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Display, search, manipulate, import, and export Web Request+Response (`WRR`) files produced by the `Hoardy-Web` Web Extension browser add-on.

Project description

What is hoardy-web?

hoardy-web is a tool to display, search, manipulate (programmatically extract values from and rename/move/symlink/hardlink files based on their metadata), import, and export Web Request+Response (WRR) files produced by the Hoardy-Web Web Extension browser add-on (also there).



  • On a conventional POSIX system or on a Windows system with configured PATH environment variable, install it with:

    pip install hoardy-web

    and run as

    hoardy-web --help
  • Alternatively, on a Windows system with unconfigured PATH, install with:

    pip install hoardy-web

    and run as

    python3 -m hoardy_web --help
  • Alternatively, on a POSIX system, run without installing:

    alias hoardy-web="python3 -m hoardy_web"
    hoardy-web --help
  • Alternatively, on a system with Nix package manager

    nix-env -i -f ./default.nix
    hoardy-web --help

    Though, in this case, you'll probably want to do the first command from the parent directory, to install everything all at once.

Supported input file formats

Simple WRR-dumps (*.wrr)

When you use the Hoardy-Web extension together with hoardy-web-sas archiving server, the latter writes WRR-dumps the extension generates into separate .wrr files (aka "WRR files") in its dumping directory. No further actions to use that data are required.

The situation is similar if you instead use the Hoardy-Web extension with "Export via saveAs" option enabled but saveAs-bundling option disabled (max bundle size set to zero). The only difference is that WRR files will be put into ~/Downloads or similar.

ls ~/Downloads/Hoardy-Web-export-*

Bundles of WRR-dumps (*.wrrb)

However, if instead of using any of the above you use the Hoardy-Web extension with both "Export via saveAs" and bundling options enabled, then, at the moment, you will need to import those .wrrb files (aka WRR-bundles) into separate WRR files first:

hoardy-web import bundle --to ~/hoardy-web/raw ~/Downloads/Hoardy-Web-export-*

Note that hoardy-web can parse .wrr files as single-dump .wrrb files, so the above will work even when some of the exported dumps are simple .wrr files (Hoardy-Web generates those when exporting an only available per-bucket dump or when exporting dumps larger than set maximum bundle size). So, essentially, the above command is equivalent to

hoardy-web organize --copy --to ~/hoardy-web/raw ~/Downloads/Hoardy-Web-export-*.wrr
hoardy-web import bundle --to ~/hoardy-web/raw ~/Downloads/Hoardy-Web-export-*.wrrb

Other file formats

hoardy-web can also use some other file formats as inputs. See the documentation of the hoardy-web import sub-command below for more info.

How to merge multiple archive directories

To merge multiple input directories into one you can simply hoardy-web organize them --to a new directory. hoardy-web will automatically deduplicate all the files in the generated result.

That is to say, for hoardy-web organize

  • --move is de-duplicating when possible,
  • while --copy, --hardlink, and --symlink are non-duplicating when possible.

For example, if you duplicate an input directory via --copy or --hardlink:

hoardy-web organize --copy     --to ~/hoardy-web/copy1 ~/hoardy-web/original
hoardy-web organize --hardlink --to ~/hoardy-web/copy2 ~/hoardy-web/original

(In real-life use different copies usually end up on in different backup drives or some such.)

Then, repeating the same command would a noop:

# noops
hoardy-web organize --copy     --to ~/hoardy-web/copy1 ~/hoardy-web/original
hoardy-web organize --hardlink --to ~/hoardy-web/copy2 ~/hoardy-web/original

And running the opposite command would also be a noop:

# noops
hoardy-web organize --hardlink --to ~/hoardy-web/copy1 ~/hoardy-web/original
hoardy-web organize --copy     --to ~/hoardy-web/copy2 ~/hoardy-web/original

And copying between copies is also a noop:

# noops
hoardy-web organize --hardlink --to ~/hoardy-web/copy2 ~/hoardy-web/copy1
hoardy-web organize --copy     --to ~/hoardy-web/copy2 ~/hoardy-web/copy1

But doing hoardy-web organize --move while supplying directories that have the same data will deduplicate the results:

hoardy-web organize --move --to ~/hoardy-web/all ~/hoardy-web/copy1 ~/hoardy-web/copy2
# `~/hoardy-web/all` will have each file only once
find ~/hoardy-web/copy1 ~/hoardy-web/copy2 -type f
# the output will be empty

hoardy-web organize --move --to ~/hoardy-web/original ~/hoardy-web/all
# `~/hoardy-web/original` will not change iff it is already organized using `--output default`
# otherwise, some files there will be duplicated
find ~/hoardy-web/all -type f
# the output will be empty

Similarly, hoardy-web organize --symlink resolves its input symlinks and deduplicates its output symlinks:

hoardy-web organize --symlink --output hupq_msn --to ~/hoardy-web/pointers ~/hoardy-web/original
hoardy-web organize --symlink --output shupq_msn --to ~/hoardy-web/schemed ~/hoardy-web/original

# noop
hoardy-web organize --symlink --output hupq_msn --to ~/hoardy-web/pointers ~/hoardy-web/original ~/hoardy-web/schemed

I.e. the above will produce ~/hoardy-web/pointers with unique symlinks pointing to each file in ~/hoardy-web/original only once.

How to build a file system tree of latest versions of all hoarded URLs

Assuming you keep your WRR-dumps in ~/hoardy-web/raw, the following command will generate a file system hierarchy under ~/hoardy-web/latest organized in such a way that, for each URL from ~/hoardy-web/raw, it contains a symlink from under ~/hoardy-web/latest to a file in ~/hoardy-web/raw pointing to the most recent WRR file containing 200 OK response for that URL:

hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest --output hupq --to ~/hoardy-web/latest --and "status|~= .200C" ~/hoardy-web/raw

Personally, I prefer flat_mhs format (see the documentation of the --output below), as I dislike deep file hierarchies. Using it also simplifies filtering in my ranger file browser, so I do this:

hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest --output flat_mhs --and "status|~= .200C" --to ~/hoardy-web/latest ~/hoardy-web/raw

Update the tree incrementally, in real time

The above commands rescan the whole contents of ~/hoardy-web/raw and so can take a while to complete.

If you have a lot of WRR files and you want to keep your symlink tree updated in near-real-time you will need to use a two-stage pipeline by giving the output of hoardy-web organize --zero-terminated to hoardy-web organize --stdin0 to perform complex updates.

E.g. the following will rename new reqres from ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump to ~/hoardy-web/raw renaming them with --output default (the for loop is there to preserve buckets/profiles):

for arg in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/* ; do
  hoardy-web organize --zero-terminated --to ~/hoardy-web/raw/"$(basename "$arg")" "$arg"
done > changes

Then, you can reuse the paths saved in changes file to update the symlink tree, like in the above:

hoardy-web organize --stdin0 --symlink --latest --output flat_mhs --and "status|~= .200C" --to ~/hoardy-web/latest ~/hoardy-web/raw < changes

Then, optionally, you can reuse changes file again to symlink all new files from ~/hoardy-web/raw to ~/hoardy-web/all, showing all URL versions, by using --output hupq_msn format:

hoardy-web organize --stdin0 --symlink --output hupq_msn --to ~/hoardy-web/all < changes

How to generate a local offline website mirror, similar to wget -mpk

To render all your archived WRR files into a local offline website mirror containing interlinked HTML files and their requisite resources similar to (but better than) what wget -mpk (wget --mirror --page-requisites --convert-links) does, you need to run something like this:

hoardy-web export mirror --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 ~/hoardy-web/raw

On completion, ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 will contain a bunch of interlinked HTML files, their requisites, and everything else available from WRR files living under ~/hoardy-web/raw.

The resulting HTML files will be stripped of all JavaScript and other stuff of various levels of evil and then minimized a bit to save space. The results should be completely self-contained (i.e., work inside a browser running in "Work offline" mode) and safe to view in a dumb unconfigured browser (i.e., the resulting web pages should not request any page requisites --- like images, CSS, or fonts --- from the Internet).

If you are unhappy with the above and, for instance, want to keep JavaScript and produce unminimized human-readable HTMLs, you can run the following instead:

hoardy-web export mirror \
  -e 'response.body|eb|scrub response &all_refs,+scripts,+pretty' \
  --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror2 ~/hoardy-web/raw

See the documentation for the --remap-* options of export mirror sub-command and the options of the scrub function below for more info.

If you instead want a mirror made of raw files without any content censorship or link conversions, run:

hoardy-web export mirror -e 'response.body|eb' --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror-raw ~/hoardy-web/raw

The later command will render your mirror pretty quickly, but the other export mirror commands use the scrub function, and that will be pretty slow, mostly because html5lib and tinycss2 that hoardy-web uses for paranoid HTML and CSS parsing and filtering are fairly slow. Under CPython on my 2013-era laptop hoardy-web export mirror manages to render, on average, 3 HTML and CSS files per second. Though, this is not very characteristic of the overall exporting speed, since images and other media just get copied around at expected speeds of 300+ files per second.

Also, enabling +pretty (or +indent) in scrub will make HTML scrubbing slightly slower (since it will have to track more stuff) and CSS scrubbing a lot slower (since it requires complete parsing of the structure, not just tokenization).

Handling outputs to the same file

The above commands might fail if the set of WRR-dumps you are trying to export contains two or more dumps with distinct URLs that map to the same --output path. This will produce an error since hoardy-web does not permit file overwrites. With the default --output hupq format this can happen, for instance, when the URLs recorded in the reqres are long and so they end up truncated into the same file system paths.

In this case you can either switch to a more verbose --output format

hoardy-web export mirror --output hupq_n --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror3 ~/hoardy-web/raw

or just skip all reqres that would cause overwrites

hoardy-web export mirror --skip-existing --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 ~/hoardy-web/raw

The latter method also allow for incremental updates, discussed in the next section.

Update your mirror incrementally

By default, hoardy-web export mirror runs with implied --remap-all options which remaps all links in exported HTML files to local files, even if source WRR files for those would-be exported files are missing. This allows you to easily update your mirror directory incrementally by re-running hoardy-web export mirror with the same --to argument but new input paths. For instance:

# render everything archived in 2023
hoardy-web export mirror --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2023

# now, add new stuff archived in 2024, keeping already exported files as-is
hoardy-web export mirror --skip-existing --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2024

# same, but updating old files
hoardy-web export mirror --overwrite-dangerously --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror1 ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2024

After the first of the above commands, links from pages generated from WRR files of ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2023 to URLs contained in files from ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2024 but not contained in files from ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2023 will point to non-existent, yet unexported, files on disk. I.e. those links will be broken. Running the second or the third command from the example above will then export additional files from ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2024, thus fixing some or all of those links.

How to treat missing links exactly like wget -mpk does

If you want to treat links pointing to not yet hoarded URLs exactly like wget -mpk does, i.e. you want to keep them pointing to their original URLs instead of remapping them to yet non-existent local files (like the default --remap-all does), you need to run export mirror with --remap-open option:

hoardy-web export mirror --remap-open --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror4 ~/hoardy-web/raw

In practice, however, you probably won't want the exact behaviour of wget -mpk, since opening pages generated that way is likely to make your web browser try to access the Internet to load missing page requisites. To solve this problem, hoardy-web provides --remap-semi option, which does what --remap-open does, except it also remaps unavailable action links and page requisites into void links, fixing that problem:

hoardy-web export mirror --remap-semi --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror4 ~/hoardy-web/raw

See the documentation for the --remap-* options below for more info.

Obviously, using --remap-open or --remap-semi will make incremental updates to your mirror impossible.

How to export a subset of archived data

.. by using a symlink hierarchy

The simplest way to export a subset of your data is to run one of hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest commands described above, and then do something like this:

hoardy-web export mirror --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror5 ~/hoardy-web/latest/

thus exporting everything ever archived from

... by using --root-* and --depth

As an alternative to (or in combination with) keeping a symlink hierarchy of latest versions, you can load (an index of) an assortment of WRR files into hoardy-web's memory but then export mirror only select URLs (and all requisites needed to properly render those pages) by running something like:

hoardy-web export mirror \
  --root-url '' \
  --root-url '' \
  --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror6 ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2023


hoardy-web export mirror \
  --root-url-prefix '' \
  --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror6 ~/hoardy-web/raw/*/2023

See the documentation for the --root-* options below for more info and more --root-* variants.

hoardy-web loads (indexes) WRR files pretty fast, so if you are running from an SSD, you can totally feed it years of WRR files and then only export a couple of URLs, and it will take a couple of seconds to finish anyway, since only a couple of files will get scrubbed.

There is also --depth option, which works similarly to wget's --level option in that it will follow all jump (a href) and action links accessible with no more than --depth browser navigations from recursion --root-*s and then export mirror all those URLs (and their requisites) too.

When using --root-* options, --remap-open works exactly like wget's --convert-links in that it will only remap the URLs that are going to be exported and will keep the rest as-is. Similarly, --remap-closed will consider only the URLs reachable from the --root-*s in no more that --depth jumps as available.

Prioritizing some files other others

By default, files are read, queued, and then exported in the order they are specified on the command line, in lexicographic file system walk order when an argument is a directory. (See --paths-* and --walk-* options below if you want to change this.)

However, the above rule does not apply to page requisites, those are always (with or without --root-*, regardless of --paths-* and --walk-* options) get exported just after their parent HTML document gets parsed and before that document gets written to disk. I.e., export mirror will generate a new file containing an HTML document only after all of its requisites were already written to disk. I.e., when exporting into an empty directory, if you see export mirror generated an HTML document, you can be sure that all of its requisites loaded (indexed) by this export mirror invocation are rendered too. Meaning, you can you can go ahead and open it in your browser, even if export mirror did not finish yet.

Moreover, unlike all other sub-commands export mirror handles duplication in its input files in a special way: it remembers the files it has already seen and ignores them when they are given the second time. (All other commands don't, they will just process the same file the second time, the third time, and so on. This is by design, other commands are designed to handle potentially enormous file hierarchies in near-constant memory.)

The combination of all of the above means you can prioritize rendering of some documents over others by specifying them earlier on the command line and then, in a later argument, specifying their containing directory to allow export mirror to also see their requisites and documents they link to. For instance,

hoardy-web export mirror \
  --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror7 \
  ~/hoardy-web/latest/*.wrr \

will export all of ~/hoardy-web/latest/, but the web pages contained in files named ~/hoardy-web/latest/*.wrr and their requisites will be exported first.

This also works with --root-* options. E.g., the following

hoardy-web export mirror \
  --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror7 \
  ~/hoardy-web/latest/*.wrr \
  ~/hoardy-web/latest/ \
  --root-url-prefix ''

will export all pages those URLs start with and all their requisites, but the pages contained in files named ~/hoardy-web/latest/*.wrr and their requisites will be exported first.

How to generate local offline website mirrors like wget -mpk from you old mitmproxy stream dumps

Assuming mitmproxy.001.dump, mitmproxy.002.dump, etc are files that were produced by running something like

mitmdump -w +mitmproxy.001.dump

at some point, you can generate website mirrors from them by first importing them all to WRR

hoardy-web import mitmproxy --to ~/hoardy-web/mitmproxy mitmproxy.*.dump

and then export mirror like above, e.g. to generate mirrors for all URLs:

hoardy-web export mirror --to ~/hoardy-web/mirror ~/hoardy-web/mitmproxy

How to generate previews for WRR files, listen to them via TTS, open them with xdg-open, etc

See script sub-directory for examples that show how to use pandoc and/or w3m to turn WRR files into previews and readable plain-text that can viewed or listened to via other tools, or dump them into temporary raw data files that can then be immediately fed to xdg-open for one-click viewing.



A tool to display, search, manipulate, import, and export Web Request+Response (WRR) archive files produced by the Hoardy-Web Web Extension browser add-on.

Terminology: a reqres (Reqres when a Python type) is an instance of a structure representing HTTP request+response pair with some additional metadata.

  • options:

    • --version : show program's version number and exit
    • -h, --help : show this help message and exit
    • --markdown : show help messages formatted in Markdown
  • subcommands:

    • {pprint,get,run,stream,find,organize,import,export}
      • pprint : pretty-print given WRR files
      • get : print values produced by computing given expressions on a given WRR file
      • run : spawn a process with generated temporary files produced by given expressions computed on given WRR files as arguments
      • stream : produce a stream of structured lists containing values produced by computing given expressions on given WRR files, a generalized hoardy-web get
      • find : print paths of WRR files matching specified criteria
      • organize : programmatically rename/move/hardlink/symlink WRR files based on their contents
      • import : convert other HTTP archive formats into WRR
      • export : convert WRR archives into other formats

hoardy-web pprint

Pretty-print given WRR files to stdout.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • -u, --unabridged : print all data in full
    • --abridged : shorten long strings for brevity, useful when you want to visually scan through batch data dumps; default
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only print reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only print reqres which match all of these expressions
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command this simply populates the potentially lists in the output in various ways:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order

hoardy-web get

Compute output values by evaluating expressions EXPRs on a given reqres stored at PATH, then print them to stdout terminating each value as specified.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : input WRR file path
  • expression evaluation:

    • --expr-fd INT : file descriptor to which the results of evaluations of the following --exprs computations should be written; can be specified multiple times, thus separating different --exprs into different output streams; default: 1, i.e. stdout

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute; can be specified multiple times in which case computed outputs will be printed sequentially; see also "printing" options below; the default depends on --remap-* options, without any them set it is response.body|eb, which will dump the HTTP response body; each EXPR describes a state-transformer (pipeline) which starts from value None and evaluates a script built from the following:

      • constants and functions:
        • es: replace None value with an empty string ""

        • eb: replace None value with an empty byte string b""

        • false: replace None value with False

        • true: replace None value with True

        • missing: True if the value is None

        • 0: replace None value with 0

        • 1: replace None value with 1

        • not: apply logical not to value

        • len: apply len to value

        • str: cast value to str or fail

        • bytes: cast value to bytes or fail

        • bool: cast value to bool or fail

        • int: cast value to int or fail

        • float: cast value to float or fail

        • echo: replace the value with the given string

        • quote: URL-percent-encoding quote value

        • quote_plus: URL-percent-encoding quote value and replace spaces with + symbols

        • unquote: URL-percent-encoding unquote value

        • unquote_plus: URL-percent-encoding unquote value and replace + symbols with spaces

        • to_ascii: encode str value into bytes with "ascii" codec

        • to_utf8: encode str value into bytes with "utf-8" codec

        • sha256: replace bytes value with its sha256 hex digest (hex(sha256(value)))

        • ~=: check if the current value matches the regular exprission arg

        • ==: apply == arg, arg is cast to the same type as the current value

        • !=: apply != arg, similarly

        • <: apply < arg, similarly

        • <=: apply <= arg, similarly

        • >: apply > arg, similarly

        • >=: apply >= arg, similarly

        • add_prefix: add prefix to the current value

        • add_suffix: add suffix to the current value

        • take_prefix: take first arg characters or list elements from the current value

        • take_suffix: take last arg characters or list elements from the current value

        • abbrev: leave the current value as-is if if its length is less or equal than arg characters, otherwise take first arg/2 followed by last arg/2 characters

        • abbrev_each: abbrev arg each element in a value list

        • replace: replace all occurences of the first argument in the current value with the second argument, casts arguments to the same type as the current value

        • pp_to_path: encode *path_parts list into a POSIX path, quoting as little as needed

        • qsl_urlencode: encode parsed query list into a URL's query component str

        • qsl_to_path: encode query list into a POSIX path, quoting as little as needed

        • scrub: scrub the value by optionally rewriting links and/or removing dynamic content from it; what gets done depends on --remap-* command line options, the MIME type of the value itself, and the scrubbing options described below; this fuction takes two arguments: - the first must be either of request|response, it controls which HTTP headers scrub should inspect to help it detect the MIME type; - the second is either defaults or ","-separated string of tokens which control the scrubbing behaviour: - (+|-|*|/|&)(jumps|actions|reqs) control how jump-links (HTML a href, area href, and similar), action-links (HTML a ping, form action, and similar), and references to page requisites (HTML img src, iframe src, link src that are stylesheets or icons, CSS url references, and similar) should be remapped or censored out: - + leave links of this kind pointing to their original URLs; - - void links of this kind, i.e., rewrite these links to javascript:void(0) and empty data: URLs; - * rewrite links of this kind in an "open"-ended way, i.e. point them to locally mirrored versions of their URLs when available, leave them pointing to their original URL otherwise; this is only supported when scrub is used with export mirror sub-command; under other sub-commands this is equivalent to +; - / rewrite links of this kind in a "close"-ended way, i.e. point them to locally mirrored versions URLs when available, and void them otherwise; this is only supported when scrub is used with export mirror sub-command; under other sub-commands this is equivalent to -; - & rewrite links of this kind in a "close"-ended way like / does, except use fallbacks to remap unavailable URLs whenever possible; this is only supported when scrub is used with export mirror sub-command, see the documentation of the --remap-all option for more info; under other sub-commands this is equivalent to /;

              when `scrub` is called manually, the default is `*jumps,&actions,&reqs` which produces a self-contained result that can be fed into another tool --- be it a web browser or `pandoc` --- without that tool trying to access the Internet;
              but, usually, the default is derived from `--remap-*` options, which see;
            - `(+|*|/|-)all_refs` is equivalent to setting all of the options listed in the previous item simultaneously;
            - `(+|-)unknown` controls if the data with unknown content types should passed to the output unchanged or censored out (respectively); the default is `+unknown`, which keeps data of unknown content types as-is;
            - `(+|-)(styles|scripts|iepragmas|iframes|prefetches|tracking)` control which things should be kept or censored out w.r.t. to `HTML`, `CSS`, and `JavaScript`, i.e. they control whether `CSS` stylesheets (both separate files and `HTML` tags and attributes), `JavaScript` (both separate files and `HTML` tags and attributes), `HTML` Internet Explorer pragmas, `<iframe>` `HTML` tags, `HTML` content prefetch `link` tags, and other tracking `HTML` tags and attributes (like `a ping` attributes), should be respectively kept in or censored out from the input; the default is `+styles,-scripts,-iepragmas,+iframes,-prefetches,-tracking` which ensures the result does not contain `JavaScript` and will not produce any prefetch and tracking requests when loaded in a web browser; `-iepragmas` is the default because censoring for contents of such pragmas is not supported yet;
            - `(+|-)all_dyns` is equivalent to enabling or disabling all of the options listed in the previous item simultaneously;
            - `(+|-)verbose` controls whether tag censoring controlled by the above options is to be reported in the output (as comments) or stuff should be wiped from existence without evidence instead; the default is `-verbose`;
            - `(+|-)whitespace` controls whether `HTML` and `CSS` renderers should keep the original whitespace as-is or collapse it away (respectively); the default is `-whitespace`, which produces somewhat minimized outputs (because it saves a lot of space);
            - `(+|-)optional_tags` controls whether `HTML` renderer should put optional `HTML` tags into the output or skip them (respectively); the default is `+optional_tags` (because many tools fail to parse minimized `HTML` properly);
            - `(+|-)indent` controls whether `HTML` and `CSS` renderers should indent their outputs (where whitespace placement in the original markup allows for it) or not (respectively); the default is `-indent` (to save space);
            - `+pretty` is an alias for `+verbose,-whitespace,+indent` which produces the prettiest possible human-readable output that keeps the original whitespace semantics; `-pretty` is an alias for `+verbose,+whitespace,-indent` which produces the approximation of the original markup with censoring applied; neither is the default;
            - `+debug` is a variant of `+pretty` that also uses a much more aggressive version of `indent` that ignores the semantics of original whitespace placement, i.e. it indents `<p>not<em>sep</em>arated</p>` as if there was whitespace before and after `p`, `em`, `/em`, and `/p` tags; this is useful for debugging; `-debug` is noop, which is the default;
      • reqres fields, these work the same way as constants above, i.e. they replace current value of None with field's value, if reqres is missing the field in question, which could happen for response* fields, the result is None:
        • version: WEBREQRES format version; int
        • source: +-separated list of applications that produced this reqres; str
        • protocol: protocol; e.g. "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2.0"; str
        • request.started_at: request start time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; Epoch
        • request.method: request HTTP method; e.g. "GET", "POST", etc; str
        • request.url: request URL, including the fragment/hash part; str
        • request.headers: request headers; list[tuple[str, bytes]]
        • request.complete: is request body complete?; bool
        • request.body: request body; bytes
        • response.started_at: response start time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; Epoch
        • response.code: HTTP response code; e.g. 200, 404, etc; int
        • response.reason: HTTP response reason; e.g. "OK", "Not Found", etc; usually empty for Chromium and filled for Firefox; str
        • response.headers: response headers; list[tuple[str, bytes]]
        • response.complete: is response body complete?; bool
        • response.body: response body; Firefox gives raw bytes, Chromium gives UTF-8 encoded strings; bytes | str
        • finished_at: request completion time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; Epoch
        • websocket: a list of WebSocket frames
      • derived attributes:
        • fs_path: file system path for the WRR file containing this reqres; str | bytes | None
        • qtime: aliast for request.started_at; mnemonic: "reQuest TIME"; seconds since UNIX epoch; decimal float
        • qtime_ms: qtime in milliseconds rounded down to nearest integer; milliseconds since UNIX epoch; int
        • qtime_msq: three least significant digits of qtime_ms; int
        • qyear: year number of gmtime(qtime) (UTC year number of qtime); int
        • qmonth: month number of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qday: day of the month of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qhour: hour of gmtime(qtime) in 24h format; int
        • qminute: minute of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qsecond: second of gmtime(qtime); int
        • stime: response.started_at if there was a response, finished_at otherwise; mnemonic: "reSponse TIME"; seconds since UNIX epoch; decimal float
        • stime_ms: stime in milliseconds rounded down to nearest integer; milliseconds since UNIX epoch, int
        • stime_msq: three least significant digits of stime_ms; int
        • syear: similar to qyear, but for stime; int
        • smonth: similar to qmonth, but for stime; int
        • sday: similar to qday, but for stime; int
        • shour: similar to qhour, but for stime; int
        • sminute: similar to qminute, but for stime; int
        • ssecond: similar to qsecond, but for stime; int
        • ftime: aliast for finished_at; seconds since UNIX epoch; decimal float
        • ftime_ms: ftime in milliseconds rounded down to nearest integer; milliseconds since UNIX epoch; int
        • ftime_msq: three least significant digits of ftime_ms; int
        • fyear: similar to qyear, but for ftime; int
        • fmonth: similar to qmonth, but for ftime; int
        • fday: similar to qday, but for ftime; int
        • fhour: similar to qhour, but for ftime; int
        • fminute: similar to qminute, but for ftime; int
        • fsecond: similar to qsecond, but for ftime; int
        • status: "I" or "C" depending on the value of request.complete (false or true, respectively) followed by either "N", whene response == None, or str(response.code) followed by "I" or "C" depending on the value of response.complete; str
        • method: aliast for request.method; str
        • raw_url: aliast for request.url; str
        • net_url: a variant of raw_url that uses Punycode UTS46 IDNA encoded net_hostname, has all unsafe characters of raw_path and raw_query quoted, and comes without the fragment/hash part; this is the URL that actually gets sent to an HTTP server when you request raw_url; str
        • pretty_net_url: a variant of raw_url that uses UNICODE IDNA hostname without Punycode, minimally quoted mq_raw_path and mq_query, and comes without the fragment/hash part; this is a human-readable version of net_url; str
        • pretty_url: pretty_net_url with fragment/hash part appended; str
        • pretty_net_nurl: a variant of pretty_net_url that uses mq_npath instead of mq_raw_path and mq_nquery instead of mq_query; i.e. this is pretty_net_url with normalized path and query; str
        • pretty_nurl: pretty_net_nurl with fragment/hash part appended; str
        • scheme: scheme part of raw_url; e.g. http, https, etc; str
        • raw_hostname: hostname part of raw_url as it is recorded in the reqres; str
        • net_hostname: hostname part of raw_url, encoded as Punycode UTS46 IDNA; this is what actually gets sent to the server; ASCII str
        • hostname: net_hostname decoded back into UNICODE; this is the canonical hostname representation for which IDNA-encoding and decoding are bijective; UNICODE str
        • rhostname: hostname with the order of its parts reversed; e.g. "" -> "com.example.www"; str
        • port: port part of raw_url; str
        • netloc: netloc part of raw_url; i.e., in the most general case, <username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>; str
        • raw_path: raw path part of raw_url as it is recorded is the reqres; e.g. "" -> "", "" -> "/", "" -> "/index.html"; str
        • raw_path_parts: component-wise unquoted "/"-split raw_path; list[str]
        • npath_parts: raw_path_parts with empty components removed and dots and double dots interpreted away; e.g. "" -> [], "" -> [], "" -> ["index.html"] , "" -> ["used"]; list[str]
        • mq_raw_path: raw_path_parts turned back into a minimally-quoted string; str
        • mq_npath: npath_parts turned back into a minimally-quoted string; str
        • filepath_parts: npath_parts transformed into components usable as an exportable file name; i.e. npath_parts with an optional additional "index" appended, depending on raw_url and response MIME type; extension will be stored separately in filepath_ext; e.g. for HTML documents "" -> ["index"], "" -> ["test"], "" -> ["test", "index"], "" -> ["test.json", "index"], but if it has a JSON MIME type then "" -> ["test"] (and filepath_ext will be set to ".json"); this is similar to what wget -mpk does, but a bit smarter; list[str]
        • filepath_ext: extension of the last component of filepath_parts for recognized MIME types, ".data" otherwise; str
        • raw_query: query part of raw_url (i.e. everything after the ? character and before the # character) as it is recorded in the reqres; str
        • query_parts: parsed (and component-wise unquoted) raw_query; list[tuple[str, str]]
        • query_ne_parts: query_parts with empty query parameters removed; list[tuple[str, str]]
        • mq_query: query_parts turned back into a minimally-quoted string; str
        • mq_nquery: query_ne_parts turned back into a minimally-quoted string; str
        • oqm: optional query mark: ? character if query is non-empty, an empty string otherwise; str
        • fragment: fragment (hash) part of the url; str
        • ofm: optional fragment mark: # character if fragment is non-empty, an empty string otherwise; str
      • a compound expression built by piping (|) the above, for example:
        • response.body|eb (the default for get and run) will print raw response.body or an empty byte string, if there was no response;
        • response.body|eb|scrub response defaults will take the above value, scrub it using default content scrubbing settings which will censor out all actions and references to page requisites;
        • response.complete will print the value of response.complete or None, if there was no response;
        • response.complete|false will print response.complete or False;
        • net_url|to_ascii|sha256 will print sha256 hash of the URL that was actually sent over the network;
        • net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4 will print the first 4 characters of the above;
        • path_parts|take_prefix 3|pp_to_path will print first 3 path components of the URL, minimally quoted to be used as a path;
        • query_ne_parts|take_prefix 3|qsl_to_path|abbrev 128 will print first 3 non-empty query parameters of the URL, abbreviated to 128 characters or less, minimally quoted to be used as a path;

      Example URL mappings:

      • raw_url:
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • https://königsgäß -> https://königsgäß
        • https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/ -> https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/
        • ->
      • net_url:
        •, ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • https://königsgäß ->
        • https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, ->
      • pretty_url:
        •, ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • https://königsgäß -> https://königsgäß
        • https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/
      • pretty_nurl:
        •, ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • ->
        • https://königsgäß -> https://königsgäß
        • https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/
  • the default value of --expr:

    • --no-remap : do not touch the default value of --expr, use the default value shown above; default
    • --remap-id : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response +all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs with an identity function; i.e., don't remap anything; results will NOT be self-contained
    • --remap-void : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response -all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs into javascript:void(0) and empty data: URLs; results will be self-contained
  • printing:

    • --not-separated : print values without separating them with anything, just concatenate them
    • -l, --lf-separated : print values separated with \n (LF) newline characters; default
    • -z, --zero-separated : print values separated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script

hoardy-web run

Compute output values by evaluating expressions EXPRs for each of NUM reqres stored at PATHs, dump the results into into newly generated temporary files terminating each value as specified, spawn a given COMMAND with given arguments ARGs and the resulting temporary file paths appended as the last NUM arguments, wait for it to finish, delete the temporary files, exit with the return code of the spawned process.

  • positional arguments:

    • COMMAND : command to spawn
    • ARG : additional arguments to give to the COMMAND
    • PATH : input WRR file paths to be mapped into new temporary files
  • options:

    • -n NUM, --num-args NUM : number of PATHs; default: 1
  • expression evaluation:

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute, same expression format and semantics as hoardy-web get --expr (which see); can be specified multiple times; the default depends on --remap-* options, without any them set it is response.body|eb, which will simply dump the HTTP response body
  • the default value of --expr:

    • --no-remap : do not touch the default value of --expr, use the default value shown above; default
    • --remap-id : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response +all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs with an identity function; i.e., don't remap anything; results will NOT be self-contained
    • --remap-void : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response -all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs into javascript:void(0) and empty data: URLs; results will be self-contained
  • printing:

    • --not-separated : print values without separating them with anything, just concatenate them
    • -l, --lf-separated : print values separated with \n (LF) newline characters; default
    • -z, --zero-separated : print values separated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script

hoardy-web stream

Compute given expressions for each of given WRR files, encode them into a requested format, and print the result to stdout.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • -u, --unabridged : print all data in full
    • --abridged : shorten long strings for brevity, useful when you want to visually scan through batch data dumps; default
    • --format {py,cbor,json,raw} : generate output in:
      • py: Pythonic Object Representation aka repr; default
      • cbor: Concise Binary Object Representation aka CBOR (RFC8949)
      • json: JavaScript Object Notation aka JSON; binary data can't be represented, UNICODE replacement characters will be used
      • raw: concatenate raw values; termination is controlled by *-terminated options
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only print reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only print reqres which match all of these expressions
  • expression evaluation:

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute, same expression format and semantics as hoardy-web get --expr (which see); can be specified multiple times; the default depends on --remap-* options, without any them set it is ., which will simply dump the whole reqres structure
  • the default value of --expr:

    • --no-remap : do not touch the default value of --expr, use the default value shown above; default
    • --remap-id : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response +all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs with an identity function; i.e., don't remap anything; results will NOT be self-contained
    • --remap-void : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response -all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs into javascript:void(0) and empty data: URLs; results will be self-contained
  • --format=raw output printing:

    • --not-terminated : print --format=raw output values without terminating them with anything, just concatenate them
    • -l, --lf-terminated : print --format=raw output values terminated with \n (LF) newline characters; default
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print --format=raw output values terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order

hoardy-web find

Print paths of WRR files matching specified criteria.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only print paths to reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only print paths to reqres which match all of these expressions
  • found files printing:

    • -l, --lf-terminated : print absolute paths of matching WRR files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters; default
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print absolute paths of matching WRR files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order

hoardy-web organize

Parse given WRR files into their respective reqres and then rename/move/hardlink/symlink each file to DESTINATION with the new path derived from each reqres' metadata.

Operations that could lead to accidental data loss are not permitted. E.g. hoardy-web organize --move will not overwrite any files, which is why the default --output contains %(num)d.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --dry-run : perform a trial run without actually performing any changes
    • -q, --quiet : don't log computed updates to stderr
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only work on reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only work on reqres which match all of these expressions
  • action:

    • --move : move source files under DESTINATION; default
    • --copy : copy source files to files under DESTINATION
    • --hardlink : create hardlinks from source files to paths under DESTINATION
    • --symlink : create symlinks from source files to paths under DESTINATION
  • file outputs:

    • -t DESTINATION, --to DESTINATION : destination directory; when unset each source PATH must be a directory which will be treated as its own DESTINATION
    • -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT : format describing generated output paths, an alias name or "format:" followed by a custom pythonic %-substitution string:
      • available aliases and corresponding %-substitutions:
        • default : %(syear)d/%(smonth)02d/%(sday)02d/%(shour)02d%(sminute)02d%(ssecond)02d%(stime_msq)03d_%(qtime_ms)s_%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s_%(hostname)s_%(num)d; the default -, -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_8198_C200C_example.org_0 - -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_f0dc_C200C_example.org_0 - -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_086d_C200C_example.org_0 - -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_3fbb_C200C_example.org_0 - -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_5658_C200C_example.org_0 - https://königsgäß -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_4f11_C200C_königsgäßchen.example.org_0 - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> 1970/01/01/001640000_0_GET_c4ae_C200C_ジャジェメント.ですの.example.org_0
        • short : %(syear)d/%(smonth)02d/%(sday)02d/%(stime_ms)d_%(qtime_ms)s_%(num)d -,,,,,, https://königsgäß, https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> 1970/01/01/1000000_0_0
        • surl : %(scheme)s/%(netloc)s/%(mq_npath)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query)s -, -> https/ - -> https/ -, -> https/ - -> https/ - https://königsgäß -> https/königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https/ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is
        • surl_msn : %(scheme)s/%(netloc)s/%(mq_npath)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query)s__%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d -, -> https/ - -> https/ -, -> https/ - -> https/ - https://königsgäß -> https/königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https/ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is__GET_C200C_0
        • shupq : %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> https/ - -> https/ -, -> https/ - -> https/ - https://königsgäß -> https/königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https/ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.htm
        • shupq_n : %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> https/ - -> https/ -, -> https/ - -> https/ - https://königsgäß -> https/königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> https/ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.0.htm
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        • url_msn : %(netloc)s/%(mq_npath)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query)s__%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is__GET_C200C_0
        • hupq : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.htm
        • hupq_n : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.0.htm
        • hupq_msn : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.GET_C200C_0.htm
        • hupnq : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.htm
        • hupnq_n : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.0.htm
        • hupnq_msn : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.GET_C200C_0.htm
        • hupnq_mhs : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> - -> - -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.GET_c4ae_C200C.htm
        • hupnq_mhsn : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> - -> - -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/index.GET_c4ae_C200C_0.htm
        • rhupq : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.htm - -> org.example/index.html -, -> org.example/media/index.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three&three=3.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.htm
        • rhupq_n : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 120)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.0.htm - -> org.example/index.0.html -, -> org.example/media/index.0.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three&three=3.0.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.0.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.0.htm
        • rhupq_msn : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_query|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.GET_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/index.GET_C200C_0.html -, -> org.example/media/index.GET_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three&three=3.GET_C200C_0.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.GET_C200C_0.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.GET_C200C_0.htm
        • rhupnq : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.htm - -> org.example/index.html -, -> org.example/media/index.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three=3.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.htm
        • rhupnq_n : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.0.htm - -> org.example/index.0.html -, -> org.example/media/index.0.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three=3.0.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.0.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.0.htm
        • rhupnq_msn : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.GET_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/index.GET_C200C_0.html -, -> org.example/media/index.GET_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three=3.GET_C200C_0.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.GET_C200C_0.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.GET_C200C_0.htm
        • rhupnq_mhs : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 120)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.GET_8198_C200C.htm - -> org.example/index.GET_f0dc_C200C.html - -> org.example/media/index.GET_086d_C200C.htm - -> org.example/media/index.GET_3fbb_C200C.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three=3.GET_5658_C200C.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.GET_4f11_C200C.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.GET_c4ae_C200C.htm
        • rhupnq_mhsn : %(rhostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> org.example/index.GET_8198_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/index.GET_f0dc_C200C_0.html - -> org.example/media/index.GET_086d_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/media/index.GET_3fbb_C200C_0.htm - -> org.example/view/index?one=1&two=2&three=3.GET_5658_C200C_0.htm - https://königsgäß -> org.example.königsgäßchen/index.GET_4f11_C200C_0.html - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> org.example.ですの.ジャジェメント/испытание/is/index.GET_c4ae_C200C_0.htm
        • flat : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.htm
        • flat_n : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.0.htm
        • flat_ms : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.GET_C200C.htm
        • flat_msn : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> -, -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.GET_C200C_0.htm
        • flat_mhs : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> - -> - -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.GET_c4ae_C200C.htm
        • flat_mhsn : %(hostname)s/%(filepath_parts|abbrev_each 120|pp_to_path|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(mq_nquery|abbrev 100)s.%(method)s_%(net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4)s_%(status)s_%(num)d%(filepath_ext)s -, -> - -> - -> - -> - -> - https://königsgäß -> königsgäß - https://ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание/is/, -> ジャジェメント.ですのиспытание__is__index.GET_c4ae_C200C_0.htm
      • available substitutions:
        • all expressions of hoardy-web get --expr (which see);
        • num: number of times the resulting output path was encountered before; adding this parameter to your --output format will ensure all generated file names will be unique
  • new --outputs printing:

    • --no-print : don't print anything; default
    • -l, --lf-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • updates to --outputs:

    • --no-overwrites : disallow overwrites and replacements of any existing --output files under DESTINATION, i.e. only ever create new files under DESTINATION, producing errors instead of attempting any other updates; default; --output targets that are broken symlinks will be considered to be non-existent and will be replaced; when the operation's source is binary-eqivalent to the --output target, the operation will be permitted, but the disk write will be reduced to a noop, i.e. the results will be deduplicated; the dirname of a source file and the --to target directories can be the same, in that case the source file will be renamed to use new --output name, though renames that attempt to swap source file names will still fail
    • --latest : replace files under DESTINATION with their latest version; this is only allowed in combination with --symlink at the moment; for each source PATH file, the destination --output file will be replaced with a symlink to the source if and only if stime_ms of the source reqres is newer than stime_ms of the reqres stored at the destination file
  • caching, deferring, and batching:

    • --seen-number INT : track at most this many distinct generated --output values; default: 16384; making this larger improves disk performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force force hoardy-web to constantly re-check existence of --output files and force hoardy-web to execute all IO actions immediately, disregarding --defer-number setting
    • --cache-number INT : cache stat(2) information about this many files in memory; default: 8192; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting this to a too small number will likely force hoardy-web into repeatedly performing lots of stat(2) system calls on the same files; setting this to a value smaller than --defer-number will not improve memory consumption very much since deferred IO actions also cache information about their own files
    • --defer-number INT : defer at most this many IO actions; default: 1024; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force all IO actions to be applied immediately
    • --batch-number INT : queue at most this many deferred IO actions to be applied together in a batch; this queue will only be used if all other resource constraints are met; default: 128
    • --max-memory INT : the caches, the deferred actions queue, and the batch queue, all taken together, must not take more than this much memory in MiB; default: 1024; making this larger improves performance; the actual maximum whole-program memory consumption is O(<size of the largest reqres> + <--seen-number> + <sum of lengths of the last --seen-number generated --output paths> + <--cache-number> + <--defer-number> + <--batch-number> + <--max-memory>)
    • --lazy : sets all of the above options to positive infinity; most useful when doing hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest --output flat or similar, where the number of distinct generated --output values and the amount of other data hoardy-web needs to keep in memory is small, in which case it will force hoardy-web to compute the desired file system state first and then perform all disk writes in a single batch
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command this influeences generated file names because filepath_parts and filepath_ext depend on both the original file extension present in the URL and the detected MIME type of its content:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default when --keep
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order; default when --latest
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default when --keep
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order; default when --latest

hoardy-web import

Use specified parser to parse data in each INPUT PATH into (a sequence of) reqres and then generate and place their WRR-dumps into separate WRR files under DESTINATION with paths derived from their metadata. In short, this is hoardy-web organize --copy for INPUT files that use different files formats.

  • file formats:
    • {bundle,mitmproxy}
      • bundle : convert WRR-bundles into separate WRR files
      • mitmproxy : convert mitmproxy stream dumps into WRR files

hoardy-web import bundle

Parse each INPUT PATH as a WRR-bundle (an optionally compressed sequence of WRR-dumps) and then generate and place their WRR-dumps into separate WRR files under DESTINATION with paths derived from their metadata.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --dry-run : perform a trial run without actually performing any changes
    • -q, --quiet : don't log computed updates to stderr
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only import reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only import reqres which match all of these expressions
  • file outputs:

    • -t DESTINATION, --to DESTINATION : destination directory
    • -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT : format describing generated output paths, an alias name or "format:" followed by a custom pythonic %-substitution string; same expression format as hoardy-web organize --output (which see); default: default
  • new --outputs printing:

    • --no-print : don't print anything; default
    • -l, --lf-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • updates to --outputs:

    • --no-overwrites : disallow overwrites and replacements of any existing --output files under DESTINATION, i.e. only ever create new files under DESTINATION, producing errors instead of attempting any other updates; default
    • --overwrite-dangerously : permit overwriting of old --output files under DESTINATION; DANGEROUS! not recommended, importing to a new DESTINATION with the default --no-overwrites and then rsyncing some of the files over to the old DESTINATION is a safer way to do this
  • caching, deferring, and batching:

    • --seen-number INT : track at most this many distinct generated --output values; default: 16384; making this larger improves disk performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force force hoardy-web to constantly re-check existence of --output files and force hoardy-web to execute all IO actions immediately, disregarding --defer-number setting
    • --cache-number INT : cache stat(2) information about this many files in memory; default: 8192; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting this to a too small number will likely force hoardy-web into repeatedly performing lots of stat(2) system calls on the same files; setting this to a value smaller than --defer-number will not improve memory consumption very much since deferred IO actions also cache information about their own files
    • --defer-number INT : defer at most this many IO actions; default: 0; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force all IO actions to be applied immediately
    • --batch-number INT : queue at most this many deferred IO actions to be applied together in a batch; this queue will only be used if all other resource constraints are met; default: 1024
    • --max-memory INT : the caches, the deferred actions queue, and the batch queue, all taken together, must not take more than this much memory in MiB; default: 1024; making this larger improves performance; the actual maximum whole-program memory consumption is O(<size of the largest reqres> + <--seen-number> + <sum of lengths of the last --seen-number generated --output paths> + <--cache-number> + <--defer-number> + <--batch-number> + <--max-memory>)
    • --lazy : sets all of the above options to positive infinity; most useful when doing hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest --output flat or similar, where the number of distinct generated --output values and the amount of other data hoardy-web needs to keep in memory is small, in which case it will force hoardy-web to compute the desired file system state first and then perform all disk writes in a single batch
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command this influeences generated file names because filepath_parts and filepath_ext depend on both the original file extension present in the URL and the detected MIME type of its content; also, higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order

hoardy-web import mitmproxy

Parse each INPUT PATH as mitmproxy stream dump (by using mitmproxy's own parser) into a sequence of reqres and then generate and place their WRR-dumps into separate WRR files under DESTINATION with paths derived from their metadata.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --dry-run : perform a trial run without actually performing any changes
    • -q, --quiet : don't log computed updates to stderr
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only import reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only import reqres which match all of these expressions
  • file outputs:

    • -t DESTINATION, --to DESTINATION : destination directory
    • -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT : format describing generated output paths, an alias name or "format:" followed by a custom pythonic %-substitution string; same expression format as hoardy-web organize --output (which see); default: default
  • new --outputs printing:

    • --no-print : don't print anything; default
    • -l, --lf-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • updates to --outputs:

    • --no-overwrites : disallow overwrites and replacements of any existing --output files under DESTINATION, i.e. only ever create new files under DESTINATION, producing errors instead of attempting any other updates; default
    • --overwrite-dangerously : permit overwriting of old --output files under DESTINATION; DANGEROUS! not recommended, importing to a new DESTINATION with the default --no-overwrites and then rsyncing some of the files over to the old DESTINATION is a safer way to do this
  • caching, deferring, and batching:

    • --seen-number INT : track at most this many distinct generated --output values; default: 16384; making this larger improves disk performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force force hoardy-web to constantly re-check existence of --output files and force hoardy-web to execute all IO actions immediately, disregarding --defer-number setting
    • --cache-number INT : cache stat(2) information about this many files in memory; default: 8192; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting this to a too small number will likely force hoardy-web into repeatedly performing lots of stat(2) system calls on the same files; setting this to a value smaller than --defer-number will not improve memory consumption very much since deferred IO actions also cache information about their own files
    • --defer-number INT : defer at most this many IO actions; default: 0; making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption; setting it to zero will force all IO actions to be applied immediately
    • --batch-number INT : queue at most this many deferred IO actions to be applied together in a batch; this queue will only be used if all other resource constraints are met; default: 1024
    • --max-memory INT : the caches, the deferred actions queue, and the batch queue, all taken together, must not take more than this much memory in MiB; default: 1024; making this larger improves performance; the actual maximum whole-program memory consumption is O(<size of the largest reqres> + <--seen-number> + <sum of lengths of the last --seen-number generated --output paths> + <--cache-number> + <--defer-number> + <--batch-number> + <--max-memory>)
    • --lazy : sets all of the above options to positive infinity; most useful when doing hoardy-web organize --symlink --latest --output flat or similar, where the number of distinct generated --output values and the amount of other data hoardy-web needs to keep in memory is small, in which case it will force hoardy-web to compute the desired file system state first and then perform all disk writes in a single batch
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command this influeences generated file names because filepath_parts and filepath_ext depend on both the original file extension present in the URL and the detected MIME type of its content; also, higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order

hoardy-web export

Parse given WRR files into their respective reqres, convert to another file format, and then dump the result under DESTINATION with the new path derived from each reqres' metadata.

  • file formats:
    • {mirror}
      • mirror : convert given WRR files into a local website mirror stored in interlinked plain files

hoardy-web export mirror

Parse given WRR files, filter out those that have no responses, transform and then dump their response bodies into separate files under DESTINATION with the new path derived from each reqres' metadata. Essentially, this is a combination of hoardy-web organize --copy followed by in-place hoardy-web get and with a more advanced URL remapping capabilities available to the scrub function.

In short, this sub-command generates static offline website mirrors, producing results similar to those of wget -mpk.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --dry-run : perform a trial run without actually performing any changes
    • -q, --quiet : don't log computed updates to stderr
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution; default
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters; both can be specified at the same time, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as hoardy-web get --expr (which see), the resulting logical expression that will checked is (O1 or O2 or ... or (A1 and A2 and ...)), where O1, O2, ... are the arguments to --ors and A1, A2, ... are the arguments to --ands:

    • --or EXPR : only export reqres which match any of these expressions
    • --and EXPR : only export reqres which match all of these expressions
  • expression evaluation:

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute, same expression format and semantics as hoardy-web get --expr (which see); can be specified multiple times; the default depends on --remap-* options, without any them set it is response.body|eb|scrub response &all_refs, which will export scrubbed versions of all files with all links and references remapped using fallback --output paths
  • the default value of --expr:

    • --remap-id : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response +all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs with an identity function; i.e., don't remap anything; results will NOT be self-contained

    • --remap-void : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response -all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs into javascript:void(0) and empty data: URLs; results will be self-contained

    • --remap-open, -k, --convert-links : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response *all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs present in input PATHs and reachable from --root-*s in no more that --depth steps to their corresponding --output paths, remap all other URLs like --remap-id does; results almost certainly will NOT be self-contained

    • --remap-closed : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response /all_refs; i.e., remap all URLs present in input PATHs and reachable from --root-*s in no more that --depth steps to their corresponding --output paths, remap all other URLs like --remap-void does; results will be self-contained

    • --remap-semi : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response *jumps,/actions,/reqs; i.e., remap all jump links like --remap-open does, remap action links and references to page requisites like --remap-closed does; this is a better version of --remap-open which keeps the exported mirrors self-contained with respect to page requisites, i.e. generated pages can be opened in a web browser without it trying to access the Internet, but all navigations to missing and unreachable URLs will still point to the original URLs; results will be semi-self-contained

    • --remap-all : change the default value for --expr to response.body|eb|scrub response &all_refs; i.e., remap all links and references like --remap-closed does, except, instead of voiding missing and unreachable URLs, replace them with fallback URLs whenever possble; results will be self-contained; default

      hoardy-web export mirror uses --output paths of trivial GET <URL> -> 200 OK as fallbacks for &(jumps|actions|reqs) options of scrub.

      For simple --output formats (like the default hupq) this will remap missing and unreachable URLs to --output paths of trivial GET <URL> -> 200 OK reqres. When hoardy-web export mirror is run the first time, the resulting URLs will point to missing files. But those files can be generated by running hoardy-web export mirror again, this time with WRR files containing those missing or unreachable URLs as inputs. I.e., this behaviour allows you to add new data to an already exported mirror without regenerating old files that reference newly added URLs. I.e., this allows hoardy-web export mirror to be used incrementally.

      Note however, that using fallbacks when the --output format depends on anything but the URL itself (e.g. if it mentions timestamps) will produce a mirror with unrecoverably broken links.

  • exporting:

    • --not-separated : export values without separating them with anything, just concatenate them
    • --lf-separated : export values separated with \n (LF) newline characters; default
    • --zero-separated : export values separated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • MIME type sniffing; this controls the use of the mimesniff algorithm; for this sub-command this influeences generated file names because filepath_parts and filepath_ext depend on both the original file extension present in the URL and the detected MIME type of its content; also, higher values make the scrub function (which see) censor out more things when -unknown, -styles, or -scripts options are set; in particular, at the moment, with --sniff-paranoid and -scripts most plain text files will be censored out as potential JavaScript:

    • --sniff-default : run mimesniff when the spec says it should be run; i.e., trust Content-Type HTTP headers most of the time; default
    • --sniff-force : run mimesniff regardless of what Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers say; i.e., for each reqres, run mimesniff algorithm on the Content-Type HTTP header and the actual contents of (request|response).body (depending on the first argument of scrub) to determine what the body actually contains, then interpret the data as intersection of what Content-Type and mimesniff claim it to be; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain
    • --sniff-paranoid : do what --sniff-force does, but interpret the results in the most paranoid way possible; e.g. if Content-Type says text/plain but mimesniff says text/plain or text/javascript, interpret it as text/plain or text/javascript; which, for instance, will then make scrub with -scripts censor it out, since it can be interpreted as a script
  • file outputs:

    • -t DESTINATION, --to DESTINATION : destination directory
    • -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT : format describing generated output paths, an alias name or "format:" followed by a custom pythonic %-substitution string; same expression format as hoardy-web organize --output (which see); default: hupq
  • new --outputs printing:

    • --no-print : don't print anything; default
    • -l, --lf-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : print absolute paths of newly produced or replaced files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes
  • updates to --outputs:

    • --no-overwrites : disallow overwrites and replacements of any existing --output files under DESTINATION, i.e. only ever create new files under DESTINATION, producing errors instead of attempting any other updates; default; repeated exports of the same export targets with the same parameters (which, therefore, will produce the same --output data) are allowed and will be reduced to noops; however, trying to overwrite existing --output files under DESTINATION with any new data will produce errors; this allows reusing the DESTINATION between unrelated exports and between exports that produce the same data on disk in their common parts
    • --skip-existing, --partial : skip exporting of targets which have a corresponding --output file under DESTINATION; using this together with --depth is likely to produce a partially broken result, since skipping an export target will also skip all the documents it references; on the other hand, this is quite useful when growing a partial mirror generated with --remap-all
    • --overwrite-dangerously : export all targets while permitting overwriting of old --output files under DESTINATION; DANGEROUS! not recommended, exporting to a new DESTINATION with the default --no-overwrites and then rsyncing some of the files over to the old DESTINATION is a safer way to do this
  • recursion roots; if none are specified, then all URLs available from input PATHs will be treated as roots; all of these options can be specified multiple times in arbitrary combinations; you can use both Punycode UTS46 encoded IDNAs and plain UNICODE IDNAs here, both will work:

    • --root-url URL : a URL to be used as one of the roots for recursive export
    • -r URL_PREFIX, --root-url-prefix URL_PREFIX, --root URL_PREFIX : a URL prefix for URLs that are to be used as roots for recursive export
    • --root-url-re URL_RE : a regular expression matching URLs that are to be used as roots for recursive export
  • recursion depth:

    • -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH : maximum recursion depth level; the default is 0, which means "--root-* documents and their requisite resources only"; setting this to 1 will also export one level of documents referenced via jump and action links, if those are being remapped to local files with --remap-*; higher values will mean even more recursion
  • file system path ordering:

    • --paths-given-order : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in the order they are given; default
    • --paths-sorted : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in lexicographic order
    • --paths-reversed : argv and --stdin0 PATHs are processed in reverse lexicographic order
    • --walk-fs-order : recursive file system walk is done in the order readdir(2) gives results
    • --walk-sorted : recursive file system walk is done in lexicographic order; default
    • --walk-reversed : recursive file system walk is done in reverse lexicographic order


  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump using an abridged (for ease of reading and rendering) verbose textual representation:

    hoardy-web pprint ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pipe raw response body from a given WRR file to stdout:

    hoardy-web get ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
  • Pipe response body scrubbed of dynamic content from a given WRR file to stdout:

    hoardy-web get -e "response.body|eb|scrub response defaults" ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
  • Get first 4 characters of a hex digest of sha256 hash computed on the URL without the fragment/hash part:

    hoardy-web get -e "net_url|to_ascii|sha256|take_prefix 4" ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
  • Pipe response body from a given WRR file to stdout, but less efficiently, by generating a temporary file and giving it to cat:

    hoardy-web run cat ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr

    Thus hoardy-web run can be used to do almost anything you want, e.g.

    hoardy-web run less ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
    hoardy-web run -- sort -R ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
    hoardy-web run -n 2 -- diff -u ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file-v1.wrr ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file-v2.wrr
  • List paths of all WRR files from ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump that contain only complete 200 OK responses with bodies larger than 1K:

    hoardy-web find --and "status|~= .200C" --and "response.body|len|> 1024" ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Rename all WRR files in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/default according to their metadata using --output default (see the hoardy-web organize section for its definition, the default format is designed to be human-readable while causing almost no collisions, thus making num substitution parameter to almost always stay equal to 0, making things nice and deterministic):

    hoardy-web organize ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/default

    alternatively, just show what would be done

    hoardy-web organize --dry-run ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/default

Advanced examples

  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump by dumping their whole structure into an abridged Pythonic Object Representation (repr):

    hoardy-web stream --expr . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
    hoardy-web stream -e . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump using the unabridged verbose textual representation:

    hoardy-web pprint --unabridged ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
    hoardy-web pprint -u ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump by dumping their whole structure into the unabridged Pythonic Object Representation (repr) format:

    hoardy-web stream --unabridged --expr . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
    hoardy-web stream -ue . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Produce a JSON list of [<file path>, <time it finished loading in seconds since UNIX epoch>, <URL>] tuples (one per reqres) and pipe it into jq for indented and colored output:

    hoardy-web stream --format=json -ue fs_path -e finished_at -e request.url ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump | jq .
  • Similarly, but produce a CBOR output:

    hoardy-web stream --format=cbor -ue fs_path -e finished_at -e request.url ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump | less
  • Concatenate all response bodies of all the requests in ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump:

    hoardy-web stream --format=raw --not-terminated -ue "response.body|es" ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump | less
  • Print all unique visited URLs, one per line:

    hoardy-web stream --format=raw --lf-terminated -ue request.url ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump | sort | uniq
  • Same idea, but using NUL bytes while processing, and prints two URLs per line:

    hoardy-web stream --format=raw --zero-terminated -ue request.url ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump | sort -z | uniq -z | xargs -0 -n2 echo

How to handle binary data

Trying to use response bodies produced by hoardy-web stream --format=json is likely to result garbled data as JSON can't represent raw sequences of bytes, thus binary data will have to be encoded into UNICODE using replacement characters:

hoardy-web stream --format=json -ue . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | jq .

The most generic solution to this is to use --format=cbor instead, which would produce a verbose CBOR representation equivalent to the one used by --format=json but with binary data preserved as-is:

hoardy-web stream --format=cbor -ue . ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less

Or you could just dump raw response bodies separately:

hoardy-web stream --format=raw -ue response.body ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less
hoardy-web get ../simple_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less

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Source Distribution

hoardy-web-0.15.1.tar.gz (129.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

hoardy_web-0.15.1-py3-none-any.whl (89.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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