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Typesafe, combinable validation

Project description

Koda Validate

Typesafe, combinable validation. Python 3.8+

Koda Validate aims to make writing validators easier.



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The Basics

from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import *

class Person:
    name: str
    age: int

person_validator = dict_validator(
    key("name", StringValidator()),
    key("age", IntValidator())

result = person_validator({"name": "John Doe", "age": 30})
if isinstance(result, Ok):
    print(f"{} is {result.val.age} years old")

We could also nest person_validator, for instance, in a ListValidator:

people_validator = ListValidator(person_validator)

...And nest that in a different validator (and so forth...):

class Group:
    name: str
    people: list[Person]

group_validator = dict_validator(
    key("name", StringValidator()),
    key("people", people_validator),

data = {
    "name": "Arrested Development Characters",
    "people": [
        {"name": "George Bluth", "age": 70},
        {"name": "Michael Bluth", "age": 35}

assert group_validator(data) == Ok(
        name='Arrested Development Characters',
            Person(name='George Bluth', age=70),
            Person(name='Michael Bluth', age=35)

Let's look at the dict_validator a bit closer. Its first argument can be any Callable that accepts the values from each key below it -- in the same order they are defined (the names of the keys and the Callable arguments do not need to match). For person_validator, we used a Person dataclass; for Group, we used a Group dataclass; but that does not need to be the case. Because we can use any Callable with matching types, this would also be valid:

from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import *

def reverse_person_args_tuple(a: str, b: int) -> tuple[int, str]:
    return b, a

person_validator_2 = dict_validator(
    key("name", StringValidator()),
    key("age", IntValidator()),

assert person_validator_2({"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}) == Ok((30, "John Doe"))

As you see, we have some flexibility in defining what we want to get back from a validated dict_validator.

Another thing to note is that, so far, the results are all wrapped in an Ok class. The other possibility -- when validation fails -- is that an Err instance is returned, with whatever message or object a given validator returns. We do not raise exceptions to express validation failure in Koda Validate. Instead, validation is treated as part of normal control flow.

Let's use some more features.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Err, Ok, Result
from koda_validate import *

class Employee:
    title: str
    name: str

def no_dwight_regional_manager(employee: Employee) -> Result[Employee, Serializable]:
    if (
        "schrute" in
        and employee.title.lower() == "assistant regional manager"
        return Err("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")
        return Ok(employee)

employee_validator = dict_validator(
    key("title", StringValidator(not_blank, MaxLength(100), preprocessors=[strip])),
    key("name", StringValidator(not_blank, preprocessors=[strip])),
    # After we've validated individual fields, we may want to validate them as a whole

# The fields are valid but the object as a whole is not.
assert employee_validator(
        "title": "Assistant Regional Manager",
        "name": "Dwight Schrute",
) == Err("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")

Things to note about employee_validator:

  • we can add additional checks -- Predicates -- to validators (e.g. not_blank, MaxLength, etc.)
  • we can pre-process strings for formatting (after the type is determined, but before Predicate validators are run)
  • we have two stages of validation on dictionaries: first the keys, then the entire object, via validate_object
  • apparently we have a problem with someone named Dwight Schrute giving himself the wrong title

Note that everything we've seen is typesafe according to mypy -- with strict settings, and without any plugins.

The (More) Basics

We're are spending a lot of time discussing validating collections, but Koda Validator works just as well on simple values.

from koda import Err, Ok
from koda_validate import ExactValidator, MinLength, StringValidator

min_length_3_validator = StringValidator(MinLength(4))
assert min_length_3_validator("good") == Ok("good")
assert min_length_3_validator("bad") == Err(["minimum allowed length is 4"])

exactly_5_validator = ExactValidator(5)

assert exactly_5_validator(5) == Ok(5)
assert exactly_5_validator("hmm") == Err(["expected exactly 5 (int)"])

Koda Validate is intended to be extendable enough to validate any type of data.

Validation Errors

As mentioned above, errors are returned as data as part of normal control flow. The contents of all returned Errs from built-in validators in Koda Validate are JSON/YAML serializable. (However, should you build your own custom validators, there is no contract enforcing that constraint.) Here are a few examples of the kinds of errors you can expect to see out of the box.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Err, Maybe
from koda_validate import *

# Wrong type
assert StringValidator()(None) == Err(["expected a string"])

# All failing `Predicate`s are reported (not just the first)
str_choice_validator = StringValidator(MinLength(2), Choices({"abc", "yz"}))
assert str_choice_validator("") == Err(
    ["minimum allowed length is 2", "expected one of ['abc', 'yz']"]

class City:
    name: str
    region: Maybe[str]

city_validator = dict_validator(
    key("name", StringValidator(not_blank)),
    maybe_key("region", StringValidator(not_blank)),

# We use the key "__container__" for object-level errors
assert city_validator(None) == Err({"__container__": ["expected a dictionary"]})

# Missing keys are errors
assert city_validator({}) == Err({"name": ["key missing"]})

# Extra keys are also errors
assert city_validator(
    {"region": "California", "population": 510, "country": "USA"}
) == Err({"__container__": ["Received unknown keys. Only expected ['name', 'region']"]})

class Neighborhood:
    name: str
    city: City

neighborhood_validator = dict_validator(
    Neighborhood, key("name", StringValidator(not_blank)), key("city", city_validator)

# Errors are nested in predictable manner
assert neighborhood_validator({"name": "Bushwick", "city": {}}) == Err(
    {"city": {"name": ["key missing"]}}

If you have any concerns about being able to handle specific types of key or object requirements, please see some of the other validators and helpers below:

Validators, Predicates, and Extension

Koda Validate's intention is to cover the bulk of common use cases with its built-in tools. However, it is also meant to provide a straightforward way to build for custom validation use-cases. Here we'll provide a quick overview of how custom validation logic can be implemented.

There are two kinds of Callables used for validation in Koda Validate: Validators and Predicates. Validators can take an input of one type and produce a valid result of another type. (While a Validator has the capability to alter a value and/or type, whether it does is entirely dependent on the given Validators requirements.) Most commonly Validators accept type Any and validate that it conforms to some type or data shape. As an example, we'll write a simple Validator for floats here:

from typing import Any
from koda import Err, Ok, Result
from koda_validate.typedefs import Serializable, Validator

class SimpleFloatValidator(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Result[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            return Ok(val)
            return Err("expected a float")

float_validator = SimpleFloatValidator()
float_val = 5.5
assert float_validator(float_val) == Ok(float_val)
assert float_validator(5) == Err("expected a float")

What is this doing?

  • extending Validator, using the following types:
    • Any: any type of input can be passed in
    • float: if the data is valid, a value of type Ok[float] will be returned
    • Serializable: if it's invalid, a value of type Err[Serializable] will be returned
  • the __call__ method performs any kind of validation needed, so long as the input and output type signatures -- as determined by the Validator type parameters - are abided

We accept Any because the type of input may be unknown before submitting to the Validator. After our validation in SimpleFloatValidator succeeds, we know the type must be float.

This is all well and good, but we'll probably want to be able to validate against values of the floats, such as min, max, or rough equality checks. For this we use Predicates. This is what the FloatValidator in Koda Validate looks like:

class FloatValidator(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    def __init__(self, *predicates: Predicate[float, Serializable]) -> None:
        self.predicates = predicates

    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Result[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            return accum_errors_serializable(val, self.predicates)
            return Err(["expected a float"])

Predicates are meant to validate the value of a known type -- as opposed to validating at the type-level. For example, this is how you might write and use a Predicate for approximate float equality:

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Err, Ok
from koda_validate import FloatValidator, Serializable, Predicate

class IsClose(Predicate[float, Serializable]):
    compare_to: float
    tolerance: float

    def is_valid(self, val: float) -> bool:
        return math.isclose(self.compare_to, val, abs_tol=self.tolerance)

    def err(self, val: float) -> Serializable:
        return f"expected a value within {self.tolerance} of {self.compare_to}"

# let's use it
close_to_validator = FloatValidator(IsClose(0.05, 0.02))
a = 0.06
assert close_to_validator(a) == Ok(a)
assert close_to_validator(0.01) == Err(["expected a value within 0.02 of 0.05"])

Notice that in Predicates we define is_valid and err methods, while in Validators we define the entire __call__ method. This is because the base Predicate class is constructed in such a way that we limit how much it can actually do -- we don't want it to be able to alter the value being validated. This turns out to be useful because it allows us to proceed sequentially through an arbitrary amount of Predicates of the same type in a given Validator. Only because of this property can we be confident in our ability to return all Predicate errors for a given Validator -- instead of having to exit at the first failure.


Previously we said an aim of Koda Validate is to allow reuse of validator metadata. Principally this is useful in generating descriptions of the validator's constraints -- one example could be generating an OpenAPI (or other) schema. Here we'll do something simpler and use validator metadata to build a function which can return plaintext descriptions of validators:

from typing import Any
from koda_validate import MaxLength, MinLength, Predicate, StringValidator, Validator

def describe_validator(validator: Validator[Any, Any, Any] | Predicate[Any, Any]) -> str:
    # use `isinstance(...)` in python <= 3.10
    match validator:
        case StringValidator(predicates):
            predicate_descriptions = [
                f"- {describe_validator(pred)}" for pred in predicates
            return "\n".join(["validates a string"] + predicate_descriptions)
        case MinLength(length):
            return f"minimum length {length}"
        case MaxLength(length):
            return f"maximum length {length}"
        # ...etc
        case _:
            raise TypeError(f"unhandled validator type. got {type(validator)}")

# validates a string
# validates a string
# - minimum length 5
print(describe_validator(StringValidator(MinLength(3), MaxLength(8))))
# validates a string
# - minimum length 3
# - maximum length 8

All we're doing here, of course, is writing an interpreter. For the sake of brevity this one is very simple, but it's straightforward to extend the logic. This is easy to do because, while the validators are Callables at their core, they are also classes that can easily be inspected. (This ease of inspection is the primary reason we use classes in Koda Validate.) Interpreters are the recommended way to re-use validator metadata for non-validation purposes.

Other Noteworthy Validators and Utilities

OneOf2 / OneOf3

OneOfN validators are useful when you may have multiple valid shapes of data.

from koda import First, Ok, Second

from koda_validate import ListValidator, OneOf2, StringValidator

string_or_list_string_validator = OneOf2(
    StringValidator(), ListValidator(StringValidator())

assert string_or_list_string_validator("ok") == Ok(First("ok"))
assert string_or_list_string_validator(["list", "of", "strings"]) == Ok(
    Second(["list", "of", "strings"])

Tuple2Validator / Tuple3Validator

These Validators work on tuples as you might expect:

from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import IntValidator, StringValidator, Tuple2Validator

string_int_validator = Tuple2Validator(StringValidator(), IntValidator())

assert string_int_validator(("ok", 100)) == Ok(("ok", 100))

# also ok with lists
assert string_int_validator(["ok", 100]) == Ok(("ok", 100))


Lazy's main purpose is to allow for the use of recursion in validation. An example use case of this might be replies in a comment thread. This can be done with mutually recursive functions. For simplicity, here's an example of parsing a kind of non-empty list.

from typing import Optional
from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import IntValidator, Lazy, OptionalValidator, Tuple2Validator

NonEmptyList = tuple[int, Optional["NonEmptyList"]]

def recur_non_empty_list() -> Tuple2Validator[int, Optional[NonEmptyList]]:
    return non_empty_list_validator

non_empty_list_validator = Tuple2Validator(

assert non_empty_list_validator((1, (1, (2, (3, (5, None)))))) == Ok(
    (1, (1, (2, (3, (5, None)))))


MapValidator allows us to validate dictionaries that are mappings of one type to another type, where we don't need to be concerned about individual keys or values:

from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import IntValidator, MapValidator, StringValidator

str_to_int_validator = MapValidator(StringValidator(), IntValidator())

assert str_to_int_validator({"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}) == Ok(
    {"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}


OptionalValidator is very simple. It validates a value is either None or passes another validator's rules.

from koda import Ok
from koda_validate import IntValidator, OptionalValidator

optional_int_validator = OptionalValidator(IntValidator())

assert optional_int_validator(5) == Ok(5)
assert optional_int_validator(None) == Ok(None)


maybe_key allows for a key to be missing from a dictionary

from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Just, Maybe, Ok, nothing
from koda_validate import IntValidator, StringValidator, dict_validator, key, maybe_key

class Person:
    name: str
    age: Maybe[int]

person_validator = dict_validator(
    Person, key("name", StringValidator()), maybe_key("age", IntValidator())
assert person_validator({"name": "Bob"}) == Ok(Person("Bob", nothing))
assert person_validator({"name": "Bob", "age": 42}) == Ok(Person("Bob", Just(42)))


A very simple validator that only validates that and object is a dict. It doesn't do any validation against keys or values.

from koda import Ok, Err
from koda_validate.dictionary import is_dict_validator

assert is_dict_validator({}) == Ok({})
assert is_dict_validator(None) == Err({"__container__": ["expected a dictionary"]})
assert is_dict_validator({"a": 1, "b": 2, 5: "xyz"}) == Ok(
    {"a": 1, "b": 2, 5: "xyz"}


dict_validator has a max keys limit

By default dict_validator can have a maximum of 20 keys. You can change this by generating code and storing it in your project:

# allow up to 30 keys
python /path/to/koda-validate/codegen/ /your/target/directory --num-keys 30

This limitation exists because computation starts to get expensive for type checkers above a certain level, and it's not common to have that many keys in a dict.

dict_validator types may be hard to read / slow for your editor or type-checker

dict_validator is a convenience function that delegates to different Validators depending on the number of keys -- for example, Dict2KeysValidator, Dict3KeysValidator, etc. These numbered validators are limited to a specific number of keys and can be used to mitigate such issues.

dict_validator's keys only allow for strings

This should be resolved in a later release.

Your Imagination


Something's Missing Or Wrong

Open an issue on GitHub please!

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koda_validate-1.0.0.tar.gz (30.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

koda_validate-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (28.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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