network utilities
Project description
net module 0.3.1 documentation
Author: JoStudio, Date: 2022/8/1
net Module
This net package provides tools to perform net ping, scan port, send email, http, web spider, access web API.
Functions in the module
- net.spider.get_requests()
import requests package
- net.spider.html2text(html, convert=True)
Convert html to text.
- Chinese:
- param html:
HTML string
- param convert:
(optinal) whether convert to pure text
- return:
- net.util.rprint(*args, **kwargs)
replacement of builtins.print() function, compatible in python 2 and python 3.
- Chinese:
打印(兼容Python2, Python3)
- param args:
arguments to be printed
- param kwargs:
Optional keyword arguments:
sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.
flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.
- return:
- net.webapi.headers_get(headers, name, sub_name=None)
取得headers中的名为name的字段的值, sub_name是子字段
Classes in the module
class net.http.Http
content : get the bytes of response
content_type :
status_code :
text : get the text of response
- __init__(self)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
header(self, name, sub_name=None)
- json(self, **kwargs)
get the json data of response
- request(self, url, data=None, headers=None, method=’GET’)
Sends a request.
- param url:
URL for the new Request object.
- param data:
(optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the Request.
- param headers:
Optional headers of the request.
- param method:
Optional method of the request, ‘GET’, ‘POST’, ‘PUT’, ‘DELETE’, ‘HEAD’.
- return:
return self
- save_to_file(self, filename)
save response to file
- delete(url, params=None, headers=None)
send a DELETE request
- get(url, params=None, headers=None)
send a GET request
- head(url, params=None, headers=None)
send a HEAD request
- post(url, data=None, headers=None)
send a POST request
- put(url, data=None, headers=None)
send a get request
class net.http.UserAgent
chrome = ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 …ML, like …
default = ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 …ML, like…
class net.mail.Mail
- __init__(self, user, passwd, sender=None, host=None)
create instance of Mail
- param user:
username to login SMTP server
- param passwd:
password to login SMTP server
- param host:
(optional) SMTP server. if empty, detect host by the user parameter.
- param sender:
(optional) sender of the mail. if empty, use the user parameter
- send(self, receivers: list, subject: str, body: str, attach_filenames: list = None)
send a mail
- param receivers:
list of the e-mail addresses of receivers
- param subject:
title of the mail
- param body:
content of the mail
- param attach_filenames:
(optional) attachment file name list
- return:
return True if success, return SMTPException object if failed.
class net.scan.Net
- get_connection_ip(host, port)
Get the local IP address that connects to the specified host.
- Chinese:
- param host:
host domain or ip
- param port:
the port
- return:
return the local IP address that connects to the specified host. :Chinese: 返回连接指定服务器的本地IP地址.
- get_mac(ip)
Get the MAC address of specified IP address.
- Chinese:
取得 IP地址 对应的 MAC地址。
- param ip:
IP address string.
- return:
return MAC address string, like: 78:44:fd:6d:1c:91”. return empty string if fail. :Chinese: 返回MAC地址字符串。如:”78:44:fd:6d:1c:91”
- has_internet()
Whether internet is available
- ip_get(ip, index)
Get ip address number at specified index.
- Chinese:
获取 IP地址中 指定位置的数值
- param ip:
IPv4 address string
- param index:
the index of the number, first is 0, valid indexes are 0, 1, 2, 3 :Chinese: 第几位, 0表示第一位,取值范围是 0, 1, 2, 3
- return:
return ip address number at specified index. return None if error occurs. :Chinese: 返回IP地址中第 index 位的数值(整数)。如果出错,返回None
- ip_range(ip, start=None, end=None, index=3)
Define an IP address range, return a list of IP address string.
- Chinese:
定义一个IP地址范围, 返回一个IP地址列表.
- param ip:
IPv4 address string
- param start:
start number
- param end:
end number
- param index:
(optional)the index of the number, first is 0, valid indexes are 0, 1, 2, 3 :Chinese: 第几位, 0表示第一位,取值范围是 0, 1, 2, 3
- return:
return a list of IP address string. :Chinese: 返回一个IP地址列表
- ip_scan(ip_list, mac=False, exists=True, threads=0)
Scan IP address list, return a list of ip address or MAC address which is pingable.
- Chinese:
扫描 IP地址列表,取得 可PING通的 IP地址列表 (或MAC地址列表).
- param ip_list:
the IP address list
- param mac:
(optional) whether get MAC address, default is False.
if mac == True, the item of result list is MAC address list.
if mac == 2, the item of result list is a 2-elements tuple of (ip, mac)
if mac == 3, the item of result list is a 3-elements tuple of (ip, mac, factory)
- Chinese:
如果mac=2, 则结果列表每一项是一个tuple, 形如:(IP地址, MAC地址)。
如果mac=3, 则结果列表每一项是一个tuple, 形如:(IP地址, MAC地址, 厂商)。
- param exists:
(optional) Whether get pingable IPs. if exists is False, return list is not pingable IPs. :Chinese:(可选)是否取得Ping通的地址,默认值是True.
- param threads:
(optional) how many threads that uses. default is 0 for auto detect. :Chinese:(可选)并发线程数量,默认值是0(自动选择线程数量)
- return:
return a list. the item of list depends on the mac parameter.
- ip_set(ip, index, number)
Change ip address number at specified index to specified number.
- Chinese:
更改 IP地址 指定位置的数值
- param ip:
IPv4 address string
- param index:
the index of the number, first is 0, valid indexes are 0, 1, 2, 3 :Chinese: 第几位, 0表示第一位,取值范围是 0, 1, 2, 3
- param number:
the number , the value range is [0-255] :Chinese: 数值(整数),取值范围是 0 - 255
- return:
return IP address string. return None if error occurs. :Chinese: 返回更改后的IP地址。如果出错,返回None
- is_ip(text)
Whether the string is an IPV4 string.
- Chinese:
判断指定文字是否是一个 IP 地址
- param text:
the string
- return:
True or False
- is_lan_ip(ip)
Whether specified IP address is LAN IP address
- is_port_open(ip, port, udp=False)
Whether specified port is opened on specified IP address.
- Chinese:
- param ip:
the IP address or host name
- param port:
port number, int
- param udp:
(optional) whether use UDP. default is False
- return:
return True if the port is opened. return False if not opened.
- local_ip()
Get local IP address.
- Chinese:
- return:
return IP address string
- mac_factory(mac)
Get manufacture factory name by specified MAC address.
- Chinese:
- param mac:
the MAC address string
- return:
return a string of manufacture factory name. return empty string if fail. :Chinese: 返回字符串(制造工厂名称)
- ping(ip, times=1, timeout=1000)
Pint specified IP address
- param ip:
IP address string or host name
- param times:
(optional) times of ping
- param timeout:
(optional) waiting timeout in milliseconds,defalut is 1000.
- return:
return time usage of ping in millisecond. return -1 when ping fails. :Chinese: 返回Ping通时间(单位为毫秒)。 返回-1表示Ping不通。
- port_range(port_start, port_end=None)
Define a port range, return a list of port int.
- Chinese:
定义一个端口范围, 返回一个端口列表.
- param port_start:
starting port number, int, value range is [1-65535] :Chinese: 起始端口(整数), 取值范围是 1-65535
- param port_end:
ending port number, int, value range is [1-65535] :Chinese:结束端口(整数), 取值范围是 1-65535
- return:
return a list of port int.
- port_scan(ip, port_list=None, exists=True, threads=0, name=False)
Scan ports of specified IP address.
- Chinese:
对于指定IP地址,扫描端口列表, 取得 可连接的 端口列表
- param ip:
the IP address.
- param port_list:
(optional) a list of port. If port_list is None, scan common used ports. :Chinese: (可选)端口列表, 如果port_list为None,则扫描常见端口
- param exists:
(optional) Whether return opened ports. If exists is False, return not-opened ports. :Chinese:(可选)是否取得可连接的端口,默认值是True.
- param threads:
(optional) how many threads that uses. default is 0 for auto detect. :Chinese:(可选)并发线程数量,默认值是0(自动选择线程数量)
- param name:
- (optional) whether return the protocol name.
If name is True, each item of result list is a tuple of (port, protocol).
- :Chinese:(可选)是否返回协议名,默认值是False.
如果name=True,则结果列表每一项是一个tuple, 形如:(端口号, 协议名称)。
- return:
return a list.
- run_command(cmd_line)
run a command in current OS
- param cmd_line:
command line
- return:
return a tuple (ret, text), the first element is return value,the second is result text.
class net.scan.Port
- common_ports()
return a list of common used ports
- name_of(port_number)
get the name of protocol of specified port number
BGP = 179
BackOrifice = 18006
BackupExec = 10000
BitTorrent = 6881
BitTorrent2 = 6999
DNS = 53
Echo = 7
FTP = 21
FTPS = 989
FTPS2 = 990
FTP_Data = 20
GoogleDesktop = 4664
HPJetDirect = 9100
HP_Openview = 381
HP_Openview2 = 383
HTTP = 80
HTTP2 = 8080
HTTPS = 443
IMAP = 143
IMAPS = 993
IMAPS2 = 585
IRC = 6665
IRC2 = 6669
KasperskyAV = 8086
KasperskyAV2 = 8087
Kerberos = 88
Kerberos2 = 464
LDAP = 389
LDAPS = 636
MPLS = 646
MSDOM = 593
MSExchange = 102
MSExchange2 = 691
MSRPC = 135
MySQL = 3306
NFS = 2049
NNTP = 119
NNTPS = 563
NetBIOS = 137
NetBIOS_SMB = 139
NetBus = 12345
OpenVPN = 1194
Oracle = 2483
Oracle2 = 2484
POP3 = 110
POP3S = 995
PPTP = 1723
PostgreSQL = 5432
Quicktime = 6970
RADIUS = 1812
RADIUS2 = 1813
RDC = 3389
RPC = 1025
RTSP = 554
SCP = 9999
SIP = 5060
SMB = 445
SMTP = 25
SMTPS = 465
SMTPS2 = 587
SNMP = 161
SSH = 22
SqlServer = 1433
Steam = 1725
Sub7 = 27374
SymantecAV = 2967
SynologyNAS = 5000
TFTP = 69
Telnet = 23
UPnP = 5000
VMwareServer = 8222
VNC = 5900
VQP = 1589
Vmware = 902
WASTE = 1337
WHOIS = 43
WINS = 42
Warcraft = 3724
XBOX = 3074
cPanel = 2082
eMule = 4672
radsec = 2083
class net.spider.BaiKe
catalog : 目录列表
explain : 解释文字
__contains__(self, item)
__getitem__(self, item)
- __init__(self, word=None, finding=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- count(self)
- find_others(self, finding)
寻找同义词, 如找到则返回对象本身, 如找不到返回None
- load(self, word, finding=None)
- param word:
- param finding:
- return:
- others(self, index)
- param index:
- return:
- find(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find words
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- find_list(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find a list
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- search(self, word)
search a word
BAIDU = ‘{0}’
BING = ‘{0}’
class net.spider.DeHTMLParser
- __init__(self)
Initialize and reset this instance.
If convert_charrefs is True (the default), all character references are automatically converted to the corresponding Unicode characters.
handle_data(self, data)
handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs)
handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs)
- check_for_whole_start_tag(self, i)
# Internal – check to see if we have a complete starttag; return end # or -1 if incomplete.
- close(self)
Handle any buffered data.
- feed(self, data)
Feed data to the parser.
Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text as you want (may include ‘n’).
- get_starttag_text(self)
Return full source of start tag: ‘<…>’.
- goahead(self, end)
# Internal – handle data as far as reasonable. May leave state # and data to be processed by a subsequent call. If ‘end’ is # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
- handle_charref(self, name)
# Overridable – handle character reference
- handle_comment(self, data)
# Overridable – handle comment
- handle_decl(self, decl)
# Overridable – handle declaration
- handle_endtag(self, tag)
# Overridable – handle end tag
- handle_entityref(self, name)
# Overridable – handle entity reference
- handle_pi(self, data)
# Overridable – handle processing instruction
- parse_bogus_comment(self, i, report=1)
# Internal – parse bogus comment, return length or -1 if not terminated # see
- parse_endtag(self, i)
# Internal – parse endtag, return end or -1 if incomplete
- parse_html_declaration(self, i)
# Internal – parse html declarations, return length or -1 if not terminated # See # See also parse_declaration in _markupbase
- parse_pi(self, i)
# Internal – parse processing instr, return end or -1 if not terminated
- parse_starttag(self, i)
# Internal – handle starttag, return end or -1 if not terminated
- reset(self)
Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.
set_cdata_mode(self, elem)
- unescape(self, s)
# Internal – helper to remove special character quoting
unknown_decl(self, data)
error(self, message)
- getpos(self)
Return current line number and offset.
- parse_comment(self, i, report=1)
# Internal – parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated
- parse_declaration(self, i)
# Internal – parse declaration (for use by subclasses).
- parse_marked_section(self, i, report=1)
# Internal – parse a marked section # Override this to handle MS-word extension syntax <![if word]>content<![endif]>
- updatepos(self, i, j)
# Internal – update line number and offset. This should be # called for each piece of data exactly once, in order – in other # words the concatenation of all the input strings to this # function should be exactly the entire input.
CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS = (‘script’, ‘style’)
class net.spider.ImageData
- __init__(self, data)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- download(self, filename=None)
下载图片, 保存到文件.
- param filename:
(可选)存盘文件名. 文件名可以不带扩展名, 如: file1, 本函数将根据图片类型自动添加扩展名, 并返回实际存盘的文件名, 如: file1.jpg。
- return:
- valid(self)
- valid_format(self, fmt)
fmt 是否是有效的图片格式
- get_file_ext(url)
取得 url 中的文件扩展名
- get_file_name(url)
取得 url 中的文件名
class net.spider.Spider
- __init__(self, url=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- find(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find words
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- find_list(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find a list
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- search(self, word)
search a word
BAIDU = ‘{0}’
BING = ‘{0}’
class net.spider.WebImage
- __init__(self, word, file_ext=None, size=None, count=20, first=0)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- count(self)
return count of images
- download_all(self, path=None)
download all image, save file to specified path
- param path:
save path
- return:
return count of downloaded files
- load(self, word, file_ext=None, size=None, count=20, first=0)
search keyword
- param word:
- param file_ext:
(optional) file extension of image, such as ‘jpg’ ‘png’ ‘gif’
- param count:
(optional) count of image
- param first:
(optional) skip first some images
- return:
- find(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find words
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- find_list(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find a list
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- search(self, word)
search a word
BAIDU = ‘{0}’
BING = ‘{0}’
class net.spider.ZhiDao
- __init__(self, word)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- answer(self, index=0)
:param index (可选)第几条答案
- count(self)
- search(self, word)
- find(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find words
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
- find_list(self, before, after=None, begin=None)
find a list
- param before:
before condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param after:
(optional) after condition, could be a string or a list of string
- param begin:
(optional) begin condition, could be a string or a list of string or an offset int
- return:
return string
BAIDU = ‘{0}’
BING = ‘{0}’
class net.util.StrUtil
- find_sep(text, sep, start_offset=0)
find separator char
- Chinese:
- param text:
the string
- param sep:
the separator char
- param start_offset:
- return:
return a tuple of (offset, length_of_sep)
- find_word(text, finding, index=0, sep=None)
Find a word ing a line.
- Chinese:
- param text:
the string
- param index:
the index of occurrence , the first is 0, second is 1 … :Chinese: 第几个. 0表示第一个, 1表示第二个
- param finding:
(optional) finding condition, could be a sub string or a list of string.
- param sep:
separate char, default is blank char.
- return:
return str if found, return None if not found. :Chinese: 如果找到,返回字符串。如果找不到,返回None
- get_word(text, before, after, start_offset=0, return_offset=False)
Get a word from text, the word is between before condition, and after condition.
- Chinese:
从文本中提取一个词,该词在查找条件before后, 查找条件after前
- param text:
the string
- param before:
the before condition, could be a sub string or a list of string.
- Chinese:
- param after:
the end condition, could be a sub string or a list of string.
- Chinese:
- param start_offset:
offset to start finding. :Chinese:(可选)开始查找的位置
- param return_offset:
whether return offset, boolean. :Chinese:(可选)是否返回查找后的位置
- return:
return str if found, return None if not found. :Chinese: 返回一个词。 如果找不到,返回None
- get_word_list(text, begin, betweens, start_offset=0, end=None)
get a list of keywords from the text.
- Chinese:
从文本中, 查找出一串单词列表。
- param text:
the text to process
- param begin:
begin condition, could be a sub string or a list of string.
- param betweens:
- words definition list
each item is a keyword definition tuple, which contains a before and after condition. Example: define two keywords.
- Chinese:
betweens 是一个单词定义列表。 每一个元素单词定义, 一个 2个元素tuple, 第0个元素是before条件, 第1个元素是after条件.
- param start_offset:
(optional) offset to start finding
- param end:
(optional) end condition, could be a sub string or a list of string.
- return:
return a list of words
get_words(text, line_findings, word_findings, index=0, multiple=False, number_unit=False)
- grep(text, finding)
Split the text into lines, return the lines matched the finding condition.
- Chinese:
将文本切分为多行, 返回符合查找条件的行
- param text:
the string
- param finding:
the finding condition, could be a sub string, or a list of string. :Chinese: 查找条件,可以是一个子字符串,或一个字符串列表
- return:
return a list of str, each element is a line matched the finding condition. :Chinese: 返回一个字符串列表, 每个元素是一个符合查找条件的行
- is_blank_char(c)
Whether the c is blank char
- is_ip_number(text)
Whethe the string is a valid IP number, which range is [0-255]
- Chinese:
判断文字是否是有效的IP数字范围 [0-255]
- param text:
the string
- return:
True of False
- is_json_string(s)
Whether the string is a JSON string.
- Chinese:
判断 字符串s 是否是一个json字符串
- param s:
the string
- return:
True or False
- is_xml_string(s)
Whether the string is a XML string.
- Chinese:
判断 字符串s 是否是一个 xml 字符串
- param s:
the string
- return:
True or False
- match(text, findings, start_offset=0)
Whether the string match the finding condition.
- Chinese:
判断字符串是否符合条件, 返回True, False
- param text:
the string
- param findings:
- Find condition, could be a sub string, or a list of str for continuous finding,
or a tuple of str for finding one of them.
- Chinese:
查找条件,可以是一个子字符串,或一个字符串list(表示连续查找、and关系), 或一个字符串tuple(表示查找其中一个、or关系)
- param start_offset:
(optional) the offset to start finding.
- Chinese:
(可选)起始查找位置, 默认值为0.
- return:
return True if matched, else return False.
- match_offset_length(text: str, findings: [<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>, <class ‘tuple’>], start_offset=0)
Match the finding condition in the string, return matched offset, length.
- Chinese:
查找字符串, 返回匹配的offset和长度length。
- param text:
The string
- param findings:
- Find condition, could be a sub string, or a list of str for continuous finding,
or a tuple of str for finding one of them.
- Chinese:
查找条件,可以是一个子字符串,或一个字符串list(表示连续查找、and关系), 或一个字符串tuple(表示查找其中一个、or关系)
- param start_offset:
(optional) the offset to start finding.
- Chinese:
(可选)起始查找位置, 默认值为0.
- return:
return a tuple of (offset, length). If not found, offset is -1. :Chinese: 返回一个tuple(offset, length)。如果找不到,tuple 中的 offset = -1
- split(text, sep=None)
split the text into word list by specified separator
- param text:
the text
- param sep:
separator string
- return:
return a list of str
- split2(text, sep, first=True)
Split the text into two-word list.
- Chinese:
- param text:
the text
- param sep:
separator string
- param first:
(optional) If True, when separator is missing, set the first word with text and leave the second word empty. If False, vise versa.
- return:
return a 2-word list
- split_number_unit(s)
Split the string, such as ‘2ms’, into number and unit.
- Chinese:
将一个形如: 2ms 的字符串切分为 数字,单位
- param s:
the string
- return:
return a tuple of (number, unit)
- sys_encoding()
return system encoding.
- Chinese:
- return:
- trim_quote(s)
Trim quote marks at the beginning and ending of the string.
- Chinese:
删除字符串两端的引号 (包括单引号、双引号)
- param s:
the string
- return:
class net.webapi.WebAPI
- __init__(self)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- add_func(self, method, url, func_name, **kwargs)
Add a API function
- param method:
HTTP method, such as ‘GET’, ‘POST’, ‘DELETE’, ‘PUT’
- param url:
- param func_name:
function name
- param kwargs:
key-value arguments of the function
- return:
- call(self, func_name, **kwargs)
Call a function
- param func_name:
function name
- param kwargs:
key-value arguments of the function
- return:
return the result of the function. raise exception if error occurs
- find_func(self, func_name)
Find a function :param func_name: function name :return: return WebAPI.API object if success. raise Exception if not found
- help(self, func_name=None)
get help of API function
API = <class ‘net.webapi.WebAPI.API’>
net module 0.3.1 documentation Author: JoStudio, Date: 2022/8/1
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