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Implement filesystem scanners and landing zones

Project description

iRODS Automated Ingest Framework

The automated ingest framework gives iRODS an enterprise solution that solves two major use cases: getting existing data under management and ingesting incoming data hitting a landing zone.

Based on the Python iRODS Client and Celery, this framework can scale up to match the demands of data coming off instruments, satellites, or parallel filesystems.

The example diagrams below show a filesystem scanner and a landing zone.

Automated Ingest: Filesystem Scanner Diagram

Automated Ingest: Landing Zone Diagram

Usage options

available --event_handler methods

method effect default
pre_data_obj_create user-defined python none
post_data_obj_create user-defined python none
pre_data_obj_modify user-defined python none
post_data_obj_modify user-defined python none
pre_coll_create user-defined python none
post_coll_create user-defined python none
pre_coll_modify user-defined python none
post_coll_modify user-defined python none
as_user takes action as this iRODS user authenticated user
target_path set mount path on the irods server which can be different from client mount path client mount path
to_resource defines target resource request of operation as provided by client environment
operation defines the mode of operation Operation.REGISTER_SYNC
max_retries defines max retries 0
timeout defines timeout 3600

Event handlers can use logger to write logs. See structlog for available logging methods and signatures.

operation mode

operation new files updated files
Operation.REGISTER_SYNC (default) registers in catalog updates size in catalog
Operation.REGISTER_AS_REPLICA_SYNC registers first or additional replica updates size in catalog
Operation.PUT copies file to target vault, and registers in catalog no action
Operation.PUT_SYNC copies file to target vault, and registers in catalog copies entire file again, and updates catalog
Operation.PUT_APPEND copies file to target vault, and registers in catalog copies only appended part of file, and updates catalog
Operation.NO_OP no action no action

--event_handler usage examples can be found in the examples directory.


Basic: manual redis, Celery, pip

Starting Redis Server

Install redis-server:

sudo yum install redis-server
sudo apt-get install redis-server

Or, build it yourself:

Start redis:


Or, dameonized:

sudo service redis-server start
sudo systemctl start redis

Note: If running on different computers, make sure Redis server accepts connections by editing the bind line in /etc/redis/redis.conf or /etc/redis.conf.

Setting up virtual environment

You may need to upgrade pip:

pip install --upgrade pip

Install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Create a virtualenv with python3:

virtualenv -p python3 rodssync

Activate virtual environment:

source rodssync/bin/activate

Install this package

pip install irods_capability_automated_ingest

Set up environment for Celery:

export CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://<redis host>:<redis port>/<redis db> # e.g. redis://
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

Start celery worker(s):

celery -A irods_capability_automated_ingest.sync_task worker -l error -Q restart,path,file -c <num workers> 

Run tests

Note: The test suite requires Python version >=3.5. Note: The tests should be run without running Celery workers.

python -m irods_capability_automated_ingest.test.test_irods_sync

Start sync job

python -m irods_capability_automated_ingest.irods_sync start <source dir> <destination collection>

Usage: start [-h] [-i INTERVAL] [--file_queue FILE QUEUE]
                           [--path_queue PATH QUEUE]
                           [--restart_queue RESTART QUEUE]
                           [--event_handler EVENT HANDLER]
                           [--job_name JOB NAME] [--append_json APPEND JSON]
                           [--ignore_cache] [--initial_ingest] [--synchronous]
                           [--progress] [--profile] [--list_dir]
                           [--exclude_file_type EXCLUDE_FILE_TYPE]
                           [--exclude_file_name EXCLUDE_FILE_NAME [EXCLUDE_FILE_NAME ...]]
                           [--exclude_directory_name EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY_NAME [EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY_NAME ...]]
                           [--irods_idle_disconnect_seconds DISCONNECT IN SECONDS]
                           [--redis_host REDIS HOST]
                           [--redis_port REDIS PORT]
                           [--redis_db REDIS DB]
                           [--log_filename LOG FILE]
                           [--log_when LOG WHEN]
                           [--log_interval LOG INTERVAL]
                           [--log_level LOG LEVEL]
                           [--profile_filename PROFILE FILE]
                           [--profile_when PROFILE WHEN]
                           [--profile_interval PROFILE INTERVAL]
                           [--profile_level PROFILE LEVEL]
                           ROOT TARGET

positional arguments:
  ROOT                  root directory
  TARGET                target collection

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        restart interval (in seconds)
  --file_queue FILE QUEUE
                        file queue
  --path_queue PATH QUEUE
                        path queue
  --restart_queue RESTART QUEUE
                        restart queue
  --event_handler EVENT HANDLER
                        event handler
  --job_name JOB NAME   job name
  --append_json APPEND JSON
                        append json
  --ignore_cache        ignore cache
  --initial_ingest      initial ingest
  --synchronous         synchronous
  --progress            progress
  --profile             profile
  --list_dir            list dir
  --scan_dir_list       scan dir list
  --exclude_file_type EXCLUDE_FILE_TYPE
                        types of files to exclude: regular, directory,
                        character, block, socket, pipe, link
  --exclude_file_name EXCLUDE_FILE_NAME [EXCLUDE_FILE_NAME ...]
                        a list of space-separated python regular expressions
                        defining the file names to exclude such as
                        "(\S+)exclude" "(\S+)\.hidden"
                        a list of space-separated python regular expressions
                        defining the directory names to exclude such as
                        "(\S+)exclude" "(\S+)\.hidden"
  --irods_idle_disconnect_seconds DISCONNECT IN SECONDS
                        irods disconnect time in seconds
  --redis_host REDIS HOST
                        redis host
  --redis_port REDIS PORT
                        redis port
  --redis_db REDIS DB   redis db
  --log_filename LOG FILE
                        log filename
  --log_when LOG WHEN   log when
  --log_interval LOG INTERVAL
                        log interval
  --log_level LOG LEVEL
                        log level
  --profile_filename PROFILE FILE
                        profile filename
  --profile_when PROFILE WHEN
                        profile when
  --profile_interval PROFILE INTERVAL
                        profile interval
  --profile_level PROFILE LEVEL
                        profile level

If -i is not present, then only sync once.

The --append_json is stored in job.meta["append_json"].

The --ignore_cache ignores cached last sync time.

The --synchronous will block until job is done.

The --progress will show progress bar when --synchronous is enabled.

The --list_dir will use cause the tasks to listdir instead of scandir.

The --log_filename specify profile file name.

The --log_level specify the profile level, currently should specify INFO

The --profile will use enable profiling.

The --profile_filename specify profile file name.

The --profile_level specify the profile level, currently should specify INFO

The --redis_host, --redis_port, and --redis_db specify information about your Redis server (default values used if unspecified).

List jobs

python -m irods_capability_automated_ingest.irods_sync list

Stop jobs

python -m irods_capability_automated_ingest.irods_sync stop <job name>

Watch jobs (same as using --progress)

python -m irods_capability_automated_ingest.irods_sync watch <job name>

Intermediate: dockerize, manually config (needs to be updated for Celery)


from irods_capability_automated_ingest.core import Core
from irods_capability_automated_ingest.utils import Operation

class event_handler(Core):

    def target_path(session, meta, **options):
        return "/tmp/host" + path


docker run --rm --name some-redis -d redis:4.0.8
docker run --rm --link some-redis:redis irods_rq-scheduler:0.1.0 worker -u redis://redis:6379/0 restart path file
docker run --rm --link some-redis:redis -v /tmp/host/ irods_capability_automated_ingest:0.1.0 start /data /tempZone/home/rods/data --redis_host=redis --event_handler=event_handler
docker run --rm --link some-redis:redis --env-file icommands.env -v /tmp/host/data:/data -v /tmp/host/ irods_rq:0.1.0 worker -u redis://redis:6379/0 restart path file

Advanced: kubernetes (needs to be updated for Celery)

This does not assume that your iRODS installation is in kubernetes.


setup Glusterfs and Heketi

create storage class

create a persistent volume claim data

install minikube and helm

set memory to at least 8g and cpu to at least 4

minikube start --memory 8192 --cpus 4

enable ingress on minikube

minikube addons enable ingress

mount host dirs

This is where you data and event handler. In this setup, we assume that your event handler is under /tmp/host/event_handler and you data is under /tmp/host/data. We will mount /tmp/host/data into /host/data in minikube which will mount /host/data into /data in containers,

/tmp/host/data -> minikube /host/data -> container /data.

and similarly,

/tmp/host/event_handler -> minikube /host/event_handler -> container /event_handler. Your setup may differ.

mkdir /tmp/host/event_handler
mkdir /tmp/host/data


from irods_capability_automated_ingest.core import Core
from irods_capability_automated_ingest.utils import Operation

class event_handler(Core):

    def target_path(session, meta, **options):
        return path
minikube mount /tmp/host:/host --gid 998 --uid 998 --9p-version=9p2000.L

enable incubator

helm repo add incubator

build local docker images (optional)

If you want to use local docker images, you can build the docker images into minikube as follows:


eval (minikube docker-env)


eval $(minikube docker-env)
cd <repo>/docker/irods-postgresql
docker build . -t irods-provider-postgresql:4.2.2
cd <repo>/docker/irods-cockroachdb
docker build . -t irods-provider-cockroachdb:4.3.0
cd <repo>/docker
docker build . -t irods_capability_automated_ingest:0.1.0
cd <repo>/docker/rq
docker build . -t irods_rq:0.1.0
cd <repo>/docker/rq-scheduler
docker build . -t irods_rq-scheduler:0.1.0

install irods

cd <repo>/kubernetes/irods-provider-postgresql
helm dependency update
cd <repo>/kubernetes
helm install ./irods-provider-postgresql --name irods
cd <repo>/kubernetes/irods-provider-cockroachdb
helm dependency update
cd <repo>/kubernetes
helm install ./irods-provider-cockroachdb --name irods

when reinstalling, run

kubectl delete --all pv
kubectl delete --all pvc 

update irods configurations

Set configurations in <repo>/kubernetes/chart/values.yaml or --set command line argument.

install chart

cd <repo>/kubernetes/chart

We call our release icai.

cd <repo>/kubernetes
helm install ./chart --name icai

scale rq workers

kubectl scale deployment.apps/icai-rq-deployment --replicas=<n>

access by REST API (recommended)

submit job


root: /data
target: /tempZone/home/rods/data
interval: <interval>
append_json: <yaml>
timeout: <timeout>
all: <all>
event_handler: <event_handler>
event_handler_data: |
    from irods_capability_automated_ingest.core import Core
    from irods_capability_automated_ingest.utils import Operation

    class event_handler(Core):

        def target_path(session, meta, **options):
            return path


curl -XPUT "http://"(minikube ip)"/job/<job name> -H "Content-Type: application/x-yaml" --data-binary=`submit.yaml`


curl -XPUT "http://$(minikube ip)/job/<job name>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-yaml" --data-binary "@submit.yaml"


curl -XPUT "http://"(minikube ip)"/job" -H "Content-Type: application/x-yaml" --data-binary "@submit.yaml"


curl -XPUT "http://$(minikube ip)/job" -H "Content-Type: application/x-yaml" --data-binary "@submit.yaml"
list job


curl -XGET "http://"(minikube ip)"/job"


curl -XGET "http://$(minikube ip)/job"
delete job


curl -XDELETE "http://"(minikube ip)"/job/<job name>"


curl -XDELETE "http://$(minikube ip)/job/<job name>"

access by command line (not recommended)

submit job
kubectl run --rm -i icai --image=irods_capability_automated_ingest:0.1.0 --restart=Never -- start /data /tempZone/home/rods/data -i <interval> --event_handler=event_handler --job_name=<job name> --redis_host icai-redis-master
list job
kubectl run --rm -i icai --image=irods_capability_automated_ingest:0.1.0 --restart=Never -- list --redis_host icai-redis-master
delete job
kubectl run --rm -i icai --image=irods_capability_automated_ingest:0.1.0 --restart=Never -- stop <job name> --redis_host icai-redis-master

install logging tool

Install chart with set log_level to INFO.

helm del --purge icai
cd <repo>/kubernetes
helm install ./chart --set log_level=INFO --name icai

set parameters for elasticsearch

minikube ssh 'echo "sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144" | sudo tee -a /var/lib/boot2docker/'
minikube stop
minikube start
cd <repo>/kubernetes
helm install ./elk --name icai-elk

look for service port

kubectl get svc icai-elk-grafana

forward port

kubectl port-forward svc/icai-elk-grafana 8000:80

If --set grafana.adminPassword="" system generates a random password, lookup admin password

kubectl get secret --namespace default icai-elk-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

open browser url localhost:8000

login with username admin and password admin click on icai dashboard


Uncomment kibana sections in the yaml files under the <repo>/kubernetes/elk directory

look for service port

kubectl get svc icai-elk-kibana

forward port

kubectl port-forward svc/icai-elk-kibana 8000:443

open browser url localhost:8000

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

irods-capability-automated-ingest-0.2.2.tar.gz (35.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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