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A SDK for (for educational purpose only)

Project description

SDK in Python for Intralinks

This SDK is for educational purpose only. The goal is to learn how to leverage the Intralinks API in a programming language like Python.


  • You should have created your account on the Intralinks Developer Portal
  • You should have requested and API Key on the Intralinks Developer Portal
  • You should have an account on the test environment of Intralinks
  • You should have installed the SDK for Intralinks : pip install intralinks

As a first step, you need to tell python to load the SDK:

import intralinks

Then you need to log in on Intralinks. This part is a bit tricky so we will skip it for now. How? We will leverage the Intralinks Developer Portal.

You can use the following procedure to get a session token:

session_token = '214mkH4cKOeFGcZ2H3eUkFblfC9n'

Now, you can init il, a client for Intralinks:

il = intralinks.new_client('', session_token)

The il client will help ou to interact with Intralinks. For example, to get the list of exchanges you have access to:

exchange_list = il.get_exchanges()

Where exchange_list equals:

[{'workspaceName': 'Exchange 1',
  'parentTemplateId': 194471,
  'host': 'Demo Host',
  'securityLevel': 1,
  'type': 'ARC',
  'statistics': {'newTasks': 0, 'newParticipantRequests': 0},
  'pvpEnabled': False,
  'version': 1,
  'htmlViewEnabled': False,
  'phase': 'OPEN',
  'name': 'Exchange 1',
  'id': 1192451},
 {'workspaceName': 'Exchange 2',
  'parentTemplateId': 194471,
  'host': 'Demo Host',
  'securityLevel': 1,
  'type': 'ARC',
  'statistics': {'newTasks': 0, 'newParticipantRequests': 0},
  'pvpEnabled': False,
  'version': 1,
  'htmlViewEnabled': False,
  'phase': 'OPEN',
  'name': 'Exchange 2',
  'id': 1192461},
 {'workspaceName': 'Exchange 3',
  'parentTemplateId': 194471,
  'host': 'Demo Host',
  'securityLevel': 1,
  'type': 'ARC',
  'statistics': {'newTasks': 0, 'newParticipantRequests': 0},
  'pvpEnabled': False,
  'version': 1,
  'htmlViewEnabled': False,
  'phase': 'OPEN',
  'name': 'Exchange 3',
  'id': 1192471},
 {'workspaceName': 'Exchange 4',
  'parentTemplateId': 194471,
  'host': 'Demo Host',
  'securityLevel': 1,
  'type': 'ARC',
  'statistics': {'newTasks': 0, 'newParticipantRequests': 0},
  'pvpEnabled': False,
  'version': 1,
  'htmlViewEnabled': False,
  'phase': 'OPEN',
  'name': 'Exchange 4',
  'id': 1192481}]

Let's explore the first available exchange:

exchange = exchange_list[0]

We need to check if there is a splash screen:

splash = il.get_splash(exchange)

Where splash equals:

{'acceptText': 'agree',
 'displayType': 'DISPLAY_EVERYTIME',
 'hasImage': True,
 'splashRequired': True,
 'splashText': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.',
 'splashType': 'PUBLIC',
 'splashUrl': '',
 'workspaceName': 'Exchange 1'}

As the splash is required, we first need to accept it:

if il.enter_exchange(exchange, accept_splash=True) == 'ALLOW':
    print('Allowed to enter the exchange')
    print('Not allowed to enter the exchange')
Allowed to enter the exchange

Now we can get the list of documents:

document_list = il.get_documents(exchange)

Where document_list equals:

[{'id': 58114077,
  'name': 'Document 1.1',
  'orderNumber': 1,
  'version': 'da4b9237bacccdf19c0760cab7aec4a8359010b0',
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  'parentId': 58130357,
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794073000},
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794074000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'unread': True,
  'pageCount': 0,
  'workspaceId': 1192451,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isFavorite': False,
  'parentName': 'Folder 1',
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  'hasNote': False,
  'isIrmSecured': False,
  'isDeleted': False,
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  'documentHash': '0',
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  'entityType': 'DOCUMENT'},
 {'id': 58093647,
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  'fileSize': 0,
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  'mimeType': 'NONE/NONE',
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  'parentId': 58130357,
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794075000},
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794075000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'unread': True,
  'pageCount': 0,
  'workspaceId': 1192451,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isFavorite': False,
  'parentName': 'Folder 1',
  'pdfProtection': 'NONE',
  'hasNote': False,
  'isIrmSecured': False,
  'isDeleted': False,
  'isBusinessProcessEnabled': False,
  'documentHash': '0',
  'xmlLock': {'contentLockStatus': 'UNLOCKED'},
  'sharedResourceId': 11977537,
  'sharedResourceCount': 0,
  'entityType': 'DOCUMENT'},
 {'id': 58114087,
  'name': 'Document 2.1',
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  'fileSize': 0,
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  'mimeType': 'NONE/NONE',
  'noteRequired': False,
  'parentId': 58130367,
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794078000},
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794079000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'unread': True,
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  'documentHash': '0',
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 {'id': 58093657,
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  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794080000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
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  'xmlLock': {'contentLockStatus': 'UNLOCKED'},
  'sharedResourceId': 11977547,
  'sharedResourceCount': 0,
  'entityType': 'DOCUMENT'},
 {'id': 58114097,
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  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794082000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'unread': True,
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   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
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   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794085000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'unread': True,
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 {'id': 58114107,
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   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
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  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
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   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'submittedOn': {},
  'submittedBy': {},
  'submitterGroups': {},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
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  'xmlLock': {'contentLockStatus': 'UNLOCKED'},
  'sharedResourceId': 11977527,
  'sharedResourceCount': 0,
  'entityType': 'DOCUMENT'}]

We can get the list of folders:

folder_list = il.get_folders(exchange)

Where folder_list equals:

[{'id': 58130357,
  'name': 'Folder 1',
  'indexNumber': '',
  'orderNumber': 1,
  'version': '356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab',
  'hasChildFolders': False,
  'indexingDisabled': False,
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794070000},
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794070000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'isFavorite': False,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isEmailin': False},
 {'id': 58130367,
  'name': 'Folder 2',
  'indexNumber': '',
  'orderNumber': 2,
  'version': '356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab',
  'hasChildFolders': False,
  'indexingDisabled': False,
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794077000},
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794077000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'isFavorite': False,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isEmailin': False},
 {'id': 58130377,
  'name': 'Folder 3',
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  'orderNumber': 3,
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  'hasChildFolders': False,
  'indexingDisabled': False,
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   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'isFavorite': False,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isEmailin': False},
 {'id': 58130387,
  'name': 'Folder 4',
  'indexNumber': '',
  'orderNumber': 4,
  'version': '356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab',
  'hasChildFolders': False,
  'indexingDisabled': False,
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
   'organization': 'Big Corp',
   'organizationSort': 'Big Corp'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794087000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'isFavorite': False,
  'versionNumber': 0,
  'isEmailin': False}]

The list of exchange members:

exchange_member_list = il.get_exchange_members(exchange)

Where exchange_member_list equals:

[{'version': 'fe8f7a66754bd9b6b31d24d480d90567b920704c',
  'userId': 443391,
  'firstName': 'John',
  'firstNameSort': 'John',
  'lastName': 'Smith',
  'lastNameSort': 'Smith',
  'organization': 'Big Corp',
  'organizationSort': 'Big Corp',
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  'keyContact': False,
  'isPlaceholderUser': False,
  'officePhone': '+1 212 543 7800',
  'country': 'FRANCE',
  'status': 'ACTIVE',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Doe',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Doe'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544797508000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Doe',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Doe'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544797508000},
  'firstAccessed': {'milliseconds': 1544792140000},
  'lastAccessedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544796731000},
  'industry': 'AEROSPACE',
  'doNotSendAlert': False,
  'functionalArea': 'CONSULTING_ADVISORY',
  'alertPreference': 'IMMEDIATE',
  'cgFlag': 'M',
  'isWelcomeAlertSent': True,
  'lastAlertSentDate': {'milliseconds': 1544797509000},
  'eitherASubmitterOrCoordinator': False,
  'id': 349075541,
  'emailId': ''},
 {'version': '088648d65d3ebf87f870a63fb1b0b341a15d5417',
  'userId': 1907341,
  'firstName': 'John',
  'firstNameSort': 'John',
  'lastName': 'Doe',
  'lastNameSort': 'Doe',
  'organization': 'Big Corp',
  'organizationSort': 'Big Corp',
  'roleType': 'MANAGER_PLUS',
  'keyContact': True,
  'isPlaceholderUser': False,
  'officePhone': '0000',
  'country': 'UNITED_STATES',
  'status': 'ACTIVE',
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794066000},
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   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544797394000},
  'firstAccessed': {'milliseconds': 1544797300000},
  'lastAccessedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544946664000},
  'industry': 'UNAVAILABLE',
  'title': 'UNAVAILABLE',
  'doNotSendAlert': False,
  'functionalArea': 'UNAVAILABLE',
  'alertPreference': 'IMMEDIATE',
  'cgFlag': 'M',
  'viewPrivatePreference': 'Y',
  'isWelcomeAlertSent': True,
  'eitherASubmitterOrCoordinator': False,
  'id': 349075421,
  'emailId': ''},
 {'version': 'ca5b703a3180dff3a999c5bb255a22dfcd51d90f',
  'userId': 1907351,
  'firstName': 'Bill',
  'firstNameSort': 'Bill',
  'lastName': 'Trump',
  'lastNameSort': 'Trump',
  'organization': 'Red Org',
  'organizationSort': 'Red Org',
  'roleType': 'REVIEWER',
  'keyContact': False,
  'isPlaceholderUser': False,
  'officePhone': '0000',
  'status': 'ACTIVE',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794067000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794067000},
  'doNotSendAlert': False,
  'alertPreference': 'IMMEDIATE',
  'isWelcomeAlertSent': True,
  'eitherASubmitterOrCoordinator': False,
  'id': 349075431,
  'emailId': ''},
 {'version': '87975206bcae207bbb6a58e6b558b78e3d2ae0c4',
  'userId': 1907361,
  'firstName': 'Donald',
  'firstNameSort': 'Donald',
  'lastName': 'Clinton',
  'lastNameSort': 'Clinton',
  'organization': 'Yellow Org',
  'organizationSort': 'Yellow Org',
  'roleType': 'REVIEWER',
  'keyContact': False,
  'isPlaceholderUser': False,
  'officePhone': '0000',
  'status': 'ACTIVE',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794070000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794070000},
  'doNotSendAlert': False,
  'alertPreference': 'IMMEDIATE',
  'isWelcomeAlertSent': True,
  'eitherASubmitterOrCoordinator': False,
  'id': 349075441,
  'emailId': ''}]

The list of groups and the associated exchange members:

group_list, group_member_list = il.get_groups_and_members(exchange)

Where group_list equals:

[{'version': '0b2c1b2e978c07ff2dabcebb1f76e390d527789f',
  'groupName': 'Group 4',
  'groupType': 'WORKSPACE',
  'ftsEnabled': False,
  'note': ' ',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794091000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794198000},
  'groupMemberCount': 1,
  'buyerGroupDetails': {},
  'id': 6474391},
 {'version': '6e34372a1d71a4281374a36b8bd4633ae9a04b18',
  'groupName': 'Group 1',
  'groupType': 'WORKSPACE',
  'ftsEnabled': False,
  'note': ' ',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794076000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794076000},
  'groupMemberCount': 0,
  'buyerGroupDetails': {},
  'id': 6474361},
 {'version': '32e492965595115eeb708098582f2a3d1692b885',
  'groupName': 'Group 2',
  'groupType': 'WORKSPACE',
  'ftsEnabled': False,
  'note': ' ',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794081000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794191000},
  'groupMemberCount': 1,
  'buyerGroupDetails': {},
  'id': 6474371},
 {'version': '6e068359e80984f0bbe6a3474e3d2b047fe9552c',
  'groupName': 'Group 3',
  'groupType': 'WORKSPACE',
  'ftsEnabled': False,
  'note': ' ',
  'createdBy': {'firstName': 'John',
   'lastName': 'Smith',
   'firstNameSort': 'John',
   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'createdOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794086000},
  'lastModifiedBy': {'firstName': 'John',
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   'lastNameSort': 'Smith'},
  'lastModifiedOn': {'milliseconds': 1544794086000},
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Where group_member_list equals:

[{'workspaceGroupId': 6474391,
  'workspaceUserId': 349075431,
  'userId': 1907351},
 {'workspaceGroupId': 6474371,
  'workspaceUserId': 349075441,
  'userId': 1907361}]


Project details

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Source Distribution

intralinks-0.1.6.tar.gz (42.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

intralinks-0.1.6-py3-none-any.whl (60.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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