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Ice - WSGI on the rocks.

Project description

Ice - WSGI on the rocks

Ice is a Python module with a WSGI microframework meant for developing small web applications in Python.


This module should be used with Python 3.4 or any later version of Python interpreter.

This module depends only on the Python standard library. It does not depend on any third party libraries.


You can install this package using pip3 using the following command.

pip3 install ice

You can install this package from source distribution. To do so, download the latest .tar.gz file from, extract it, then open command prompt or shell, and change your current directory to the directory where you extracted the source distribution, and then execute the following command.

python3 install

Note that on a Windows system, you may have to replace python3 with the path to your Python 3 interpreter.


To report any bugs, or ask any question, please visit


Here is a list of useful links about this project.


This is free software. You are permitted to redistribute and use it in source and binary forms, with or without modification, under the terms of the Simplified BSD License. See the LICENSE.rst file for the complete license.

This software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE.rst file for the complete disclaimer.


Getting started

The simplest way to get started with an ice application is to write a minimal application that serves a default web page.

import ice
app = ice.cube()
if __name__ == '__main__':

Save the above code in a file and execute it with your Python interpreter. Then open your browser, visit http://localhost:8080/, and you should be able to see a web page that says, ‘It works!’.


Once you are able to run a minimal ice application as mentioned in the previous section, you’ll note that while visiting http://localhost:8080/ displays the default ‘It works!’ page, visiting any other URL, such as http://localhost:8080/foo displays the ‘404 Not Found’ page. This happens because the application object returned by the ice.cube function has a default route defined to invoke a function that returns the default page when the client requests / using the HTTP GET method. There is no such route defined by default for /foo or any request path other than /.

In this document, a request path is defined as the part of the URL after the domain name and before the query string. For example, in a request for http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?x=10, the request path is /foo/bar.

A route is used to map an HTTP request made to an ice application to a Python callable. A route consists of three objects:

  1. HTTP request method, e.g. 'GET', 'POST'.

  2. Request path pattern, e.g. '/foo', '/post/<id>', /(.*).

  3. Callable, e.g. Python function

A route is said to match a request path when the request pattern of the route matches the request path. When a client makes a request to an ice application, if a route matches the request path, then the callable of the route is invoked and the value returned by the callable is used to send a response to the client.

The request path pattern of a route can be specified in one of three ways:

  1. Literal path, e.g. '/', '/contact/', '/about/'.

  2. Pattern with wildcards, e.g. '/blog/<id>', '/order/<:int>'.

  3. Regular expression, e.g. '/blog/\w+', '/order/\d+'.

These three types of routes are described in the subsections below.

Literal routes

The following application overrides the default ‘It works!’ page for / with a custom page. Additionally, it sets up a route for /foo.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def home():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Home</title></head>' \

def foo():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

The routes defined in the above example are called literal routes because they match the request path exactly as specified in the argument to app.get decorator. Routes defined with the app.get decorator matches HTTP GET requests. Now, visiting http://localhost:8080/ displays a page with the following text.


Visiting http://localhost:8080/foo displays a page with the following text.


However, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo/ or http://localhost:8080/foo/bar displays the ‘404 Not Found’ page because the literal pattern '/foo' does not match '/foo/' or '/foo/bar'.

Wildcard routes

Anonymous wildcards

The following code example is the simplest application demonstrating a wildcard route that matches request path of the form / followed by any string devoid of /, < and > . The characters <> is an anonymous wildcard because there is no name associated with this wildcard. The part of the request path matched by an anonymous wildcard is passed as a positional argument to the route’s callable.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(a):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>' + a + '</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>' + a + '</p></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save the above code in a file and execute it with Python interpreter. Then open your browser, visit http://localhost:8080/foo, and you should be able to see a page with the followning text.


If you visit http://localhost:8080/bar instead, you should see a page with the following text.


However, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo/ or http://localhost:8080/foo/bar displays the ‘404 Not Found’ page because the wildcard based pattern /<> does not match /foo/ or /foo/bar.

Named wildcards

A wildcard with a valid Python identifier as its name is called a named wildcard. The part of the request path matched by a named wildcard is passed as a keyword argument, with the same name as that of the wildcard, to the route’s callable.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(a):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>' + a + '</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>' + a + '</p></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

The a, in <a>, is the name of the wildcard. The ice application in this example with a named wildcard behaves similar to the earlier one with an anonymous wildcard. The following example code clearly demonstrates how matches due to anonymous wildcards are passed differently from the matches due to named wildcards.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>args: {}<br>kwargs: {}</p>' \
           '</body></html>'.format(args, kwargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo/hello-world/ice-cube/wsgi-rocks displays a page with the following text.

args: (‘hello’, ‘world’, ‘wsgi’)
kwargs: {‘a’: ‘ice’, ‘b’: ‘cube’, ‘c’: ‘rocks’}

Here is a more typical example that demonstrates how anonymous wildcard and named wildcard may be used together.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def page(page_id, user, category):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>page_id: {}<br>user: {}<br>category: {}</p>' \
           '</body></html>'.format(page_id, user, category)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/snowman/articles/python displays a page with the following text.

page_id: python
user: snowman
category: articles

Note: Since parts of the request path matched by anonymous wildcards are passed as positional arguments and parts of the request path matched by named wildcards are passed as keyword arguments to the route’s callable, it is required by the Python language that all positional parameters must come before all keyword parameters in the function definition. However, the wildcards may appear in any order in the route’s pattern.

Throwaway wildcard

A wildcard with exclamation mark, !, as its name is a throwaway wildcard. The part of the request path matched by a throwaway wildcard is not passed to the route’s callable. They are thrown away!

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>args: {}<br>kwargs: {}</p>' \
           '</body></html>'.format(args, kwargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo displays a page the following text.

args: ()
kwargs: {}

The output confirms that no argument is passed to the foo function. Here is a more typical example that demonstrates how a throwaway wildcard may be used with other wildcards.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def page(page_id):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>page_id: ' + page_id + '</p>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/snowman/articles/python should display a page with the following text.

page_id: python

There are three wildcards in the route’s request path pattern but there is only one parameter in the route’s callable because two out of the three wildcards are throwaway wildcards.

Wildcard specification

The complete syntax of a wildcard specification is: <name:type>.

The following rules describe how a wildcard is interpreted.

  1. The delimiters < (less-than sign) and > (greater-than sign), are mandatory.

  2. However, name, : (colon) and type are optional.

  3. Either a valid Python identifier or the exclamation mark, !, should be used for name.

  4. If name is missing, the part of the request path matched by the wildcard is passed as a positional argument to the route’s callable.

  5. If name is present and it is a valid Python identifier, the part of the request path matched by the wildcard is passed as a keyword argument to the route’s callable.

  6. If name is present and it is !, the part of the request path matched by the wildcard is not passed to the route’s callable.

  7. If name is present but it is neither ! nor a valid Python identifier, ice.RouteError is raised.

  8. If type is present, it must be preceded by : (colon).

  9. If type is present but it is not str, int, +int and -int, ice.RouteError is raised.

  10. If type is missing, it is assumed to be str.

  11. If type is str, it matches a string not containing /. The path of the request path matched by the wildcard is passed as an str object to the route’s callable.

  12. If type is int, +int or -int, the path of the request path matched by the wildcard is passed as an int object to the route’s callable.

  13. If type is +int, the wildcard matches a positive integer where the positive integer beginning with a non-zero digit.

  14. If type is int, the wildcard matches 0 as well as everything that a wildcard of type +int matches.

  15. If type is -int, the wildcard matches a negative integer that begins with the - sign followed by a non-zero digit as well as everything that a wildcard of type int matches.

Here is an example that demonstrates a typical route with an int wildcard.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def note(note_id):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>note_id: {}</p></body></html>'.format(note_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/notes/12 displays a page with the following text.

note_id: 12

Visiting http://localhost:8080/notes/0 displays a page with the following text.

note_id: 0

However, visiting http://localhost:8080/notes/+12, http://localhost:8080/notes/+0 or http://localhost:8080/notes/012, displays the ‘404 Not Found’ page because <:int> does not match an integer with a leading + sign or with a leading 0. It matches 0 and a positive integer beginning with a non-zero digit only.

Regular expression routes

The following code demonstrates a simple regular expression based route. The part of the request path matched by a non-symbolic capturing group is passed as a positional argument to the route’s callable.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(a):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>' + a + '</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>' + a + '</p></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo displays a page with the following text.


Visiting http://localhost:8080/foo/bar/ displays a page with the following text.


The part of the request path matched by a symbolic capturing group in the regular expression is passed as a keyword argument with the same name as that of the symbolic group.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def page(page_id, user, category):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>page_id: {}<br>user: {}<br>category: {}</p>' \
           '</body></html>'.format(page_id, user, category)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/snowman/articles/python displays a page with the following text.

page_id: python
user: snowman
category: articles

Note: Since parts of the request path matched by non-symbolic capturing groups are passed as positional arguments and parts of the request path matched by symbolic capturing groups are passed as keyword arguments to the route’s callable, it is required by the Python language that all positional parameters must come before all keyword parameters in the function definition. However, the capturing groups may appear in any order in the route’s pattern.

Interpretation of request path pattern

The request path pattern is interpreted according to the following rules. The rules are processed in the order specified and as soon as one of the rules succeeds in determining how the request path pattern should be interpreted, further rules are not processed.

  1. If a route’s request path pattern begins with regex: prefix, then it is interpreted as a regular expression route.

  2. If a route’s request path pattern begins with wildcard: prefix, then it is interpreted as a wildcard route.

  3. If a route’s request path pattern begins with literal: prefix, then it is interpreted as a literal route.

  4. If a route’s request path pattern contains what looks like a capturing group, i.e. it contains ( before ) somewhere in the pattern, then it is automatically interpreted as a regular expression route.

  5. If a route’s request path pattern contains what looks like a wildcard, i.e. it contains < before > somewhere in the pattern with no /, < and > in between them, then it is automatically interpreted as a wildcard route.

  6. If none of the above rules succeed in determining how to interpret the request path, then it is interpreted as a literal route. literal route.

The next three sections clarify the above rules with some contrived examples.

Explicit literal routes

To define a literal route with the request path pattern as /<foo>, literal: prefix must be used. Without it, the <foo> in the pattern is interpreted as a wildcard and the route is defined as a wildcard route. With the literal: prefix, the pattern is explicitly defined as a literal pattern.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/%3Cfoo%3E displays a page containing the following text.


A request path pattern that seems to contain a wildcard or a capturing group but needs to be treated as a literal pattern must be prefixed with the string literal:.

Explicit wildcard routes

To define a wildcard route with the request path pattern as /(foo)/<>, the wildcard: prefix must be used. Without it, the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression pattern because the (foo) in the pattern looks like a capturing group.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo(a):
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>a: ' + a + '</p></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/(foo)/bar displays a page with the following text.

a: bar

A request path pattern that seems to contain a regular expression capturing group but needs to be treated as a wildcard pattern must be prefixed with the string wildcard:.

Explicit regular expression routes

To define a regular expression route with the request path pattern as ^/foo\d*$, the regex: prefix must be used. Without it, the pattern is interpreted as a literal pattern because there is no capturing group in the pattern.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def foo():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo or http://localhost:8080/foo123 displays a page containing the following text.


A request path pattern that does not contain a regular expression capturing group but needs to be treated as a regular expression pattern must be prefixed with the string regex:.

Query strings

The following example shows an application that can process a query string in a GET request.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def home():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>name: {}</p></body>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/?name=Humpty+Dumpty displays a page with the following text.

name: Humpty Dumpty

Note that the + sign in the query string has been properly URL decoded into a space.

The app.request.query object in the code is an ice.MultiDict object that can store multiple values for every key. However, when used like a dictionary, it returns the most recently added value for a key. Therefore, visiting http://localhost:8080/?name=Humpty&name=Santa displays a page with the following text.

name: Santa

Note that in this URL, there are two values passed for the name field in the query string, but accessing app.request.query['name'] provides us only the value that is most recently added. To get all the values for a key in app.request.query, we can use the ice.MultiDict.getall method as shown below.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def home():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>name: {}</p></body>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, visiting http://localhost:8080/?name=Humpty&name=Santa displays a page with the following text.

name: [‘Humpty’, ‘Santa’]

Note that the ice.MultiDict.getall method returns all the values belonging to the key as a list object.


The following example shows an application that can process forms submitted by a POST request.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def show_form():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \
           '<body><form action="/result" method="post">' \
           'First name: <input name="firstName"><br>' \
           'Last name: <input name="lastName"><br>' \
           '<input type="submit">' \
def show_post():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>First name: {}<br>Last name: {}</p>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/, filling up the form and submitting it displays the form data.

The app.request.form object in this code, like the app.request.query object in the previous section, is a MultiDict object.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def show_form():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head>' \
           '<body><form action="/result" method="post">' \
           'name1: <input name="name"><br>' \
           'name2: <input name="name"><br>' \
           '<input type="submit">' \
def show_post():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Foo</title></head><body>' \
           '<p>name (single): {}<br>name (multi): {}</p>' \

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/, filling up the form and submitting it displays the form data. While app.request.form['name'] returns the string entered in the second input field, app.request.form.getall('name') returns strings entered in both input fields as a list object.

Error pages

The application object returned by the ice.cube function contains a generic fallback error handler that displays a simple error page with the HTTP status line, a short description of the status and the version of the ice package.

This error handler may be overridden using the error decorator. This decorator accepts one optional integer argument that may be used to explicitly specify the HTTP status code of responses for which the handler should be invoked to generate an error page. If no argument is provided, the error handler is defined as a fallback error handler. A fallback error handler is invoked to generate an error page for any HTTP response representing an error when there is no error handler defined explicitly for the response tatus code of the HTTP response.

Here is an example.

import ice
app = ice.cube()

def error():
    return '<!DOCTYPE html>' \
           '<html><head><title>Page not found</title></head>' \
           '<body><p>Page not found</p></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running this application, visiting http://localhost:8080/foo displays a page with the following text.

Page not found

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ice-0.0.1.tar.gz (22.9 kB view hashes)

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