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Dockstore API

Project description


This describes the dockstore API, a webservice that manages pairs of Docker images and associated metadata such as CWL documents and Dockerfiles used to build those images. Explore swagger.json for a Swagger 2.0 description of our API and explore openapi.yaml for OpenAPI 3.0 descriptions.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import jgreenepack 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import jgreenepack

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import jgreenepack
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = jgreenepack.GA4GHApi(jgreenepack.ApiClient(configuration))

    # Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry
    api_response = api_instance.metadata_get()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling GA4GHApi->metadata_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
GA4GHApi metadata_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/metadata Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry
GA4GHApi tool_classes_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/toolClasses List all tool types
GA4GHApi tools_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools List all tools
GA4GHApi tools_id_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id} List one specific tool, acts as an anchor for self references
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions List versions of a tool
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_containerfile_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/containerfile Get the container specification(s) for the specified image.
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id} List one specific tool version, acts as an anchor for self references
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_type_descriptor_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/descriptor Get the tool descriptor for the specified tool
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_type_descriptor_relative_path_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/descriptor/{relative_path} Get additional tool descriptor files relative to the main file
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_type_files_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/files Get a list of objects that contain the relative path and file type
GA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_type_tests_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/tests Get a list of test JSONs
GA4GHV1Api metadata_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/metadata Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry
GA4GHV1Api tool_classes_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tool-classes List all tool types
GA4GHV1Api tools_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools List all tools
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id} List one specific tool, acts as an anchor for self references
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions List versions of a tool
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_version_id_dockerfile_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/dockerfile Get the dockerfile for the specified image.
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_version_id_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id} List one specific tool version, acts as an anchor for self references
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_version_id_type_descriptor_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/descriptor Get the tool descriptor (CWL/WDL) for the specified tool.
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_version_id_type_descriptor_relative_path_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/descriptor/{relative_path} Get additional tool descriptor files (CWL/WDL) relative to the main file
GA4GHV1Api tools_id_versions_version_id_type_tests_get GET /api/ga4gh/v1/tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/tests Get an array of test JSONs suitable for use with this descriptor type.
AliasesApi add_aliases POST /aliases/workflow-versions/{workflowVersionId} Add aliases linked to a workflow version in Dockstore.
AliasesApi get_workflow_version_path_info_by_alias GET /aliases/workflow-versions/{alias} Retrieves workflow version path information by alias.
ContainersApi add_test_parameter_files PUT /containers/{containerId}/testParameterFiles Add test parameter files to a tag.
ContainersApi all_published_containers GET /containers/published List all published tools.
ContainersApi delete_container DELETE /containers/{containerId} Delete a tool.
ContainersApi delete_test_parameter_files DELETE /containers/{containerId}/testParameterFiles Delete test parameter files to a tag.
ContainersApi dockerfile GET /containers/{containerId}/dockerfile Get the corresponding Dockerfile.
ContainersApi get_container GET /containers/{containerId} Retrieve a tool.
ContainersApi get_container_by_path GET /containers/path/{repository} Get a list of tools by path.
ContainersApi get_container_by_tool_path GET /containers/path/tool/{repository} Get a tool by the specific tool path
ContainersApi get_published_container GET /containers/published/{containerId} Get a published tool.
ContainersApi get_published_container_by_path GET /containers/path/{repository}/published Get a list of published tools by path.
ContainersApi get_published_container_by_tool_path GET /containers/path/tool/{repository}/published Get a published tool by the specific tool path.
ContainersApi get_published_container_schema GET /containers/schema/{containerId}/published Get a published tool's schema by ID.
ContainersApi get_published_containers_by_namespace GET /containers/namespace/{namespace}/published List all published tools belonging to the specified namespace.
ContainersApi get_starred_users GET /containers/{containerId}/starredUsers Returns list of users who starred a tool.
ContainersApi get_test_parameter_files GET /containers/{containerId}/testParameterFiles Get the corresponding test parameter files.
ContainersApi get_tool_by_alias GET /containers/{alias}/aliases Retrieves a tool by alias.
ContainersApi get_tool_zip GET /containers/{toolId}/zip/{tagId} Download a ZIP file of a tool and all associated files.
ContainersApi get_users GET /containers/{containerId}/users Get users of a tool.
ContainersApi primary_descriptor GET /containers/{containerId}/primaryDescriptor Get the primary descriptor file.
ContainersApi publish POST /containers/{containerId}/publish Publish or unpublish a tool.
ContainersApi refresh GET /containers/{containerId}/refresh Refresh one particular tool.
ContainersApi register_manual POST /containers/registerManual Register a tool manually, along with tags.
ContainersApi secondary_descriptor_path GET /containers/{containerId}/descriptor/{relative-path} Get the corresponding descriptor file.
ContainersApi secondary_descriptors GET /containers/{containerId}/secondaryDescriptors Get a list of secondary descriptor files.
ContainersApi star_entry PUT /containers/{containerId}/star Star a tool.
ContainersApi update_container PUT /containers/{containerId} Update the tool with the given tool.
ContainersApi update_labels PUT /containers/{containerId}/labels Update the labels linked to a tool.
ContainersApi update_tag_container_path PUT /containers/{containerId}/updateTagPaths Change the tool paths.
ContainersApi update_tool_default_version PUT /containers/{toolId}/defaultVersion Update the default version of the given tool.
ContainertagsApi add_tags POST /containers/{containerId}/tags Add new tags linked to a tool.
ContainertagsApi delete_tags DELETE /containers/{containerId}/tags/{tagId} Delete tag linked to a tool.
ContainertagsApi get_tags_by_path GET /containers/path/{containerId}/tags Get tags for a tool by id.
ContainertagsApi request_doi_for_tool_tag POST /containers/{containerId}/requestDOI/{tagId} Request a DOI for this version of a tool.
ContainertagsApi update_tags PUT /containers/{containerId}/tags Update the tags linked to a tool.
CurationApi create_notification POST /curation/notifications Create a notification
CurationApi delete_notification DELETE /curation/notifications/{id} Delete a notification
CurationApi get_active_notifications GET /curation/notifications Return all active notifications
CurationApi get_notification GET /curation/notifications/{id} Return the notification with given id
CurationApi update_notification PUT /curation/notifications/{id} Update a notification
EntriesApi add_aliases POST /entries/{id}/aliases Add aliases linked to a entry in Dockstore.
EntriesApi calculate_description_metrics GET /entries/{entryId}/versions/{versionId}/descriptionMetrics Retrieve metrics on the description of an entry
EntriesApi entry_collections GET /entries/{id}/collections Get the collections and organizations that contain the published entry
EntriesApi set_discourse_topic POST /entries/{id}/topic Create a discourse topic for an entry.
EventsApi get_events GET /events Get events based on filters.
ExtendedGA4GHApi entries_org_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/containers/{organization} List entries of an organization
ExtendedGA4GHApi entries_orgs_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/organizations List all organizations
ExtendedGA4GHApi tools_id_versions_version_id_type_tests_post POST /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/tests/{relative_path} Annotate test JSON with information on whether it ran successfully on particular platforms plus metadata
ExtendedGA4GHApi tools_index_get POST /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/tools/index Update the workflows and tools indices
ExtendedGA4GHApi tools_index_search POST /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/tools/entry/_search Search the tools and workflows indices.
ExtendedGA4GHApi tools_org_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/tools/{organization} List tools of an organization
ExtendedGA4GHApi workflows_org_get GET /api/ga4gh/v2/extended/workflows/{organization} List workflows of an organization
HostedApi add_zip POST /workflows/hostedEntry/{entryId} Creates a new revision of a hosted workflow from a zip
HostedApi create_hosted_tool POST /containers/hostedEntry Create a hosted tool.
HostedApi create_hosted_workflow POST /workflows/hostedEntry Create a hosted workflow.
HostedApi delete_hosted_tool_version DELETE /containers/hostedEntry/{entryId} Delete a revision of a hosted tool.
HostedApi delete_hosted_workflow_version DELETE /workflows/hostedEntry/{entryId} Delete a revision of a hosted workflow
HostedApi edit_hosted_tool PATCH /containers/hostedEntry/{entryId} Non-idempotent operation for creating new revisions of hosted tools.
HostedApi edit_hosted_workflow PATCH /workflows/hostedEntry/{entryId} Non-idempotent operation for creating new revisions of hosted workflows
LambdaEventsApi get_lambda_events_by_organization GET /lambdaEvents/{organization} See OpenApi for details
MetadataApi check_elastic_search GET /metadata/elasticSearch Successful response if elastic search is up and running.
MetadataApi get_cache_performance GET /metadata/okHttpCachePerformance Get measures of cache performance.
MetadataApi get_config GET /metadata/config.json Configuration for UI clients of the API
MetadataApi get_descriptor_languages GET /metadata/descriptorLanguageList Get the list of descriptor languages supported on Dockstore.
MetadataApi get_docker_registries GET /metadata/dockerRegistryList Get the list of docker registries supported on Dockstore.
MetadataApi get_runner_dependencies GET /metadata/runner_dependencies Returns the file containing runner dependencies.
MetadataApi get_source_control_list GET /metadata/sourceControlList Get the list of source controls supported on Dockstore.
MetadataApi rss_feed GET /metadata/rss List all published tools and workflows in creation order.
MetadataApi sitemap GET /metadata/sitemap List all available workflow, tool, organization, and collection paths.
OrganizationsApi accept_or_reject_invitation POST /organizations/{organizationId}/invitation Accept or reject an organization invitation.
OrganizationsApi add_collection_aliases POST /organizations/collections/{collectionId}/aliases Add aliases linked to a collection in Dockstore.
OrganizationsApi add_entry_to_collection POST /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId}/entry Add an entry to a collection.
OrganizationsApi add_organization_aliases POST /organizations/{organizationId}/aliases Add aliases linked to a listing in Dockstore.
OrganizationsApi add_user_to_org PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/user Add a user role to an organization.
OrganizationsApi add_user_to_org_by_username PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/users/{username} Add a user role to an organization.
OrganizationsApi approve_organization POST /organizations/{organizationId}/approve Approve an organization.
OrganizationsApi create_collection POST /organizations/{organizationId}/collections Create a collection in the given organization.
OrganizationsApi create_organization POST /organizations Create an organization.
OrganizationsApi delete_entry_from_collection DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId}/entry Delete an entry from a collection.
OrganizationsApi delete_user_role DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/user Remove a user from an organization.
OrganizationsApi get_all_organizations GET /organizations/all List all organizations.
OrganizationsApi get_approved_organizations GET /organizations List all available organizations.
OrganizationsApi get_collection_by_alias GET /organizations/collections/{alias}/aliases Retrieve a collection by alias.
OrganizationsApi get_collection_by_id GET /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId} Retrieve a collection by ID.
OrganizationsApi get_collection_by_name GET /organizations/{organizationName}/collections/{collectionName}/name Retrieve a collection by name.
OrganizationsApi get_collection_description GET /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId}/description Retrieve a collection description by organization ID and collection ID.
OrganizationsApi get_collections_from_organization GET /organizations/{organizationId}/collections Retrieve all collections for an organization.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_alias GET /organizations/{alias}/aliases Retrieve an organization by alias.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_id GET /organizations/{organizationId} Retrieve an organization by ID.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_name GET /organizations/name/{name} Retrieve an organization by name.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_description GET /organizations/{organizationId}/description Retrieve an organization description by organization ID.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_events GET /organizations/{organizationId}/events Retrieve all events for an organization.
OrganizationsApi get_organization_members GET /organizations/{organizationId}/members Retrieve all members for an organization.
OrganizationsApi get_starred_users_for_approved_organization GET /organizations/{organizationId}/starredUsers Return list of users who starred the given approved organization.
OrganizationsApi reject_organization POST /organizations/{organizationId}/reject Reject an organization.
OrganizationsApi request_organization_review POST /organizations/{organizationId}/request Re-request an organization approval.
OrganizationsApi star_organization PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/star Star an organization.
OrganizationsApi update_collection PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId} Update a collection.
OrganizationsApi update_collection_description PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/collections/{collectionId}/description Update a collection's description.
OrganizationsApi update_organization PUT /organizations/{organizationId} Update an organization.
OrganizationsApi update_organization_description PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/description Update an organization's description.
OrganizationsApi update_user_role POST /organizations/{organizationId}/user Update a user role in an organization.
TokensApi add_bitbucket_token GET /auth/tokens/ Add a new token, used by redirect.
TokensApi add_github_token GET /auth/tokens/ Add a new token, used by accounts page.
TokensApi add_gitlab_token GET /auth/tokens/ Add a new token.
TokensApi add_google_token POST /auth/tokens/google Allow satellizer to post a new Google token to Dockstore.
TokensApi add_orcid_token POST /auth/tokens/ Add a new token
TokensApi add_quay_token GET /auth/tokens/ Add a new token.
TokensApi add_token POST /auth/tokens/github Allow satellizer to post a new GitHub token to dockstore, used by login, can create new users.
TokensApi add_zenodo_token GET /auth/tokens/ Add a new token, used by accounts page.
TokensApi delete_token DELETE /auth/tokens/{tokenId} Delete a token.
TokensApi list_token GET /auth/tokens/{tokenId} Get information about a specific token by id.
ToolTesterApi get_tool_tester_log GET /toolTester/logs
ToolTesterApi search GET /toolTester/logs/search
UsersApi add_user_to_dockstore_workflows PATCH /users/{userId}/workflows Adds a user to any Dockstore workflows that they should have access to.
UsersApi change_username POST /users/user/changeUsername Change username if possible.
UsersApi check_user_exists GET /users/checkUser/{username} Check if user with some username exists.
UsersApi get_extended_user_data GET /users/user/extended Get additional information about the authenticated user.
UsersApi get_my_git_hub_orgs GET /users/github/organizations
UsersApi get_specific_user GET /users/{userId} Get user by id.
UsersApi get_starred_organizations GET /users/starredOrganizations Get the authenticated user's starred organizations.
UsersApi get_starred_services GET /users/starredServices Get the authenticated user's starred services.
UsersApi get_starred_tools GET /users/starredTools Get the authenticated user's starred tools.
UsersApi get_starred_workflows GET /users/starredWorkflows Get the authenticated user's starred workflows.
UsersApi get_user GET /users/user Get the logged-in user.
UsersApi get_user_dockstore_organizations GET /users/users/organizations See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_entries GET /users/users/entries See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_git_hub_events GET /users/github/events See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_limits GET /users/user/{userId}/limits Returns the specified user's limits. ADMIN or CURATOR only
UsersApi get_user_memberships GET /users/user/memberships Get the logged-in user's memberships.
UsersApi get_user_organization_repositories GET /users/registries/{gitRegistry}/organizations/{organization} See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_organizations GET /users/registries/{gitRegistry}/organizations See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_registries GET /users/registries See OpenApi for details
UsersApi get_user_tokens GET /users/{userId}/tokens Get information about tokens with user id.
UsersApi list_user GET /users/username/{username} Get a user by username.
UsersApi refresh_tools_by_organization GET /users/{userId}/containers/{organization}/refresh Refresh all tools owned by the authenticated user with specified organization.
UsersApi self_destruct DELETE /users/user Delete user if possible.
UsersApi set_user_limits PUT /users/user/{userId}/limits Update the specified user's limits. ADMIN or CURATOR only
UsersApi sync_user_with_git_hub POST /users/github/sync Syncs Dockstore account with GitHub App Installations.
UsersApi terminate_user DELETE /users/user/{userId} Terminate user if possible.
UsersApi update_logged_in_user_metadata GET /users/user/updateUserMetadata Update metadata for logged in user.
UsersApi update_user_metadata GET /users/updateUserMetadata Update metadata of all users.
UsersApi user_containers GET /users/{userId}/containers List all tools owned by the authenticated user.
UsersApi user_published_containers GET /users/{userId}/containers/published List all published tools from a user.
UsersApi user_published_workflows GET /users/{userId}/workflows/published List all published workflows from a user.
UsersApi user_services GET /users/{userId}/services List all services owned by the authenticated user.
UsersApi user_workflows GET /users/{userId}/workflows List all workflows owned by the authenticated user.
WorkflowsApi add_test_parameter_files PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/testParameterFiles Add test parameter files for a given version.
WorkflowsApi add_workflow POST /workflows/registries/{gitRegistry}/organizations/{organization}/repositories/{repositoryName} See OpenApi for details
WorkflowsApi add_workflow_permission PATCH /workflows/path/workflow/{repository}/permissions Set the specified permission for a user on a workflow.
WorkflowsApi all_published_workflows GET /workflows/published List all published workflows.
WorkflowsApi delete_test_parameter_files DELETE /workflows/{workflowId}/testParameterFiles Delete test parameter files for a given version.
WorkflowsApi delete_workflow DELETE /workflows/registries/{gitRegistry}/organizations/{organization}/repositories/{repositoryName} See OpenApi for details
WorkflowsApi get_all_workflow_by_path GET /workflows/path/{repository} Get a list of workflows by path.
WorkflowsApi get_entry_by_path GET /workflows/path/entry/{repository} Get an entry by path.
WorkflowsApi get_published_entry_by_path GET /workflows/path/entry/{repository}/published Get a published entry by path.
WorkflowsApi get_published_workflow GET /workflows/published/{workflowId} Get a published workflow.
WorkflowsApi get_published_workflow_by_path GET /workflows/path/workflow/{repository}/published Get a published workflow by path
WorkflowsApi get_published_workflows_by_organization GET /workflows/organization/{organization}/published List all published workflows of an organization.
WorkflowsApi get_starred_users GET /workflows/{workflowId}/starredUsers Returns list of users who starred the given workflow.
WorkflowsApi get_table_tool_content GET /workflows/{workflowId}/tools/{workflowVersionId} Get the Tools for a given workflow version.
WorkflowsApi get_test_parameter_files GET /workflows/{workflowId}/testParameterFiles Get the corresponding test parameter files.
WorkflowsApi get_users GET /workflows/{workflowId}/users Get users of a workflow.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow GET /workflows/{workflowId} Retrieve a workflow
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_actions GET /workflows/path/workflow/{repository}/actions Gets all actions a user can perform on a workflow.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_by_alias GET /workflows/{alias}/aliases Retrieves a workflow by alias.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_by_path GET /workflows/path/workflow/{repository} Get a workflow by path.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_dag GET /workflows/{workflowId}/dag/{workflowVersionId} Get the DAG for a given workflow version.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_permissions GET /workflows/path/workflow/{repository}/permissions Get all permissions for a workflow.
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_versions GET /workflows/{workflowId}/workflowVersions Return first 200 versions in an entry
WorkflowsApi get_workflow_zip GET /workflows/{workflowId}/zip/{workflowVersionId} Download a ZIP file of a workflow and all associated files.
WorkflowsApi handle_git_hub_branch_deletion DELETE /workflows/github Handles the deletion of a branch on GitHub. Will delete all workflow versions that match in all workflows that share the same repository.
WorkflowsApi handle_git_hub_installation POST /workflows/github/install Handle the installation of our GitHub app onto a repository or organization.
WorkflowsApi handle_git_hub_release POST /workflows/github/release Handle a release of a repository on GitHub. Will create a workflow/service and version when necessary.
WorkflowsApi manual_register POST /workflows/manualRegister Manually register a workflow.
WorkflowsApi primary_descriptor GET /workflows/{workflowId}/primaryDescriptor Get the primary descriptor file.
WorkflowsApi publish POST /workflows/{workflowId}/publish Publish or unpublish a workflow.
WorkflowsApi refresh GET /workflows/{workflowId}/refresh Refresh one particular workflow.
WorkflowsApi refresh_version GET /workflows/{workflowId}/refresh/{version} Refresh one particular workflow version.
WorkflowsApi register_checker_workflow POST /workflows/{entryId}/registerCheckerWorkflow/{descriptorType} Register a checker workflow and associates it with the given tool/workflow.
WorkflowsApi remove_workflow_role DELETE /workflows/path/workflow/{repository}/permissions Remove the specified user role for a workflow.
WorkflowsApi request_doi_for_workflow_version PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/requestDOI/{workflowVersionId} Request a DOI for this version of a workflow.
WorkflowsApi restub GET /workflows/{workflowId}/restub Restub a workflow
WorkflowsApi secondary_descriptor_path GET /workflows/{workflowId}/descriptor/{relative-path} Get the corresponding descriptor file from source control.
WorkflowsApi secondary_descriptors GET /workflows/{workflowId}/secondaryDescriptors Get the corresponding descriptor documents from source control.
WorkflowsApi shared_workflows GET /workflows/shared Retrieve all workflows shared with user.
WorkflowsApi star_entry PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/star Star a workflow.
WorkflowsApi update_labels PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/labels Update the labels linked to a workflow.
WorkflowsApi update_workflow PUT /workflows/{workflowId} Update the workflow with the given workflow.
WorkflowsApi update_workflow_default_version PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/defaultVersion Update the default version of a workflow.
WorkflowsApi update_workflow_path PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/resetVersionPaths Reset the workflow paths.
WorkflowsApi update_workflow_version PUT /workflows/{workflowId}/workflowVersions Update the workflow versions linked to a workflow.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


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jgreenepack-1.25.0.tar.gz (157.9 kB view hashes)

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jgreenepack-1.25.0-py3-none-any.whl (306.4 kB view hashes)

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