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Typesafe, combinable validation

Project description

Koda Validate

Validate Anything. Faster!

Koda Validate is:

  • flexible
  • explicit
  • fully asyncio-compatible
  • type-driven (works with type hints without plugins)
  • easily inspected -- build API schemas from validators



Python 3.8+


pip install koda-validate


poetry add koda-validate

The Basics


from koda_validate import * 

string_validator = StringValidator()

string_validator("hello world")
# > Valid('hello world')

# > Invalid(['expected a string'])

Note that you can pattern match on validated data on python >= 3.10

# continued from above

match string_validator("new string"):
    case Valid(valid_val):
        print(f"{valid_val} is valid!")
    case Invalid(err):
        print(f"got error: {err}")

# prints: "new string is valid"

You can also use .is_valid on python >= 3.8+:

# continued from above

if (result := string_validator("another string")).is_valid:
    print(f"{result.val} is valid!")
    print(f"got error: {result.val}")
# prints: "another string is valid"

Mypy understands .is_valid and narrows the Validated type to Valid or Invalid appropriately.


from koda_validate import *

validator = ListValidator(StringValidator())

# > Valid(['cool'])

# > Invalid({'0': ['expected a string']}))

Record-like Dictionaries

from dataclasses import dataclass

from koda_validate import *

class Person:
  name: str
  hobbies: list[str]

person_validator = RecordValidator(
    ("name", StringValidator()),
    ("hobbies", ListValidator(StringValidator())),

print(person_validator({"name": "Bob",
                        "hobbies": ["eating", "running"]}))
# > Valid(Person(name='Bob', hobbies=['eating', 'running']))

Map-like Dictionaries

from koda_validate import *

str_to_int_validator = MapValidator(key=StringValidator(),

assert str_to_int_validator({"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}) == Valid(
    {"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}

Schema-ed Dictionaries

from koda_validate import *

person_validator = DictValidatorAny({
    "name": StringValidator(),
    "age": IntValidator(),

result = person_validator({"name": "John Doe", "age": 30})
if isinstance(result, Valid):
    print(f"{result.val['name']} is {result.val['age']} years old")

# prints: "John Doe is 30 years old"

Note that DictValidatorAny is not typesafe.

Some of what we've seen so far:

  • All validators we've created are simple Callables that return an Valid instance when validation succeeds, or an Invalid instance when validation fails.
  • Nesting one validator within another is straightforward
  • We have multiple means of validating dictionaries
  • RecordValidator requires a separate target for its validated data; more on that here.

It's worth noting that all this code is typesafe (aside from DictValidatorAny, which is explicitly not typesafe). No plugins are required for mypy.


At it's core, Koda Validate is based on a few simple ideas about what validation is. This allows Koda Validate to be extended to validate essentially any kind of data. It also generally allows for less code, and clearer paths to optimization than other approaches.


In Koda Validate, Validator is the fundamental validation building block. It's based on the idea that
validation can be universally represented by the function signature (pseudocode):

InputType -> ValidType | InvalidType

In Koda Validate this looks more like:

Callable[[InputType], Validated[ValidType, InvalidType]]

A quick example:

from koda_validate import IntValidator, Valid, Invalid

int_validator = IntValidator()

assert int_validator(5) == Valid(5)
assert int_validator("not an integer") == Invalid(["expected an integer"])

Here, we can tell the type of int_validator is something like Callable[[Any], Validated[int, List[str]] (it's not exactly that in reality, but it isn't far off.) In this case, the InputType is Any -- any kind of data can be submitted to validation; if the data is valid it returns Valid[int]; and if it's invalid it returns Invalid[List[str]].

This is a useful model to have for validation, because it means we can combine validators in different ways (i.e. nesting them), and have our model of validation be consistent throughout.

Take a look at Extension to see how to build custom Validators.


In the world of validation, predicates are simple expressions that return a True or False for a given condition. Koda Validate uses a class based on this concept, Predicate, to enrich Validators. Because the type and value of a Validator's valid state may differ from those of its input, it's difficult to do something like apply a list of Validators to a given value: even if the types all match up, there's no assurance that the values won't change from one validator to the next.

The role of a Predicate in Koda Validate is to perform additional validation after the data has been verified to be of a specific type or shape. To this end, Predicates in Koda Validate cannot change their input types or values. Let's go further with our IntValidator:

from koda_validate import * 

int_validator = IntValidator(Min(5))

assert int_validator(6) == Valid(6)

assert int_validator(4) == Invalid(["minimum allowed value is 5"])

In this example Min(5) is a Predicate. As you can see the value 4 passes the int check but fails to pass the Min(5) predicate.

Because we know that predicates don't change the type or value of their inputs, we can sequence an arbitrary number of them together, and validate them all.

from koda_validate import * 

int_validator = IntValidator(Min(5), Max(20), MultipleOf(4))

assert int_validator(12) == Valid(12)

assert int_validator(23) == Invalid([
  "maximum allowed value is 20",
  "must be a multiple of 4"

Here we have 3 Predicates, but we could easily have dozens. Note that the errors from all invalid predicates are returned. This is possible because we know that the value should be consistent from one predicate to the next.

Predicates are easy to write -- take a look at Extension for more details.


Processors allow us to take a value of a given type and transform it into another value of that type. Processors are most useful after type validation, but before predicates are checked. Here's an example:

from koda_validate import *

max_length_3_validator = StringValidator(
  preprocessors=[strip, upper_case]

assert max_length_3_validator(" hmm ") == Valid("HMM")

We see that the preprocessors stripped the whitespace from " hmm " and then transformed it to upper-case before it was checked against the MaxLength(3) Predicate.

Processors are very simple to write -- see Extension for more details.


Koda Validate aims to provide enough tools to handle most common validation needs; for the cases it doesn't cover, it aims to allow easy extension.

Even though there is an existing FloatValidator in Koda Validate, we'll build our own. (Extension does not need to be limited to new functionality; it can also be writing alternatives to the default for custom needs.)

from typing import Any
from koda_validate import * 

class SimpleFloatValidator(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Validated[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            return Valid(val)
            return Invalid("expected a float")

float_validator = SimpleFloatValidator()

test_val = 5.5

assert float_validator(test_val) == Valid(test_val)

assert float_validator(5) == Invalid("expected a float")

What is this doing?

  • extending Validator, using the following types:
    • Any: any type of input can be passed in to be validated
    • float: if the data is valid, a value of type Valid[float] will be returned
    • Serializable: if it's invalid, a value of type Invalid[Serializable] will be returned
    • note that mypy understands the role of all of these types
  • the __call__ method performs any kind of validation needed, so long as the input and output type signatures -- as determined by the Validator type parameters - are abided

We accept Any because the type of input may be unknown before submitting to the Validator. After our validation in SimpleFloatValidator succeeds, we know the type must be float. (Note that we could have coerced the value to a float instead of checking its type -- that is 100% OK to do. For simplicity's sake, this validator does not coerce.)

This is all well and good, but we'll probably want to be able to validate against values of the floats, such as min, max, or rough equality checks. For this we use Predicates. For example, if we wanted to allow a single Predicate in our SimpleFloatValidator we could do it like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional
from koda_validate import *

class SimpleFloatValidator2(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    predicate: Optional[Predicate[float, Serializable]] = None

    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Validated[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            if self.predicate:
                return self.predicate(val)
                return Valid(val)
            return Invalid(["expected a float"])

If predicate is specified, we'll check it after we've verified the type of the value.

Predicates are meant to validate the value of a known type -- as opposed to validating at the type-level (that's what the Validator does). For example, this is how you might write and use a Predicate to validate a range of values:

# (continuing from previous example)

class Range(Predicate[float, Serializable]):
    minimum: float
    maximum: float

    def is_valid(self, val: float) -> bool:
        return self.minimum <= val <= self.maximum

    def err(self, val: float) -> Serializable:
        return f"expected a value in the range of {self.minimum} and {self.maximum}"

range_validator = SimpleFloatValidator2(Range(0.5, 1.0))
test_val = 0.7

assert range_validator(test_val) == Valid(test_val)

assert range_validator(0.01) == Invalid(["expected a value in the range of 0.5 and 1.0"])

Notice that in Predicates we define is_valid and err methods, while in Validators we define the entire __call__ method. This is because the base Predicate class is constructed in such a way that we limit how much it can actually do -- we don't want it to be able to alter the value being validated.

Finally, let's add a Processor. A Processor is a function that takes a value of one type and then produces another value of that type. In our case, we want to preprocess our floats by converting them to their absolute value.

# (continuing from previous example)

class SimpleFloatValidator3(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    predicate: Optional[Predicate[float, Serializable]] = None
    preprocessor: Optional[Processor[float]] = None

    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Validated[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            if self.preprocessor:
                val = self.preprocessor(val)

            if self.predicate:
                return self.predicate(val)
                return Valid(val)
            return Invalid(["expected a float"])

class AbsValue(Processor[float]):
    def __call__(self, val: float) -> float:
        return abs(val)

range_validator_2 = SimpleFloatValidator3(
    predicate=Range(0.5, 1.0),

test_val = -0.7

assert range_validator_2(test_val) == Valid(abs(test_val))

assert range_validator_2(-0.01) == Invalid('expected a value in the range of 0.5 and 1.0')

Note that we pre-process after type checking but before the predicates are run. This is the general approach Koda Validate takes on built-in validators. More specifically, the built-in validators expect there to be a pipeline of actions taken within a Validator: type-check/coerce -> preprocess -> validate predicates, where it can fail validation at either the first or last stage.

Note that what we've written are a number of classes that simply conform to some type constraints. It's worth remembering that there's nothing enforcing the particular arrangement of logic we have in our SimpleFloatValidator. If you want to have a post-processing step, you can. If you want to validate an iso8601 string is a datetime, and then convert that to an unix epoch timestamp, and provide pre-processing, post-processing and predicates for all those steps, you can. It's important to remember that our Validator, Predicate (and PredicateAsync -- see Async Validation), and Processor objects are little more than functions with accessible metadata. You can do whatever you want with them.

Validation Errors

In Koda Validate errors are returned as data as part of normal control flow. Invalid instances from built-in Validators contain JSON/YAML serializable values. (Should you build your own custom validators, there is no contract enforcing that constraint.) Here are a few examples of the kinds of errors you can expect to see out of the box.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from koda import Maybe

from koda_validate import *

# Wrong type
assert StringValidator()(None) == Invalid(["expected a string"])

# All failing `Predicate`s are reported (not just the first)
str_choice_validator = StringValidator(MinLength(2),
                                       Choices({"abc", "yz"}))

assert str_choice_validator("") == Invalid(
    ["minimum allowed length is 2", "expected one of ['abc', 'yz']"]

class City:
    name: str
    region: Maybe[str]

city_validator = RecordValidator(
        ("name", StringValidator(not_blank)),
        ("region", KeyNotRequired(StringValidator(not_blank))),

# We use the key "__container__" for object-level errors
assert city_validator(None) == Invalid({"__container__": ["expected a dictionary"]})

# Missing keys are errors
assert city_validator({}) == Invalid({"name": ["key missing"]})

# Extra keys are also errors
assert city_validator(
    {"region": "California", "population": 510, "country": "USA"}
) == Invalid(
    {"__container__": ["Received unknown keys. Only expected 'name', 'region'."]}

class Neighborhood:
    name: str
    city: City

neighborhood_validator = RecordValidator(
    keys=(("name", StringValidator(not_blank)), ("city", city_validator)),

# Errors are nested in predictable manner
assert neighborhood_validator({"name": "Bushwick", "city": {}}) == Invalid(
    {"city": {"name": ["key missing"]}}

If you have any concerns about being able to handle specific types of key or object requirements, please see
the documentation on specific validators below:

Async Validation

Because Koda Validate is based on simple principles, it's straightforward to make it compatible with asyncio. All the built-in Validators in Koda are asyncio-compatible -- all you need to do is call a Validator in this form:

await validator.validate_async("abc")

instead of:


For example, this is how you could re-use the same StringValidator in both sync and async contexts:

import asyncio
from koda_validate import *

short_string_validator = StringValidator(MaxLength(10))

assert short_string_validator("sync") == Valid("sync")

# we're not in an async context, so we can't use `await` here; instead we use
assert"async")) == Valid("async")

Synchronous validators can be used in both async and sync contexts. So while this Validator works in async mode, it isn't yielding any benefit for IO. It would be much more useful if we were doing something like querying a database asynchronously:

import asyncio
from koda_validate import *

class IsActiveUsername(PredicateAsync[str, Serializable]):
    async def is_valid_async(self, val: str) -> bool:
        # add some latency to pretend we're calling the db
        await asyncio.sleep(.01)

        return val in {"michael", "gob", "lindsay", "buster"}

    async def err_async(self, val: str) -> Serializable:
        return "invalid username"

username_validator = StringValidator(MinLength(1),

assert"michael")) == Valid("michael")

assert"tobias")) == Invalid(["invalid username"])

# calling in sync mode raises an AssertionError
except AssertionError as e:

In this example we are calling the database to verify a username. A few things worth pointing out: PredicateAsyncs are specified in the predicates_async keyword argument -- separately from Predicates. We do this to be explicit -- we don't want to be confused about whether a validator requires asyncio. (If you try to run this validator in synchronous mode, it will raise an AssertionError -- instead make sure you call it like await username_validator.validate_async("buster").)

Like other validators, you can nest async Validators. Again, the only difference needed is to use the .validate_async method of the outer-most validator.

# continued from previous example

username_list_validator = ListValidator(username_validator)

assert["michael", "gob", "lindsay", "buster"])) == Valid([
  "michael", "gob", "lindsay", "buster"

You can run async validation on nested lists, dictionaries, tuples, strings, etc. All Validators built into to Koda Validate understand the .validate_async method.

Koda Validate makes no assumptions about running async Validators or PredicateAsyncs concurrently; it is expected that that is handled by the surrounding context. That is to say, async validators will not block when performing IO -- as is normal -- but if you had, say, 10 async predicates, they would not be run in parallel by default. This is simply because that is too much of an assumption for this library to make -- we don't want to accidentally send N simultaneous requests to some other service without the intent being explicitly defined. If you'd like to have Validators or Predicates run in parallel within the validation step, all you should need to do is write a simple wrapper class based on either Validator or Predicate, implementing whatever concurrency needs you have.

For custom async Validators, all you need to do is implement the validate_async method on a Validator class. There is no separate async-only Validator class. This is because we might want to re-use synchronous validators in either synchronous or asynchronous contexts. Here's an example of making a SimpleFloatValidator async-compatible:

import asyncio
from typing import Any

from koda_validate import *

class SimpleFloatValidator(Validator[Any, float, Serializable]):
    def __call__(self, val: Any) -> Validated[float, Serializable]:
        if isinstance(val, float):
            return Valid(val)
            return Invalid("expected a float")

    # this validator doesn't do any IO, so we can just use the `__call__` method
    async def validate_async(self, val: Any) -> Validated[float, Serializable]:
        return self(val)

float_validator = SimpleFloatValidator()

test_val = 5.5

assert == Valid(test_val)

assert == Invalid("expected a float")

If your Validator only makes sense in an async context, then you probably don't need to implement the __call__ method. Instead, you'd just implement the .validate_async method and make sure that validator is always called by await-ing the .validate_async method. A NotImplementedError will be raised if you try to use the __call__ method on an async-only Validator.

Using Metadata

One of Koda Validate's design objectives is to allow reuse of validator metadata. Principally this is useful in generating descriptions of the validator's constraints -- one example could be generating an OpenAPI (or other) schema. Here we'll do something simpler and use validator metadata to build a function which can return plaintext descriptions of validators:

from typing import Any
from koda_validate import * 

def describe_validator(validator: Validator[Any, Any, Any] | Predicate[Any, Any]) -> str:
    # use `isinstance(...)` in python <= 3.10
    match validator:
        case StringValidator(predicates):
            predicate_descriptions = [
                f"- {describe_validator(pred)}" for pred in predicates
            return "\n".join(["validates a string"] + predicate_descriptions)
        case MinLength(length):
            return f"minimum length {length}"
        case MaxLength(length):
            return f"maximum length {length}"
        # ...etc
        case _:
            raise TypeError(f"unhandled validator type. got {type(validator)}")

# validates a string
# validates a string
# - minimum length 5
print(describe_validator(StringValidator(MinLength(3), MaxLength(8))))
# validates a string
# - minimum length 3
# - maximum length 8

All we're doing here, of course, is writing an interpreter. For the sake of brevity this one is very simple, but it's straightforward to extend the logic. This is easy to do because, while the validators are Callables at their core, they are also classes that can easily be inspected. Interpreters are the recommended way to re-use validator metadata for non-validation purposes.


Here are some noteworthy parts of Koda Validate explained in more detail.


RecordValidator is a flexible way to validate a dictionary into some other form (or back into a dictionary, if desired). It is primarily for record-like dictionaries (MapValidator is recommended for map-like dictionaries).

from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Maybe, Just
from koda_validate import *

class Person:
  name: str
  age: Maybe[int]

person_validator = RecordValidator(
    ("full name", StringValidator()),
    ("age", KeyNotRequired(IntValidator())),

# you can use `isinstance` in python 3.8 or 3.9 instead of `match`
match person_validator({"full name": "John Doe", "age": 30}):
    case Valid(person):
        match person.age:
            case Just(age):
                age_message = f"{age} years old"
            case nothing:
                age_message = "ageless"
        print(f"{} is {age_message}")
    case Invalid(errs):

What do we see here?

  • into=Person: RecordValidator is fundamentally de-coupled from it's target -- in this case the Person class. It can target any Callable that accepts the validated values from the keys, in the same order they are defined -- the names of the keys do not matter to the target. Often it will make sense to target some kind of dataclass or NamedTuple that conforms to the needed args, but you can use any Callable that accepts the correct arguments.
  • KeyNotRequired results in a Maybe value. In the example above, age was returned as Just(30) because the key was present. If the key was not present, the validation could still have succeeded, but the value for age would be nothing. This gives us an explicit indication of whether a key was present or not.
  • "full name": keys are not bound to any kind of special form. They don't need to be strings that are valid attribute names; they don't even need to be strings.

RecordValidator is extremely flexible because it can handle any kind of dictionary key, and whether it is required or not. So, you can validate weird data like this:

from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass
from koda import Maybe, Just
from koda_validate import *

class Person:
    name: str
    age: Maybe[int]
    hobbies: List[str]

person_validator = RecordValidator(
        (1, StringValidator()),
        (False, KeyNotRequired(IntValidator())),
        (("abc", 123), ListValidator(StringValidator()))

assert person_validator({
    1: "John Doe",
    False: 30,
    ("abc", 123): ["reading", "cooking"]
}) == Valid(Person(
    "John Doe",
    ["reading", "cooking"]

In the opinion of this library, yes, dictionaries that use integers, bools, and tuples as keys simultaneously are weird. But we still validate it :sparkles:

In RecordValidator, you can also validate the entire object after keys are validated by providing a validate_object argument.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from koda_validate import *

class Employee:
    title: str
    name: str

def no_dwight_regional_manager(employee: Employee) -> Validated[Employee, Serializable]:
    if (
        "schrute" in
        and employee.title.lower() == "assistant regional manager"
        return Invalid("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")
        return Valid(employee)

employee_validator = RecordValidator(
        ("title", StringValidator(not_blank, MaxLength(100), preprocessors=[strip])),
        ("name", StringValidator(not_blank, preprocessors=[strip])),
    # After we've validated individual fields, we may want to validate them as a whole

# The fields are valid but the object as a whole is not.
assert employee_validator(
        "title": "Assistant Regional Manager",
        "name": "Dwight Schrute",
) == Invalid("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")

In this case the values of individual keys are valid, but the object as a whole is not.

It's worth noting you can specify validate_object_async instead if you need to use asyncio in your validation. Remember, you must use the .validate_async method when doing any kind of async validation.


RecordValidator is currently limited to at-most 16 keys. This is simply because mypy gets slower and slower when typechecking against the @overloads for RecordValidator's __init__ method. In the uncommon case that
you need to validate 16+ fields on a record-like object, you may be able to use DictValidatorAny, MapValidator, or, in some cases, OneOf2/OneOf3 in combination with RecordValidator. There is also the possibility to generate the code into your project if you want more keys:

# allow up to 30 keys
python /path/to/koda-validate/codegen/ /your/target/directory --num-keys 30


DictValidatorAny is somewhat similar to RecordValidator, but there are several key differences:

  • It accepts a dictionary schema instead of a tuple of key / value 2-tuples.
  • It does not narrow the types on either the key or the value. If valid, the type of returned data will be Dict[Any, Any]. (This is why it has Any in its name.)
  • It can allow for arbitrary amounts of keys
  • It passes along the keys, so the validated object may appear quite similar to the input. Note that it will always return a new dictionary (if valid), and it is legal for values to differ from the input.

This is an equivalent example to the last RecordValidator example above.

from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable

from koda_validate import *

def no_dwight_regional_manager(
    employee: Dict[Hashable, Any]
) -> Validated[Dict[Hashable, Any], Serializable]:
    if (
        "schrute" in employee["name"].lower()
        and employee["title"].lower() == "assistant regional manager"
        return Invalid("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")
        return Valid(employee)

employee_validator = DictValidatorAny(
        "title": StringValidator(not_blank, MaxLength(100), preprocessors=[strip]),
        "name": StringValidator(not_blank, preprocessors=[strip]),
    # After we've validated individual fields, we may want to validate them as a whole

assert employee_validator(
    {"name": "Jim Halpert", "title": "Sales Representative"}
) == Valid({"name": "Jim Halpert", "title": "Sales Representative"})

assert employee_validator(
        "title": "Assistant Regional Manager",
        "name": "Dwight Schrute",
) == Invalid("Assistant TO THE Regional Manager!")


ListValidator validates whether some value is a list. It requires a validator to validate each item in the list. It can have predicates (number of items, etc.), as well as preprocessors.

from koda_validate import *

binary_list_validator = ListValidator(
    IntValidator(Choices({0, 1})),

assert binary_list_validator([1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) == Valid([1, 0, 0, 1, 0])

assert binary_list_validator([1]) == Invalid({'__container__': ['minimum allowed length is 2']})

assert binary_list_validator([0, 1.0, "0"]) == Invalid({'1': ['expected an integer'], '2': ['expected an integer']})

In case you're looking at the last example and wondering why the indexes '1' and '2' are strings, it's because all built-in validators in Koda Validate return JSON serializable data. In JSON, keys in objects are only allowed to be strings.


MapValidator allows us to validate dictionaries that are mappings of one type to another type, where we don't need to be concerned about individual keys or values:

from koda_validate import *

str_to_int_validator = MapValidator(key=StringValidator(),

assert str_to_int_validator({"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}) == Valid(
    {"a": 1, "b": 25, "xyz": 900}

assert str_to_int_validator({3.14: "pi!"}) == Invalid({
    '3.14': {'key_error': ['expected a string'],
             'value_error': ['expected an integer']}

OneOf2 / OneOf3

OneOfN validators are useful when you may have multiple valid shapes of data.

from koda import First, Second

from koda_validate import * 

string_or_list_string_validator = OneOf2(
    StringValidator(), ListValidator(StringValidator())

assert string_or_list_string_validator("ok") == Valid(First("ok"))

assert string_or_list_string_validator(["list", "of", "strings"]) == Valid(
    Second(["list", "of", "strings"])

Tuple2Validator / Tuple3Validator

These Validators work on tuples as you might expect:

from koda_validate import * 

string_int_validator = Tuple2Validator(StringValidator(), IntValidator())

assert string_int_validator(("ok", 100)) == Valid(("ok", 100))

# also ok with lists
assert string_int_validator(["ok", 100]) == Valid(("ok", 100))


Lazy's main purpose is to allow for the use of recursion in validation. An example use case of this might be replies in a comment thread. This can be done with mutually recursive functions. For simplicity, here's an example of parsing a kind of non-empty list.

from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple

from koda_validate import *

# if enable_recursive_aliases = true in mypy
# NonEmptyList = Tuple[int, Optional["NonEmptyList"]]
NonEmptyList = Tuple[int, Optional[Any]]

def recur_non_empty_list() -> Tuple2Validator[int, Optional[NonEmptyList]]:
    return non_empty_list_validator

non_empty_list_validator = Tuple2Validator(

assert non_empty_list_validator((1, (1, (2, (3, (5, None)))))) == Valid(
    (1, (1, (2, (3, (5, None)))))


OptionalValidator is very simple. It validates a value is either None or passes another validator's rules.

from koda_validate import *

optional_int_validator = OptionalValidator(IntValidator())

assert optional_int_validator(5) == Valid(5)
assert optional_int_validator(None) == Valid(None)


A very simple validator that only validates that and object is a dict. It doesn't do any validation against keys or values.

from koda_validate import *

assert is_dict_validator({}) == Valid({})
assert is_dict_validator(None) == Invalid({"__container__": ["expected a dictionary"]})
assert is_dict_validator({"a": 1, "b": 2, 5: "xyz"}) == Valid({"a": 1, "b": 2, 5: "xyz"})


Will always return Valid with the given value:

from koda_validate import *

assert always_valid(123) == Valid(123)
assert always_valid("abc") == Valid("abc")

Comparison to Pydantic

Comparing Koda Validate and Pydantic is not exactly apples-to-apples, since Koda Validate is more narrowly aimed at just validation -- Pydantic has a lot of other bells and whistles. Nonetheless, this is one of the most common questions, and there are a number of noteworthy differences:

  • Koda Validate is built around a simple, composable definition of what validation is.
  • Koda Validate treats validation explicitly. It does not coerce types or mutate values in surprising ways.
  • Koda Validate treats validation as part of normal control flow. It does not raise exceptions for invalid data.
  • Koda Validate is fully asyncio-compatible.
  • Koda Validate is ~1.5 - 12x faster. You will see differences on different versions of Python (Python3.8 tends to show the least difference) and different systems. You can run the suite on your system with python -m Disclaimer that the benchmark suite is not extensive.
  • Koda Validate is pure Python.
  • Koda Validate is intended to empower validator documentation. You can easily produce things like API schemas from Validators, Predicates, and Processors
  • Koda Validate requires no plugins for mypy compatibility.
  • Pydantic has a large, mature ecosystem. Lots of documentation, lots of searchable info on the web.
  • Pydantic focuses on having a familiar, dataclass-like syntax.
  • Pydantic has a lot of features Koda Validate does not. Plugins, ORM tie-ins, etc. There will probably never be feature parity between the two libraries.

Something's Missing Or Wrong

Open an issue on GitHub please!

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koda_validate-2.0.0.tar.gz (47.8 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

koda_validate-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (34.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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