads the values
in a loop. This is often useful when debugging DSP programs as you can
easily see if and how parameters change
* write-reg address value
Writes a value to a 2-byte register. This command should be used to
write the DSP register addresses. While it will also accept DSP RAM
addresses, these are 4 bytes long and the command will only set the
first 2 bytes of a RAM cell
* write-mem address value
Writes a 4 byte value to a memory cell.
The value can be given as an integer or hex value.
When using this command on register addresses, the command will write
to 2 consecutive register addresses as addresses have a length of
only 2 bytes.
* mute|unmute
Mutes/unmutes the output. This only works if the profile supports
a mute register
* servers
Find all servers on the local network using Zeroconf
* apply-settings settings-file
Apply the parameter settings from the given parameter file to the
running program.
* store-settings settings-file [xml-file]
Apply the parameter from the given parameter file to the
running program. Also store them into the given DSP profile.
This means, the deault settings of this DSP Profile will be changed.
There are 2 possible ways to merge this into a DSP profile:
1. If an XML file is given in the command line, the settings will be
applied to this DSP profile. The profile file will be edited.
A backup version of teh DSP profile will be stored
2. If no xml-file parameter is given, dnstoolkit retrieves the
currently running DSP program directly from the server, applies
the settings and pushed the profile back to the server. In this
case, the server not only activated this, but also stores the
changed settings to the EEPROM. They will then be automatically
activated after a reset of the DSP board.
* save
saves the current parameter RAM to the file system. This is recommended
if you have deployed new filters or changed other settings that
should be re-activated later
This does NOT save anything to EEPROM
* load
restores the parameter RAM from the file system
* store-filters
Store filters currently deployed in the IIR and FIR filter banks to
* store
Store all known paramater settings (filters, volume, balance) that
are currently active on the DSP to the DSP's EEPROM.
Reseting the EEPROM will than recover these settings
* reset
Resets the DSP. The program will be loaded from the EEPROM. The
parameter RAM won't be stored and/or recovered from the file system.
REW integration
The software can be used to push filters created by Room Equalisation
(REW) to the DSP.
DSP profile format
DSP profiles can be generated directly in SigmaStudio. However, to
enable the full potential of DSP Profiles and allow DSPToolkit to
directly control the
DSP program, you need to add some additional metadata to the XML file.
IIR filter format
Standard IIR filters like high-pass, low-pass, bandpass and parametric
equalisers can be described by a simple text syntax. This allows to
create these filters from a textual respresentation that can be edited
easyly without the need to use SigmaStudio to to filter adjustments
* lp:frequency:q
defines a second-order low-pass filter with the given corner frequency
and quality. If quality isn't given, 0.707 is used (Butterworth filter)
* hp:frequency:q
defines a second-order high-pass filter with the given corner frequency
and quality. If quality isn't given, 0.707 is used (Butterworth filter)
* eq:frequency:q:gain
defines a parametric equaliser with the given center frequency
and quality. gain (in decibel) can be positive or negative
Often IIR filters can be chained to define more complex filters, e.g.
lp:1500Hz, lp:1500Hz, hp:300Hz:0.6, eq:1200Hz:2:+3dB
This defines a filter that consists of:
- a 4th order low-pass at 1.5kHz (created from two 2nd order filters)
- a 2nd order high-pass as 300Hz with a quality of 0.6
- a parametric equaliser at 1.2kHz with a quality of 2.0 and +3dB gain
Settings file format
A settings file is a text file that consists of lines of attribute:value
pairs. Attributes are register names defined in the profile metadata.
Values can be
- float values
- integer values
- decibel values (in format +xdb, -xdb)
- percent values (for volume, will be converted to a -60db-0dB volume
control range)
- IIR filter definitions (see above)
Let's assume the following DSP profile:
<metadata type="IIR_L">37/80</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R">117/80</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L1">197/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R1">237/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L2">277/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R2">317/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L3">357/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R3">397/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_L4">437/40</metadata>
<metadata type="IIR_R4">477/40</metadata>
<metadata type="balanceRegister">525</metadata>
<metadata type="channelSelectRegister">546</metadata>
<metadata type="volumeControlRegister">541</metadata>
<metadata type="volumeLimitRegister">542</metadata>
A simple settings file for this DSP profile could look like this:
volumeLimitRegister: -10dB
Applying these settings would set the the volumeLimit to -10dB.
You can check this by running the command
dsptoolkit get-limit
A more complex file:
volumeControlRegister: -3dB
volumeLimitRegister: 90%
mute: 0x1
balanceRegister: 0.8
IIR_L: lp:1500Hz, hp:300Hz:0.6, eq: 1200Hz:2:+3dB, vol:-1dB
IIR_R1: vol: +3dB
IIR_R2: vol: -3dB
IIR_R3: vol: +0dB
In this case, the mute setting would be ignored as no mute attribute
is available in the DSP profile.
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