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Library containing Huffman algos and bespoke compressor

Project description

Huffman compression, decompression functions and decorators (1.0.52)

Compress functions

import huffpress
from import compress
Help on module in

NAME - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains all compression functions using the Huffman encoding algorithm to
    encode most frequently occurring terms with short binary sequences,
    and encoding least frequently occurring terms with longer binary sequences.
    1) Input String -> 2) ASCII ordinal values -> 3) Huffman Encoding
    -> 4) Replace characters with Encodings -> NOTE: Most frequent characters
    will have shorter encodings than Least frequent characters. The idea is
    there will be numerous frequent characters, which can be replaced by a short
    binary encoding - and so when we 5) Pack binaries into buckets of
    length 8 -> we combine 2 or more characters into a single 8-bit byte,
    and hence 6) Convert the binaries of length 8 to decimal and 7) The decimals
    are ASCII ordinal values which can be converted to characters
    (ASCII values between 1 and 255).

    add_huff_map(final_seq: bytearray, huff_map: huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffCode) -> bytearray
        add_huff_map(final_seq: bytearray, huff_map: HuffCode) -> bytearray
        Concatenate the final generated Huffman sequence with the Huffman map,
        which is required for decoding the Huffman sequence.
        :param final_seq: final compressed Huffman sequence binaries computed by
                        compress_seq_bins function
        :param huff_map: Huffman map containing terms and their encoding
        :return: concatenated final_seq + huff_map in a bytearray sequence
    compress(inp: str, verbose: bool = False, mode: huffpress.auxi.modes.Mode = <Mode.DEFAULT: 0>) -> Union[str, bytearray]
        compress(inp: str, verbose: bool = False,
                 mode: Mode = Mode.DEFAULT) -> CompData:
        Generic compression function taking in input either filename or
        string to compress.
        :param inp: filename or string text to compress
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :param mode:
                    Mode.DEFAULT --> if file exists, compress file, otherwise
                                     compress string text
                    Mode.FILE    --> compress file
                    Mode.RAW     --> compress string text
        :return: if compressed file, return compressed output filename. otherwise,
                 return bytearray compressed data
    compress_bytes(inp_bytes: bytes, verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray
        compress_bytes(inp_bytes: bytes, verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray:
        Compress input data bytes using the Huffman Encoding algorithm.
        Function compress_string takes an input string which transforms to bytes,
        then calls this function to compress.
        :param inp_bytes: input data bytes to be compressed
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: Final compressed bytearray sequence
    compress_file(inp_file: str, verbose: bool = False)
        compress_file(inp_file: str, verbose: bool = False):
        Compresses the contents of a file and outputs to a file
        with extension ".hac"
        e.g. some_file.ext --- compressed to --> some_file.ext.hac
        :param inp_file: input file to compress
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: name of the compressed output file
    compress_seq_bins(final_bins: List[str], verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray
        compress_seq_bins(final_bins: List[str],
                          verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray:
        From a given list of binaries constructed from the final Huffman sequence
        i.e. create_seq_bins function, compress the binaries (converting) to an
        ASCII ordinal value.
        :param final_bins: list of binary sequences construct from the final
                            Huffman sequence
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: bytearray of ascii ordinal values constructed from the Huffman
                sequence of binaries, which collapses 2 or
                more characters into less number of characters for most frequent
                occurring terms in the original raw data
    compress_string(inp_st: str, verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray
        compress_string(inp_st: str, verbose=False) -> bytearray:
        Compresses input string using the Huffman Encoding algorithm
        :param inp_st: input string to be compressed
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: compressed data in bytearray format
    create_final_sequence(huff_seq_rem: Tuple[int, str], verbose: bool = False) -> str
        create_final_sequence(huff_seq_rem: Tuple[int, str],
                              verbose: bool = False) -> str:
        From a given Huffman encoded sequence (computed by create_huff_sequence
        function), convert to a binary sequence.
        :param huff_seq_rem: tuple of 0:Huffman sequence and 1:remainder length
                            (to be used for '0' padding)
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: final Huffman sequence converted to a binary sequence
    create_huff_sequence(huff: huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffCode, inp_data: huffpress.huff.htypes.InputData, verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, str]
        create_huff_sequence(huff: HuffCode, inp_data: InputData,
                             verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, str]:
        Creates an encoded Huffman sequence from a given Huffman tree dictionary
        and input data string text.
        :param huff: Huffman tree dictionary (encoded sequences per term)
                    computed by hfunctions.create_huff_tree_encoding
        :param inp_data: input data string text to be encoded
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: (number of 0 paddings required, new encoded sequence)
    create_seq_bins(final_seq: str, verbose: bool = False) -> List[str]
        create_seq_bins(final_seq: str, verbose: bool = False) -> List[str]:
        From a given final Huffman sequence (computed by create_final_sequence
        function) extract the sequence of binaries of length 8 and store in a list
        :param final_seq: Final Huffman sequence string of binaries
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs

    List = typing.List
    Optional = typing.Optional
    Tuple = typing.Tuple
    Union = typing.Union

some_str = "Hello this is some text that will be encoded by the Huffman algorithm."
comp_str = compress(some_str)

Decompress functions

from import decompress
Help on module in

NAME - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains all decompression functions by first extracting the Huffman map
    from the input data and using the map to convert back the compressed
    characters to the original characters.

    decompress(inp: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], outfile: Union[str, NoneType] = None, verbose=False)
        decompress(inp: CompData, outfile: Optional[str] = None, verbose=False):
        Decompress bytearray data or contents of a file
        :param inp: either bytearray compressed data or the filename containing the
        :param outfile: name of the output file name (optional)
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: either decompressed bytearray data or name of decompressed output
    decompress_bytes(inp_bytes: bytes, verbose=False) -> bytearray
        decompress_bytes(inp_bytes: bytes, verbose=False) -> bytearray:
        Main function to decompress input bytes by extracting the Huffman map
        and using the map to replace the encoded sequences with the original
        :param inp_bytes: Input data to be compressed
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: decompressed bytearray data
    decompress_file(inp_file: str, outfile: Union[str, NoneType] = None, verbose=False)
        decompress_file(inp_file: str, outfile: Optional[str] = None,
        Decompress file
        :param inp_file: File to be decompressed
        :param outfile: Output file for decompressed contents to be saved
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: name and path of the output file
    extract_huff_map(inp_bytes: bytes, verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffCode, int]
        extract_huff_map(inp_bytes: bytes,
                         verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[HuffCode, int]:
        Extract Huffman encoding dictionary map from the input data.
        :param inp_bytes: input sequence of bytes containing compressed data
                          and Huffman map
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: Huffmann map dictionary and the length of the map
    reverse_final_sequence(bstr: bytes, verbose: bool = False) -> str
        reverse_final_sequence(bstr: bytearray, verbose: bool = False) -> str:
        Convert the input (already compressed sequence) of ascii ordinal values to
        a binary sequence string, which is the encoded Huffman sequence
        :param bstr: input sequence of ascii ordinal values (compressed data
                     bytearray format)
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: binary string of compressed data (Huffman encoded sequence
                 of 0's and 1's)
    reverse_huff_sequence(huff_map: huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffCode, seq: str, verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray
        reverse_huff_sequence(huff: HuffCode, seq: str,
                              verbose: bool = False) -> bytearray:
        Reverse the input binary string Huffman encoded sequence --> back to the
        original characters. This is done by traversing through the sequence in
        order and identifying any of the Huffman encoded sequence from the
        given (huff) Huffman map. Since all encodings are unique at any length,
        we can replace in this forward travelling manner.
        :param huff_map: Huffman map containing the binary encodings to original
        :param seq: input binary string of Huffman encoded sequence
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs

    Optional = typing.Optional
    Tuple = typing.Tuple
    Union = typing.Union

decomp_byt = decompress(comp_str)
bytearray(b'Hello this is some text that will be encoded by the Huffman algorithm.')
# Now let's compress a longer string
long_str = "This is the start of a very long text.. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like). Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc."
comp_long_str = compress(long_str)
bytearray(b'\x07\x9e\xc8k\x8d|\x91\xf5\x88\x19\xden\x9e\xf9\x0b<]\xad\xf8oy:w\xd1\x9ck\xa7\x8b\xb5\xbc\xd6&\xe8\x8dH\xaf\xcc\x97g\xc9&t\xe0Qd>\xa1\x8c~\xe3\xd65\x80\x97a_\xddg\xc9\x1e\x05\x16\x9b\xa2}\xce\xd8[;\xcd\xd3\xec\x96\x9f\xaaE\xbc]\xf4\x8b[\xd38\xe5x\xa5\x8e\xac\x9d\xe7\xb2?g\x16\xce\xf3uP\xb5\xbf}\xc0\xc3\xe8\xda\x95\x0e5\xf2I\x9cs\xc9+\xa7\x83\x81\x9e8O"j\xbb8A#\xd65\x80;\x95\x82\xed\xdeo\x13\x98B\xb5\xf4\xae\xfbl\xf4W\xf1\xfa\xa8Z\xdf\xbd\xbcN\xd8[<\x88\x1d~\xe7l-\x9eD\x0e\xf7_\x82i\x16\xb7\x8ex\xbb\xe9\xf1\x1d\'\x81E\xa6\xe8\x9fx\xda\xd8\x8dJw\x9f\x91\xac\xeb5\xa7\x1fo\xb2\xb7DjB\xd6\xfd\x92\xed)i\xae\x8c\xbf\xa8\xee\xfb%\xa7\x95\x8e8Wg\xd5\xd5G\xef\xb8\x18}\x1bR\xa1\xd2\xbeH\x88u\x99\x91Q\xcf\x07Y\x8f\xc3{\xcd}\x19}=\x14\x0b\xa5\xe6p\xfb\xd8\xb8\x18q\xda\x95\r\xef\xd41\x8fS\\\xf7\xc8x#Y\xf5\x1d\xde\x87\rz\xc1\x8cx\xb7\xc9\x11\x0e-25\xd6N\xf7\x91\x00]U\xef\x90\xa1v\xaf$\xbey\xbe\xf1\xbeW\xde\xf9\x0f\x92>\xc2\x81Z\xfd<\x0e\x0c\r}\xd6t\xba\xe1Yl\xd7\xe9\xe0p`k\xbb}\x94\x1b=\x1fyE\xa7\xc6\xec+\xf2T\x1dA\xd1\x97\xf2G\xc4t\x9b\xcd;\xef\xb8\x18}\x1bR\xa1\xc6\xbd\x0c6\x8d\x9dj\x84,\xf8oy\xdeo\x92?`\x16\xc1kz2\xfeY\xb1\xa3\x98-o\x16Z\xab\x02\xc9\xdf}\xc0\xc3\xe8\xda\x95\x0f$\xaf\xb8\x96\xf9#\xc5\x96\xaa\xc0\xb3{^\xb1\x19h\x0b\xebT!g\xc3{\xceo\x90\xf4-q\xf9#\xe7\xfb\xcf\xbc\xdeV\xbf\xaaE\xba7Sig\xd4\xdf`\x16\xc2\x1f\x1d\xf4\xf4\xf6\xa4bl\xef7\xcb6=\x19~\xae\x04\x86\xe8\x95\xf1\xcf\x8f\xe0\x9aOO\x96l}ln\x18\x16\xfb\x9d\xf4\xce\xfa3\xc9+\xd2\x82\xf8\xdf+\xec\xf9\xdd\xa3g\x98o\x9fqlP\t\xad\x7fr\xb3\xa4i\xfeH\xf8\x94\xdb\x8bc\xf3\x13v\x03\xb0\xdd\xf2\xcd\x8d\x1c\xc1ku\xf00Aaky\xaa-\x82\x91\x8d\x9dMt\x91\xad+\x9d\xf4g\xd4\x95\xf6}\x95\x14\x01\xa2\xbe-\xf2G\xcf\xf7\xa2\xf4\xef+\xea\x1c\x97\xc9\x1e\x06%(\xf7\x9b\xef\x9c\x04\xa3\x9e\xa4NW\xb9\xdb\x10XZ\xdf\xbe\xe0a\xf4mJ\x87\xd9*\x92\xd3Z\xfa2\xfc\x1c\x0f\x03ql\x8d\x9fP\xe4\xba\xcdi\xc7\xdb\xec\xad\xd1\x1a\x90\xb5\xbe\x9el\xd4\x80|GI\xf7\x84V\xaa\xf7\xa9-3\xf2i!\xc5\xae\x8a\x96-o\xbeB\x85\xda\xbb\xcd\xf7\xdc\x0c>\x8d\xa9P\x9d\xe7\xb2 z\x01\xf0F\xb3\xdf@\x14\xc1v\xae\xf3}\x92\xa9-5\xdeo\xbe\xe0a\xf4mJ\x87K\xe81M\xd1:\xfe\xe5g\xc9\x1f\x04\x9f8\x0eY\xe4\x97\xcf\xa5M1\x02\xbe\x91\xc2\t\x82\xed\xc5\xbd<\x0f\x99\xc2\x1a\xfe\xeb8\xb4\xf8\xdd\x85~J\x83\xa85\xf7\x0e\x08\xcbx\r\x15\xfdN\x0b\xaf\xaaCt\xba\xdd\xb7\xb9\xe2\xef\xa7\x9b\xe5\xbdDm\x96F\xcf\xb8\xc4M\xf4\xdd\x13;\xe8\x9b\xd8\xea\xe8\x07\xda\xe2\xd6\xfc~\xaa=>\xc9T\x96\x9e\xf3}\xf7\x03\x0f\xa3jT5\xfb\x1d]\x89_\xc7\xfb\x8f\xa5\x01\xf9"\x07\x8d6\xf7:5\x99!ky\x86\xe4\x00J\xa1k|\x85k-\xc5\xbeH\xf8\n\xd7\x13\xdeo\x86\xf7\x93\xbd\xe1\x18\xfc\x91\xfb\xee\x06\x1fF\xd4\xa8{K\x10Lp\xae\xed\xf2G\xe8l \xc7>\x16_\xc7\xe0v)\x9f`+3\x0b\x15\xfb\xa4\xa6\xd3]+\xb1\xb8\xd5 Y\xaf\xc14\x8b[\xf2C_$|\xc2\x15\x9f\x01G\xdaX\x82c\x87v\xf9#\xf46\x10c\x93\xbe\x8c\xea\xa3]:\xc6\xec\x17d\x0b;\xcd\xde\xf9\x0fz\xf7\x9b\xcf\xbe\x98-\xf58.\xb5\xfb\x9e\x1b\x85\x8a\xfe\xa1\xc9t\xf2F\\\xca\x8fy\xbc\x1df>\x8bak\x8f\xac\x05]\x8a\x03Z\xfe?\xb4\xb1\x04\xc3\xf7\xdc\x0c>\x8d\xa9P\xfa\xa47K\xc5\xdfMp)N\xc9\xba&w\x9e\xc8\xfbK\x10L+\xfb\xee\x06\x1fF\xd4\xa8q\xaf\x92 fp=#\xa9,\xaf0\x13\xe6\x07\x87\x03\xb1\xc1\xc1v\xd7\xc5\xa7\xc6\xec+\xf2T\x1dA\xaf\xb8vv\x9e]$\x04\xbb\x08\r`\xdd\xf58.\xb9\xcb\xa7\x00{"84":"N1","104":"1E","105":"H","115":"Q","32":"F","116":"S","101":"9","97":"K","114":"G","111":"N","102":"2U","118":"67","121":"30","108":"1D","110":"M","103":"31","120":"OR","46":"5Q","73":"6G","98":"6M","100":"17","99":"32","119":"6I","112":"3A","107":"6H","117":"16","76":"DB","109":"1C","45":"N0","44":"6J","39":"QL","67":"2QQ","69":"2QR","77":"1A6","86":"2QS","40":"2QT","106":"N2","41":"2QU","49":"1A7","53":"2QV","48":"QK","57":"2QW","54":"2QX","65":"1DC","80":"2QY","50":"2QZ"}DI')
print(f"Length of original text: {len(long_str)}\nLength of compressed text: {len(comp_long_str)}")
Length of original text: 1979
Length of compressed text: 1577

Compress and Decompress file

!dir *.txt
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6600-2488

 Directory of C:\Users\datas\PycharmProjects\main\TMP

15/09/2021  15:53           481,072 outfile.txt
08/09/2021  18:33           481,072 text_file.txt
               2 File(s)        962,144 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  479,926,046,720 bytes free
comp_file = compress("text_file.txt")
!dir text_file.*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6600-2488

 Directory of C:\Users\datas\PycharmProjects\main\TMP

08/09/2021  18:33           481,072 text_file.txt
15/09/2021  15:54           287,076 text_file.txt.hac
               2 File(s)        768,148 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  479,926,046,720 bytes free
from huffpress.huff.htypes import InputData
decomp_file = decompress("text_file.txt.hac", "outfile.txt")
!dir *.txt*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6600-2488

 Directory of C:\Users\datas\PycharmProjects\main\TMP

15/09/2021  15:54           481,072 outfile.txt
08/09/2021  18:33           481,072 text_file.txt
15/09/2021  15:54           287,076 text_file.txt.hac
               3 File(s)      1,249,220 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  479,926,046,720 bytes free
!fc text_file.txt outfile.txt
Comparing files text_file.txt and OUTFILE.TXT
FC: no differences encountered


from import comp, decomp
Help on module in

NAME - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains decorators for compressing and decompressing variable objects
    # Function below with @comp decorator returns the compressed
    # byterray of "Hello world"
    def some_fn():
        return "Hello world"
    # Function below decompresses contents of var2 first before proceeding
    # with the rest of the function
    def some_fn2(var1, var2):

        Compression decorator, which compresses final string result
        :param fun: Function where string output will be compressed
        :return: compressed string
        Decompression decorator, which first decompresses given bytearray variable
        objects before proceeding with the rest of the function
        :param bytearray_vars: Bytearray variables to decompress first
        :return: function is run as normal with the input bytearray_vars
                variables being decompressed first


Compression decorator

Help on function comp in module

    Compression decorator, which compresses final string result
    :param fun: Function where string output will be compressed
    :return: compressed string
def multiply_string(inp_string):
    # do some processing...
    final_string = inp_string
    return final_string * 500
in_st = "This will be Huffman encoded many times."
dec_string = multiply_string(in_st)
dec_string[-1000:]  # observe last 1000 chars of compressed string
bytearray(b'\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc0{"84":"14","104":"15","105":"P","115":"1P","32":"D","119":"16","108":"G","98":"17","101":"V","72":"18","117":"19","102":"H","109":"S","97":"I","110":"T","99":"1A","111":"1B","100":"J","121":"1C","116":"1D","46":"1O"}60')
print(f"Length of original string: {len(in_st) * 500}\nLength of compressed string: {len(dec_string)}")
Length of original string: 20000
Length of compressed string: 10657
decompress(dec_string)[-2000:]  # last 2000 chars of decompressed data
bytearray(b'This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.')

Decompression decorator

from import decomp
Help on function decomp in module

    Decompression decorator, which first decompresses given bytearray variable
    objects before proceeding with the rest of the function
    :param bytearray_vars: Bytearray variables to decompress first
    :return: function is run as normal with the input bytearray_vars
            variables being decompressed first
def process_string(in_var: str):
print("\n\nDecompressing via decomp decorator\n\n")
process_string(in_var=dec_string)  #  must provide the input variable key name i.e. in_var
bytearray(b'\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc4&{U \x15\x7fX\xd1\x1c-\xbf\xaey\xf9\xdc-\x85\x8c\xe7\xf7\x88L\xf6\xaa@*\xfe\xb1\xa28[\x7f\\\xf3\xf3\xb8[\x0b\x19\xcf\xef\x10\x99\xedT\x80U\xfdcDp\xb6\xfe\xb9\xe7\xe7p\xb6\x163\x9f\xde!3\xda\xa9\x00\xab\xfa\xc6\x88\xe1m\xfds\xcf\xce\xe1l,g?\xbcBg\xb5R\x01W\xf5\x8d\x11\xc2\xdb\xfa\xe7\x9f\x9d\xc2\xd8X\xce\x7fx\x84\xcfj\xa4\x02\xaf\xeb\x1a#\x85\xb7\xf5\xcf?;\x85\xb0\xb1\x9c\xfe\xf1\t\x9e\xd5H\x05_\xd64G\x0bo\xeb\x9e~w\x0bac9\xfd\xe2\x13=\xaa\x90\n\xbf\xach\x8e\x16\xdf\xd7<\xfc\xee\x16\xc2\xc6s\xfb\xc0{"84":"14","104":"15","105":"P","115":"1P","32":"D","119":"16","108":"G","98":"17","101":"V","72":"18","117":"19","102":"H","109":"S","97":"I","110":"T","99":"1A","111":"1B","100":"J","121":"1C","116":"1D","46":"1O"}60')

Decompressing via decomp decorator

This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.This will be Huffman encoded many times.

Data structure types

Help on module huffpress.huff.htypes in huffpress.huff:

    huffpress.huff.htypes - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains all Huffman Data Structure Types

    class HuffCode(builtins.object)
     |  HuffCode(data: Dict[int, str]) -> None
     |  HuffCode = Dict[int, str]
     |  Final encoded Huffman encoded sequences with key as the ordinal ASCII value
     |  and the value as the binary sequence string
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, data: Dict[int, str]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'data': typing.Dict[int, str]}
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'data': Field(name='data',type=typing.Dict[int...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class HuffSeq(builtins.object)
     |  HuffSeq(seq_term: str, huff_term: huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffTerm) -> None
     |  seq_term = str
     |  huff_term = HuffTerm
     |  Huffman sequence made up of the sequence of terms string and the HuffTerm
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, seq_term: str, huff_term: huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffTerm) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'huff_term': <class 'huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffTerm...
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'huff_term': Field(name='huff_term',type=<clas...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class HuffTerm(builtins.object)
     |  HuffTerm(freq: int, node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType]) -> None
     |  freq = int
     |  node = Optional[HuffNode]]
     |  For a single Huffman Node we have a total number of frequency
     |  occurrences, and we have the node (which can be null)
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, freq: int, node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'freq': <class 'int'>, 'node': typing.Union[huffpre...
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'freq': Field(name='freq',type=<class 'int'>,d...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class HuffTuple(builtins.object)
     |  HuffTuple(seq_term: str = '', total_freq: int = -1, node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType] = None) -> None
     |  seq_term = str
     |  total_freq = int,
     |  node = Optional[HuffNode]
     |  Similar structure to SortedTree where we have string term,
     |  total frequency, and the HuffNode (which could be null)
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, seq_term: str = '', total_freq: int = -1, node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType] = None) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'node': typing.Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNo...
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'node': Field(name='node',type=typing.Union[hu...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
     |  node = None
     |  seq_term = ''
     |  total_freq = -1
    class InputData(builtins.object)
     |  InputData(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> None
     |  data = Union[str, bytes]
     |  Input data to be compressed will either be a string or sequence of bytes
     |  string e.g. "Hello"
     |  bytes e.g. b"ABC" or [65, 66, 67]
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, data: Union[str, bytes]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'data': typing.Union[str, bytes]}
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'data': Field(name='data',type=typing.Union[st...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class Leaves(builtins.object)
     |  Leaves(data: Dict[str, huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffTerm]) -> None
     |  data = Dict[str, HuffTerm]
     |  Initial set of leaves set as a dictionary of keys as the term made up of
     |  comma delimited ordinal ASCII values, and the value as the HuffTerm.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, data: Dict[str, huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffTerm]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'data': typing.Dict[str, huffpress.huff.htypes.Huff...
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'data': Field(name='data',type=typing.Dict[str...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class SortedTree(builtins.object)
     |  SortedTree(data: List[huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffSeq]) -> None
     |  data = List[Tuple[str, HuffTerm]]
     |  Huffman tree structure, which is a list of tuples of the term made up of
     |  comma delimited ordinal ASCII values, and the HuffTerm. The list is sorted
     |  by the total number of frequency order in ascending order.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, data: List[huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffSeq]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'data': typing.List[huffpress.huff.htypes.HuffSeq]}
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'data': Field(name='data',type=typing.List[huf...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None
    class TermFreq(builtins.object)
     |  TermFreq(tf: Dict[int, int]) -> None
     |  tf = Dict[str, int]
     |  When calculating collections.Counter on a input string or bytes,
     |  we return a dictionary of key being the ordinal ASCII value, and
     |  the value being the frequency of occurrence in the input data.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |  __init__(self, tf: Dict[int, int]) -> None
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'tf': typing.Dict[int, int]}
     |  __dataclass_fields__ = {'tf': Field(name='tf',type=typing.Dict[int, in...
     |  __dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,or...
     |  __hash__ = None

    Dict = typing.Dict
    List = typing.List
    Optional = typing.Optional
    Union = typing.Union


Huffman functions

Help on module huffpress.huff.hfunctions in huffpress.huff:

    huffpress.huff.hfunctions - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains all Huffman building and deconstructing functions

    build_leaves(term_freq: huffpress.huff.htypes.TermFreq, verbose: bool = False) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.Leaves
        build_leaves(term_freq: TermFreq,
                     verbose: bool = False) -> Leaves:
        Builds initial leaf HuffNode's from a given dictionary of character
        frequency occurrence counts
        :param term_freq: dictionary of frequency occurrence counts of a given
        string computed by calc_term_freq function
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: dictionary of leaf HuffNode's for a given character frequency
        count dictionary
    build_tree(sorted_new_tree: huffpress.huff.htypes.SortedTree, verbose: bool = False) -> Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType]
        build_tree(sorted_new_tree: SortedTree,
                   verbose: bool = False) -> Optional[HuffNode]:
        Builds Huffman tree made out of HuffNode's, constructed from initial
        HuffNode leaves
        :param sorted_new_tree: sorted [ term, (total-frequency, HuffNode) ]
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: Built Huffman tree from initial asc sorted  list of leaves
                 HuffNode's computed by build_leaves function and sorted by
                 sort_tree function
    calc_term_freq(data: huffpress.huff.htypes.InputData) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.TermFreq
        calc_term_freq(data: InputData) -> TermFreq:
        Returns dictionary of frequency occurrence counts for each character
        of a given string
        e.g. "ABBcCC" --> { "A": 1, "B": 2, "c": 1, "C": 2 }
        :param data: input string text
        :return: dictionary of character frequency occurrence counts
    create_huff_tree(data, verbose: bool = False)
        creates Huffman tree, calling either:
        create_huff_tree(InputData, bool); or
        create_huff_tree(TermFreq, bool)
        :param data: InputData (str or bytes) or TermFreq term frequency counts
        :param verbose: bool - verbose for printing
    encode(data, tree: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType], path: str = '', verbose: bool = False)
        encode function calling either:
        encode(int, HuffNode, str); or
        encode(Leaves, HuffNode, bool)
        :param verbose: bool for verbose printing
        :param path: str for 1, 0 paths visited
        :param data: either int (term) or Leaves (initial set of term leaves)
        :param tree: Huffman tree
    print_node(node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType], depth: int = 0, verbose: bool = True) -> str
        print_node(node: HuffNode, depth: int = 0, verbose: bool = True) -> str:
        Recursive printing of the HuffNode tree showing all branches, leaves and
        their terms and total-frequencies
        :param node: HuffNode tree i.e. Huffman tree
        :param depth: How many whitespaces to print to represent depth level
                     (starting at depth 0)
        :param verbose: set to True to print to console, False to return string
        :return: None (prints Huffman tree to console)
    sort_tree(tree: huffpress.huff.htypes.Leaves, verbose: bool = False) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.SortedTree
        sort_tree(tree: Leaves, verbose: bool = False) -> SortedTree:
        Sorts a Huffman tree dictionary by total frequency ascending order
        returning a list
        { "D": (4, HuffNode), "E": (3, HuffNode),
          "F": (7, HuffNode), "ABC": (2, HuffNode) }
        [ ("ABC", (2, HuffNode)), ("E", (3, HuffNode)),
          ("D", (4, HuffNode)), ("F", (7, HuffNode)) ]
        :param tree: dictionary of HuffNode's { term : (total-frequency, HuffNode) }
        :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
        :return: sorted dictionary of HuffNode's converted to a list

    ItemsView = typing.ItemsView
    List = typing.List
    Optional = typing.Optional


Huffman node class

Help on module huffpress.huff.HuffNode in huffpress.huff:

    huffpress.huff.HuffNode - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Huffman tree class

    class HuffNode(builtins.object)
     |  HuffNode(term: str, freq: int, left_child=None, right_child=None)
     |  A class representing a Huffman Binary tree (Huffman node)
     |  ...
     |  Attributes
     |  ----------
     |  term : str
     |      ordinal character terms i.e. ascii values delimited by comma
     |  freq : int
     |      total number of occurrences of this term
     |  left_child : HuffNode
     |      left child node / recursive left branch
     |  right_child : HuffNode
     |      right child node / recursive right branch
     |  Methods
     |  -------
     |  is_leaf():
     |      Returns True if leaf node, otherwise False
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, term: str, freq: int, left_child=None, right_child=None)
     |      __init__(self, term: str, freq: int, left_child=None, right_child=None):
     |      Constructs HuffNode with all necessary attributes
     |      :param term: (str) ordinal character terms i.e. ascii values
     |                   delimited by comma
     |      :param freq: (int) total number of occurrences of this term
     |      :param left_child: (HuffNode) left child node / recursive left branch
     |      :param right_child: (HuffNode) right child node / recursive right branch
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Readonly properties defined here:
     |  is_leaf
     |      @property
     |      def is_leaf(self) -> bool:
     |      Checks if current node is a leaf node
     |      :return: True if leaf, False otherwise
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Auxiliary functions

BaseN for converting numbers back-forth to different base numbers

Help on module huffpress.auxi.basen in huffpress.auxi:

    huffpress.auxi.basen - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains numeric functionality converting back-forth decimal to a Base N
    number. e.g. binary, hex, base 5, etc.

    class BaseRange(builtins.object)
     |  BaseRange class holding the following static consts:
     |  -- dec: immutable dict --
     |  decimal to base range i.e. {10: A, 11:B, ..., 35: Z} and rest of the
     |  decimal to base range {1: 1, 2:2, ..., 9:9, 10:A, ..., 35: Z}
     |  -- rev: dict --
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __annotations__ = {'dec': <class 'huffpress.auxi.idict.IDict'>, 'rev':...
     |  dec = <huffpress.auxi.idict.IDict object>
     |  rev = <huffpress.auxi.idict.IDict object>

    basen(in_num, fbase: int = 10, tbase: int = 2, out_str: bool = False)
        converts number in_num from base fbase to base tbase
        see overloads below
        :param in_num: number to convert: either str or List[str]
        :param fbase: from base
        :param tbase: to base
        :param out_str: False, out = List[str]. True, out = str
        :return: List[str] value conversion
    nmod(x: int, y: int) -> str
        BaseN modulo operator
        nmod(10, 16) = "A"
        nmod(10, 2) = "0"
        :param x: number
        :param y: modulo
        :return: remainder
    to_basen(num: int, base: int = 2) -> List[str]
        to_basen(num: int) -> List[str]:
        Convert decimal to base number list
        :param base: base number. for binary, base = 2. for hex, base = 16
        :param num: decimal number
        :return: binary list of 1's 0's
    to_dec(in_bin: List[str], base: int = 2) -> int
        to_dec(in_bin: List[str]) -> int:
        Convert base number list to decimal integer
        :param base: base number. for binary, base = 2. for hex, base = 16
        :param in_bin: binary list of 1's and 0's
        :return: decimal integer converted from input binary

    List = typing.List
    Union = typing.Union


BaseN examples converting numbers of any base to any base

from huffpress.auxi.basen import basen
Help on function basen in module huffpress.auxi.basen:

basen(in_num, fbase: int = 10, tbase: int = 2, out_str: bool = False)
    converts number in_num from base fbase to base tbase
    see overloads below
    :param in_num: number to convert: either str or List[str]
    :param fbase: from base
    :param tbase: to base
    :param out_str: False, out = List[str]. True, out = str
    :return: List[str] value conversion
# Converting from number of a base to a different base
basen("1234", 10, 2)  # converting from base 10 to 2 (binary)
['1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0']
basen("1234", 10, 2, True)  # converting from base 10 to 2 (binary) output as one string
basen("1234", 10, 16, True)  # converting from base 10 to 16 (hex) output as one string
basen("Z", 36, 10, True)  # converting from base 36 to 10 (dec) output as one string
basen("64FP", 27, 5, True)  # converting from base 27 to 5 output as one string
# Example of compressing a string via base conversions of the ASCII values
hello = "Hello world"
hello_ascii = list(map(ord, list(hello)))
[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
hello_ascii_join = ",".join(list(map(str, hello_ascii)))
print(f"Length = {len(hello_ascii_join)}")
Length = 41
hello_36 = list(map(lambda x: basen(str(x), 10, 36, True), hello_ascii))
['20', '2T', '30', '30', '33', 'W', '3B', '33', '36', '30', '2S']
hello_36_join = ",".join(list(map(str, hello_36)))
print(f"Length = {len(hello_36_join)}")
Length = 31

Compression modes

Help on module huffpress.auxi.modes in huffpress.auxi:

    huffpress.auxi.modes - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Contains all modes used in the rest of the codebase (currently we only
    have 1 mode)

    class Mode(enum.Enum)
     |  Mode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
     |  Compression modes
     |  0 - Default (File or Raw input data)
     |  1 - File compression only
     |  2 - Raw input data compression only
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      Mode
     |      enum.Enum
     |      builtins.object
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  DEFAULT = <Mode.DEFAULT: 0>
     |  FILE = <Mode.FILE: 1>
     |  RAW = <Mode.RAW: 2>
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
     |  name
     |      The name of the Enum member.
     |  value
     |      The value of the Enum member.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Readonly properties inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
     |  __members__
     |      Returns a mapping of member name->value.
     |      This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
     |      is a read-only view of the internal mapping.


Immutable Dictionary class

Help on module huffpress.auxi.idict in huffpress.auxi:

    huffpress.auxi.idict - (c) 2021 Usman Ahmad

    Immutable dictionary

    class IDict(
     |  IDict(immutable: bool = True, *args, **kwargs)
     |  IDict
     |  Dynamic Immutable/Mutable dictionary class,
     |  can be used as a normal dictionary but can be __immutable or mutable
     |  set in the constructor.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      IDict
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __getitem__(self, key)
     |      gets item from index key
     |      :param key: index key
     |      :return: value from dictionary as per key
     |  __hash__(self)
     |      updates and returns hash value of all items in the dictionary
     |      :return:
     |  __init__(self, immutable: bool = True, *args, **kwargs)
     |      sets the input dictionary passed through and makes it __immutable or
     |      mutable based on the input param '__immutable' (True/False)
     |      :param immutable: set to True to make this dict __immutable, ow. is mutable
     |      :param args: input args
     |      :param kwargs: input dict args
     |  __iter__(self)
     |      returns iterable object of dictionary
     |      :return:
     |  __len__(self)
     |      returns length of dictionary
     |      :return:
     |  __setitem__(self, key, value)
     |      sets items in dictionary if dictionary is mutable
     |      checks self.__immutable (bool)
     |      :param key: key index to set
     |      :param value: value to set
     |      :return:
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Readonly properties defined here:
     |  is_immutable
     |      returns True if this dict obj is immutable, otherwise false
     |      :return: looks at self.__immutable, set in the constructor
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from
     |  __contains__(self, key)
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |      Return self==value.
     |  get(self, key, default=None)
     |      D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
     |  items(self)
     |      D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items
     |  keys(self)
     |      D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
     |  values(self)
     |      D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes inherited from
     |  __reversed__ = None
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Class methods inherited from
     |  __subclasshook__(C) from abc.ABCMeta
     |      Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
     |      This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__().
     |      It should return True, False or NotImplemented.  If it returns
     |      NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used.  Otherwise, it
     |      overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).

    __warningregistry__ = {'version': 7}

from huffpress.auxi.idict import IDict
# Immutable normal dictionary (same as dict but immutable)
idict = IDict(True, {1: 2, "a": 3, "a-b": "hello", 2: 1.89})
idict.__immutable = False  # this will not be possible
print(f"\nDict is immutable: {idict.is_immutable}")
correct_error = False
    idict["yes"] = 1
except TypeError as err:
    print(f"\nCorrect error: {err}")
    correct_error = True
print("\nCorrect error: ", correct_error)
print("Dictionaries contain same unchanged items as before: ",
      idict == {1: 2, "a": 3, "a-b": "hello", 2: 1.89})
Dict is immutable: True

Correct error: object is __immutable (set to False), cannot set assignment in this object.

Correct error:  True
Dictionaries contain same unchanged items as before:  True
# Mutable normal dictionary (same as normal Python dict)
idict = IDict(False, {1: 2, "a": 3, "a-b": "hello", 2: 1.89})
idict.__immutable = True  # this will not be possible
print(f"\nDict is immutable: {idict.is_immutable}")
idict["yes"] = 1
idict[3] = ["9.99", 8]
idict["a-b"] = "goodbye"
print("Dictionaries contain added and changed items: ", 
      idict == {1:2, "a": 3, "a-b": "goodbye", 2: 1.89, "yes": 1, 3: ["9.99", 8]})
Dict is immutable: False
Dictionaries contain added and changed items:  True

Further examples and documentation

Going through the Huffman encoding compression step-by-step

from import *
from import *
from huffpress.huff.hfunctions import *
from huffpress.huff.htypes import *
from huffpress.huff.HuffNode import *
text = "Hello World"
encod_seq: HuffCode
huff_tree: Optional[HuffNode]
input_data = InputData(data=str.encode(text))
InputData(data=b'Hello World')
Help on function calc_term_freq in module huffpress.huff.hfunctions:

calc_term_freq(data: huffpress.huff.htypes.InputData) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.TermFreq
    calc_term_freq(data: InputData) -> TermFreq:
    Returns dictionary of frequency occurrence counts for each character
    of a given string
    e.g. "ABBcCC" --> { "A": 1, "B": 2, "c": 1, "C": 2 }
    :param data: input string text
    :return: dictionary of character frequency occurrence counts
term_freq: TermFreq = calc_term_freq(input_data)
TermFreq(tf={72: 1, 101: 1, 108: 3, 111: 2, 32: 1, 87: 1, 114: 1, 100: 1})
Help on function build_leaves in module huffpress.huff.hfunctions:

build_leaves(term_freq: huffpress.huff.htypes.TermFreq, verbose: bool = False) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.Leaves
    build_leaves(term_freq: TermFreq,
                 verbose: bool = False) -> Leaves:
    Builds initial leaf HuffNode's from a given dictionary of character
    frequency occurrence counts
    :param term_freq: dictionary of frequency occurrence counts of a given
    string computed by calc_term_freq function
    :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
    :return: dictionary of leaf HuffNode's for a given character frequency
    count dictionary
leaves: Leaves = build_leaves(term_freq, verbose=True)
for x in
Building leaves

100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 8116.70it/s]

(72, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D57820>))
(101, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CA60>))
(108, HuffTerm(freq=3, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5C520>))
(111, HuffTerm(freq=2, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5C790>))
(32, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CB80>))
(87, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CC40>))
(114, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CD00>))
(100, HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CDC0>))
Help on function sort_tree in module huffpress.huff.hfunctions:

sort_tree(tree: huffpress.huff.htypes.Leaves, verbose: bool = False) -> huffpress.huff.htypes.SortedTree
    sort_tree(tree: Leaves, verbose: bool = False) -> SortedTree:
    Sorts a Huffman tree dictionary by total frequency ascending order
    returning a list
    { "D": (4, HuffNode), "E": (3, HuffNode),
      "F": (7, HuffNode), "ABC": (2, HuffNode) }
    [ ("ABC", (2, HuffNode)), ("E", (3, HuffNode)),
      ("D", (4, HuffNode)), ("F", (7, HuffNode)) ]
    :param tree: dictionary of HuffNode's { term : (total-frequency, HuffNode) }
    :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
    :return: sorted dictionary of HuffNode's converted to a list
sleaves: SortedTree = sort_tree(leaves)
for x in
HuffSeq(seq_term=72, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D57820>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=101, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CA60>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=32, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CB80>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=87, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CC40>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=114, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CD00>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=100, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=1, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5CDC0>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=111, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=2, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5C790>))
HuffSeq(seq_term=108, huff_term=HuffTerm(freq=3, node=<huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode object at 0x000001A0B4D5C520>))
Help on function build_tree in module huffpress.huff.hfunctions:

build_tree(sorted_new_tree: huffpress.huff.htypes.SortedTree, verbose: bool = False) -> Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType]
    build_tree(sorted_new_tree: SortedTree,
               verbose: bool = False) -> Optional[HuffNode]:
    Builds Huffman tree made out of HuffNode's, constructed from initial
    HuffNode leaves
    :param sorted_new_tree: sorted [ term, (total-frequency, HuffNode) ]
    :param verbose: set to True for printing console outputs
    :return: Built Huffman tree from initial asc sorted  list of leaves
             HuffNode's computed by build_leaves function and sorted by
             sort_tree function
Help on function print_node in module huffpress.huff.hfunctions:

print_node(node: Union[huffpress.huff.HuffNode.HuffNode, NoneType], depth: int = 0, verbose: bool = True) -> str
    print_node(node: HuffNode, depth: int = 0, verbose: bool = True) -> str:
    Recursive printing of the HuffNode tree showing all branches, leaves and
    their terms and total-frequencies
    :param node: HuffNode tree i.e. Huffman tree
    :param depth: How many whitespaces to print to represent depth level
                 (starting at depth 0)
    :param verbose: set to True to print to console, False to return string
    :return: None (prints Huffman tree to console)
huff_tree: Optional[HuffNode] = build_tree(sleaves, verbose=True)
Building Huffman tree

100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 7010.54it/s]

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 32, Freq: 1

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 87, Freq: 1

|--o--o--[2> Term: 32,87, Freq: 2
|----Left child:
|----Right child:

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 114, Freq: 1

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 100, Freq: 1

|--o--o--[2> Term: 114,100, Freq: 2
|----Left child:
|----Right child:

|--o--[1> Term: 32,87,114,100, Freq: 4
|--Left child:
|--Right child:

|--o--o--[2> Term: 108, Freq: 3

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 111, Freq: 2

|--o--o--o--o--[4> Term: 72, Freq: 1

|--o--o--o--o--[4> Term: 101, Freq: 1

|--o--o--o--[3> Term: 72,101, Freq: 2
|------Left child:
|------Right child:

|--o--o--[2> Term: 111,72,101, Freq: 4
|----Left child:
|----Right child:

|--o--[1> Term: 108,111,72,101, Freq: 7
|--Left child:
|--Right child:

Term: 32,87,114,100,108,111,72,101, Freq: 11
Left child:
Right child:

encod_seq: HuffCode = encode(leaves, tree=huff_tree, verbose=True)
Encoding tree

100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 8006.31it/s]

HuffCode(data={72: '1110', 101: '1111', 108: '10', 111: '110', 32: '000', 87: '001', 114: '010', 100: '011'})
huff_seq: Tuple[int, str] = create_huff_sequence(encod_seq, input_data, verbose=True)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 11/11 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

(8, '1110111110101100000011100101001100000000')
final_seq: str = create_final_sequence(huff_seq, verbose=True)
Generating final sequence

seq_bins: List[str] = create_seq_bins(final_seq, verbose=True)
final_res: bytearray = compress_seq_bins(seq_bins, verbose=True)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6/6 [00:00<00:00, 6014.78it/s]

f"RESULT = {len( - len(final_res)}, FINAL: {len(final_res)}, ORIGINAL: {len(}"
app_res = add_huff_map(final_res, encod_seq)
f"RESULT = {len( - len(app_res)}, FINAL: {len(app_res)}, ORIGINAL: {len(}"
'RESULT = -75, FINAL: 86, ORIGINAL: 11'

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