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An asynchronous API wrapper for Hummus by Ziad87

Project description

This is an asynchronous (and decorationless) wrapper currently in version 0.7.0!


You can run pip install in shell to install as a package (you can also use the mirror, hmus), or you can import it manually by downloading the files at the GitLab repository (might be outdated)

Getting started

You can use the following code in the main file to connect to Hummus:

import hummus
from hummus import Client
import asyncio

class Commands(Client):
	async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
		await ctx.reply(f"<@{}> activated test!")

Client = Commands(prefix="!",token="INSERT TOKEN HERE", status="online", game="!test")

Adding new commands is as simple as creating new functions under the Commands class. No need for decorators, just because. Adding custom arguments is as simple as adding parameters in a function, as seen below (remember: In every function, you must have the self and ctx args!):

class Commands(Client):
	async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message,test=None): #extra "test" arg
		await ctx.reply(f"{} activated test! Arg 1: {test}") #you can also do "<@{}>" if you want

You can make these parameters have annotations (test: str or mention: hummus.User) or have default values (test=None).


There are 2 ways to have arguments in a command:

  1. Add parameters to your function
  2. Use .split(" ") to split words in a command into different items on a list

Custom arguments in a function will function differently than using .split(" "). The argument system looks for quotation marks in a message, and if there is text within quotation marks, no matter if there are spaces, the entire text (within the quotations!) will be considered as a single argument. This allows for easier usage of commands like !nickname where you can specify a nickname with spaces, as long as the nickname is within quotation marks.

Quotation marks are not necessary for arguments with no spaces!


Commands is in development, so it will not have all the functions existing. Also, please note that the Hummus API itself is unfinished and is missing endpoints, so I cannot have every function either. If you're know about Rotisserie (natsu's site), know that I will not be updating to include things that you can do only on Rotisserie.

Here's an example on how to use the ctx.getUser() function where you can get any user's avatar:

Without parameter and annotation:

class Commands(Client):
	async def avatar(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
		if len(ctx.mentions) > 0:
			member = ctx.getUser(ctx.mentions[0].id) #this is a bad use case because you can easily use the example shown below, however im too lazy to think of anything else to put here
			await ctx.reply(member.avatar.url)
			await ctx.reply(

With parameter and annotation:

class Commands(Client):
	async def avatar(self,ctx:hummus.Message,mention:hummus.User=None):
		if mention: #"None" is equivalent to "False"
			await ctx.reply(mention.avatar.url)
			await ctx.reply(

As you can see, the above code fetches a member based on the first mention that is in the recieved command, and uses the Member object to get their avatar url.

Moderation Commands (or commands requiring permissions)

You can get access to's permissions checking feature with from hummus.funcs import fullPermsCheck. Its arguments are the Message object you recieve on command, your class instance aka self, the permission you want to check, and optionally, the target user ID to compare permissions with. What the fullPermsCheck() function does is that it checks to see if the user has the required permission, and it also checks whether it has a higher role than the target ID when specified (permissions comparing). You would use the function like this:

perms = await fullPermsCheck(ctx,self,"kick_members",ctx.mentions[0]) #assume this is in a command function

The code would return a bool object which you could use to verify that the user executing the command has the required permissions.

So, for commands that require permissions such as kicking members, the optimal code would be the following:

class Commands(Client):
	async def kick(self,ctx:hummus.Message,mention:hummus.User=None):
		if not mention:
			await ctx.reply("Please mention a user to kick them.")
		perms = await fullPermsCheck(ctx,self,"kick_members",mention)
		member = await ctx.getUser(mention)
		if perms:
			e = await member.kick()
			if e.staus_code == 200 or e.status_code == 204: #i dont remember which status code it is lol
				await ctx.reply(f"i have kicked <@{}>!")
				await ctx.reply(f"Error kicking user. Status code: {e.status_code}")
			await ctx.reply(f"You do not have the perms to kick {member.user.username}!")

Existing moderation commands you can use:

  • member.kick()
  • member.nick()
  • member.ban()
  • member.unban()
  • member.setRoles()
  • member.addRoles()
  • member.removeRoles()
  • ctx.deleteMessage()
  • ctx.bulkDelete()
  • message.delete() (assuming you are not the author of the Message object here)

Hummus's API is very unfinished, which means certain functions cannot be performed or workarounds have to be used. Also, because I am lazy and don't know how Hummus/Discord's permissions integers works, uses as a dependency (it has a needed permissions function). However, you do not need to worry about using it somewhere, you just need to have it installed.

Editing Channel Permissions

You can modify channel permissions like so. The code below adds "mention everyone" permissions to a role.

	async def pingEveryone(self,ctx:hummus.Message,role:hummus.Role):
		overwrite = PermOverwrites(role)
		overwrite.allow.mention_everyone = True
		e = await,overwrite)
		await ctx.send("@everyone")

Note: Only using the above code is not recommended, it does not have permissions checking. See the section directly above this section on permissions checking.

Editing User Roles

Here is a simple script that adds or removes (depending on whether the user you're pinging has the role or not) the role you mention to/from the user you ping.

class Commands(Client):
	async def role(self,ctx:hummus.Message,mention:hummus.User=None,role:hummus.Role=None):
		perms = await fullPermsCheck(ctx,self,"manage_roles",mention)
		target = await ctx.getGuildUser(
		if in target.roles:
			await target.removeRoles([role])
			await ctx.reply(f"Removed <@&{}> from {target.mention}")
			await target.addRoles([role])
			await ctx.reply(f"Added <@&{}> to {target.mention}")

It is important to note here that you must pass a list as the argument for mention.addRoles(), mention.removeRoles(), and mention.setRoles().


You can execute code on gateway events, as demonstrated below.

from hummus import Events

class Events(Events):
	async def on_message_create(self, message): #activates every time a message is sent in a channel a bot can see
		if message.content.startswith("ping"):
			await message.reply("pong")

Make sure to put this in your main file, before your Client class. You will also want to "listen" for this class before running the Client class, as shown below:

Client = Commands(prefix="!", bottoken=token, status="online", game="!test")

async def bot():
	await Client.LISTEN(Events())
	await Client.RUN()

See the Hummus documentation (go to the Gateway section) for event names, event function names will always be on_{event_name} (except lowercase).


You can create an embed object by importing the Embed class from hummus.

from hummus import Embed

class Commands(Client):
async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
	embed = Embed(title="Test",description="something")

The Embed class supports 4 parameters: title, description, color, and timestamp. The color parameter uses Discord's integer colors, view the list here. The timestamp parameter uses the ISO8601 format (what Hummus accepts), so here's the code to get the current time in that format.

from datetime import datetime,timezone
current_time_utc =
formatted_timestamp = current_time_utc.isoformat()

You can add attributes to the embed such as fields, footers, a thumbnail, an image, or an author like this:

class Commands(Client):
async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
	embed = Embed(title="Test",description="something")
	await embed.addField(name="field title",value="field value")
	await embed.addAuthor(name="author",url="",icon_url="")
	await embed.addFooter(text="foot",icon_url="")
	await embed.addThumbnail(url="")

Sending an embed is as expected, you would include it in the ctx.send() or ctx.reply() function like this:

class Commands(Client):
async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
	embed = Embed(title="Test",description="something")
	await embed.addField(name="field title",value="field value")
	await ctx.reply("its an embed!",embed=embed)

Note: Embeds will be ignored if an attachment is also passed!


Attachments are quite simple. Create a File object instance, and pass it through the file parameter in ctx.send() or ctx.reply().

A File object can take 4 different types of parameters. Here is a list of them and their examples:

  1. str: file = hummus.File("path/to/")
  2. io.BufferedReader: file = hummus.File(open("file.png","rb"))
  3. bytes: file = hummus.File(open("file.png","rb").read()) (.read() returns a bytes object)
  4. BytesIO: file = hummus.File(BytesIO(b"")) (BytesIO accepts a bytes object, File gets it)

A use case is the following:

class Commands(Client):
async def test(self,ctx:hummus.Message):
	await ctx.reply("its an image!",file=hummus.File("image.png"))

Note: Embeds will be ignored if an attachment is passed!


I am LG125YT#2241 on Hummus, @ytlg on Discord, LG125YT#0001 on Rotisserie, and LG125YT#0001 on Cordcord/Watrlabs. My email is, but you might want to let me know somewhere else that you sent me an email. I am most active on Rotisserie and Cordcord.


I'm really just doing what I see as most important for my bot development. I don't think I made the actual package usability great, consider contributing to help me out.


Version 0.7.0:

  • No more mental breakdown, I tested my scripts! (hopefully)
  • Bug fix with emojis not updating for cache
  • The State object in the Client object has moved to a new file, a Message object now has a state attribute, and a State object now has a edit function where you pass a channel id, message id, and content.
  • New Attachment class, a Message object will now have a list of attachment objects. Attachment objects have the attributes id, filename, size, url, proxy_url, height, and width. Man I really need a readthedocs page or something.

Version 0.6.6, 0.6.7:


Version 0.6.5:

  • Perm checking now actually works hopefully (yay i love publishing untested scripts)

Verson 0.6.4:

  • Some bug in guild update got fixed, thats kinda it
  • Excuses to pretend that I actively update!!!! (real)

Version 0.6.3:

  • ok guys, i tested starting up, so stuff should not break now (i love forgetting yet another bug making this unusable)

Version 0.6.2:

  • i am so idiot i literally didnt test this version out and realize one of the files was missing a parenthesis! (the whole package broke

Version 0.6.1:

  • Bug fixes with setRoles(), addRoles(), and removeRoles() in the Member and User objects
  • Forgot to add ban() and unban() functions in the Member and User objects, also their respective gateway events now exist in hummus.Events
  • README update, more up-to-date ig

Version 0.6.0:

  • AllGuild now inherits from Guild instead of making a Guild attribute in the class.
  • New Channel and Emoji objects exist, which arw available in an AllGuild object. PermOverwrites is also a new object that you can create instances of to edit channel permissions.
  • All Most events are added. In the middle of this update, banning has been added to Hummus and Oldground, and the events and functions do not exist for it yet.
  • now supports catching websocket errors, and auto-restarts if an error occurs (such as heartbeat expiring).
  • fullPermsCheck() now correctly checks for server owner ID before returning whether the user has a specific permission.
  • Channel object attributes now have support for both voice and text channels.
  • User and Member now have role-related functions (addRoles, removeRoles, and setRoles)
  • Many of these new objects have a toDict() function, however, this should be mainly internal.
  • Message objects now have a guild and channel attribute containing the entire Guild and Channel objects (respectively). The old attributes that only had the ID are now called guild_id and channel_id.
  • getGuildChannels() exists as a function in a Message object.
  • The Permissions object now supports empty/fake role creation and the creation of a role with only a permissions integer.
  • The Role object now has a Permissions object for their permissions attribute.
  • The bottoken parameter name has been changed to token when creating a Client/Commands object.
  • will now get the cdn url from the base url provided, no need to provide a cdn url when creating a Client/Commands object now.

Version 0.5.2:

  • Again, no real changes to, but I'm pretty sure I figured out how to fix the previous error. Also, hmus exists as a mirror package now if you don't want to type in to install the package.

Version 0.5.1:

  • No real changes, I'm just trying to fix the pypi issue where import hummus doesnt work. Also updating this file a little to be more up-to-date.

Version 0.5.0:

  • You now need to upload files by creating a File object with your file in it. This allows for less cluttering in for the send function, and it allows me to easily add more freedom to uploading files.
  • Continuation of above note, you can now provide a file path, bytes object, BytesIO object, or an io.BufferedReader object (the object you get when you assign a variable to open("name.ext","rb"))
  • All Message objects now have a delete() function, which sends a request to delete that message on Hummus. (Previously, we only had deleteMessage(id), where you needed to provide a message ID to delete.)
  • For some reason, the v0.4.x versions have not been updating the hummus folder, and only the hummus2016 folder. If it persists, consider switching all from hummus import * and import hummus to from hummus2016 import * and import hummus2016. This may also require changing some other lines, or you can use import hummus2016 as hummus.

Version 0.4.1:

  • Updates in 0.4.0 didn't push for some reason lol. Here they are (again).
  • Turns out that the Image and Thumbnail objects do work, they just require width and height parameters that will automatically take care for you. Nothing has changed, you can continue uploading files as before.
  • Fixed bug not letting work, its just me forgetting to include headers when making the request to get the websocket url.

Version 0.4.0:

  • Added embed support (Image and Thumbnail objects to not work on Hummus, so they are not included in
  • Added attachment support (You only have to include the filepath)

Version 0.3.4:

  • Fixed ctx.edit() so that it edits only the "content" section of the "reply" from ctx.reply() (basically it doesn't edit the whole message)
  • Added a new is_reply (boolean), original_reply (content of the message being replied to), and original_author (User class) attributes to the Message object
    • is_reply is entirely local, it is only true for a message object where the ctx.reply() function is used, and cannot detect replies outside of ctx.reply()
  • Errors caught by the package exception handler now print out the traceback
  • Minor changes to the README

Version 0.3.3:

  • Updated the README (this thingy you're reading!) to not have the wackiest indents (frick you replit)

Version 0.3.2:

  • Fixed not working when you didn't manually register an Events class to listen.

Version 0.3.1:

  • Quick update just added ctx.deleteMessage(id) because i forgor to add it before :sku:

Version 0.3.0:

  • More events in the Events class work now, also self.allGuilds in the Client class now updates on related events like guild member join/leave and guild add/remove
  • Client class initialization redone a little, see the "Getting Started" and "Events" section in this README
  • Command args should now fully work, you do not need to add a default value to parameters and some annotations (namely str,int, and hummus.member.User) now work
  • The Author class has been renamed to the User class because most use cases within the package do not reflect the "Author" status of a user (this should not affect much of anything since annotations did not work before this update)

Too lazy to like do anything from before, if you want to do it for me, go for it.


Contribute if you want, you can make a pull request on the GitLab repository, comment on the Replit project. Note that the Replit project is the most recent version of, because it is where I test new features. You can see upcoming features on the Replit project if you want.


This wrapper was made by LG125YT. Contact me on Hummus (LG125YT#2241) or Discord (@ytlg)

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