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Minimal tool for connecting your existing models in a composite model allowing for asynchronous multi-processed execution

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hubit - a calculation hub

hubit is an event-driven orchestration hub for your existing calculation tools. It allows you to

  • execute calculation tools as one hubit composite model with a loose coupling between the model components,
  • easily run your existing calculation tools in asynchronously in multiple processes,
  • query the model for specific results thus avoiding explicitly coding (fixed) call graphs and running superfluous calculations,
  • make parameter sweeps,
  • feed previously calculated results into new calculations thus augmenting old results objects,
  • incremental results caching and calculation restart from cache,
  • caching of model component results allowing hubit to bypass repeated calculations,
  • visualize your hubit composite model i.e. visualize your existing tools and the attributes that flow between them.


Many work places have developed a rich ecosystem of stand-alone tools. These tools may be developed/maintained by different teams using different programming languages and using different input/output data models. Nevertheless, the tools often depend on results provided the other tools leading to complicated and error-prone (manual) workflows.

By defining input and results data structures that are shared between your tools hubit allows all your Python-wrappable tools to be seamlessly executed asynchronously as a single model. Asynchronous multi-processor execution often assures a better utilization of the available CPU resources compared to sequential single-processor execution. This is especially true when some time is spent in each component. In practice this performance improvement often compensates the management overhead introduced by hubit. Executing a fixed call graph is faster than executing the same call graph dynamically created by hubit. Nevertheless, a fixed call graph will typically encompass all relevant calculations and provide all results, which in many cases will represent wasteful compute since only a subset of the results are actually needed. hubit dynamically creates the smallest possible call graph that can provide the results that satisfy the user's query.

Getting started

Installation & requirement

Install from pypi

pip install hubit

Install from GitHub

pip install git+git://

To render hubit models and queries you need to install Graphviz ( On e.g. Ubuntu, Graphviz can be installed using the command

sudo apt install graphviz

Terminology & example


To use hubit your existing tools each need to be wrapped as a hubit component. A hubit component has bindings to the input data and to the results data. The bindings define which attributes the component

  • consumes from the shared input data structure,
  • consumes from the shared results data structure, and
  • provides to the shared results data structure.

From the bindings hubit checks that all required input data and results data is available before a component is executed. The bindings are defined in a model file.

Component entrypoint

As an example imagine that we are calculating the price of a car. Below you can see some pseudo code for the calculation for the car price calculation. The example is available in examples\car\

def price(_input_consumed, _results_consumed, results_provided):
    # Extract required input data here
    counts = _input_consumed['part_counts'] 
    names = _input_consumed['part_names'] 

    # Look up the price of the part based on the part name (local data, database)
    unit_prices = [my_lookup(name) for name in names]

    # Compute results here (web service, C, Python ...)
    result = sum( [ count*unit_price 
                    for count, unit_price in zip(counts, unit_prices) ] )

    results_provided['car_price'] = result

The main function (entrypoint) in a component (price in the example above) should expect the arguments _input_consumed, _results_consumed and results_provided in that order. Results data calculated in the components should only be added to the latter. The values stored in the keys part_counts and part_names in _input_consumed are controlled by the bindings in the model file.

Model file & component bindings

Before we look at the bindings let us look at the input data. The input can, like in the example below, be defined in a yml file. In the car example the input data is a list containing two cars each with a number of parts

    - parts: 
        - count: 4
          name: wheel1
        - count: 1
          name: chassis1
        - count: 2
          name: bumper
        - count: 1
          name: engine1
        - count: 1
          name: radio
    - parts: 
        - count: 4
          name: wheel2
        - count: 1
          name: chassis2
        - count: 2
          name: bumper
        - count: 1
          name: engine14

The price function above expects a list of part names be stored in the key part_names and a list of the corresponding part counts be stored in the key part_counts. To achieve this behavior the model file should contain the lines below.

        - name: part_names # key in component input dict
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name # path in input data
        - name: part_counts
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].count

The strings in square braces are called index specifiers. The index specifier :@IDX_PART refers to all items for the index identifier IDX_PARTS. In this case the specifier contains a slice and an index identifier. The index identifier can be any string that does not include the characters : or @. The index specifier IDX_CAR is actually an index identifier (no :@ prefix) and refers to a specific car.

With the input data and bindings shown above, the content of _input_consumed in the price function for the car at index 1 will be

{'part_counts': [4, 1, 2, 1], 'part_names':  ['wheel2', 'chassis2', 'bumper', 'engine14']}

i.e. the components will have all counts and part names for a single car. The binding should be set up so that the data in _input_consumed (and possibly data in _results_consumed) suffice to calculate the car price.

In the last line of the price function, the car price is added to the results

results_provided['car_price'] = result

In the model file the binding below will make sure that data stored in results_provided['car_price'] is transferred to a results data object at the same car index as where the input data was taken from.

    - name: car_price # internal name in the component
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].price # path in the shared data model

The value in the binding name should match the key used in the component when setting the value on results_provided. It is the index specifier IDX_CAR in the binding path that tells hubit to store the car price at the same car index as where the input was taken from. Note that the component itself is unaware of which car (car index) the input represents.

Collecting the bindings we get

provides : 
    - name: car_price # internal name in the component
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].price # path in the shared data model
        - name: part_name
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name
        - name: part_counts
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].count

Index specifiers & index contexts

hubit infers indices and list lengths based on the input data and the index specifiers defined for binding paths in the consumes.input section. Therefore, index identifiers used in binding paths in the consumes.results and provides sections should always be exist in binding paths in consumes.input.

Further, to provide a meaningful index mapping, the index specifier used in a binding path in the provides section should be identical to the corresponding index specifier in the consumes.input. The first binding in the example below has a more specific index specifier (for the identifier IDX_PART) and is therefore invalid. The second binding is valid.

provides : 
    - name: part_name 
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].name # more specific for the part index

    # VALID: Assign a 'price' attribute each part object in the car object.
    - name: parts_price
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].price # index specifier for parts is equal to consumes.input.path
        - name: part_name
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name

In the invalid binding above, the component consumes all indices of the parts list and therefore storing the price data at a specific part index is not possible. The bindings below are valid since IDX_PART is omitted for the bindings in the provides section

provides : 
    # Assign a 'part_names' attribute to the car object. 
    # Could be a a list of all part names for that car
    - name: part_names 
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].part_names # index specifier for parts omitted

    # Assign a 'concatenates_part_names' attribute to the car object.
    # Could be a string with all part names concatenated
    - name: concatenates_part_names 
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].concatenates_part_names # index specifier for parts omitted
        - name: part_name
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name

In addition to defining the index identifiers the input sections also defines index contexts. The index context is the order and hierarchy of the index identifiers. For example an input binding cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].price would define both the index identifiers IDX_CAR and IDX_PART as well as define the index context IDX_CAR -> IDX_PART. This index context shows that a part index exists only in the context of a car index. Index identifiers should be used in a unique context i.e. if one input binding defines cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].price then defining or using parts[IDX_PART].cars[IDX_CAR].price is not allowed.

Model refactoring

The flexibility in the hubit bindings allows you to match the interfaces of your existing tools. Further, this flexibility allows you to refactor your components to get a model with good modularity and allows you to optimize for speed when multi-processing is used. Below we will show three different versions of the car model and outline some key differences in when multi-processing is used.

Model 1

Model 1 is the one described above where the car price is calculated in a single component i.e. in a single process. Such an approach works well if the lookup of parts prices is fast and the car price calculation is also fast. If, however, the lookup is fast while the car price calculation is slow, and we imagine that another component is consuming the parts prices, then the car price calculation would be a bottleneck. In such cases, separating the lookup from the price calculation would probably boost performance. Models 2 and 3 present two different ways of implementing such a separation.

Model 2

In this version of the model the parts price lookup and the car price calculation functionalities are implemented in two separate components. Further, the component responsible for the price lookup retrieves the price for one part only. In other words, each lookup will happen in a separate asynchronous process. When all the lookup processes are done, the price component sums the parts prices to get the total car price. The relevant sections of the model file could look like this

- consumes:
        - name: part_name
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].name 
        - name: part_count
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].count
        - name: part_price
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[IDX_PART].price

- consumes:
        - name: prices
          path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].price
  provides : 
    - name: car_price 
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].price

Notice that the first component consumes a specific part index (IDX_PART) for a specific car index (IDX_CAR). This allows the component to store results data on a specific part index for a specific car index. The first component (price for one component) could look something like this

def part_price(_input_consumed, _results_consumed, results_provided):
    count = _input_consumed['part_count'] 
    name = _input_consumed['part_name'] 
    results_provided['part_price'] = count*my_lookup_function(name)

The second component (car price) could look like this

def car_price(_input_consumed, _results_consumed, results_provided):
    results_provided['car_price'] = sum( _results_consumed['prices'] )

In this refactored model hubit will, when submitting a query for the car price using the multi-processor flag, execute each part_price calculation in a separate asynchronous process. If the part_price lookup is fast, the overhead introduced by multi-processing may be render model 2 less attractive. In such cases performing all the lookups in a single component, but still keeping the lookup separate from the price calculation, could be a good solution.

Model 3

In this version of the model all lookups take place in one single process and the car price calculation takes place in another process. For the lookup component, the relevant sections of the model file could look like this

    - name: parts_name
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name 
    - name: parts_count
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].count
  - name: parts_price
    path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].price

Notice that the component consumes all part indices (:@IDX_PART) for a specific car index (IDX_CAR). This allows the component to store results data on all part indices for a specific car index. The first component (price for one component) could look something like this

def part_price(_input_consumed, _results_consumed, results_provided):
    counts = _input_consumed['parts_count'] 
    names = _input_consumed['parts_name'] 
    results_provided['parts_price'] = [ count*my_lookup_function(name)
                                         for count, name in zip(counts, names) ]

In this model, the car price component is identical to the one used in model 2 and is omitted here.


To tie together the bindings with the the Python code that does the actual work you need to add the path of the Python source code file to the model file. For the first car model it could look like this.

- path: ./components/ 
  func_name: price
  provides : 
    - name: car_price
      path: cars[IDX_CAR].price
      - name: part_names
        path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].name
      - name: part_counts
        path: cars[IDX_CAR].parts[:@IDX_PART].count

The specified path should be relative to model's base_path, which defaults to the location of the model file when the model is initialized using the from_file method. To specify a module in site packages replace the path attribute in the model file with a module attribute. This could look like this

module: hubit_components.price1

where hubit_components is a package you have created that contains the module price1.


To get results from a model requires you to submit a query, which tells hubit what attributes from the results data structure you want to have calculated. After hubit has processed the query, i.e. executed relevant components, the values of the queried attributes are returned in the response. A query may spawn many component workers that may represent the same or different model components. Below are two examples of queries and the corresponding responses.

# Load model from file
hmodel = HubitModel.from_file('model1.yml',

# Load the input
with open(os.path.join(THISPATH, "input.yml"), "r") as stream:
    input_data = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

# Set the input on the model object

# Query the model
query = ['cars[0].price']
response = hmodel.get(query)

The response looks like this

{'cars[0].price': 4280.0}

A query for parts prices for all cars looks like this

query = ['cars[:].parts[:].price']
response = hmodel.get(query)

and the corresponding response is

{'cars[:].parts[:].price': [[480.0, 1234.0, 178.0, 2343.0, 45.0],
                            [312.0, 1120.0, 178.0, 3400.0]],


If Graphviz is installed hubit can render models and queries. In the example below we have rendered the query cars[0].price i.e. the price of the car at index 0.

The graph illustrates nodes in the input data structure, nodes in the the results data structure, the calculation components involved in creating the response as well as hints at which attributes flow in and out of these components. The triple bar icon ≡ indicates that the node is accessed by index and should therefore be a list. The graph was created using the command below.

query = ['cars[0].price']

The Examples section below lists more examples that illustrate more hubit functionality.




will validate various aspects of the model.



will validate various aspects of the query.


Model-level caching.

By default hubit never caches results internally. A hubit model can, however, write results to disk automatically by setting the caching level using the set_model_caching method. Results can be saved either in an incremental fashion i.e. every time a component worker completes or after_execution. Results caching is useful when you want to avoid spending time calculating the same results multiple times. A use case for incremental caching is when a calculation is stopped (computer shutdown, keyboard interrupt, exception raised) before the response has been generated. In such cases the calculation can be restarted from the cached results. The overhead introduced by caching makes it especially useful for CPU bound models. The table below comes from printing the log after running model 2 with and without model-level caching


Query finish time    Query took (s)        Worker name        Workers spawned Component cache hits
21-Mar-2021 20:46:31     0.1              car_price                0                 0
                                         part_price                0                 0
21-Mar-2021 20:46:31     1.8              car_price                3                 0
                                         part_price               14                 0

The second run (top) using the cache is much faster than the first run (bottom) that spawns 17 workers to complete the query.

Warning. Cached results are tied only to the content of the model configuration file and the model input. hubit does not check if the underlying calculation code has changed. Therefore, using results caching while components are in development is not recommended.

hubit's behavior in four parameter combinations is summarized below

Write* Read** Behavior
Yes Yes Any cached results for the model are loaded. These results will be saved (incrementally or after execution) and may be augmented in the new run depending on the new query
Yes No Model results are cached incrementally or after execution. These new results overwrite any existing results cached for the model
No Yes Any cached results for the model are loaded. No new results are cached and therefore the cached results will remain the same after execution.
No No No results are cached and no results are loaded into the model

* "Yes" corresponds to setting the caching level to either incremental or after_execution using the set_model_caching method. "No" corresponds to caching level never. ** "Yes" corresponds use_results="cached" in the get method while "No" corresponds to use_results="none".

The model cache can be cleared using the clear_cache method on a hubit model. To check if a model has an associated cached result use has_cached_results method on a hubit model. Cached results for all models can be cleared by using hubit.clear_hubit_cache().

Component-level caching

Component-level caching can be activated using the method set_component_caching(True) on a hubit model instance. By default component-level caching is off. If component-level caching is on, the consumed data for all spawned component workers and the corresponding results will be stored in memory during execution of a query. If hubit finds that, in the same query, two workers refer to the same model component and the input data are identical, the second worker will simply use the results produced by the first worker. The cache is not shared between sequential queries to a model. Also, the component-level cache is not shared between the individual sampling runs using get_many.

The table below comes from printing the log after running model 2 with and without component-level caching


Query finish time    Query took (s)        Worker name        Workers spawned Component cache hits
21-Mar-2021 20:48:26     1.1              car_price                3                 2
                                         part_price               14                 6
21-Mar-2021 20:48:25     1.8              car_price                3                 0
                                         part_price               14                 0

The second run (top) using component-caching is faster than the first run (bottom). Both queries spawn 17 workers in order to complete the query, but in the case where component-caching is active (top) 8 workers reuse results provided by the remaining 9 workers.

For smaller jobs any speed-up obtained my using component-level caching cannot be seen on the wall clock when using multi-processing. The effect will, however, be apparent in the model log().


In the examples all calculation are, for simplicity, carried out directly in the hubit component, but the component could just as well wrap a C library, request data from a web server or use an installed Python package. The examples are summarized below.

  • examples/car. This examples encompass the two car models shown above. The example also illustrates the use of model-level caching and component-level caching.
  • examples/wall. This example illustrates heat flow calculations and cost calculations for a wall with two segments. Each wall segment has multiple wall layers that consist of different materials. The example demonstrates model rendering (, simple queries ( with model level caching, reusing previously calculated results, setting results manually ( and input parameter sweeps ( Most of the wall examples run with or without multi-processing.

To run, for example, the car example execute

python -m


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.2.0] - 2021-03-26


  • Model-level results caching.
  • Component-level results caching.
  • Introduced logging object accessed using my_hubit_model.log().

[0.1.0] - 2021-02-28


  • First release

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2021, Jacob Sonne. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  • Neither the name of the Hubit Developers nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Project details

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Source Distribution

hubit-0.2.0.tar.gz (67.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

hubit-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (66.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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