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Project description Python Server SDK

The python SDK is intended to be used on your server or in your data processing apps to interact with the IoT Platform. The SDK is a fully featured wrapper for the REST API.

Getting Started

Setup your free account on and go to your settings dashboard to get your server API Key.

After you get your key, install the SDK:

pip install iotery-python-server-sdk

Note: Make sure you are using Python 3.5+!

And finally, some simple example usage:

from iotery_python_server_sdk import Iotery

iotery = Iotery("my-key")

# find the exact `data` specification at
device_type = iotery.createDeviceType(
    data={"name": "My Device Type", "enum": "MY_DEVICE_TYPE", ...})

device_type_by_uuid = iotery.getDeviceTypeByUuid(
    deviceTypeUuid=device_type["uuid"], opts={"limit": 1})

The above code connects you to the platform, creates a device type and then gets that device type.

Next, you might want to create a data type for the the device type you's an example snippet:

temperature_data_type = iotery.createDataType(
  data = {
    name: "Temperature",
    enum: "TEMPERATURE",
    units: "C",
    isNumber: true

To have a "thing" (like a Raspberry Pi) create data, you will want to check out the thing client.

For a tutorial on setting up a full stack system in 15 minutes using, check this link out.


This SDK simply wraps the REST API, so more information and specifics can be found there. Since the API is a wrapper around the REST API, the syntax is standard for each of the Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on resources. All methods return a dictonary containing the API response. If there is an error, the method will raise an expection.

Creating Resources

The generalized syntax for creating resources in python sdk looks like:

iotery.methodName(inputParameter="parameter", data={ "data": "variables" })

For example, to create a device, the javascript would look like

  data={ "name": "My Device", "other": "parameter" }

where createDevice maps to methodName, deviceTypeUuid maps to inputParameter, and name and other map to the dictonary {data : "variables"} in the generalized form given above.

The available resource creation methods are

methodName input link description
createAccountManager link Create an account manager.
createConsumer link Create a consumer.
linkConsumerToDevice consumerUuid link Link a consumer to a device.
linkConsumerToNetwork consumerUuid link Link a consumer to a network.
createConsumerSecret consumerUuid link Create a consumer secret for authentication.
createDeviceType link Create a device type.
createSettingType [link]( Types/paths/~1setting-types/post) Create a setting type.
createDefaultSetting [link]( Settings/paths/~1default-settings/post) Create a default setting.
createDataType link Create a data type.
createDevice link Create a device.
createBatchedCommandInstances link Create a set of batched command instances.
clearUnexecutedDeviceCommandInstances deviceUuid link Clear all unexecuted command instance for a device.
createDeviceCommandInstance deviceUuid link Create a command instance for a device.
createDeviceNotificationInstance deviceUuid link Create a notification instance for a device.
createSetting deviceUuid link Create a setting for a device.
createFirmwareRecord link Create a firmware record.
createSeverityType [link]( Types/paths/~1severity-types/post) Create a severity type.
createNotificationType link Create a notification type.
createNotificationField link Create a notification field.
createPriorityType [link]( Types/paths/~1priority-types/post) Create a priority type.
createCommandType link Create a command type.
createCommandField link Create a command field.
createEventType link Create an event type.
createEvent link Create an event.
createGroupingType link Create a grouping type.
createTeam link Create a team.
linkAccountManagerToTeam userUuid link Link account manager to a team.
createGroupingBatchedCommands groupingUuid link Create a set of batched commands for a grouping and all child grouping devices.
moveDeviceToGrouping groupingUuid link Move a device to a grouping.
createNetwork link Create a network.
createNetworkBatchedCommands networkUuid link Create a set of batched commands for a network's devices.
createGrouping networkUuid link Create a network grouping.
addChildGrouping networkUuid,groupingUuid link Add a child grouping.
createNetworkLocation networkUuid link Create a network location.
createSchedule networkUuid link Create a schedule.
executeNetworkSchedule networkUuid,scheduleUuid link Execute a schedule.
deprovisionNetwork networkUuid link Deprovision a network.
provisionNetwork link Provision a network.
provisionDevice networkUuid,deviceUuid link Provision a device.
deprovisionDevice networkUuid,deviceUuid link Deprovision a device.
executeSchedule scheduleUuid link Execute a schedule.
createGroupingDevice link Create a GroupingDevice link.
createGroupingLink link Create a GroupingLink.
createWebhookAction link Create a webhook action.

Reading Resources

The generalized syntax for reading (getting) resources in python sdk looks like:

iotery.methodName(inputParameter="parameter", opts={"query":"parameter"})

For example, to get a device by it's unique identifier uuid, the python would look like

  opts={ "limit": 1 }

where getDeviceByUuid maps to methodName, deviceUuid maps to inputParameter, and { "limit": 1 } maps to the dictonary {"query" : "parameters"} in the generalized form given above.

The limit option is for instructive purposes only. By definition, a uuid is unique and so there will never be more than one device for a given uuid.

For more advanced queries, some parameters allow for an array of values to be passed in. Two options available are $in and $btwn, which allows a user to specify a set or range of values, respectively. For example, when requesting for data for a device, one may use the SDK as follows:

        "dataTypeEnum": {"$in": ["ENUM_1","ENUM_2","ENUM_3"]},
        "timestamp": {"$btwn": [1562759000, 1562759500]},
        "limit": 5

Refer to the iotery REST API docs to see when options such as $in and $btwn are available for a given query parameter.

The available resource creation methods are

methodName input link description
getHealthCheckResult [link]( Check/paths/~1health-check/get) Get the result of a server health check.
getAccountManager userUuid link Get an account manager by uuid.
getConsumerList link Get a list of available consumers.
getConsumer consumerUuid link Get a consumer by uuid.
getDeviceTypeList link Get a list of available device types.
getDeviceType deviceTypeUuid link Get a device type by uuid.
getSettingTypeList [link]( Types/paths/~1setting-types/get) Get a list of available setting types.
getSettingType settingTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1setting-types1:settingTypeUuid/get) Get a setting type by uuid.
getDefaultSettingList [link]( Settings/paths/~1default-settings/get) Get a list of default settings.
getDefaultSetting defaultSettingUuid [link]( Settings/paths/1default-settings1:defaultSettingUuid/get) Get a default setting by uuid.
getDataTypeList link Get a list of available data types.
getDataType dataTypeUuid link Get a data type by uuid.
getCommandInstanceList link Get a list of command instances.
getDeviceList link Get a list of devices.
getDevice deviceUuid link Get a device by uuid.
getDeviceDataList deviceUuid link Get a list of data for a device.
getDeviceEventList deviceUuid link Get a list of events for a device.
getDeviceNotificationInstanceList deviceUuid link Get a list of notification instances for a device.
getDeviceSettingList deviceUuid link Get a list of settings for a device.
getNotificationInstance notificationInstanceUuid link Get a notification instance by uuid.
getSetting settingUuid link Get a setting by uuid.
getFirmwareRecordList link Get a list of firmware records.
getFirmwareRecord firmwareUuid link Get a firmware record by uuid.
getSeverityTypeList [link]( Types/paths/~1severity-types/get) Get a list of available severity types.
getSeverityType severityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1severity-types1:severityTypeUuid/get) Delete a severity type by uuid.
getNotificationTypeList link Get a list of available notification types.
getNotificationType notificationTypeUuid link Get a notification type by uuid.
getNotificationFieldList link Get a list of available notification fields.
getNotificationField notificationFieldUuid link Get a notification field by uuid.
getPriorityTypeList [link]( Types/paths/~1priority-types/get) Get a list of available priority types.
getPriorityType priorityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1priority-types1:priorityTypeUuid/get) Get a priority type by uuid.
getCommandTypeList link Get a list of available command types.
getCommandType commandTypeUuid link Get a command type by uuid.
getCommandFieldList link Get a list of available command fields.
getCommandField commandFieldUuid link Get a command field by uuid.
getEventTypeList link Get a list of available event types.
getEventType eventTypeUuid link Get an event type by uuid.
getEventList link Get a list of events.
getEvent eventUuid link Get an event by uuid.
getGroupingTypeList link Get a list of available grouping types.
getGroupingType groupingTypeUuid link Get a grouping type by uuid.
getTeamList link Get a list of available teams.
getTeam teamUuid link Get a team by uuid.
getGrouping groupingUuid link Get a grouping by uuid.
getChildGroupingList groupingUuid link Get a list of child groupings for a grouping.
getDeviceListForGrouping groupingUuid link Get a list of devices for a grouping.
getNetworkList link Get a list of networks.
getNetwork networkUuid link Get a network by uuid.
getNetworkDeviceList networkUuid link Get a network's devices.
getNetworkGroupingList networkUuid link Get a network's groupings.
getNetworkGrouping networkUuid,groupingUuid link Get a network's grouping by uuid.
getNetworkLocationList networkUuid link Get a network's locations.
getNetworkLocation networkUuid,networkLocationUuid link Get a network location by uuid.
getNetworkScheduleList networkUuid link Get a list of a network's schedules.
getNetworkSchedule networkUuid,scheduleUuid link Get a schedule by uuid.
getSchedule scheduleUuid link Get a schedule by uuid.
getGroupingDeviceList link Get a list of GroupingDevice links.
getGroupingDevice groupingDeviceUuid link Get a GroupingDevice link by uuid.
getGroupingLinkList link Get a list of GroupingLinks.
getGroupingLink groupingLinkUuid link Get a GroupingLink by uuid.
getWebhookActionList link Get a list of webhook actions.
getWebhookAction webhookActionUuid link Get a webhook action by uuid.
getWebhookActionTypeList link Get a list of webhook action types.
getWebhookActionType webhookActionTypeUuid link Get a webhook action type by uuid.

Updating Resources

The generalized syntax for updating resources in python sdk looks like:

iotery.methodName(inputParameter="parameter", data={ "data": "variables" })

For example, to update a device type, the javascript would look like

  data={ "name": "My New Name" }

where updateDevice maps to methodName, deviceTypeUuid maps to inputParameter, and { "name": "My New Name" } maps to the dictonary {data : "variables"} in the generalized form given above.

The available update methods are

methodName input link description
updateAccountManager userUuid link Update an account manager by uuid.
updateConsumer consumerUuid link Update a consumer by uuid.
updateDeviceType deviceTypeUuid link Update a device type by uuid.
updateSettingType settingTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1setting-types1:settingTypeUuid/patch) Update a setting type by uuid.
updateDefaultSetting defaultSettingUuid [link]( Settings/paths/1default-settings1:defaultSettingUuid/patch) Update a default setting by uuid.
updateDataType dataTypeUuid link Update a data type by uuid.
updateDevice deviceUuid link Update a device by uuid.
updateNotificationInstance notificationInstanceUuid link Update a notification instance.
updateSetting settingUuid link Update a setting.
updateFirmwareRecord firmwareUuid link Update a firmware record by uuid.
updateSeverityType severityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1severity-types1:severityTypeUuid/patch) Update a severity type by uuid.
updateNotificationType notificationTypeUuid link Update a notification type by uuid.
updateNotificationField notificationFieldUuid link Update a notification field by uuid.
updatePriorityType priorityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1priority-types1:priorityTypeUuid/patch) Update a priority type by uuid.
updateCommandType commandTypeUuid link Update a command type by uuid.
updateCommandField commandFieldUuid link Update a command field by uuid.
updateEventType eventTypeUuid link Update an event type by uuid.
updateEvent eventUuid link Update an event by uuid.
updateGroupingType groupingTypeUuid link Update a grouping type by uuid.
updateTeam teamUuid link Update a team by uuid.
updateGrouping groupingUuid link Update a grouping.
updateNetworkLocation networkLocationUuid link Update a network location by uuid.
updateNetwork networkUuid link Update a network by uuid.
updateNetworkGrouping networkUuid,groupingUuid link Update a network grouping.
updateNetworkNetworkLocation networkUuid,networkLocationUuid link Update a network location.
updateNetworkSchedule networkUuid,scheduleUuid link Update a schedule.
updateSchedule scheduleUuid link Update a schedule.
updateGroupingDevice groupingDeviceUuid link Update a GroupingDevice link by uuid.
updateGroupingLink groupingLinkUuid link Update a GroupingLink by uuid.
updateWebhookAction webhookActionUuid link Update a webhook action by uuid.

Deleting Resources

The generalized syntax for reading (getting) resources in python sdk looks like:

iotery.methodName(inputParameter="parameter", opts={"query":"parameter"})

For example, to get a device by it's unique identifier uuid, the python would look like

  opts={ "some": "option" }

where deleteDevice maps to methodName, deviceUuid maps to inputParameter, and { "some": "option" } maps to the dictonary {"query" : "parameters"} in the generalized form given above.

The available resource creation methods are

methodName input link description
deleteAccountManager userUuid link Delete an account manager by uuid.
deleteConsumer consumerUuid link Delete a consumer by uuid.
unlinkConsumerFromDevice consumerUuid,deviceUuid link Unlink a consumer from a device.
unlinkConsumerFromNetwork consumerUuid,networkUuid link Unlink a consumer from a network.
deleteConsumerSecretList consumerUuid link Delete all stored consumer secrets.
deleteDeviceType deviceTypeUuid link Delete a device type by uuid.
deleteSettingType settingTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1setting-types1:settingTypeUuid/delete) Delete a setting type by uuid.
deleteDefaultSetting defaultSettingUuid [link]( Settings/paths/1default-settings1:defaultSettingUuid/delete) Delete a default setting by uuid.
deleteDataType dataTypeUuid link Delete a data type by uuid.
deleteDevice deviceUuid link Delete a device by uuid.
deleteNotificationInstance notificationInstanceUuid link Delete a notification instance by uuid.
deleteSetting settingUuid link Delete a setting by uuid.
deleteFirmwareRecord firmwareUuid link Delete a firmware record by uuid.
deleteSeverityType severityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1severity-types1:severityTypeUuid/delete) Delete a severity type by uuid.
deleteNotificationType notificationTypeUuid link Delete a notification type by uuid.
deleteNotificationField notificationFieldUuid link Delete a notification field by uuid.
deletePriorityType priorityTypeUuid [link]( Types/paths/1priority-types1:priorityTypeUuid/delete) Delete a priority type by uuid.
deleteCommandType commandTypeUuid link Delete a command type by uuid.
deleteCommandField commandFieldUuid link Delete a command field by uuid.
deleteEventType eventTypeUuid link Delete an event type by uuid.
deleteEvent eventUuid link Delete an event by uuid.
deleteGroupingType groupingTypeUuid link Delete a grouping type by uuid.
deleteTeam teamUuid link Delete a team by uuid.
unlinkAccountManagerFromTeam userUuid link Unlink account manager from a team.
deleteGrouping groupingUuid link Delete a grouping by uuid.
deleteNetwork networkUuid link Delete a network by uuid.
deleteNetworkGrouping networkUuid,groupingUuid link Delete a network's grouping by uuid.
removeDeviceFromGrouping networkUuid,groupingUuid,deviceUuid link remove a device from a grouping
deleteNetworkLocation networkUuid,networkLocationUuid link Delete a network location by uuid.
deleteNetworkSchedule networkUuid,scheduleUuid link Delete a schedule by uuid.
deleteSchedule scheduleUuid link Delete a schedule by uuid.
deleteGroupingDevice groupingDeviceUuid link Delete a GroupingDevice link by uuid.
deleteGroupingLink groupingLinkUuid link Delete a GroupingLink by uuid.
deleteWebhookAction webhookActionUuid link Delete a webhook action type by uuid.

Simple Getting Data Example

from iotery_python_server_sdk import Iotery
import json



iotery = Iotery(API_KEY)

device_data_list = iotery.getDeviceDataList(
    opts={"dataTypeEnum": DATA_TYPE_ENUM, "limit": 5}, deviceUuid=DEVICE_UUID)

print(json.dumps(device_data_list["results"], indent=2))


We welcome contributors and PRs! Let us know if you are interested.

Project details

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Source Distribution

iotery-python-server-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz (20.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

iotery_python_server_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (21.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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