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Some useful daily utility scripts.

Project description

.. _header-n0:


Some useful daily utility scripts.

- ```update`` <#update>`__

- `Atom <#update_apm>`__

- `Python <#update_pip>`__

- `Homebrew <#update_brew>`__

- `Caskroom <#update_cask>`__

- `App Store <#update_apptore>`__

- ```uninstall`` <#uninstall>`__

- `Python <#uninstall_pip>`__

- `Homebrew <#uninstall_brew>`__

- `Caskroom <#uninstall_cask>`__

- ```reinstall`` <#reinstall>`__

- `Homebrew <#reinstall_brew>`__

- `Caskroom <#reinstall_cask>`__

- ```postinstall`` <#postinstall>`__

- `Homebrew <#postinstall_brew>`__

- ```dependency`` <#dependency>`__

- `Python <#dependency_pip>`__

- `Homebrew <#dependency_brew>`__


.. _header-n69:


``update`` is a package manager written in Python 3.6 and Bash 3.2,
which automatically update all packages installed through --

- ``apm`` -- Atom packages

- ``pip`` -- Python packages, in both version of 2.7 and 3.6, running
under `CPython <>`__ or
`PyPy <>`__ compiler, and installed through ``brew``
or official disk images

- ``brew`` -- `Homebrew <>`__ packages

- ``cask`` -- `Caskroom <>`__ applications

- ``appstore`` -- Mac App Store or ``softwareupdate`` installed

You may install ``update`` through ``pip`` of Python (versions 3.\*).
And log files can be found in directory
``/Library/Logs/Scripts/update/``. The global man page for ``update``
shows as below.

.. code::

$ update --help
usage: update [-h] [-V] [-a] [-f] [-m] [-g] [-q] [-v] MODE ...

Automatic Package Update Manager

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through pip, Homebrew, and App
-f, --force Run in force mode, only for Homebrew or Caskroom.
-m, --merge Run in merge mode, only for Homebrew.
-g, --greedy Run in greedy mode, only for Caskroom.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.

mode selection:
MODE Update outdated packages installed through a specified
method, e.g.: apm, pip, brew, cask, or appstore.

As it shows, there are five modes in total (if these commands exists).
To update all packages, you may use one of commands below.

.. code::

$ update
$ update -a
$ update --all

1. ``apm`` -- Atom packages

`Atom <>`__ provides a package manager called ``apm``,
i.e. "Atom Package Manager". The man page for ``update apm`` shows as

.. code::

$ update apm --help
usage: update apm [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-q] [-v]

Update installed Atom packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through apm.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be updated, default is all.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.

If arguments omit, ``update apm`` will update all outdated packages of
Atom. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package
name, ``update apm`` might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

1. ``pip`` -- Python packages

As there\'re all kinds and versions of Python complier, along with its
``pip`` package manager. Here, we support update of following --

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through Python official disk images

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through ``brew install python/python3``

- PyPy 2.7/3.5 installed through ``brew install pypy/pypy3``

And the man page shows as below.

.. code::

$ update pip --help
usage: update pip [-h] [-a] [-V VER] [-s] [-b] [-c] [-y] [-p PKG] [-q] [-v]

Update installed Python packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through pip.
-V VER, --version VER
Indicate which version of pip will be updated.
-s, --system Update pip packages on system level, i.e. python
installed through official installer.
-b, --brew Update pip packages on Cellar level, i.e. python
installed through Homebrew.
-c, --cpython Update pip packages on CPython environment.
-y, --pypy Update pip packages on Pypy environment.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be updated, default is all.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.

If arguments omit, ``update pip`` will update all outdated packages in
all copies of Python. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given
wrong package name, ``update pip`` might give a trivial "did-you-mean"

1. ``brew`` -- Homebrew packages

The man page for ``update brew`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ update brew --help
usage: update brew [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-f] [-m] [-q] [-v]

Update installed Homebrew packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through Homebrew.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be updated, default is all.
-f, --force Use "--force" when running `brew update`.
-m, --merge Use "--merge" when running `brew update`.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.

Note that, arguments ``-f`` and ``--force``, ``-m`` and ``--merge`` are
using only for ``brew update`` command.

If arguments omit, ``update brew`` will update all outdated packages of
Homebrew. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package
name, ``update brew`` might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

1. ``cask`` -- Caskrooom packages

The man page for ``update cask`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ update cask --help
usage: update cask [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-f] [-g] [-q] [-v]

Update installed Caskroom packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through Caskroom.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be updated, default is all.
-f, --force Use "--force" when running `brew cask upgrade`.
-g, --greedy Use "--greedy" when running `brew cask outdated`, and
directly run `brew cask upgrade --greedy`.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.

Note that, arguments ``-f`` and ``--force``, ``-g`` and ``--greedy``
are using only for ``brew cask upgrade`` command. And when latter given,
``update`` will directly run ``brew cask upgrade --greedy``.

If arguments omit, ``update cask`` will update all outdated packages of
Caskroom. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package
name, ``update cask`` might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

1. ``appstore`` -- Mac App Store packages

The man page for ``update appstore`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ update appstore --help
usage: update appstore [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-q]

Update installed App Store packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Update all packages installed through App Store.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be updated, default is all.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.

If arguments omit, ``update appstore`` will update all outdated
packages in Mac App Store or ``softwareupdate``. And when using ``-p``
or ``--package``, if given wrong package name, ``update appstore`` might
give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

.. _header-n169:


``uninstall`` is a package manager written in Python 3.6 and Bash 3.2,
which recursively and interactively uninstall packages installed through

- ``pip`` -- Python packages, in both version of 2.7 and 3.6, running
under `CPython <>`__ or
`PyPy <>`__ compiler, and installed through ``brew``
or official disk images

- ``brew`` -- `Homebrew <>`__ packages

- ``cask`` -- `Caskroom <>`__ applications

You may install ``uninstall`` through ``pip`` of Python (versions
3.\*). And log files can be found in directory
``/Library/Logs/Scripts/uninstall/``. The global man page for
``uninstall`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ uninstall --help
usage: uninstall [-h] [-V] [-a] [-f] [-i] [-q] [-v] [-Y] MODE ...

Package Recursive Uninstall Manager

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-a, --all Uninstall all packages installed through pip,
Homebrew, and App Store.
-f, --force Run in force mode, only for Homebrew and Caskroom.
-i, --ignore-dependencies
Run in irrecursive mode, only for Python and Homebrew.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.
-Y, --yes Yes for all selections.

mode selection:
MODE Uninstall given packages installed through a specified
method, e.g.: pip, brew or cask.

As it shows, there are three modes in total (if these commands exists).
The default procedure when arguments omit is to stand alone. To
uninstall all packages, you may use one of commands below.

.. code::

$ uninstall -a
$ uninstall --all

1. ``pip`` -- Python packages

As there're several kinds and versions of Python complier, along wiht
its ``pip`` package manager. Here, we support uninstall procedure in
following --

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through Python official disk images

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through ``brew install python/python3``

- PyPy 2.7/3.5 installed through ``brew install pypy/pypy3``

And the man page shows as below.

.. code::

$ uninstall pip --help
usage: uninstall pip [-h] [-a] [-V VER] [-s] [-b] [-c] [-y] [-p PKG] [-i] [-q]
[-v] [-Y]

Uninstall pip installed packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Uninstall all packages installed through pip.
-V VER, --version VER
Indicate packages in which version of pip will be
-s, --system Uninstall pip packages on system level, i.e. python
installed through official installer.
-b, --brew Uninstall pip packages on Cellar level, i.e. python
installed through Homebrew.
-c, --cpython Uninstall pip packages on CPython environment.
-y, --pypy Uninstall pip packages on Pypy environment.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null.
-i, --ignore-dependencies
Run in irrecursive mode, i.e. ignore dependencies of
installing packages.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.
-Y, --yes Yes for all selections.

If arguments omit, ``uninstall pip`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To uninstall all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And when
using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``uninstall pip`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

1. ``brew`` – Homebrew packages

The man page for ``uninstall brew`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ uninstall brew --help
usage: uninstall brew [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-f] [-i] [-q] [-v] [-Y]

Uninstall Homebrew installed packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Uninstall all packages installed through Homebrew.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null.
-f, --force Use "--force" when running `brew uninstall`.
-i, --ignore-dependencies
Run in irrecursive mode, i.e. ignore dependencies of
installing packages.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.
-Y, --yes Yes for all selections.

If arguments omit, ``uninstall brew`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To uninstall all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And when
using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``uninstall brew`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

1. ``cask`` – Caskrooom packages

The man page for ``uninstall cask`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ uninstall cask --help
usage: uninstall cask [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-f] [-q] [-v] [-Y]

Uninstall installed Caskroom packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Uninstall all packages installed through Caskroom.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null.
-f, --force Use "--force" when running `brew cask uninstall`.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with more information.
-Y, --yes Yes for all selections.

If arguments omit, ``uninstall cask`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To uninstall all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And when
using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``uninstall cask`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

.. _header-n237:


``reinstall`` is a package manager written in Python 3.6 and Bash 3.2,
which automatically and interactively reinstall packages installed
through --

- ``brew`` -- `Homebrew <>`__ packages

- ``cask`` -- `Caskroom <>`__ applications

You may install ``reinstall`` through ``pip`` of Python (versions
3.\*). And log files can be found in directory
``/Library/Logs/Scripts/reinstall/``. The global man page for
``reinstall`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ reinstall --help
usage: reinstall [-h] [-V] [-a] [-s START] [-e START] [-f] [-q] [-v] MODE ...

Homebrew Package Reinstall Manager

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-a, --all Reinstall all packages installed through Homebrew and
-s START, --startwith START
Reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-e START, --endwith START
Reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-f, --force Run in force mode, using for `brew reinstall`.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with detailed output information.

mode selection:
MODE Reinstall packages installed through a specified
method, e.g.: brew or cask.

As it shows, there are two modes in total (if these commands exists).
The default procedure when arguments omit is to stand alone. To
reinstall all packages, you may use one of commands below.

.. code::

$ reinstall -a
$ reinstall --all

1. ``brew`` – Homebrew packages

The man page for ``reinstall brew`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ reinstall brew --help
usage: reinstall brew [-h] [-p PKG] [-s START] [-e START] [-f] [-q] [-v]

Reinstall Homebrew packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be reinstalled, default is null.
-s START, --startwith START
Reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-e START, --endwith START
Reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-f, --force Run in force mode, using for `brew reinstall`.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with detailed output information.

If arguments omit, ``reinstall brew`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To reinstall all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And when
using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``reinstall brew`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

1. ``cask`` – Caskrooom packages

The man page for ``reinstall cask`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ reinstall cask --help
usage: reinstall cask [-h] [-p PKG] [-s START] [-e START] [-q] [-v]

Reinstall Caskroom packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be reinstalled, default is null.
-s START, --startwith START
Reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-e START, --endwith START
Reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
initial alphabets.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with detailed output information.

If arguments omit, ``reinstall cask`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To reinstall all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And when
using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``reinstall cask`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

.. _header-n279:


``postinstall`` is a package manager written in Python 3.6 and Bash
3.2, which automatically and interactively reinstall packages installed
through --

- ``brew`` -- `Homebrew <>`__ packages

You may install ``postinstall`` through ``pip`` of Python (versions
3.\*). And log files can be found in directory
``/Library/Logs/Scripts/postinstall/``. The global man page for
``postinstall`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ postinstall --help
usage: postinstall [-h] [-V] [-a] [-p PKG] [-s START] [-e START] [-q] [-v]

Homebrew Package Postinstall Manager

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-a, --all Postinstall all packages installed through Homebrew.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be postinstalled, default is all.
-s START, --startwith START
Postinstall procedure starts from which package, sort
in initial alphabets.
-e START, --endwith START
Postinstall procedure ends until which package, sort
in initial alphabets.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode, with no output information.
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode, with detailed output information.

As it shows, there is only one mode in total (if these commands
exists). To postinstall all packages, you may use one of commands below.

.. code::

$ postinstall
$ postinstall -a
$ postinstall --all

If arguments omit, ``postinstall`` will postinstall all installed
packages of Homebrew. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given
wrong package name, ``postinstall`` might give a trivial "did-you-mean"

.. _header-n298:


``dependency`` is a package manager written in Python 3.6 and Bash 3.2,
which automatically and interactively show dependencies of packages
installed through --

- ``pip`` -- Python packages, in both version of 2.7 and 3.6, running
under `CPython <>`__ or
`PyPy <>`__ compiler, and installed through ``brew``
or official disk images

- ``brew`` -- `Homebrew <>`__ packages

You may install ``dependency`` through ``pip`` of Python (versions
3.\*). And log files can be found in directory
``/Library/Logs/Scripts/dependency/``. The global man page for
``dependency`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ dependency --help
usage: dependency [-h] [-V] [-a] [-t] MODE ...

Trivial Package Dependency Manager

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-a, --all Show dependencies of all packages installed through pip and
-t, --tree Show dependencies as a tree. This feature may request

mode selection:
MODE Show dependencies of packages installed through a specified
method, e.g.: pip or brew.

As it shows, there are two mode in total (if these commands exists).
The default procedure when arguments omit is to stand alone. To show
dependency of all packages, you may use one of commands below.

.. code::

$ dependency -a
$ dependency --all

1. ``pip`` -- Python packages

As there\'re all kinds and versions of Python complier, along with its
``pip`` package manager. Here, we support showing dependency of
following --

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through Python official disk images

- Python 2.7/3.6 installed through ``brew install python/python3``

- PyPy 2.7/3.5 installed through ``brew install pypy/pypy3``

And the man page shows as below.

.. code::

$ dependency pip --help
usage: dependency pip [-h] [-a] [-V VER] [-s] [-b] [-c] [-y] [-p PKG] [-t]

Show dependencies of Python packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Show dependencies of all packages installed through
-V VER, --version VER
Indicate which version of pip will be updated.
-s, --system Show dependencies of pip packages on system level,
i.e. python installed through official installer.
-b, --brew Show dependencies of pip packages on Cellar level,
i.e. python installed through Homebrew.
-c, --cpython Show dependencies of pip packages on CPython
-y, --pypy Show dependencies of pip packages on PyPy environment.
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be shown, default is all.
-t, --tree Show dependencies as a tree. This feature requests

If arguments omit, ``dependency pip`` will stand alone, and do nothing.
To show dependency of all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all`` option. And
when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package name,
``dependency pip`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

1. ``brew`` – Homebrew packages

The man page for ``dependency brew`` shows as below.

.. code::

$ dependency brew --help
usage: dependency brew [-h] [-a] [-p PKG] [-t]

Show dependencies of Homebrew packages.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Show dependencies of all packages installed through
-p PKG, --package PKG
Name of packages to be shown, default is all.
-t, --tree Show dependencies as a tree.

If arguments omit, ``dependency brew`` will stand alone, and do
nothing. To show dependency of all packages, use ``-a`` or ``--all``
option. And when using ``-p`` or ``--package``, if given wrong package
name, ``dependency brew`` might give a trivial “did-you-mean”

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Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

jsdaily-0.1.8.tar.gz (35.2 kB view hashes)

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