JSON filter with MongoDB shell syntax
Project description
# JSON-filter with MongoDB shell syntax
## Command line JSON filter inspired mongo shell commands syntax
### How to install
python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/dstarod/json-filter
### How to use
#### Write your filter inline
wget -qO - “http://rest.best.com/data” | jf -f ‘{“jf.tool”: true}’
#### Read filters from file
cat examples/data.json | jf -ff examples/filter.json
#### Or combine both
wget -qO - “http://rest.best.com/data” | jf -ff /path/to/filters.json -f “{“errors”: {“$size”: 2}}”
### What are you can now
### Colorize output (optional)
python3 -m pip install Pygments cat examples/data.json | jf -ff examples/filter.json -c