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A domain specific language for the description of financial derivatives.

Project description


Ito is an interpreter for a domain specific language, for the description of financial derivatives with a relatively simple structure. Ito is free to use for individual or academic research. In a commercial setting you are recommended to consult with the author. Ito is named in honour of Kiyoshi Itô, a Japanese mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the theory of stochastic processes.

In Ito a financial derivative is defined by a document that contains a list of definitions. In particular a definition can be used to define payment flows. Typically payment flows are defined as functions of financial observables such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, inflation indices, or the prices of stocks or commodities.

Payment flows are also described by a date, currency and direction. The date on which the flow has the potential to occur and the currency in which money changes hands. The direction is used to indicate the expected direction of money, either towards the writer of the document or away to the other counterparty.

Financial observables are identified by ‘keys’. Their value at a given date is sampled using the built in ‘observe’ function. There are other built in functions for common calculations and it is possible to define new functions.

Functions are composed of expressions, combining their arguments with operations and other potentially user defined functions.

Using Ito, a definition can be queried for a list of dependent observables and by providing a suitable ordered array of their values, payments flows can be evaluated.

This functionality is useful when running an analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation as the specifics of the financial derivative can be decoupled from the Monte Carlo simulation.

The following sections describe the Ito language in more detail.

Exotic Derivative Example

The listing below gives an example of an exotic equity derivative defined in Ito. This product was taken from the discussion in chapter 10, Exotic Cliquets, The volatility surface: a practitioner’s guide. The product is described as a "Locally Capped Globally Floored Cliquet". Ito allows the description of this product in a few lines.

underlying = "STOXX";
minCoupon = 0.02;
currency = "EUR";
notionalAmount = 1.0;
get notionalAmount * coupon[1] in currency on couponDates[1];
get notionalAmount * coupon[2] in currency on couponDates[2];
get notionalAmount * coupon[3] in currency on couponDates[3];
coupon[c] = max[sumReturns[c], minCoupon];
sumReturns[c] = sum[resetReturns[endDates[c], startDates[c]]];
resetReturns[{}, {}] = {};
resetReturns[t:ts, tm:tms] = min[max[r[t, tm], -0.01],  0.01] : resetReturns[ts, tms];
r[t, tMinus] = performance[s[t], s[tMinus]];
performance[st,stMinus] = (st - stMinus) / stMinus;
s[t] = Observe[underlying, t];
startDates[c] = dropTail[resetDates[c]];
endDates[c] = dropHead[resetDates[c]];
couponDates[1] = '2002-12-02';
couponDates[2] = '2003-12-02';
couponDates[3] = '2004-12-02';
resetDates[1] = {
resetDates[2] = {
resetDates[3] = {
# remove the head (first entry) from the list
dropHead[{}] = {};
dropHead[{x}] = {};
dropHead[x:xs] = xs;
# remove the tail (last entry) from the list
dropTail[{}] = {};
dropTail[{x}] = {};
dropTail[x:xs] = x : dropTail[xs];
# minimum of two numbers.
min[x,y] = if x < y then x else y endif;
# maximum of two numbers.
max[x,y] = if x < y then y else x endif;
# sum of a list of numbers
sum[{}] = 0;
sum[{x}] = x;
sum[x:xs] = x + sum[xs];

Basic Facilities

Special Characters

The character ‘;’ is used to mark the end of definitions. The character ‘=’ is used to introduce a definition. The square brackets ‘[’ and ‘]’ are used to define and call functions. See the section on definitions for more information.

Standard characters such as (+) and (<) are used to represent operations on floating point numbers, for more information see the section on infix operators.

The character ‘:’ is used to prepend to lists see the section 3.10.


The tokens, ‘if’, ‘then’, ‘elseif‘ and ‘endif’ are used in if statements, see the section 3.9. The tokens ‘get’ and ‘pay’ are used to define payments.

White Space

A new line, space or tab may be placed anywhere in a definition to improve the readability of the definition.


Comments are written using the hash character, ‘#’. All characters on the same line beyond the hash character are ignored.

Basic Types

The language has the following basic types:-

  • Floating point numbers.

  • Booleans, truth values.

  • Dates.

  • Keys.

Basic types have literal representations; see the listing below for examples. Boolean types have one of the possible literal values ‘true’ and ‘false’. Dates are enclosed with single quotes in ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format. Keys are enclosed in double quotes and may consist of an arbitrary length of alpha-numeric characters and the character ‘.’ .

# Literal examples.
# Floating point numbers
    notional = 100.0;
# Booleans
    physicalDelivery = true;
# Dates
    expiryDate = '2013-07-21';
# Keys
    ftse = ".FTSE";

Arithmetic Operators

The standard arithmetic operators for floating point numbers are available, (+), (-), (*), (/) for addition, subtraction, multiply and divide respectively. The operator order and precedence is as ‘expected’ and brackets, ((), ()), are available. Negation is carried out by prefix with the (-) character.

Comparison Operators

The operators (<), (>), (<=) and (>=) are available for floating point numbers and have the meanings, “less than ”, “greater than”, “less than or equal” and “greater than or equal” respectively. The operators evaluate to the boolean type, ‘true’ or ‘false’ values.

Logical Operators

The operators to test for equality and in-equality are available for floating point numbers, they are denoted with (==) and (!=) characters respectively. Both operators evaluate to a boolean type. Note a succession of two “equals” characters should not be confused with a single “equals” character which has another meaning described in section 4.

The logical operators “and” and “or” are available for boolean types, represented by the characters (&&) and (||) respectively and they have their usual meanings. Both operators evaluate to a boolean type.

Logical negation is carried out by prefix with the (!) character.


Expressions that resolve to boolean type may be used to perform branching using the keywords “if”, “then”, “else”, “elseif” and “endif’. See the listing below for an example.

# If example.
# The maximum of two numbers
    max[a,b] = if a < b then b else a endif;
# The sign of a floating point number.
    signum[x] = 
        if x<0 then
        elseif x > 0


Lists may be constructed in two ways, either as a comma separated list of literals enclosed in curly brackets. ({), (}), or using the prefix operator (:). An empty list is denoted by the an empty pair of curly braces ({}). Lists can be viewed as a sequence of prefix operations, terminated by the empty list. All elements of a list must have the same type. See the listing below for an example.

# List example.
# The empty list
    emptyList = {};
# Some integers
    someIntegers = {1,2,3};
# Cons operator
    someMoreIntegers = 1 : {2,3};

Note the prefix operator takes on the left hand side, an item whose type should equal that of the elements of the list on the right hand side.


A definition may be used to define aliases for constant basic types, introduce new functions and payment flows. There are two parts to a definition, the left hand-side of the definition and the right hand side, which appear on the left hand side of the definition operator and the right hand side respectively. The definition operator is identified by the character (=).

The left hand side of a definition introduces an identifier into the document. An identifier is a sequence of letters from the alphabet. An identifier is accessible from all points in the document and hence there cannot be two definitions with the same left hand side. It is not necessary, or indeed always possible, to introduce identifiers in the order they are used, although this may improve readability (however see known issues).


Functions are introduced using the definition operator. The left hand side of the definition takes the form of an identifier, followed by a comma delimited list of function argument enclosed in square brackets, ([), (]). The right hand side of the definition is an expression combining the arguments with operations and other user defined functions or built in functions. See the listing for simple examples.

Function arguments on the right hand side may be identifiers, literals or a list formed using the concatenation operator. Functions can be formed by a sequence of definitions with unique literal or list arguments. Such definitions are referred to as partial function definitions. In particular function arguments of the form of a concatenated list can be used to define divide and conquer style algorithms. For an example see the listing below.

# List function example
    minElement[{x}] = x;
    minElement[x:xs] = min[x, minElement[xs] ];

Function argument identifiers must be unique on the left-hand side of the definition and take precedence in the right hand side over identifiers with the same name defined in other parts of the document.

Functions can be recursive for an example see the listing below.

# Recursive function example
    factorial[1] = 1;
    factorial[x] = x * factorial[x-1];

Functions may take other functions as arguments, for an example see the listing below.

# Function as argument examples
# A function that builds a list, by applying a function to each member.
apply[f,{}] = {};
apply[f,x:xs] = f[x] : apply[f,xs];


New functions may be constructed by binding, that is for functions of more than one argument, fixing the value of an argument. A function is bound by writing the function identifier followed by the application operator ‘@’ and a literal or an identifier. Arguments can be bound from left to right in sequence. For an example see the listing below.

# Function binding examples
# map applies a function to each list member
map[f,{}] = {};
map[f,x:xs] = f[x] : map[f,xs];
# expression to add 2 to each member of a list.
map[Add@2, {1,2,3}];

Payment Flows

Payment flows are defined using the the keywords “get” or “pay”, for an example see the listing below. Payment flows may result in zero money changing hands and therefore can be viewed as indicating the potential for a payment to occur on a given date in a given currency.

# Payment Examples
# Fixed payment.
pay 100 in "EUR" on '2013-07-01';
# call option payment
get max[Observe["index1",'2013-07-01']-100,0] in "EUR" on '2013-07-01';

Built In Functions


The observe function is used to record the value of financial observable identified by a key on at particular point in time, identified by a date. The function behaves in a way which removes the units and currency, if any, from the observable being observed. The first argument is the key that refers to the observable, the second is the date that defines when the observable is observed. See the listing below for an example.

# Observe Examples

Boolean Functions

The table below lists built in functions with boolean operands, see the section 5.7 for equivalent infix operators.

Identifier Function Type Comment
Not Unary Logical not operator.
And Binary Logical and operator.
Or Binary Logical or operator.

Numerical Functions

The table below lists built in functions with floating point number operands, see the section 5.7 for infix operators if applicable.

Identifier Function Type Comment
Neg Unary Negation.
Add Binary Addition.
Sub Binary Subtraction.
Mul Binary Multiplication.
Div Binary Division.
Equal Bin Pred Equality.
NotEqual Bin Pred Inequality.
LessThan Bin Pred Less than.
GreaterThan Bin Pred Greater than.
LessThanOrEqual Bin Pred Less than or equal.
GreaterThanOrEqual Bin Pred Greater than or equal.
Pow Binary Raise first operand to power of second operand.
Sqrt Unary Square root of operand.
Fabs Unary Absolute value of operand.
Exp Unary Exponential of operand.
Log Unary Natural logarithm of operand.
LogTen Unary Base ten logarithm of operand.

Key Functions

The table below lists built in functions with key operands.

Identifier Function Type Comment
StringEqual Bin Pred Equality.
StringNotEqual Bin Pred Inequality.

Date Functions

The table below lists built in functions with date operands.

Identifier Function Type Comment
DateEqual Bin Pred Equality.
DateNotEqual Bin Pred Inequality.
DateLessThan Bin Pred Less than.
DateGreaterThan Bin Pred Greater than.
DateLessThanOrEqual Bin Pred Less than or equal.
DateGreaterThanOrEqual Bin Pred Greater than or equal.

List Functions

The table below lists built in functions with list operands.

Identifier Function Type Comment
Cons Lists Prepend to list.

Infix Operators

The table below lists built in functions that have equivalent infix operators.

Identifier Operand Type Operator Type Operator
Not Bool Unary (!)
And Bool Binary (&&)
Or Bool Binary (|)
Neg Float Unary (-)
Add Float Binary (+)
Sub Float Binary (-)
Mul Float Binary (*)
Div Float Binary (/)
Equal Float Bin Pred. (==)
NotEqual Float Bin Pred. (==)
LessThan Float Bin Pred. (<)
GreaterThan Float Bin Pred. (>)
LessThanOrEqual Float Bin Pred. (<=)
GreaterThanOrEqual Float Bin Pred. (>=)
Cons Lists List prepend. (:)

Known Issues

Ito is intended for research purposes, whilst most features are tested and work, there are some known issues which can be worked around. Please report any new issues to the author.

Type Checks Do Not Propagate

Ito is type-checked, however type errors are not currently propagated. The example in the listing below illustrates this issue.

observeDate = {'2001-01-01', '2002-01-01'};
# replacing the line above with the commented lines below,
# passes a date rather than a list of dates to observe
# head[{}] = {};
# head[x:xs] = x;
# observeDate = head[{'2001-01-01', '2002-01-01'}];
pay Observe["FTSE", observeDate] in "GBP" on '2011-09-03';

Partial Function Definitions with Multiple Floating Arguments

It is possible to define functions using partial definitions. Where there is more than one argument, and all those arguments are floating point values, an error will be raised. The example in the listing below illustrates this issue.

f[1, 1] = 100.0;
f[1, 2] = 10.0;
pay f[1,1] in "GBP" on '2011-09-03';

List Definition Without All Constructors Can Give A Runtime Error

If definitions are defined for a list, and not all list constructors are handled, a runtime error is emitted, without propagating useful information. This issue can interact with the issue below. The example in the listing below illustrates this issue.

head[{}] = 0.0;
get head[{100.0}] in "GBP" on '2011-09-03';

Ordering of List Definitions

Piecewise definitions involving lists are sensitive to the order the definitions are introduced in. In some circumstances this can lead to an unexpected runtime error. The example in the listing below illustrates this issue.

dropTail[x:xs] = x : dropTail[xs];
dropTail[{x}] = {};
# re-ordering as in the comment below fixes the definition of drop tail.
# dropTail[{x}] = {};
# dropTail[x:xs] = x : dropTail[xs];
# you might think the addition of the line below would fix things but it doesn't.
# dropTail[{}] = {};
len[{}] = 0;
len[x:xs] = 1 + len[xs];
get len[dropTail[{1,2,3}]] * Observe["FTSE", '2001-02-02'] in "GBP" on '2011-09-03';

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Built Distribution

ito-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (2.6 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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