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A module for interacting with the Deutsche Bahn onboard APIs

Project description



This module functions as an endpoint for interacting with the onboard APIs of the Deutsche Bahn ICE and IC trains. This is an inofficial project and not acknowledged nor supported by Deutsche Bahn AG.

Note, that this module will only work while you are on a train and connected to its WiFi-Hotspot.


  • Available at PyPI
    $ python -m pip install iceportal_apis
  • Or directly download this module from: Direct download (PyPI)


  • This sofware is distributed under the MIT License, please see LICENSE for detailed information.


  1. Getting data
    1. Getting raw data
      1. get_status()
      2. get_trip()
      3. get_all()
      4. request_json(url)
    2. Getting processed data
      1. get_speed()
      2. get_train_type()
      3. get_wagon_class()
      4. get_latitude()
      5. get_longitude()
      6. get_position()
      7. get_station_eva_number(name)
      8. get_next_station_eva_number()
      9. get_last_station_eva_number()
      10. get_station_eva_numbers()
      11. get_station_name(evaNr)
      12. get_next_station_name()
      13. get_station_names()
      14. get_actual_arrival_time(name, evaNr)
      15. get_next_arrival_time()
      16. get_actual_time_until_arrival(name, evaNr)
      17. get_time_until_arrival(name, evaNr)
      18. get_actual_time_until_next_arrival()
      19. get_time_until_next_arrival()
      20. get_actual_track(station, evaNr)
      21. get_track(station, evaNr)
      22. get_next_track()
      23. get_delay()
      24. get_delay_reasons()
      25. get_delay_reason_last_station()
      26. get_delay_reason()
      27. get_delay_status()
      28. get_is_delayed()
  2. Processing data
    1. cut_timestamp(seconds)
    2. convert_time_to_string(timedelta_obj, locale)
  3. Exceptions
    1. NetworkException(Exception)
    2. NotOnTrainException(Exception)
    3. NotAvailableException(Exception)
    4. NotInFutureException(Exception)
    5. NoneDataException(Exception)
    6. WrongApiException(Exception)

1. Getting data

1.1 Getting raw data

1.1.1 get_status()

Description: Function for retrieving data from the status API.

Parameters: -

Returns: dict

Calls: request_json

1.1.2 get_trip()

Description: Function for retrieving data from the trip API

Parameters: -

Returns: dict

Calls: request_json

1.1.3 get_all()

Description: Gets data from both APIs

Parameters: -

Returns: dict, dict

Calls: request_json

1.1.4 request_json(url)

Description: Requests data from url and converts it into a python dict

Parameters: url (the url to recieve data from)

Returns: dict

Calls: requests.get

1.2 Getting processed data

status_call and trip_call are optional parameters. They can be used to provide the result of an API call to each function. Otherwise the respective function makes a new API call.

1.2.1 get_speed(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the current speed of the train

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: int

Calls: get_status

1.2.2 get_train_type(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the type of train

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: String ("ICE"/"IC")

Calls: get_status

1.2.3 get_wagon_class(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the wagon class (can be inacurate for wagons next to another class)

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: String ("FIRST"/"SECOND")

Calls: get_status

1.2.4 get_latitude(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the latitude of the trains position

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: float

Calls: get_status

1.2.5 get_longitude(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the longitude of the trains position

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: float

Calls: get_status

1.2.6 get_position(status_call=None)

Description: Gets the trains position

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: status_call (dict)

Returns: (float, float)

Calls: get_latitude, get_longitude

1.2.7 get_station_eva_number(name, trip_call=None)

Description: Converts a stations name into its evaNr (unsafe: multiple stations in one city)

Parameters: name (String)

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: String

Calls: get_trip

1.2.8 get_next_station_eva_number(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the evaNr of the next station

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: String

Calls: get_trip

1.2.9 get_last_station_eva_number(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the evaNr of the last station

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: String

Calls: get_trip, get_next_station_eva_number

1.2.10 get_station_eva_numbers(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets all evaNrs for this trip

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: list

Calls: get_trip

1.2.11 get_station_name(evaNr, trip_call=None)

Description: Converts a stations evaNr into its name (safe)

Parameters: evaNr (String)

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: String

Calls: get_trip

1.2.12 get_next_station_name(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the name of the next station

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: String

Calls: get_trip

1.2.13 get_station_names(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets all station names for this trip

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: list

Calls: get_trip

1.2.14 get_actual_arrival_time(name=None, evaNr=None, trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the time of arrival for a specific station

Parameters: (one needed)

Optional parameters: name (String), evaNr (String), trip_call (dict)

Returns: datetime.datetime

Calls: get_trip, datetime.fromtimestamp, cut_timestamp

1.2.15 get_next_arrival_time(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the time of arrival for the next station

Parameters: -

Returns: datetime.datetime

Calls: get_actual_arrival_time, get_next_station_eva_number

1.2.16 get_actual_time_until_arrival(name=None, evaNr=None, trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the time until the train arrives at a specific station

Parameters: (one needed)

Optional parameters: name (String), evaNr (String), trip_call (dict)

Returns: datetime.timedelta

Calls: get_actual_arrival_time,

1.2.17 get_time_until_arrival(name=None, evaNr=None, trip_call=None)

Description: Alias for get_actual_time_until_arrival()

Parameters: (one needed)

Optional parameters: name (String), evaNr (String), trip_call (dict)

Returns: datetime.timedelta

Calls: get_actual_time_until_arrival

1.2.18 get_actual_time_until_next_arrival(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the time until the next station in minutes

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: datetime.timedelta

Calls: get_actual_time_until_arrival, get_next_station_eva_number

1.2.19 get_time_until_next_arrival(trip_call=None)

Description: Alias for get_actual_time_until_next_arrival

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: datetime.timedelta

Calls: get_actual_time_until_next_arrival

1.2.20 get_actual_track(station_name=None, evaNr=None, trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the track on which the train will arrvive for a specific station

Parameters: (one needed)

Optional parameters: station_name (String), evaNr (String), trip_call (dict)

Returns: int

Calls: get_trip,

1.2.21 get_track(station=None, evaNr=None, trip_call=None)

Description: Alias for get_actual_track()

Parameters: (one needed)

Optional parameters: station_name (String), evaNr (String), trip_call (dict)

Returns: int

Calls: get_actual_track

1.2.22 get_next_track(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the track on which the train will arrive in the next station

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: int

Calls: get_actual_track, get_next_station_eva_number

1.2.23 get_delay(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the delay in minutes

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: int

Calls: get_trip, get_next_station_eva_number

1.2.24 get_delay_reasons(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets all reasons for delays

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: dict

Calls: get_trip

1.2.25 get_delay_reason_last_station(trip_call=None)

Description: Gets the reasons for the current delay

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: list

Calls: get_delay_reasons, get_last_station_eva_number

1.2.26 get_delay_reason(trip_call=None)

Description: Alias for get_delay_reason_last_station

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: list

Calls: get_delay_reason_last_station

1.2.27 get_delay_status(trip_call=None)

Description: Returns whether the train is delayed or not

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: bool

Calls: get_delay

1.2.28 get_is_delayed(trip_call=None)

Description: Alias for get_delay_status

Parameters: -

Optional parameters: trip_call (dict)

Returns: bool

Calls: get_delay_status

2. Processing data

2.1 cut_timestamp(seconds)

Description: The APIs return a timestamp that is not in the right format for datetime functions. This function cuts the timestamp into the right format

Parameters: seconds (int)

Returns: int

Calls: -

2.2 convert_time_to_string(timedelta_obj, locale)

Description: Converts a timedelta object into a string representation, supported locales are "", "en", "de", "fr", "nl". "en" is the standard locale

Parameters: timedelta_obj (datetime.timedelta), locale (String)

Returns: String


3. Exceptions

1. Work in progress ...

Example usage

This code is also available in the file

# Import iceportal_apis
import iceportal_apis as ipa

# Information related to the next station
def example_next_station():
    """Function for getting the next train station.
       and information on the current status (delay, track, ...)
    print(f'Next stop: "{ipa.get_next_station_name()}" at \
{ipa.get_next_arrival_time()} on platform {ipa.get_next_track()}.')
    print(f'Arrival in {ipa.convert_time_to_string(ipa.get_time_until_next_arrival(), locale="en")}')
    if ipa.get_delay_status():
        print(f'This train is {ipa.get_delay()} min delayed')
        if ipa.get_delay_reasons() != None:
            print(f'Reason: "{ipa.get_delay_reason_last_station()}"')

# Information related to the trains speed
def example_speed():
    """Function for getting the train type and the current speed of the train.
    print(f'This {ipa.get_train_type()} is currently going {ipa.get_speed()}km/h')

# Entry
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input() # keep the window opened

This code makes an API call for every function of iceportal_apis. However the module supports handing an API call over to a function as an optional parameter. The function will then work with that call, so that you only need to call the API once.

This code is also available in the file

# same as but calls the api only once

# Import iceportal_apis
import iceportal_apis as ipa

def example_next_station(call):
    """Function for getting the next train station.
       and information on the current status (delay, track, ...)
    print(f'Next stop: "{ipa.get_next_station_name(trip_call=call)}" at \
{ipa.get_next_arrival_time(trip_call=call)} on platform {ipa.get_next_track(trip_call=call)}.')
    print(f'Arrival in {ipa.convert_time_to_string(ipa.get_time_until_next_arrival(trip_call=call), locale="en")}')
    if ipa.get_delay_status(trip_call=call):
        print(f'This train is {ipa.get_delay(trip_call=call)} min delayed')
        if ipa.get_delay_reasons(trip_call=call) != None:
            print(f'Reason: "{ipa.get_delay_reason_last_station(trip_call=call)}"')

# Information related to the trains speed
def example_speed(call):
    """Function for getting the train type and the current speed of the train.
    print(f'This {ipa.get_train_type(status_call=call)} is currently going {ipa.get_speed(status_call=call)}km/h')

# Entry
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Call the api
    status, trip = ipa.get_all()

API documentation

1. Status API

The Status API is available at

Sample response:

    "connection": true,                         //  true / false
    "servicelevel": "AVAILABLE_SERVICE",        //  ?
    "internet": "HIGH",                         //  HIGH / LOW
    "speed": 185,                               //  int (km/h)
    "gpsStatus": "VALID",                       //  ?
    "tzn": "Tz1191",                            //  Tz.... (train ID)
    "series": "011",                            //  ?
    "latitude": 50.1234567,                     //  float (lat in dec. format)
    "longitude": 10.1234567,                    //  float (lon in dec. format)
    "serverTime": 1603913200000,                //  EPOCH + int
    "wagonClass": "SECOND",                     //  FIRST / SECOND
    "navigationChange": "2020-10-28-04-01-05",  //  YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS
    "trainType": "ICE"                          //  ICE / IC

2. Trip API

The Trip API is available at

Sample Response (shortened, only one element in 'stops' list instead of all stops):

    "trip": {
        "tripDate": "2020-10-31",       //  date
        "trainType": "ICE",             //  ICE / IC
        "vzn": "881",                   //  trip ID (ICE 881)
        "actualPosition": 159781,       //  distance from the start
        "distanceFromLastStop": 41632,  //  distance from the last stop
        "totalDistance": 708799,        //  total distance
        "stopInfo": {
            "scheduledNext": "8000128_00",           //  evaNr
            "actualNext": "8000128_00",              //  evaNr
            "actualLast": "8000152_00",              //  evaNr
            "actualLastStarted": "8000128",          //  evaNr
            "finalStationName": "M\u00fcnchen Hbf",  //  name
            "finalStationEvaNr": "8000261_00"        //  evaNr
        "stops": [
                "station": {
                    "evaNr": "8000115_00",      //  evaNr
                    "name": "Fulda",            //  name
                    "code": null,               //  ?
                    "geocoordinates": {
                        "latitude": 50.554723,  //  float (lat of this station in dec. format)
                        "longitude": 9.683977   //  float (lon of this station in dec. format)
                "timetable": {
                    "scheduledArrivalTime": 1604159640000,    //  EPOCH + x seconds
                    "actualArrivalTime": 1604159640000,       //
                    "showActualArrivalTime": true,            //  -
                    "arrivalDelay": "",                       //  delay in minutes
                    "scheduledDepartureTime": 1604159760000,  //
                    "actualDepartureTime": 1604159760000,     //
                    "showActualDepartureTime": true,          //  -
                    "departureDelay": ""                      //  delay in minutes
                "track": {
                    "scheduled": "4",  //  The scheduled platform in this train station
                    "actual": "4"      //  The actual platform in this train station
                "info": {
                    "status": 0,                 //  ?
                    "passed": false,             //  false / true (Whether or not the station was already passed)
                    "positionStatus": "future",  //  past / departed / future (see "passed":)
                    "distance": 85974,           //  Distance from last stop
                    "distanceFromStart": 381551  //  Absolute distance travelled
                "delayReasons": [
                        'code':'38',                                //  delay status code
                        'text':'Technische Störung an der Strecke'  //  delay reason
    "connection": null,               //  ?
    "selectedRoute": {
        "conflictInfo": {
            "status": "NO_CONFLICT",  //  ?
            "text": null              //  ?
        "mobility": null              //  ?
    "active": null                    //  ?

3. Other APIs

These are other APIs I discovered but didn't investigate in:





If you would like to develop your own interface you can use sample data from samples/ Just put the file in your working directory and import it into your project as you would with a normal module.

from sample_data_supplier import get_sample_data_status, get_sample_data_trip
import iceportal_apis as ipa

You have to override the get_status() and get_trip() functions

ipa.get_status = lambda: get_sample_data_status()
ipa.get_trip = lambda: get_sample_data_trip()

After that you can develop and test as if you were on a train.


from sample_data_supplier import get_sample_data_status, get_sample_data_trip
import iceportal_apis as ipa

ipa.get_status = lambda: get_sample_data_status()
ipa.get_trip = lambda: get_sample_data_trip()


Project details

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Source Distribution

iceportal_apis-1.0.0.tar.gz (13.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

iceportal_apis-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (9.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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