Outbound SSH for use with Junos systems
Project description
Outbound SSH Server for use with Junos PyEZ
Provides the server for use with the Junos outbound ssh feature.
About Outbound SSH
Junos based networking systems support a feature called "outbound ssh". This feature instructs the Junos device to create an SSH session to a remote server. For example, the following Junos configuration will instruct the Junos device to create an outbound SSH connection to a server at IP address on port 9000
system {
services {
outbound-ssh {
client netnoob {
device-id netnoob;
services netconf; port 9000;
The purpose of the OSSH server is to accept this outbound connection and allow then perform NETCONF commands.
Example Usage
Create the Server
The following creates a server that listens to any IP interface on the host ( on port 9000. When the inbound connection is made, the server will then establish a NETCONF session with the device using the login user 'admin' and the password 'juniper123'.
from junospyez_ossh_server import OutboundSSHServer
server = OutboundSSHServer('', port=9000, login_user='admin', login_password='juniper123')
Starting the Server
When the server establishes the NETCONF session a user-provided callback will be invoked with the Junos PyEZ device object and a dictionary of basic facts. For example:
import json
def dump_device_facts(device, facts):
print("GOT FACTS: ", json.dumps(facts, indent=3))
The following is example output to illustrate the facts that are gathered as part of the server functionality.
"os_version": "15.1X53-D59.3",
"hostname": "JX0218140351",
"device_sn": "JX0218140351",
"device_model": "EX2300-48T",
"mgmt_interface": "vme",
"mgmt_ipaddr": "",
"mgmt_macaddr": "f0:4b:3a:fe:4a:22"
As a developer, you can create an on_device
callback function that performs any NETCONF RPC that
the login_user is allowed to do.
The server package includes a log
module so you can easily control the aspects of logging. The
logger is a property of the server instance. For example, you could output all INFO level
logs to stdout using the following:
import logging
Would result in the following stdout:
outbound-ssh-server: starting on
outbound-ssh-server: started
outbound-ssh-server: accepted connection from
establishing netconf to device via:
gathering basic facts from device via:
"os_version": "15.1X53-D59.3",
"hostname": "JX0218140351",
"device_sn": "JX0218140351",
"device_model": "EX2300-48T",
"mgmt_interface": "vme",
"mgmt_ipaddr": "",
"mgmt_macaddr": "f0:4b:3a:fe:4a:22"
completed device with management IP address:
"os_version": "15.1X53-D59.3",
"hostname": "JX0218140351",
"device_sn": "JX0218140351",
"device_model": "EX2300-48T",
"mgmt_interface": "vme",
"mgmt_ipaddr": "",
"mgmt_macaddr": "f0:4b:3a:fe:4a:22"
Stopping the Server
To shutdown the server use the stop
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File details
Details for the file junospyez-ossh-server-0.1.2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: junospyez-ossh-server-0.1.2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 6.6 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/1.12.1 pkginfo/1.4.2 requests/2.20.0 setuptools/40.4.3 requests-toolbelt/0.8.0 tqdm/4.27.0 CPython/3.6.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 88ef201fa7b77177a6cc99076c2bf91cc8574924becc00afc0fbb8694768ec24 |
MD5 | cc6256e7aaf969edca2cb48158c4eebc |
BLAKE2b-256 | ad3a9daadb2d7ff4bd7b4799e7f4281d74a21fe1a9b1b91b8edd86d51f7b4330 |
File details
Details for the file junospyez_ossh_server-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: junospyez_ossh_server-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 8.6 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/1.12.1 pkginfo/1.4.2 requests/2.20.0 setuptools/40.4.3 requests-toolbelt/0.8.0 tqdm/4.27.0 CPython/3.6.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | d283907d1966466047c81af1dc3f0911c4d5742a1a58edc1d801aa6b31093b24 |
MD5 | 7cf7e13e54527012b341077d1b6a61ee |
BLAKE2b-256 | 1426ce6df301260aa36f4af4a743eab9b56b9ccf1c345fa1f1862b86ba2de0aa |