A decorator that provides a way to override a function's global variables
Project description
TL;DR: A Python decorator that allow you to modify at runtime a function's implicit global variables or default variables.
The implicit adjective refers to all variables that are not explicit to a function call, either from the function (or method) 's global variables or any parameter with a default value. It is heavily inspired from Scala's own implicit types, but obviously not the same, Scala solves implicitly at compile time.
Using "pure" functions is not always possible, using an external variable/function is
quite easy in Python, but then when it comes to changing those dependencies, it is quite difficult:
think about testing, dependency injection, etc. So people often resort to "objects" as an easy way to override things, class attributes/methods replace global variables/functions. This way can make the code quite complex as self
becomes the global repository with overrides all over the place.
The idea is to keep some sort of "functional approach" but keep things manageable with an explicit "global' memory" that manipulates global variables without changing the function's call graph. And also without resorting on the "heavy artillery" of functional programming patterns.
The main issue of this approach is to know in advance which are the global variables used and their type. Obviously Python duck typing makes things easier, but still we cannot statically know the dependencies in advances, so there is no check and control over the overrides.
pip install implicit-globals
You can use either :
- The default decorator
, but beware, then all functions decorated will share the same overrides ! - Or you can create your own local decorator using the class
:my_implicit_decorator = ImplicitGlobals()
The instances of ImplicitGlobals
act like a mutable dict
where the global names and their values can be set.
Please note that :
- It is developed & tested on Python 3.6+, no older versions support.
- It is not thread-safe (concurent changes can lead to unexpect behaviour)
- It does not support (yet) coroutines
- Only decorated functions can be changed, others are left untouched.
import sys
#Use the default decorator
from implicit_globals import implicit
def load():
return "Hello"
def foo(a, b, c=1, *, d=None):
print("foo : ", a, b, c, d, AAA, load())
def bar(a, b):
print("bar : ", a, b, AAA)
foo(a, b)
def qux(a, b=4):
print("qux : ", a, b, AAA)
bar(a, b)
class Foo:
def toto(self, a, b):
print('TOTO: ', a, b)
bar(a, b)
qux(3, 4)
# qux : 3 4 FRE
# bar : 3 4 FRE
# foo : 3 4 1 None FRE Hello
implicit["AAA"] = "BAZ"
implicit["print"] = lambda *_: sys.stdout.write("YO-- " + ', '.join(map(str, _)) + '\n')
implicit["load"] = lambda: "New Hello"
implicit["d"] = 333
qux(3, 4)
# YO-- qux : , 3, 4, BAZ
# YO-- bar : , 3, 4, BAZ
# YO-- foo : , 3, 4, 1, 333, BAZ, New Hello
Foo().toto(7, 8)
# YO-- TOTO: , 7, 8
# YO-- bar : , 7, 8, BAZ
# YO-- foo : , 7, 8, 1, 333, BAZ, New Hello
del implicit["AAA"]
foo(4, 5)
# YO-- foo : , 4, 5, 1, 333, FRE, New Hello
Development / Testing
To install local a development version :
pip install -e .
To launch the tests, you will need pytest
pytest test_implicit_globals.py
To build and deploy, you will need these packages : wheel
, twine
, setuptools
python setup.py bdist_wheel
python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*