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An automated long-read first bacterial genome assembly pipeline.

Project description

License: MIT GitHub last commit (branch) DOI


hybracter is an automated long-read first bacterial genome assembly pipeline implemented in Snakemake using Snaketool.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

hybracter is available to install with pip. It has no non-python dependencies.

You will need conda or mamba available so hybracter can install all the required dependencies. Therefore, it is recommended to install hybracter into a conda environment as follows.

mamba create -n hybracterENV pip
conda activate hybracterENV
pip install hybracter
hybracter --help
hybracter install

Mamba is highly highly recommend. Please see the documentation for more details on how to install mamba.

When you run hybracter for the first time, all the required dependencies will be installed as required, so it will take longer than usual (usually a few minutes). Every time you run it afterwards, it will be a lot faster as the dependenices will be installed.

If you intend to run hybracter offline (e.g. on HPC nodes with no access to the internet), I highly recommend running hybracter hybrid-test and/or hybracter long-test on a node with internet access so hybracter can download the required dependencies. It should take 5-10 minutes. If your computer/node has internet access, please skip this step.

# linux
hybracter hybrid-test --threads 8
# macOS
hybracter hybrid-test --threads 8 --no_polca

# same for both linux and mac
hybracter long-test --threads 8


hybracter is designed for assembling bacterial isolate genomes using a long read first assembly approach. It scales massively using the embarassingly parallel power of HPC and Snakemake profiles. It is designed for applications where you have isolates with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads and optionally matched paired-end short reads for polishing.

hybracter is desined to straddle the fine line between being as fully feature-rich as possible with as much information as you need to decide upon the best assembly, while also being a one-line automated program. In other words, as awesome as Unicycler, but updated for 2023. Perfect for lazy people like myself.

hybracter is largely based off Ryan Wick's magnificent tutorial and associated paper. hybracter differs in that it adds some additional steps regarding targeted plasmid assembly with plassembler, contig reorientation with dnaapler and extra polishing and statistical summaries.

Note: if you have Pacbio reads, as of 2023, you probably can just run Flye or Dragonflye (or of course Trycyler ) and reorient the contigs with dnaapler without polishing. See Ryan Wick's blogpost for more details. Also, you probably still will get good results with hybracter, but the pre-polished genome will be the highest quality! If you really want this feature to be added, please reach out.


Documentation for hybracter is available here.

Why Would You Run Hybracter?

  • If you want the best possible automated long read only or hybrid bacterial isolate genome assembly.
  • In other words, if you love Unicycler like I do, but want something faster and more accurate.
  • If you need to assemble many (e.g. 10+) bacterial isolates as efficiently as possible.
  • If you want all information about from assembly pipeline such as whether your polishing probably improved the genome, whether your assembly was likely complete, and how many plasmids you probably assembled.

Other Options


If you are looking for the best possible (manual) bacterial assembly for a single isolate, please definitely use Trycyler.

  • hybracter will almost certainly not give you better assemblies than Trycycler. Trycycler is the gold standard for a reason.
  • hybracter is automated, scalable, faster and requires less bioinformatics/microbial genomics expertise to run.
  • If you use Trycycler, I would also highly recommend using (disclaimer: my own program) plassembler (which is built into hybracter) along side Trycycler to assemble small plasmids if you are especially interested in those, because long read only assemblies often miss small plasmids.


Dragonflye by the awesome @rpetit3 is a good alternative for automated assembly if hybracter doesn't fit your needs, particuarly if you are familiar with Shovill. Some pros and cons between hybracter and dragonflye are listed below.

  • dragonflye allows for more options with regards to assemblers (it supports Miniasm or Raven as well as Flye).
  • On a single isolate, dragonflye should be faster (benchmarking coming but the Plassembler, assessment and extra polishing steps of hybracter should make it slower).
  • hybracter should be more accurate, due to the extra round of polishing following reorientation, and integration of Plassembler (benchmarking coming).
  • hybracter has the advantage of scalability across multiple samples due to its Snakemake and Snaketool implementation.
  • So if you have access to a cluster, hybracter is for you and likely faster.
  • hybracter gives more accurate plasmid assemblies because it uses plassembler
  • hybracter will suggest automatically whether an assembly is 'complete' or 'incomplete'
  • hybracter will assess each polishing step and choose the genome most likely to be the best quality.



  1. QC with Filtlong, Porechop, fastp and optionally contaminant removal using modules from trimnami.
  2. Long-read assembly with Flye.
  3. Determine whether chromosome(s) were assembled (marked as 'complete') or not (marked as 'incomplete') based on the given minimum chromosome length.
  4. For complete isolates, plasmid recovery with Plassembler.
  5. For all isolates, long read polishing with Medaka.
  6. For complete isolates, the chromosome is reorientated to begin with the dnaA gene with dnaapler.
  7. For all isolates, if short reads are provided, short read polishing with Polypolish and Polca.
    • Note: POLCA is not available on MacOS. You must use --no_polca
  8. For all isolates, assessment of all assemblies with ALE for hybracter hybrid or Pyrodigal for hybracter long.
  9. Selection of the best assembly and output final assembly statistics.

Main Commands

  • hybracter hybrid: Assemble multiple genomes from isolates that have long-reads and paired-end short reads.
  • hybracter hybrid-single: Assembles a single genome from an isolate with long-reads and paired-end short reads. It takes similar parameters to Unicycler.
  • hybracter long: Assemble multiple genomes from isolates that have long-reads only.
  • hybracter long-single: Assembles a single genome from an isolate with long-reads only.
  • hybracter install: Downloads and installs the required plassembler database.
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Usage: hybracter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  For more options, run: hybracter command --help

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  install        Downloads and installs the plassembler database
  hybrid         Run hybracter with hybrid long and paired end short reads
  hybrid-single  Run hybracter hybrid on 1 isolate
  long           Run hybracter with only long reads
  long-single    Run hybracter long on 1 isolate
  test-hybrid    Test hybracter hybrid
  test-long      Test hybracter long
  config         Copy the system default config file
  citation       Print the citation(s) for hybracter
  version        Print the version for hybracter

Input csv

hybracter hybrid and hybracter long require an input csv file to be specified with --input. No other inputs are required.

  • This file requires no headers.
  • Other than the reads, hybracter requires a value for a lower bound the minimum chromosome length for each isolate in base pairs. It must be an integer.
  • hybracter will denote contigs about this value as chromosome(s) and if it can recover a chromosome, it will denote the isolate as complete.
  • In practice, I suggest choosing 90% of the estimated chromosome size for this value.
  • e.g. for S. aureus, I'd choose 2500000, E. coli, 4000000, P. aeruginosa 5500000.

hybracter hybrid

  • hybracter hybrid requires an input csv file with 5 columns.
  • Each row is a sample.
  • Column 1 is the sample name you want for this isolate.
  • Column 2 is the long read fastq file.
  • Column 3 is the minimum chromosome length for that sample.
  • Column 4 is the R1 short read fastq file
  • Column 5 is the R2 short read fastq file.



hybracter long

hybracter long also requires an input csv with no headers, but only 3 columns.

  • hybracter long requires an input csv file with 3 columns.
  • Each row is a sample.
  • Column 1 is the sample name you want for this isolate.
  • Column 2 is the long read fastq file.
  • Column 3 is the minimum chromosome length for that sample.




hybracter install

You will first need to install the hybracter databases.

hybracter install

Alternatively, can also specify a particular directory to store them - you will need to specify this with -d <databases directory> when you run hybracter.

hybracter install -d  <databases directory>

Installing Dependencies

If you have internet access on the machine or node where you are running hybracter, you can skip this step.

When you run hybracter for the first time, all the required dependencies will be installed as required, so it will take longer than usual (usually a few minutes). Every time you run it afterwards, it will be a lot faster as the dependenices will be installed.

If you intend to run hybracter offline (e.g. on HPC nodes with no access to the internet), I highly recommend running hybracter hybrid-test and/or hybracter long-test on a node with internet access so hybracter can download the required dependencies. It should take 5-10 minutes.

hybracter hybrid-test
hybracter long-test
hybracter --help

Once that is done, run hybracter hybrid or hybracter long as follows.

hybracter hybrid

hybracter hybrid -i <input.csv> -o <output_dir> -t <threads> 
  • hybracter hybrid requires only a CSV file specified with -i or --input
  • --no_polca will turn off POLCA polishing. Must be used on MacOS.
  • Use --min_length to specify the minimum long-read length for Filtlong.
  • Use --min_quality to specify the minimum long-read quality for Filtlong.
  • You can specify a FASTA file containing contaminants with --contaminants. All long reads that map to contaminants will be filtered out.
    • You can specify Escherichia phage lambda (a common contaminant in Nanopore library preparation) using --contaminants lambda.
  • --skip_qc will skip all read QC steps.
  • You can change the --medakaModel (all available options are listed in hybracter hybrid -h)
  • You can change the --flyeModel (all available options are listed in hybracter hybrid -h)

hybracter hybrid-single

hybracter hybrid-single -l <longread FASTQ> -1 <R1 short reads FASTQ> -2 <R2 short reads FASTQ> -s <sample name> -c <chromosome size> -o <output_dir> -t <threads>  [other arguments]

hybracter long

hybracter long -i <input.csv> -o <output_dir> -t <threads> [other arguments]
  • hybracter long requires only a CSV file specified with -i or --input
  • Use --min_length to specify the minimum long-read length for Filtlong.
  • Use --min_quality to specify the minimum long-read quality for Filtlong.
  • You can specify a FASTA file containing contaminants with --contaminants. All long reads that map to contaminants will be filtered.
    • You can specify Escherichia phage lambda (a common contaminant in Nanopore library preparation) using --contaminants lambda.
  • --skip_qc will skip all read QC steps.
  • You can change the --medakaModel (all available options are listed in hybracter long -h)
  • You can change the --flyeModel (all available options are listed in hybracter long -h)

hybracter long-single

hybracter long-single -l <longread FASTQ> -s <sample name> -c <chromosome size>  -o <output_dir> -t <threads>  [other arguments]


hybracter creates a number of output files in different formats.

For more information about all possible file outputs, please see the documentation here.

Main Output Files

The main outputs are in the FINAL_OUTPUT directory.

This directory will include:

  1. hybracter_summary.tsv file. This gives the summary statistics for your assemblies with the following columns:
Sample Complete (True or False) Total_assembly_length Number_of_contigs Most_accurate_polishing_round Longest_contig_length Number_circular_plasmids
  1. complete and incomplete directories.

All samples that are denoted by hybracter to be complete will have 4 outputs:

  • sample_summary.tsv containing the summary statistics for that sample.
  • sample_final.fasta containing the final assembly for that sample.
  • sample_chromosome.fasta containing only the final chromosome(s) assembly for that sample.
  • sample_plasmid.fasta containing only the final plasmid(s) assembly for that sample. Note this may be empty. If this is empty, then that sample had no plasmids.

All samples that are denoted by hybracter to be incomplete will have 2 outputs:

  • sample.tsv containing the summary statistics for that sample.
  • sample_final.fasta containing the final assembly for that sample.

Snakemake Profiles

I would highly highly recommend running hybracter using a Snakemake profile. Please see this blog post for more details. I have included an example slurm profile in the profile directory, but check out this link for more detail on other HPC job scheduler profiles.

hybracter hybrid --input <input.csv> --output <output_dir> --threads <threads> --profile profiles/hybracter

Version Log

A brief description of what is new in each update of hybracter can be found in the file.


hybracter is tested on Linux, and on MacOS (with --no_polca).

Bugs and Suggestions

If you come across bugs with hybracter, or would like to make any suggestions to improve the program, please open an issue or email


Please consider also citing these dependencies (especially my own tools Plassembler and Dnaapler :) ):




  • Roach MJ, Pierce-Ward NT, Suchecki R, Mallawaarachchi V, Papudeshi B, Handley SA, et al. (2022) Ten simple rules and a template for creating workflows-as-applications. PLoS Comput Biol 18(12): e1010705.

Ryan Wick et al's Assembling the perfect bacterial genome paper, which provided the intellectual framework for hybracter:



Porechop and Porechop_abi:




  • Scott C. Clark, Rob Egan, Peter I. Frazier, Zhong Wang, ALE: a generic assembly likelihood evaluation framework for assessing the accuracy of genome and metagenome assemblies, Bioinformatics, Volume 29, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 435–443,



  • Larralde, M., (2022). Pyrodigal: Python bindings and interface to Prodigal, an efficient method for gene prediction in prokaryotes. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(72), 4296,



  • Aleksey V. Zimin, Guillaume Marçais, Daniela Puiu, Michael Roberts, Steven L. Salzberg, James A. Yorke, The MaSuRCA genome assembler, Bioinformatics, Volume 29, Issue 21, November 2013, Pages 2669–2677,


Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

hybracter-0.1.0.tar.gz (7.7 MB view hashes)

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