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Data-driven extraction of jet energy loss distributions in heavy-ion collisions

Project description

Data driven extraction of jet energy loss distributions in heavy ion collisions

Code Authors: Long-Gang Pang, Ya-Yun He and Xin-Nian Wang


This python package is a simple tool to extract the pt loss distribution and the mean pt loss as a function of jet pt, from the experimental single jet RAA for AA collisions at a specific beam energy (with pt spectra in proton+proton collisions at the same beam energy) or the single hadron/gamma hadron pt spectra (without pt spectra in proton+proton collisions).


from jeteloss import PythiaPP, RAA2Eloss
pp_x, pp_y = PythiaPP(sqrts_in_gev = 2760)
raa_fname = "RAA_2760.txt"
eloss = RAA2Eloss(raa_fname, pp_x, pp_y)

The format of input data "RAA_2760.txt": The first row is the comment row start with "#" and data description for the following columns, "RAA_x, RAA_xerr, RAA_y, RAA_yerr" where RAA_x is the pt bins, RAA_xerr is the uncertainties of these pt bins, RAA_y is the RAA value in one A+A collisions, RAA_yerr is the uncertainties of RAA_y.



If you have used this package to produce results for presentation/publications, please cite the following two papers, from where one can find the detailed information of the underlying physics.


Method 1: using pip

Step 1:

pip install jeteloss

Step 2:

git clone

Step 3:

cd jeteloss/examples


Method 2: install from local directory

Step 1: download the code from github

git clone

Step 2: install jeteloss and dependences

cd jeteloss

python install

Step 3: run example code

cd examples


Method 3: using anaconda

Step 1: To create one clean python virtual environment

conda create -n test_jeteloss python=3.6

Step 2: To activate this environment, use:

source activate test_jeteloss

Step 3: Install jeteloss module and its dependences

pip install jeteloss

Step 4: Run the example code downloaded using:

git clone

cd jeteloss/examples


Step 5: To deactivate an active environment, use:

source deactivate

Step 6: Clean up To see how many environments do you have, use:

conda env list

To remove one environment, use:

conda remove --name test_jeteloss --all

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

jeteloss-0.7.tar.gz (31.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

jeteloss-0.7-py3-none-any.whl (31.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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