ImSpiRE is a python script (python 3.8+) for spatial resolution enhancenment by solving the entropic regularized fused Gromov-Wasserstein transport (FGW) problem for in situ capturing (ISC) datasets.
Project description
ImSpiRE: Image-aided Spatial Resolution Enhancement
| Overview | Installation | Quick Start | Parameter Details | Run ImSpiRE in Python interface | Data&Code | Citation |
ImSpiRE is an Image-aided Spatial Resolution Enhancement method for in situ capturing (ISC) datasets. It is written in Python 3.8 and requires CellProfiler 4.2.1. It is available as a command line tool and a Python library to meet the needs of different users. We also commit ImSpiRE as a docker image, which eliminates the cumbersome installation and allows for portability across different computing systems.
ImSpiRE arranges virtual spots densely on the tissue section, and extract image features of sub-images from original spots and virtual spots in the histology image. Then, it calculates an optimal probabilistic embedding from the original spots to the virtual spots to construct a high-resolution spatial transcriptional profiling, according to the assumptions that all spots with similar gene expression levels are close to each other in spatial dimension and have similar image features in image dimension.
Installation as a docker image
For convenience, we committed ImSpiRE as a docker image, which eliminates the cumbersome installation and allows for portability across different computing systems. You can use the command below to pull the image, then start a container based on the image and run ImSpiRE in the container. It will take a few minutes to pull the image.
$ docker pull tongjizhanglab/imspire:1.1.1
$ docker run -it --name `whoami`_imspire -v ~:/home fb6f4c5bb574 /bin/bash
Here, fb6f4c5bb574
is the IMAGE ID of ImSpiRE.
Installation as a Python library
ImSpiRE has been packaged and uploaded to PyPI. Before your installation, ensure that you have pip available. pip3 is the package installer for Python. If you do not have pip3 on your machine, click here to install it.
ImSpiRE and other relevant packages can be installed using a single command.
$ pip3 install imspire
You may need to use the command below to add the default installation path of pip3 to your system path.
$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
Then, type the command below to check whether ImSpiRE has been installed successfully.
$ ImSpiRE -h
You can also download CellProfiler to extract image features. To avoid installation problems, we recommend installing CellProfiler 4.2.1 in advance. CellProfiler 4 should be pip installable in Python 3.8+ when a number of prerequisite packages are installed. More details can be found here.
$ pip3 install cellprofiler==4.2.1
Or you can install CellProfiler 4.2.1 via source code.
$ wget -O core-4.2.1.tar.gz
$ wget -O CellProfiler-4.2.1.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf CellProfiler-4.2.1.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf core-4.2.1.tar.gz
Due to problems with package dependencies, we recommend modifying the
files of cellprofiler and cellprofiler-core to change the pyzmq==18.0.1
to pyzmq==18.1.1
, as they say too here. And now, you can install cellprofiler-core and cellprofiler in order.
$ cd core-4.2.1
$ pip3 install .
$ cd CellProfiler-4.2.1
$ pip3 install .
Then, type the command below to check whether CellProfiler has been installed successfully.
$ cellprofiler -h
We note that you may encounter a failure to install wxPython 4.1.0 when installing CellProfiler. You can download the corresponding WHL file and then install it. As an example, for Ubuntu 18.0.4, you can install wxPython 4.1.0 with the following code.
$ wget
$ pip3 install wxPython-4.1.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
You may also need to download CellProfiler piplines used in ImSpiRE.
$ wget
$ unzip
ImSpiRE uses two different methods of extracting the foreground, one of which uses the Python package backgroundremover
. Please note that when you first run the program, it will check to see if you have the u2net models, if you do not, it will get them from u2net's google drive, as they say too here. Download the pre-trained model u2net.pth
and push it into the dirctory ~/.u2net
Quick Start
Step 1. ImSpiRE installation following the above tutorial.
Step 2. Input preparation
ImSpiRE utilizes the count file in tab-delimited format or hierarchical-data format (HDF5 or H5) and the image file in TIFF format, as well as a file containing spot coordinates as input.
We provided a small test dataset containing the raw count matrix, image and spot coordinates. A CellProfiler pipeline is also included in the test dataset for use if required.
Or type the command below to download.
$ wget
$ unzip
Step 3. Operation of ImSpiRE
Type the command below to run ImSpiRE.
$ ImSpiRE -i test_data/ -c test_data/count_matrix.tsv -s test_data/image.tif -p ST -n test_output -O
Or use CellProfiler to extract image features.
$ ImSpiRE -i test_data/ -c test_data/count_matrix.tsv -s test_data/image.tif -p ST -n test_output -m 2 --CellProfilerParam_Pipeline Cellprofiler_Pipeline_HE.cppipe -O
Step 4. Output
The contents of the output directory in tree format will be displayed as described below, including the high-resolution spatial transcriptional profiling stored in Anndata h5ad file format, the text file containing patch coordinates, the spot sub-images and patch sub-images if CellProfiler is used to extract image features, the image features, the matrices involved in OT and other supplementary results.
├── ProjectName_ResolutionEnhancementResult.h5ad ## the high-resolution spatial transcriptional profiling
├── ProjectName_PatchLocations.txt ## the text file containing patch coordinates
├── ImageResults ## the spot and patch sub-images if CellProfiler is used to extract image features
│ ├── SpotImage
│ └── PatchImage
├── FeatureResults ## the image features
│ ├── SpotFeature
│ └── PatchFeature
└── SupplementaryResults ## the matrices involved in OT and other supplementary results
├── ot_C1_alpha_beta_epsilon.npy
├── ot_C2_alpha_beta_epsilon.npy
├── ot_M_alpha_beta_epsilon.npy
├── ot_T_alpha_beta_epsilon.npy
└── ...
Parameter Details
The parameter details of ImSpiRE are as follows:
usage: ImSpiRE [-h] <-i InputDir> <-c filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5> <-s image.tif> [-n ProjectName] [-o OutputDir] [options]
ImSpiRE is an Image-aided Spatial Resolution Enhancenment method for in situ capturing (ISC) datasets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version number of ImSpiRE and exit
This indicates the path to the directory for input
datafiles. For 10X Visium, it is similar to the
standard output format of Space Ranger, which should
contain a count file in the {Input_Dir} and a text
file named "tissue_positions_list.csv" that describes
the spot locations in the {Input_Dir}/spatial/. For
ST, it should contain a count file and a text file
named "pxl_pos.txt" that describes the spot locations
in the {Input_Dir}. Note that the file
"tissue_positions_list.csv" does not contain a header
column, while the file "pxl_pos.txt" includes a header
column and contains two columns, which represent the
pixel coordinates of rows and columns of spots,
The input count file. It would typically be
"filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5" and "count_matrix.tsv"
for 10X Visium and ST, respectively. Note that the
count file of ST platform should be tab-delimited.
The high-resolution tissue image, which should be a
Tagged Image File Format (TIF or TIFF) file.
-t {H&E,IF}, --Input_Image_Type {H&E,IF}
The types of staining, including Haematoxylin & Eosin
(H&E) staining and Immunofluorescence (IF) staining.
The project directory, which is used to save all
output files. DEFAULT: "./".
The project name, which is used to generate output
file names as a prefix. DEFAULT: "ImSpiRE".
-p {Visium,ST}, --Platform {Visium,ST}
The platform that generates the dataset, Visium or ST.
DEFAULT: "Visium".
-m {1,2}, --Mode {1,2}
Two types of extracted image features. When this
parameter is set to 1, ImSpiRE will extract intensity
and texture features of the image, which are the
objective features of the image itself. When this
parameter is set to 2, ImSpiRE will use CellProfiler
to extract image features, which are more biologically
significant. DEFAULT: 1.
-O, --Overwriting The switch of overwriting. If add the parameter "-O",
ImSpiRE will overwrite the exiting folders.
--Verbose The verbose flag. If add the parameter "--Verbose",
ImSpiRE will verbose the output.
--Random_State RANDOM_STATE
Fix the seed for reproducibility. DEFAULT: 0.
--Switch_Preprocess {ON,OFF}
The switch of basic filtering of spots and genes, ON
The minimum number of counts required for a spot to
pass filtering, which is enabled only if "--
Switch_SpotFilter" is "ON". DEFAULT: 100.
The maximum number of counts required for a spot to
pass filtering, which is enabled only if "--
Switch_SpotFilter" is "ON". DEFAULT: 10000.
The maximum count percent of mitochondrial genes
required for a spot to pass filtering, which is
enabled only if "--Switch_SpotFilter" is "ON".
The minimum number of spots expressed required for a
gene to pass filtering, which is enabled only if "--
Switch_SpotFilter" is "ON". DEFAULT: 10.
The pixel size of each patch subimage. For example, "
--ImageParam_CropSize 100" means each patch subimage
is 100*100 pixels. DEFAULT: 100.
The pixel distance between adjacent patches. DEFAULT:
--ImageParam_TotalChannelNumber {3,4}
The total number of channels, which is needed only if
"--Input_Image_Type" is "IF". For example, "--
ImageParam_TotalChannelNumber 3" means the TIFF file
contain three channels.
--ImageParam_DAPIChannel {1,2,3,4}
The channel of the DAPI, which is needed only if "--
Input_Image_Type" is "IF". For example: "--
ImageParam_DAPIChannel 1".
--ImageParam_FiducialFrameChannel {1,2,3,4}
The channel of the fiducial frame, which is needed
only if "--Input_Image_Type" is "IF". For example: "--
ImageParam_FiducialFrameChannel 3".
The number of worker processes to create when
extracting texture and intensity features, which is
used when "-m" is 1. DEFAULT: 10.
--FeatureParam_FeatureType {0,1,2}
This determines which type of image features to use
when "-m" is 1. 0 for both texture and intensity
features, 1 for texture features only and 2 for
intensity features only. DEFAULT: 0.
The clipping limit, which is used when "-m" is 1. It
is normalized between 0 and 1, with higher values
representing more contrast. DEFAULT: 0.01.
Number of iterations Grabcut image segmentation
algorithm should make before returning the result.
The path to the CellProfiler pipline. It would be
better to use different piplines for H&E and IF
samples. For H&E samples,
"Cellprofiler_Pipeline_HE.cppipe" is recommended. For
IF samples, "Cellprofiler_Pipeline_IF_C3/4.cppipe" is
recommended based on the total number of channels. In
the docker image, the pipelines are stored in "/root".
You can also download them from github to your own
working directory. DEFAULT:
This option specifies the number of kernel to use to
run CellProfiler. DEFAULT: 10.
The constant interpolating between image features cost
matrices and locations cost matirces, ranging from 0
to 1. For example, "--OptimalTransportParam_Alpha 0.5"
means ImSpiRE will equally consider the weight of
similarity from the saptial and image dimensions. The
larger the value of alpha is, the more ImSpiRE
considers the weight of similarity from the image
dimension. DEFAULT: 0.5.
The trade-off parameter of Fused-gromov-Wasserstein
transport ranging from 0 to 1. DEFAULT: 0.5.
The number of neighbors for nearest neighbors graph.
The entropic regularization term with value greater
than 0. DEFAULT: 0.001.
Max number of iterations when solving the OT problem.
Run ImSpiRE in Python interface
ImSpiRE can also be used step by step in the Python interface and easily integrated into custom scripts. Here is a tutorial written using Jupyter Notebook.
Project details
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Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.