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Chrome controller for Humans, base on Chrome Devtools Protocol(CDP) and python3.7+. Read more:

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Chrome controller for Humans, base on Chrome Devtools Protocol(CDP) and python3.7+.



  • Pyppeteer is awesome, but I don't need so much
    • spelling of pyppeteer is confused
    • event-driven programming is not always advisable.
  • Selenium is slow
    • webdrivers often come with memory leak.
  • In desperate need of a stable toolkit to communicate with Chrome browser (or other Blink-based browsers like Chromium)
    • fast http & websocket connections (based on aiohttp) for asyncio environment
    • ichrome.debugger is a sync tool and depends on the ichrome.async_utils
      • a choice for debugging interactively.


  • Chrome process daemon
    • auto-restart
    • command-line usage support
    • async environment compatible
  • Connect to an existing Chrome
  • Operations on Tabs under stable websocket
    • Package very commonly used functions
  • ChromeEngine progress pool utils
    • support HTTP api router with FastAPI

What's More?

As we known, Chrome browsers (including various webdriver versions) will have the following problems in a long-running scene:

  1. memory leak
  2. missing websocket connections
  3. infinitely growing cache
  4. other unpredictable problems...

So you may need a more stable process pool with ChromeEngine(HTTP usage & normal usage):

Show more

ChromeEngine HTTP usage


pip install -U ichrome[web]

import os

import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI

from ichrome import AsyncTab
from ichrome.routers.fastapi_routes import ChromeAPIRouter

app = FastAPI()
# reset max_msg_size and window size for a large size screenshot
AsyncTab._DEFAULT_WS_KWARGS['max_msg_size'] = 10 * 1024**2

# view url with your browser


from torequests import tPool
from inspect import getsource
req = tPool()

async def tab_callback(self, tab, data, timeout):
    await tab.set_url(data['url'], timeout=timeout)
    return (await tab.querySelector('h1')).text

r ='',
                 'data': {
                     'url': ''
                 'tab_callback': getsource(tab_callback),
                 'timeout': 10
# "Herman Melville - Moby-Dick"

ChromeEngine normal usage

Connect tab and do something

import asyncio

from ichrome.pool import ChromeEngine

def test_chrome_engine_connect_tab():

    async def _test_chrome_engine_connect_tab():

        async with ChromeEngine(port=9234, headless=True,
                                disable_image=True) as ce:
            async with ce.connect_tab(port=9234) as tab:
                await tab.goto('')
                print(await tab.title)


if __name__ == "__main__":
# INFO  2020-10-13 22:18:53 [ichrome] [enqueue](0) ChromeTask(<9234>, PENDING, id=1, tab=None), timeout=None, data=<ichrome.pool._TabWorker object at 0x000002232841D9A0>
# INFO  2020-10-13 22:18:55 [ichrome] [online] ChromeWorker(<9234>, 0/5, 0 todos) is online.
# INFO  2020-10-13 22:18:55 [ichrome] ChromeWorker(<9234>, 0/5, 0 todos) get a new task ChromeTask(<9234>, PENDING, id=1, tab=None).
# PyPI · The Python Package Index
# INFO  2020-10-13 22:18:57 [ichrome] [offline] ChromeWorker(<9234>, 0/5, 0 todos) is offline.
# INFO  2020-10-13 22:18:57 [ichrome] [finished](0) ChromeTask(<9234>, PENDING, id=1, tab=None)

Batch Tasks

import asyncio
from inspect import getsource

from ichrome.pool import ChromeEngine

async def tab_callback(self, tab, url, timeout):
    await tab.set_url(url, timeout=5)
    return await tab.title

def test_pool():

    async def _test_pool():
        async with ChromeEngine(max_concurrent_tabs=5,
                                disable_image=True) as ce:
            tasks = [
          '', tab_callback, timeout=10))
                for _ in range(3)
            ] + [
                        '', getsource(tab_callback), timeout=10))
                for _ in range(3)
            for task in tasks:
                result = await task
                assert result

    # will raise aiohttp issue:

if __name__ == "__main__":


Install from PyPI

pip install ichrome -U

Uninstall & Clear the user data dir

    $ python3 -m ichrome --clean
    $ pip uninstall ichrome

Download & unzip the latest version of Chromium browser

python3 -m ichrome --install="/home/root/chrome_bin"


  1. install the missing packages yourself
    1. use ldd chrome | grep not on linux to check and install them, or view the link: Checking out and building Chromium on Linux
  2. add --no-sandbox to extra_configs to avoid No usable sandbox errors, unless you really need sandbox: Chromium: "Running without the SUID sandbox!" error - Ask Ubuntu
AsyncChrome feature list
  1. server

    return f"http://{}:{self.port}", such as

  2. version

    version info from /json/version format like:

    {'Browser': 'Chrome/77.0.3865.90', 'Protocol-Version': '1.3', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36', 'V8-Version': '', 'WebKit-Version': '537.36 (@58c425ba843df2918d9d4b409331972646c393dd)', 'webSocketDebuggerUrl': 'ws://'}
  3. connect / check / ok

    check alive

  4. get_tabs / tabs / get_tab / get_tabs

    get the AsyncTab instance from /json.

  5. new_tab / activate_tab / close_tab / close_tabs

    operating tabs.

  6. close_browser

    find the activated tab and send Browser.close message, close the connected chrome browser gracefully.

    await chrome.close_browser()
  7. kill

    force kill the chrome process with self.port.

    await chrome.kill()
  8. connect_tabs

    connect websockets for multiple tabs in one with context, and disconnect before exiting.

    tab0: AsyncTab = (await chrome.tabs)[0]
    tab1: AsyncTab = await chrome.new_tab()
    async with chrome.connect_tabs([tab0, tab1]):
        assert (await tab0.current_url) == 'about:blank'
        assert (await tab1.current_url) == 'about:blank'
  9. connect_tab

    The easiest way to get a connected tab. get an existing tab

    async with chrome.connect_tab(0) as tab:
        print(await tab.current_title)

    get a new tab and auto close it

    async with chrome.connect_tab(None, True) as tab:
        print(await tab.current_title)

    get a new tab with given url and auto close it

    async with chrome.connect_tab('', True) as tab:
        print(await tab.current_title)
AsyncTab feature list
  1. set_url / reload

    navigate to a new url(return bool for whether load finished), or send Page.reload message.

  2. wait_event

    listening the events with given name, and separate from other same-name events with filter_function, finally run the callback_function with result.

  3. wait_page_loading / wait_loading

    wait for Page.loadEventFired event, or stop loading while timeout. Different from wait_loading_finished.

  4. wait_response / wait_request

    filt the Network.responseReceived / Network.requestWillBeSent event by filter_function, return the request_dict which can be used by get_response / get_response_body / get_request_post_data. WARNING: requestWillBeSent event fired do not mean the response is ready, should await tab.wait_request_loading(request_dict) or await tab.get_response(request_dict, wait_loading=True)

  5. wait_request_loading / wait_loading_finished

    sometimes event got request_dict with wait_response, but the ajax request is still fetching, which need to wait the Network.loadingFinished event.

  6. activate / activate_tab

    activate tab with websocket / http message.

  7. close / close_tab

    close tab with websocket / http message.

  8. add_js_onload

    Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument, which means this javascript code will be run before page loaded.

  9. clear_browser_cache / clear_browser_cookies

    Network.clearBrowserCache and Network.clearBrowserCookies

  10. querySelectorAll

    get the tag instance, which contains the tagName, innerHTML, outerHTML, textContent, attributes attrs.

  11. click

    click the element queried by given css selector.

  12. refresh_tab_info

    to refresh the init attrs: url, title.

  13. current_html / current_title / current_url

    get the current html / title / url with tab.js. or using the refresh_tab_info method and init attrs.

  14. crash


  15. get_cookies / get_all_cookies / delete_cookies / set_cookie

    some page cookies operations.

  16. set_headers / set_ua

    Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders and Network.setUserAgentOverride, used to update headers dynamically.

  17. close_browser

    send Browser.close message to close the chrome browser gracefully.

  18. get_bounding_client_rect / get_element_clip

    get_element_clip is alias name for the other, these two method is to get the rect of element which queried by css element.

  19. screenshot / screenshot_element

    get the screenshot base64 encoded image data. screenshot_element should be given a css selector to locate the element.

  20. get_page_size / get_screen_size

    size of current window or the whole screen.

  21. get_response

    get the response body with the given request dict.

  22. js

    run the given js code, return the raw response from sending Runtime.evaluate message.

  23. inject_js_url

    inject some js url, like <script src="xxx/static/js/jquery.min.js"></script> do.

  24. get_value & get_variable

    run the given js variable or expression, and return the result.

    await tab.get_value('document.title')
    await tab.get_value("document.querySelector('title').innerText")
  25. keyboard_send

    dispath key event with Input.dispatchKeyEvent

  26. mouse_click

    dispath click event on given position

  27. mouse_drag

    dispath drag event on given position, and return the target x, y. duration arg is to slow down the move speed.

  28. mouse_drag_rel

    dispath drag event on given offset, and return the target x, y.

  29. mouse_drag_rel

    drag with offsets continuously.

    await tab.set_url('')
    walker = await tab.mouse_drag_rel_chain(320, 145).move(50, 0, 0.2).move(
        0, 50, 0.2).move(-50, 0, 0.2).move(0, -50, 0.2)
    await walker.move(50 * 1.414, 50 * 1.414, 0.2)
  30. mouse_press / mouse_release / mouse_move / mouse_move_rel / mouse_move_rel_chain

    similar to the drag features. These mouse features is only dispatched events, not the real mouse action.

  31. history_back / history_forward / goto_history_relative / reset_history

    back / forward history


See the Classic Use Cases

Quick Start

  1. Start a new chrome daemon process with headless=False

     python -m ichrome

    or launch chrome daemon in code

     async with AsyncChromeDaemon() as cd:
         async with cd.connect_tab() as tab:
  2. Create the connection to exist chrome browser

     async with AsyncChrome() as chrome:
  3. Operations on the tabs: new tab, wait loading, run javascript, get html, close tab

  4. Close the browser GRACEFULLY instead of killing process

from ichrome import AsyncChromeDaemon
import asyncio

async def main():
    # If there is an existing daemon, such as `python -m ichrome`, the `async with AsyncChromeDaemon` context can be omitted.
    async with AsyncChromeDaemon(headless=0, disable_image=False) as cd:
        # index: 0=current activate tab, 1=tab 1, None=new tab, $URL=new tab for url
        async with cd.connect_tab(index=0, auto_close=True) as tab:
            # tab: AsyncTab
            await tab.alert(
                'Now using the default tab and goto the url, click to continue.'
            print(await tab.goto('',
            # wait tag appeared
            await tab.wait_tag('[data-content="Issues"]', max_wait_time=5)
            await tab.alert(
                'Here the Issues tag appeared, I will click that button.')
            # click the issues tag
            await tab.wait_tag('#js-issues-search')
            await tab.alert('Now will input some text and search the issues.')
            await tab.mouse_click_element_rect('#js-issues-search')
            await tab.keyboard_send(string='chromium')
            await tab.js(
            await tab.wait_loading(5)
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
            await tab.alert('demo finished.')
            # no need to close tab for auto_close=True
            # await tab.close()
        # # close browser gracefully
        # await cd.close_browser()
        print('clearing the user data cache.')
        await cd.clear_user_data_dir()

if __name__ == "__main__":

More Examples

Command Line Usage (Daemon Mode)

Be used for launching a chrome daemon process. The unhandled args will be treated as chrome raw args and appended to extra_config list.

Chromium Command Line Args List

Shutdown Chrome process with the given port

λ python3 -m ichrome -s 9222
2018-11-27 23:01:59 DEBUG [ichrome] kill chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
2018-11-27 23:02:00 DEBUG [ichrome] kill chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222

Launch a Chrome daemon process

λ python3 -m ichrome -p 9222 --start_url "" --disable_image
2018-11-27 23:03:57 INFO  [ichrome] ChromeDaemon cmd args: {'daemon': True, 'block': True, 'chrome_path': '', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9222, 'headless': False, 'user_agent': '', 'proxy': '', 'user_data_dir': None, 'disable_image': True, 'start_url': '', 'extra_config': '', 'max_deaths': 1, 'timeout': 2}

Crawl the given URL, output the HTML DOM

λ python3 -m ichrome --crawl --headless --timeout=2
<html><head></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;"></pre></body></html>

To use default user dir (ignore ichrome user-dir settings)

ensure the existing Chromes get closed

λ python -m ichrome -U null


$ python3 -m ichrome --help
    All the unknown args will be appended to extra_config as chrome original args.

    > python -m ichrome -H -p 9222 --window-size=1212,1212 --incognito
    > ChromeDaemon cmd args: port=9222, {'chrome_path': '', 'host': '', 'headless': False, 'user_agent': '', 'proxy': '', 'user_data_dir': WindowsPath('C:/Users/root/ichrome_user_data'), 'disable_image': False, 'start_url': 'about:blank', 'extra_config': ['--window-size=1212,1212', '--incognito'], 'max_deaths': 1, 'timeout':1, 'proc_check_interval': 5, 'debug': False}

    > python -m ichrome
    > ChromeDaemon cmd args: port=9222, {'chrome_path': '', 'host': '', 'headless': False, 'user_agent': '', 'proxy': '', 'user_data_dir': WindowsPath('C:/Users/root/ichrome_user_data'), 'disable_image': False, 'start_url': 'about:blank', 'extra_config': [], 'max_deaths': 1, 'timeout': 1, 'proc_check_interval': 5, 'debug': False}

Other operations:
    1. kill local chrome process with given port:
        python -m ichrome -s 9222
        python -m ichrome -k 9222
    2. clear user_data_dir path (remove the folder and files):
        python -m ichrome --clear
        python -m ichrome --clean
        python -m ichrome -C -p 9222
    3. show ChromeDaemon.__doc__:
        python -m ichrome --doc
    4. crawl the URL, output the HTML DOM:
        python -m ichrome --crawl --headless --timeout=2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, -V, --version     ichrome version info
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        load config dict from JSON file of given path
  -cp CHROME_PATH, --chrome-path CHROME_PATH, --chrome_path CHROME_PATH
                        chrome executable file path, default to null for
                        automatic searching
  -H HOST, --host HOST  --remote-debugging-address, default to
  -p PORT, --port PORT  --remote-debugging-port, default to 9222
  --headless            --headless and --hide-scrollbars, default to False
                        shutdown the given port, only for local running chrome
  -A USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT, --user_agent USER_AGENT
                        --user-agent, default to Chrome PC: Mozilla/5.0
                        (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N)
                        AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
                        Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Mobile Safari/537.36
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        --proxy-server, default to None
  -U USER_DATA_DIR, --user-data-dir USER_DATA_DIR, --user_data_dir USER_DATA_DIR
                        user_data_dir to save user data, default to
  --disable-image, --disable_image
                        disable image for loading performance, default to
  -url START_URL, --start-url START_URL, --start_url START_URL
                        start url while launching chrome, default to
  --max-deaths MAX_DEATHS, --max_deaths MAX_DEATHS
                        restart times. default to 1 for without auto-restart
  --timeout TIMEOUT     timeout to connect the remote server, default to 1 for
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        the number of worker processes, default to 1
  --proc-check-interval PROC_CHECK_INTERVAL, --proc_check_interval PROC_CHECK_INTERVAL
                        check chrome process alive every interval seconds
  --crawl               crawl the given URL, output the HTML DOM
  -C, --clear, --clear  clean user_data_dir
  --doc                 show ChromeDaemon.__doc__
  --debug               set logger level to DEBUG
  -K, --killall         killall chrome launched local with --remote-debugging-

Interactive Debugging (REPL Mode)

λ python
Python 3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:57:15) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from ichrome.debugger import *
>>> tab = get_a_tab()
>>> tab.set_url('')
>>>'.pinned-item-list-item-content [href="/ClericPy/ichrome"]')
>>> tab.wait_loading(2)
>>> tab.wait_loading(2)
>>> tab.js('document.body.innerHTML="Updated"')
{'type': 'string', 'value': 'Updated'}
>>> tab.history_back()
>>> tab.set_html('hello world')
{'id': 21, 'result': {}}
>>> tab.set_ua('no UA')
{'id': 22, 'result': {}}
>>> tab.set_url('')
>>> tab.html
'<html><head></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">{\n  "user-agent": "no UA"\n}\n</pre></body></html>'

[Debugger] debug the features of async Chrome / Tab / Daemon.

Similar to sync usage, but methods come from the AsyncChrome / AsyncTab / AsyncDaemon

Test Code:

Operating tabs with coroutines in the async environment

Run in a completely asynchronous environment, it's a stable choice.

Test Code:

[Archived] Simple Sync Usage

Sync utils will be hardly maintained, no more new features.

Test Code:


  • Concurrent support. (gevent, threading, asyncio)
  • Add auto_restart while crash.
  • Auto remove the zombie tabs with a lifebook.
  • Add some useful examples.
  • Coroutine support (for asyncio).
  • Standard test cases.
  • Stable Chrome Process Pool.
  • HTTP apis server console with FastAPI.
  • Complete the document.

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Built Distribution

ichrome-2.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (60.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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