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JQpy is Python binding for JQ (JSON processing language) that simply works on any platform (even Windows) and does not require compilation.

Project description

JQpy is Python binding for JQ (JSON processing language) that simply works on any platform (even Windows) and does not require compilation.

Read the documentation


GitHub has a JSON API, so let's play with that. This URL gets us the last 5 commits from the jq repo.

>>> import requests
>>> data = requests.get('',{'per_page':5}).json()
>>> data
Show result
		'sha': 'bfb7fd570f521ef832fe1c3bca0e05abd398284c',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'David Korczynski',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:33:01Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:40:36Z'
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed 
extern\n\nSigned-off-by: David Korczynski <>',
			'tree': {
				'sha': '47b08e6bc3e47c9ab13092d613bda7e4cf35bba0',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': False,
				'reason': 'unsigned',
				'signature': None,
				'payload': None
		'author': {
			'login': 'DavidKorczynski',
			'id': 657617,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjY1NzYxNw==',
			'avatar_url': '',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': '252ab244cead3670a11d06bc3110f3a4577a2341',
		'sha': '252ab244cead3670a11d06bc3110f3a4577a2341',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'David Korczynski',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:22:27Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:40:36Z'
			'message': 'Add fuzzer targeting jq_next\n\nSigned-off-by: David 
Korczynski <>',
			'tree': {
				'sha': '7c6832a4b7376e7793d1239bd0abe0d580c69ee3',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': False,
				'reason': 'unsigned',
				'signature': None,
				'payload': None
		'author': {
			'login': 'DavidKorczynski',
			'id': 657617,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjY1NzYxNw==',
			'avatar_url': '',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': '13353515bd3aedf84c6e6ebfb726563ae84db778',
		'sha': '13353515bd3aedf84c6e6ebfb726563ae84db778',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'David Korczynski',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:22:07Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:40:36Z'
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_compile: dump disassembly\n\nSigned-off-by: 
David Korczynski <>',
			'tree': {
				'sha': 'a4fe1a9f424352a5f989b629ba666ccacd3ebd61',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': False,
				'reason': 'unsigned',
				'signature': None,
				'payload': None
		'author': {
			'login': 'DavidKorczynski',
			'id': 657617,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjY1NzYxNw==',
			'avatar_url': '',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': '98a206964d59143c6ed9189b91cdb34af1ae5071',
		'sha': '98a206964d59143c6ed9189b91cdb34af1ae5071',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'Mattias Wadman',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-29T08:36:33Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'GitHub',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-29T08:36:33Z'
			'message': 'Convert decnum to binary64 (double) instead of 
decimal64\n\nThis is what the JSON spec suggests and will also be less 
confusing compared to other jq implementations and langauges.\r\n\r\nRelated to
			'tree': {
				'sha': 'e8055db585b3fa602b289b1fc2e725e293600a17',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': True,
				'reason': 'valid',
				'signature': '-----BEGIN PGP 
HVyTFdo/kufADLQM=\n=fC+V\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n',
				'payload': 'tree 
16170910332b51f1ff497ef566d6a525acdb5b43\nauthor Mattias Wadman 
<> 1701246993 +0100\ncommitter GitHub 
<> 1701246993 +0100\n\nConvert decnum to binary64 (double) 
instead of decimal64\n\nThis is what the JSON spec suggests and will also be 
less confusing compared to other jq implementations and 
langauges.\r\n\r\nRelated to #2939'
		'author': {
			'login': 'wader',
			'id': 185566,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjE4NTU2Ng==',
			'avatar_url': '',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'followers_url': '',
			'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'web-flow',
			'id': 19864447,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjE5ODY0NDQ3',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'followers_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': '16170910332b51f1ff497ef566d6a525acdb5b43',
		'sha': '16170910332b51f1ff497ef566d6a525acdb5b43',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-29T05:12:25Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-29T08:35:36Z'
			'message': 'website: use https URLs instead of http URLs in 
download page\n\nAlso add markdown formatting for decNumber URL so it gets 
rendered as a\nlink in the html page.',
			'tree': {
				'sha': 'ff8b801f14994e4a177ee22b3c9b649281ec8af6',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': False,
				'reason': 'unsigned',
				'signature': None,
				'payload': None
		'author': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': 'd14393f5522531f57b8e3a83c04b7990c64a249e',

We can use jq to extract just the first commit.

>>> from jqpy import jq
>>> jq(r'.[0]', data)
Show result
		'sha': 'bfb7fd570f521ef832fe1c3bca0e05abd398284c',
		'commit': {
			'author': {
				'name': 'David Korczynski',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:33:01Z'
			'committer': {
				'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
				'email': '',
				'date': '2023-11-30T13:40:36Z'
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed 
extern\n\nSigned-off-by: David Korczynski <>',
			'tree': {
				'sha': '47b08e6bc3e47c9ab13092d613bda7e4cf35bba0',
			'comment_count': 0,
			'verification': {
				'verified': False,
				'reason': 'unsigned',
				'signature': None,
				'payload': None
		'author': {
			'login': 'DavidKorczynski',
			'id': 657617,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjY1NzYxNw==',
			'avatar_url': '',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'committer': {
			'login': 'emanuele6',
			'id': 20175435,
			'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTc1NDM1',
			'gravatar_id': '',
			'url': '',
			'html_url': '',
			'organizations_url': '',
			'repos_url': '',
			'type': 'User',
			'site_admin': False
		'parents': [
				'sha': '252ab244cead3670a11d06bc3110f3a4577a2341',

Here we invoke jq function to process JSON compatible data with r'.[0]' filtration expression. Function jq always returns list of JSON compatible results. In the most cases there will be only one result.

Raw-string literal (prefixed with r symbol) is not necessary here but be careful about mixing pythonic escape sequences with jq formatting expression.

There's a lot of info we don't care about there, so we'll restrict it down to the most interesting fields.

>>> jq(r'.[0] | {message: .commit.message, name:}', data)
Show result
		'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed extern\n\nSigned-off-by:
David Korczynski <>',
		'name': 'Emanuele Torre'

The | operator in jq feeds the output of one filter (.[0] which gets the first element of the array in the response) into the input of another ({...} which builds an object out of those fields). You can access nested attributes, such as .commit.message.

Now let's get the rest of the commits.

>>> jq(r'.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:}', data)
Show result
		'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed extern\n\nSigned-off-by:
David Korczynski <>',
		'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
		'message': 'Add fuzzer targeting jq_next\n\nSigned-off-by: David 
Korczynski <>',
		'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
		'message': 'jq_fuzz_compile: dump disassembly\n\nSigned-off-by: David 
Korczynski <>',
		'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
		'message': 'Convert decnum to binary64 (double) instead of 
decimal64\n\nThis is what the JSON spec suggests and will also be less 
confusing compared to other jq implementations and langauges.\r\n\r\nRelated to
		'name': 'GitHub'
		'message': 'website: use https URLs instead of http URLs in download 
page\n\nAlso add markdown formatting for decNumber URL so it gets rendered as 
a\nlink in the html page.',
		'name': 'Emanuele Torre'

.[] returns each element of the array returned in the response, one at a time, which are all fed into {message: .commit.message, name:}.

If you want to get the output as a single array, you can tell jq to "collect" all the answers by wrapping the filter in square brackets:

>>> jq(r'[.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:}]', data)
Show result
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed 
extern\n\nSigned-off-by: David Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
			'message': 'Add fuzzer targeting jq_next\n\nSigned-off-by: David 
Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_compile: dump disassembly\n\nSigned-off-by: 
David Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre'
			'message': 'Convert decnum to binary64 (double) instead of 
decimal64\n\nThis is what the JSON spec suggests and will also be less 
confusing compared to other jq implementations and langauges.\r\n\r\nRelated to
			'name': 'GitHub'
			'message': 'website: use https URLs instead of http URLs in 
download page\n\nAlso add markdown formatting for decNumber URL so it gets 
rendered as a\nlink in the html page.',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre'

Next, let's try getting the URLs of the parent commits out of the API results as well. In each commit, the GitHub API includes information about "parent" commits. There can be one or many.

"parents": [
	"sha": "f2ad9517c72f6267ae317639ab56bbfd4a8653d4",
	"url": "",
	"html_url": ""

We want to pull out all the "html_url" fields inside that array of parent commits and make a simple list of strings to go along with the "message" and "author" fields we already have.

>>> jq(r'[.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:, parents: [.parents[].html_url]}]', data)
Show result
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed 
extern\n\nSigned-off-by: David Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
			'parents': [
			'message': 'Add fuzzer targeting jq_next\n\nSigned-off-by: David 
Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
			'parents': [
			'message': 'jq_fuzz_compile: dump disassembly\n\nSigned-off-by: 
David Korczynski <>',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
			'parents': [
			'message': 'Convert decnum to binary64 (double) instead of 
decimal64\n\nThis is what the JSON spec suggests and will also be less 
confusing compared to other jq implementations and langauges.\r\n\r\nRelated to
			'name': 'GitHub',
			'parents': [
			'message': 'website: use https URLs instead of http URLs in 
download page\n\nAlso add markdown formatting for decNumber URL so it gets 
rendered as a\nlink in the html page.',
			'name': 'Emanuele Torre',
			'parents': [

Here we're making an object as before, but this time the parents field is being set to [.parents[].html_url], which collects all the parent commit URLs defined in the parents object.

Visit original tutorial website to see more examples and read about JQ filtration language.


  1. Install JQ binary for your platform and include it to PATH environment variable (should be included by default).

    JQ download page

    Quick commands:

    • Windows + winget: winget install jqlang.jq
    • Windows + scoop: scoop install jq
    • Windows + choco: choco install jq
    • Windows + exe
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install jq
    • Arch: sudo pacman -S jq
    • macOS + brew: brew install jq
  2. Install JQpy python binding via pip or your favourite python package manager:

    pip install jqpy

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

jqpy-1.0.0.tar.gz (133.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

jqpy-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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