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A workflow for hyperparamter optimization using the ATLAS grid resources

Project description

Python PyPI

Hyperparameter Optimization on the Grid

This package provides a framework for performing hyperparameter optimization (HPO) using the ATLAS grid resources.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Workflow
  2. Getting the code
  3. Setup and Installation
  4. Quick Start
  5. Managing Configuration Files
  6. Adapting the training script for hyperparameter optimization
  7. Running Hyperparameter Optimization Jobs
  8. Monitoring Job Status
  9. Visualizing Hyperparamter Optimization Results
  10. Command line options
  11. Integration with IDDS workflow
  12. Important Notes
  13. How the Hyperparameter Optimization is done

Basic Workflow

The execution of the above hyperparameter optimization workflow can be done entirely using the hpogrid tool provided by this repository. The sample usage and instruction for using the hpogrid tool is given in the next few sections.

The workflow can be divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Prepare the configuration files for a hyperparameter optimization task which will submitted to the ATLAS grid site. A total of four configuration files are required. They are:

  1. HPO Configuration: Configurations that define how the hyperparameter optimization is performed. Such as:
    • A search algorithm for deciding the next hyperparameter search points
    • A scheduler method for early stopping of poor performing points, relocation of resources to more promising points and so on
    • The number of hyperparameter points to be evaluated
  2. Search Space Configuration: Configurations that define the hyperparameter search space. This includes the sampling method for a particular hyperparameter (such as uniform or normal sampling or logirthmic based uniform sampling) and its range of allowed values.
  3. Model Configuration: Configurations that contains information of the training model that is called by the hyperparameter optimization alogrithm. This should include
    • The name of the training script which contains the class/function defining the training model
    • The name of the class/function that defines the training model
    • The parameters that should be passed to the training model. For details please refer to the section (Adaptation of Training Script)
  4. Grid Configuration: Configurations that define settings for grid job submission. Such as
    • The container inside which the training scripts are run
    • The names of input and output datasets
    • The name of the grid site where the hyperparameter optimization jobs are run

Step 2: Upload the input dataset via rucio which will be retrieved by the grid site when the hyperparameter optimization task is executed.

Step 3: Adapt the training script(s) to conform with the format required by the hyperparameter optimization library (Ray Tune).

Step 4: Submit the hyperparamter optimization task and monitor its progress.

Step 5: Retrieve the hyperparamter optimization results after completion. The results can be output into various formats supported by the hpogrid tool for visualization.

Getting the code

To get the code, use the following command:

git clone ssh://

Setup and Installation

Using the default conda environment

To setup just use the command (from the base path of the project):


This will setup the default conda environment ml-base which contains all necessary machine-learning packages and the latest version of ROOT.

Inside a custom virtual environment

Activate your custom environment then use the command (from the base path of the project):

source no-conda

Then install the hpogrid package:

pip install hpogrid

Quick start

  • For details of how to adapt a training script to the HPO library, please refer to this section
  • For details of how to create, update, display a configuration file, please refer to this section
  • Make sure to source before running the examples below

Example 1: Optimizing a simple objective function

Given a simple objective function with the evaluation metric defined by loss = (height - 14)**2 - abs(width - 3) with hyperparameters -100 < height < 100 and 0 < width < 20. The goal is to minimize the metric loss. The training script with the implementation of the above objective function can be found in example/scripts/

To run this example, just do:

# Create Configuration Files
hpogrid model_config create simple_objective_model --script --model simple_objective
hpogrid search_space create simple_objective_space '{"height":{"method":"uniform","dimension":{"low":-100,"high":100}}, "width":{"method":"uniform","dimension":{"low":0,"high":20}}}'
hpogrid hpo_config create random_search_min_loss --algorithm random --metric loss --mode min --num_trials 200
hpogrid grid_config create manc_standard --site ANALY_MANC_GPU_TEST

# Create a Project with the Configuration Files
hpogrid project create simple_objective --scripts_path ${HPOGRID_BASE_PATH}/example/scripts/ --model_config simple_objective_model --search_space simple_objective_space --hpo_config random_search_min_loss --grid_config manc_standard

# Submit 3 Grid Jobs corresponding to the Project
hpogrid run simple_objective --n_jobs 3

Example 2: Optimizing a simple trainable class

Given a simple trainble class with the evaluation metric defined by loss = alpha*tanh(1/beta) with hyperpraamters -10 < alpha < 10 and beta ∈ [-1,0,1,2,3,4]. The goal is to minimize the metric loss. The training script with the above trainable class can be found in example/scripts/

To run this example, just do:

# Create Configuration Files
hpogrid model_config create simple_trainable_model --script --model MyTrainableClass
hpogrid search_space create simple_trainable_space '{"alpha":{"method":"uniform","dimension":{"low":-10,"high":10}}, "beta": {"method":"categorical","dimension":{"categories":[-1,0,1,2,3,4,5]}}}'
hpogrid hpo_config create bayesian_min_loss --algorithm bayesian --metric loss --mode min --num_trials 200
hpogrid grid_config create manc_standard --site ANALY_MANC_GPU_TEST

# Create a Project with the Configuration Files
hpogrid project create simple_trainable --scripts_path ${HPOGRID_BASE_PATH}/example/scripts/ --model_config simple_trainable_model --search_space simple_trainable_space --hpo_config bayesian_min_loss --grid_config manc_standard

# Submit 3 Grid Jobs corresponding to the Project
hpogrid run simple_trainable --n_jobs 3

Example 3: Optimizing a convolutional neural network for the MNIST dataset

The training script with the implementation of a convolutional neural network for the MNIST dataset (for classifying digits) can be found in exmple/scripts/

To run this example, just do:

# Create Configuration Files
hpogrid model_config create mnist_cnn --script --model MNISTTrainable
hpogrid search_space create mnist_cnn_space '{"hidden": {"method": "categorical", "dimension": {"categories": [32, 64, 128]}},"batchsize": {"method": "categorical", "dimension": {"categories": [32, 64, 128, 256, 512]}}, "lr": {"method": "loguniform", "dimension": {"low": 4.5e-05, "high": 1.83e-2}}, "beta": {"method": "uniform", "dimension": {"low": 0.5, "high": 1.0}}}'
hpogrid hpo_config create hyperopt_min_loss --algorithm hyperopt --mode min --num_trials 200
hpogrid grid_config create manc_standard --site ANALY_MANC_GPU_TEST

# Create a Project with the Configuration Files
hpogrid project create mnist_cnn --scripts_path ${HPOGRID_BASE_PATH}/example/scripts/ --model_config mnist_cnn --search_space mnist_cnn_space --hpo_config hyperopt_min_loss --grid_config manc_standard

# Submit 3 Grid Jobs corresponding to the Project
hpogrid run simple_trainable --n_jobs 3

Example 4: PID with Recurrent Neural Networks in TRT Detector Payload

To run this example, just do:

# Create Configuration Files
hpogrid model_config create RNN_TRT_model --script --model RNN_TRT --param '{"grid_job":1, "num_epochs":100, "verbose":0}' 
hpogrid search_space create RNN_TRT_space '{"batch_size": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192]}},"lr": {"method": "loguniform", "dimension": {"low":1e-5,"high":1e-1}},"lstm_hidden_size": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [32,64,128,256]}},"dense_size":  {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [32,64,128,256]}},"dense_activation": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": ["relu","elu","softmax", "sigmoid", "tanh"]}}}'
hpogrid hpo_config create random_search_max_accuracy --metric accuracy --mode max --num_trials 1
hpogrid grid_config create RNN_TRT_grid --inDS user.chlcheng:user.chlcheng.RNNTRT.v04.dataset

# Create a Project with the Configuration Files
hpogrid project create RNN_TRT --scripts_path ${HPOGRID_BASE_PATH}/example/scripts/RNN_TRT --model_config RNN_TRT_model --search_space RNN_TRT_space --hpo_config random_search_max_accuracy --grid_config RNN_TRT_grid

# Submit 10 Grid Jobs corresponding to the Project
hpogrid run RNN_TRT --n_jobs 10

To test locally, just do:

# Create Configuration Files
hpogrid model_config create RNN_TRT_model --script --model RNN_TRT --param '{"grid_job":0, "num_epochs":1, "verbose":0}' 
hpogrid search_space create RNN_TRT_space '{"batch_size": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192]}},"lr": {"method": "loguniform", "dimension": {"low":1e-5,"high":1e-1}},"lstm_hidden_size": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [32,64,128,256]}},"dense_size":  {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [32,64,128,256]}},"dense_activation": {"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": ["relu","elu","softmax", "sigmoid", "tanh"]}}}'
hpogrid hpo_config create random_search_max_accuracy --metric accuracy --mode max --num_trials 1
hpogrid grid_config create RNN_TRT_grid --inDS user.chlcheng:user.chlcheng.RNNTRT.v04.dataset

# Create a Project with the Configuration Files
hpogrid project create RNN_TRT --scripts_path ${HPOGRID_BASE_PATH}/example/scripts/RNN_TRT --model_config RNN_TRT_model --search_space RNN_TRT_space --hpo_config random_search_max_accuracy --grid_config RNN_TRT_grid

# Submit 10 Grid Jobs corresponding to the Project
hpogrid local_run RNN_TRT

Managing Configuration Files

In general, the command for managing configuraton file takes the form:

hpogrid <config_type> <action> <config_name> [<options>]

The <config_type> argument specifies the type of configuration to be handled. The avaliable types are

  • hpo_config : Configuration for hyperparamter optimization
  • grid_config : Configuration for grid job submission
  • model_config : Configuration for the machine learning model (which the hyperparameters are to be optimized)
  • search_space : Configuration for the hyperparameter search space

The <action> argument specifies the action to be performed. The available actions are

  • create : Create a new configuration
  • recreate : Recreate an existing configuration (the old configuration will be overwritten)
  • update : Update an existing configuration (the old configuration except those to be updated will be kept)
  • remove : Remove an existing configuration
  • list : List the name of existing configurations (the <config_name> argument is omitted)
  • show : Display the content of an existing configuration

The <config_name> argument specifies name given to a configuration file.

The [<options>] arguments specify the configuration settings for the corresponding configuration type. The available options are explained below.

  • The configuration files are stored in the directory config/

HPO Configuration

These are configurations that define how the hyperparameter optimization is performed.

The command for managing hpo configuration is:

hpogrid hpo_config <action> <config_name> [<options>]

For creation, modification of the configuration file, the following options are available

Option Description Default Choices
algortihm Algorithm for hyperparameter optimization 'random' 'hyperopt', 'skopt', 'bohb', 'ax', 'tune', 'random', 'bayesian'
metric Evaluation metric to be optimized 'accuracy' -
mode Optimization mode (either 'min' or 'max') 'max' 'max', 'min'
scheduler Trial scheduling method for hyperparameter optimization 'asynchyperband' 'asynchyperband', 'bohbhyperband', 'pbt'
num_trials Number of trials (search points) 100 -
max_concurrent Maximum number of trials to be run concurrently 3 -
log_dir Logging directory "./log" -
verbose Check to enable verbosity False -
stop Stopping criteria '{"training_iteration": 1}' -
scheduler_param Extra parameters for the trial scheduler {} -
algorithm_param Extra parameters for hyperparameter optimization algorithm {} -
  • For details about the hyperparamter optimization algorithm, please refer to here
  • For how scheduler works in hyperparameter optimization, please refer to here
  • Here the key training_iteration for the option stop refers to how many times the training function is called before a trial is finished.

Example of creating an hpo configuration:

hpogrid hpo_config create my_example_config --algorithm random --metric loss --mode min --num_trials 100

Example of modifying an existing hpo configuration (old settings will be kept):

hpogrid hpo_config update my_example_config --algorithm bayesian

Example of recreating an existing hpo configuration (old settings will not be kept):

hpogrid hpo_config recreate --algorithm bayesian --metric loss --mode min --num_trials 100

To list all hpo configurations:

hpogrid hpo_config list

To show the content of an existing hpo configuration:

hpogrid hpo_config show my_example_config

Grid Configuration

These are configurations that define settings for grid job submission.

The command for managing grid configuration is:

hpogrid grid_config <action> <config_name> [<options>]

For creation, modification of the configuration file, the following options are available

Option Description Default
site Grid site where the jobs are submitted (multiple inputs are allowed) ANALY_MANC_GPU_TEST,ANALY_MWT2_GPU,ANALY_BNL_GPU_ARC
container Docker or singularity container which the jobs are run /cvmfs/
retry Check to enable retrying faild jobs -
inDS Name of input dataset -
outDS Name of output dataset user.${{RUCIO_ACCOUNT}}.hpogrid.{HPO_PROJECT_NAME}.out.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

Example of creating a grid configuration:

hpogrid grid_config create my_example_config --site ANALY_MANC_GPU_TEST --inDS user.${RUCIO_ACCOUNT}.mydataset01

Example of modifying an existing grid configuration (old settings will be kept):

hpogrid grid_config update my_example_config --container docker://

Example of recreating an existing grid configuration (old settings will not be kept):

hpogrid grid_config recreate my_example_config --site ANALY_BNL_GPU_ARC --inDS user.${RUCIO_ACCOUNT}.mydataset02

To list all grid configurations:

hpogrid grid_config list

To show the content of an existing grid configuration:

hpogrid grid_config show my_example_config

Model Configuration

Configurations that contains information of the training model that is called by the hyperparameter optimization alogrithm.

The command for managing model configuration is:

hpogrid model_config <action> <config_name> [<options>]

For creation, modification of the configuration file, the following options are available

Option Description
script Name of the training script where the function or class that defines the training model will be called to perform the training
model Name of the function or class that defines the training model
param Extra parameters to be passed to the training model

Example of creating a model configuration:

hpogrid model_config create my_example_config --script --model advanced_rnn --param '{"input_path": "mypath/signl_point/", "epochs": 100}'

Example of modifying an existing model configuration (old settings will be kept):

hpogrid model_config update --model revised_rnn

Example of recreating an existing model configuration (old settings will not be kept):

hpogrid model_config recreate my_example_config --script --model revised_rnn --param '{"input_path": "mypath/bkg_point/", "epochs": 200}'

To list all model configurations:

hpogrid model_config list

To show the content of an existing model configuration:

hpogrid model_config show my_example_config

Search Space Configuration

These are configurations that defines hyperparameter search space.

The command for managing search space configuration is:

hpogrid search_space <action> <config_name> [<options>]

For creation, modification of the configuration file, the command takes the form:

hpogrid search_space <action> <config_name> <search_space_definition>

The format for defining a search space in command line is through a json decodable string:


Supported sampling methods for a hyperparameter:

Method Description Dimension
categorical Returns one of the values in categories, which should be a list. If grid_searchis set to 1, each value must be sampled once. categories, grid_search
uniform Returns a value uniformly between low and high low, high
uniformint Returns an integer value uniformly between low and high low, high
quniform Returns a value like round(uniform(low, high) / q) * q low, high, q
loguniform Returns a value drawn according to exp(uniform(low, high)) so that the logarithm of the return value is uniformly distributed. low, high, base
qloguniform Returns a value like round(exp(uniform(low, high)) / q) * q low, high, base, q
normal Returns a real value that's normally-distributed with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. mu, sigma
qnormal Returns a value like round(normal(mu, sigma) / q) * q mu, sigma, q
lognormal Returns a value drawn according to exp(normal(mu, sigma)) so that the logarithm of the return value is normally distributed. mu, sigma, base
qlognormal Returns a value like round(exp(normal(mu, sigma)) / q) * q mu, sigma, base, q

Example of creating a search space configuration:

hpogrid search_space create my_search_space '{ "lr":{"method":"loguniform","dimension":{"low":1e-5,"high":1e-2, "base":10}},\
"momentum":{"method":"uniform","dimension":{"low":0.5,"high":1.0}} }'

Example of modifying a search space configuration (old settings will be kept):

 hpogrid search_space update my_search_space '{"new_hp":{"method":"lognormal","dimension":{"mu":1,"sigma":1}}}'

Example of recreating a search space configuration (old settings will not be kept):

hpogrid search_space recreate my_search_space '{ "lr":{"method":"categorical", "dimension":{"categories": [1e-4,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1}},\

To list all search space configurations:

hpogrid search_space list

To show the content of an existing search space configuration:

hpogrid search_space show my_example_config

Adapting the training script for hyperparameter optimization

The hpogrid workflow uses the Ray Tune library for carrying out hyperparameter optimization. There are two ways to adapt your training script to fit the format accepted by the library.

Method 1: Training model as an objective function

Suppose you have a training script named which contains an objective function called my_objective. Then for each trial of the hyperparameter optimization, the Ray Tune library will generate a set of hyperparameters which will then be fed into this objective function. The objective function should then return a value for the evaluation metric which will allow the optimization algorithm to determine the next hyperparameter point.

Example training script:

def my_objective(config, reporter):
    height = config["height"]
    width = config["width"]
    loss = (height - 14)**2 - abs(width - 3)
  • The objective function should contain the config argument. It is a dictionary where the values of all hyperparameters and other model parameters (i.e. any parameters you want to put in) are stored. Simply use config['parameter_name'] to reference the value.
  • The objective function should contain the repoorter argument. It is a function that reports the value of the evaluation metric (loss in this case) at the end of the training.

You can also put whatever you want inside the training script:

kMyConstant = 1

def calculate_loss(height, width):
    loss = (height - 14)**2 - abs(width - 3)
    loss *= kMyConstant
    return loss

def my_objective(config, reporter):
    height = config["height"]
    width = config["width"]
    loss = calculate_loss(height, width)

For the above two examples, you should create your model configuration like this:

hpogrid model_config create test_model --script --model my_objective

Method 2: Training model as a trainable class

Suppose you have a training script named which contains a class called my_trainable. Then for each trial of the hyperparameter optimization, the Ray Tune library will do the following:

  1. Generate a set of hyperparameters which will then be fed into the class object.
  2. Initialize the class object by calling the _setup function inside the class.
  3. For each training_iteration (as defined in the hpo configuration), the _train function will be called which should return a dictionary containing information about the training result (e.g. value of the evaluation metric) for that training iteration.
  4. (this step depends on the scheduler used as defined in the hpo configuration) If after some training iterations the value of the evaluation does not look promising, the model will be saved via the _save function and the training will be temporarily or permanently stopped and a new set of hyperparameters will run. If the algorithm thinks the old set of hyperparameters may worth continue training, then the _restore function will be called to continue the previously stopped training.
  5. The trial is said to be finished if either
    • The stopping criteria is reached, e.g. training_iteration reached a certain value, or
    • The training is stopped by the scheduler (due to low performance of the set of hyperparameters)

Example training script:

import numpy as np

class MyTrainableClass(ray.tune.Trainable):

    def _setup(self, config):
        self.timestep = 0

    def _train(self):
        self.timestep += 1
        alpha = self.config.get("alpha", 1) # or alpha = config['alpha']
        beta = self.config.get("beta", 1) # or beta = config["beta"]
        loss = self.calculate_loss(alpha, beta)
        return {"loss": loss, 'timestep': self.timestep}}

    def _save(self, checkpoint_dir):
        path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint")
        with open(path, "w") as f:
            f.write(json.dumps({"timestep": self.timestep}))
        return path

    def _restore(self, checkpoint_path):
        with open(checkpoint_path) as f:
            self.timestep = json.loads(["timestep"]

    def calculate_loss(self, alpha, beta):
        loss = np.tanh(float(self.timestep) / alpha)
        loss *= beta
        return loss
  • The trainable class must inherit from the ray.Tune.Trainable class for the Ray Tune library to recognize the class structure.
  • The functions _save and _restore are optional if you only train for one training iteration (i.e. _train is called only once)

If you do not need to make use of the scheduler to speed up your training by terminating low performant trainings, or your training cannot be split into successive training iterations. You can leave out the _save and _restore functions. For example:

import numpy as np

class MyTrainableClass(ray.tune.Trainable):

    def _train(self):
        alpha = self.config.get("alpha", 1) # or alpha = config['alpha']
        beta = self.config.get("beta", 1) # or beta = config["beta"]
        loss = self.calculate_loss(alpha, beta)
        return {"loss": loss}

    def calculate_loss(self, alpha, beta):
        loss = np.tanh(1/alpha)
        loss *= beta
        return loss

Running Hyperparameter Optimization Jobs

Step 1: Create a custom project with the configuration files:

hpogrid project create <project_name> [--options]
Option Description
scripts_path The path to where the training scripts (or the directory containing the training scripts) are located
hpo_config The hpo configuration to use for this project
grid_config The grid configuration to use for this project
model_config The model configuration to use for this project
search_space The search space configuration to use for this project

Step 2: Run the project:

  • To run locally:
hpogrid local_run <project_name>
  • To run on the grid:
hpogrid run <project_name> [--options]
Option Description Default
n_jobs The number of grid jobs to be submitted (useful for random search, i.e. to run a single search point per job) 1
site The site to where the jobs are submitted (this will override the site setting in the grid configuration -

Monitoring Job Status

To get the status of recent grid jobs:

hpogrid tasks show [--options]
Option Description Default
username Filter tasks by username '''name of user holding the grid certificate'''
limit The maximum number of tasks to query 1000
days Filter tasks within the recent N days 30
taskname Filter tasks by taskname (accept wildcards) -
jeditaskid Only show the task with the specified jeditaskid -
metadata Print out the metadata of a task False
sync Force no caching on the PanDA server False
range Filter tasks by jeditaskid range -
output Output result with the filename if specified -
outcol Data columns to be saved in output 'jeditaskid', 'status', 'taskname', 'computingsite', 'metastruct'

Visualizing Hyperparamter Optimization Results

To get the hpo result for a specific project:

hpogrid report <project_name> [--options]
Option Description Default Choices
limit the maximum number of tasks to query 1000 -
days filter tasks within the recent N days 30 -
taskname filter tasks by taskname (accept wildcards) - -
range filter tasks by jeditaskid range - -
extra extra data columns to be displayed and saved - 'site', 'task_time_s', 'time_s', 'taskid'
outname output file name (excluding extension) hpo_result -
to_json output result to a json file False -
to_html output result to an html file False -
to_csv output result to a csv file False -
to_pcp output result as a parallel coordinate plot False -
to_mlflow output result to a mlflow compatible file False -

Submit Jobs with iDDS Workflow

To submit a job that runs with idds workflow, just do:

hpogrid submit_idds <project_name>

Command Line Options

  • To kill a job by jeditaskid
hpogrid tasks kill <jeditaskid>
  • To retry a job by jeditaskid
hpogrid tasks retry <jeditaskid>
  • To see a list of available GPU sites
hpogrid sites

Important Notes

Working Directory of Container

  • By default, the working directory of the container is /workDir. This is the location where the training scripts are run.

Location of Input Dataset

  • By default, the location of input dataset inside the container is /workDir/ (same as working directory). If the input dataset is in the form of a tarball with extension 'tar.gz', the input dataset will be automatically extracted in the working directory.

Digest of Grid Site Errors

  • To be updated

How the Hyperparameter Optimization is done

Hyperparameter Optimization Algorithms

  • To be updated

Hyperparameter Optimization Schedulers

  • To be updated

Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

This version


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Source Distribution

hpogrid-0.4.9.tar.gz (59.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

hpogrid-0.4.9-py3-none-any.whl (67.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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