Build tool to selectively run blocks of build commands under specified conditions
Project description
HitchTrigger is a self contained build tool designed to trigger blocks of build commands when a condition is met that necessitates a rebuild.
The conditions can be one or more combined of any of the following:
A file or files (e.g. source files) have changed.
A specified (build) directory did not exist.
A period of time has elapsed.
A ‘watched’ variable has changed its value.
An exception occurred the previous time the commands were run (always by default).
To install from pypi:
$ hitch install hitchtrigger
import hitchtrigger
monitor = hitchtrigger.Monitor(
#override=["virtualenv", ],
# Will run in the following cases:
## The command block has never been run before.
## An exception was triggered within the context manager on the previous run.
## venv directory is non-existent.
## A period of 7 days has elapsed
## A previous block named 'previousblock' was run.
## Either requirements.txt or dev_requirements.txt have been modified (file modification dates are monitored).
## Var "v=1" is changed (e.g. to "v=2").
## The line 'override=["virtualenv", ]' is uncommented.
with monitor.block(
monitor.nonexistent("venv") | monitor.not_run_since(days=7) | monitor.was_run("previousblock")
monitor.modified(["requirements.txt", "dev_requirements.txt"]) | monitor.var(v=1)
).context() as trigger:
if trigger:
print(trigger.why) # Prints out reason for running
pip("install", "-r", "requirements.txt").run()
pip("install", "dev_requirements.txt").run()
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