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Nutanix Karbon Platform Services Python SDK

Project description


OpenAPI documentation for public facing Karbon Platform Services API This API documentation is generated from source code using go-swagger. Do not edit the generated kps_api.json directly!

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0
  • Package version: 1.3.10
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen


Python 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import kps_api 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import kps_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import kps_api
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
body = kps_api.ApplicationV2() # ApplicationV2 | Describes the application creation request.
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.

    # Create an application.
    api_response = api_instance.application_create_v2(body, authorization)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->application_create_v2: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
id = 'id_example' # str | ID of the entity

    # Delete application specified by the application ID.
    api_response = api_instance.application_delete_v2(authorization, id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->application_delete_v2: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
id = 'id_example' # str | ID of the entity

    # Get application by application ID.
    api_response = api_instance.application_get_v2(authorization, id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->application_get_v2: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
page_index = 789 # int | 0-based index of the page to fetch results. (optional)
page_size = 789 # int | Item count of each page. (optional)
order_by = ['order_by_example'] # list[str] | Specify result order. Zero or more entries with format: &ltkey> [desc] where orderByKeys lists allowed keys in each response. (optional)
filter = 'filter_example' # str | Specify result filter. Format is similar to a SQL WHERE clause. For example, to filter object by name with prefix foo, use: name LIKE 'foo%'. Supported filter keys are the same as order by keys. (optional)

    # Get all applications.
    api_response = api_instance.application_list_v2(authorization, page_index=page_index, page_size=page_size, order_by=order_by, filter=filter)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->application_list_v2: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
body = kps_api.ApplicationV2() # ApplicationV2 | 
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
id = 'id_example' # str | ID of the entity

    # Update a specific application with ID {id}.
    api_response = api_instance.application_update_v3(body, authorization, id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->application_update_v3: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
id = 'id_example' # str | ID of the entity
edge_id = 'edge_id_example' # str | ID for the edge

    # Get containers of an application specified by Application ID running on a specific edge.
    api_response = api_instance.get_application_containers(authorization, id, edge_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->get_application_containers: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: BearerToken
configuration = kps_api.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = kps_api.ApplicationApi(kps_api.ApiClient(configuration))
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Format: Bearer <token>, with <token> from login API response.
project_id = 'project_id_example' # str | ID for the project
page_index = 789 # int | 0-based index of the page to fetch results. (optional)
page_size = 789 # int | Item count of each page. (optional)
order_by = ['order_by_example'] # list[str] | Specify result order. Zero or more entries with format: &ltkey> [desc] where orderByKeys lists allowed keys in each response. (optional)
filter = 'filter_example' # str | Specify result filter. Format is similar to a SQL WHERE clause. For example, to filter object by name with prefix foo, use: name LIKE 'foo%'. Supported filter keys are the same as order by keys. (optional)

    # Get all applications in a project according to project ID.
    api_response = api_instance.project_get_applications_v2(authorization, project_id, page_index=page_index, page_size=page_size, order_by=order_by, filter=filter)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ApplicationApi->project_get_applications_v2: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to //localhost/

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationApi application_create_v2 POST /v1.0/applications Create an application.
ApplicationApi application_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/applications/{id} Delete application specified by the application ID.
ApplicationApi application_get_v2 GET /v1.0/applications/{id} Get application by application ID.
ApplicationApi application_list_v2 GET /v1.0/applications Get all applications.
ApplicationApi application_update_v3 PUT /v1.0/applications/{id} Update a specific application with ID {id}.
ApplicationApi get_application_containers GET /v1.0/applications/{id}/containers/{edgeId} Get containers of an application specified by Application ID running on a specific edge.
ApplicationApi project_get_applications_v2 GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/applications Get all applications in a project according to project ID.
ApplicationStatusApi application_status_get_v2 GET /v1.0/applicationstatuses/{id} Get application status by application ID.
ApplicationStatusApi application_status_list_v2 GET /v1.0/applicationstatuses Get status for all applications.
AuditlogApi query_audit_logs_v2 POST /v1.0/auditlogsV2 Lists audit logs matching the provided filter.
AuthApi login_call_v2 POST /v1.0/login Lets the user log in.
AuthApi login_token_v1 POST /v1.0/login/logintoken Get a login token
AuthApi short_login_token_v1 POST /v1.0/login/shortlogintoken Generate a short login token.
CategoryApi category_create_v2 POST /v1.0/categories Create a category.
CategoryApi category_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/categories/{id} Delete category.
CategoryApi category_get_v2 GET /v1.0/categories/{id} Get a category by its ID.
CategoryApi category_list_v2 GET /v1.0/categories Get all categories.
CategoryApi category_update_v3 PUT /v1.0/categories/{id} Update a category by its ID.
CertificateApi certificates_create_v2 POST /v1.0/certificates Create certificates.
CloudProfileApi cloud_profile_create POST /v1.0/cloudprofiles Create a cloud profile.
CloudProfileApi cloud_profile_delete DELETE /v1.0/cloudprofiles/{id} Delete a cloud profile by its ID.
CloudProfileApi cloud_profile_get GET /v1.0/cloudprofiles/{id} Get a cloud profile according to profile ID.
CloudProfileApi cloud_profile_list GET /v1.0/cloudprofiles Get all cloud service profiles.
CloudProfileApi cloud_profile_update PUT /v1.0/cloudprofiles/{id} Update a cloud profile by its ID.
CloudProfileApi project_get_cloud_profiles GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/cloudprofiles Get cloud profiles according to project ID.
ConnectorClassApi connector_class_create POST /v1.0/connector/classes Create a connector class.
ConnectorClassApi connector_class_delete DELETE /v1.0/connector/classes/{id} Delete a specific connector class.
ConnectorClassApi connector_class_get GET /v1.0/connector/classes/{id} Get a connector class by ID.
ConnectorClassApi connector_class_list GET /v1.0/connector/classes Get all connector class.
ConnectorClassApi connector_class_update PUT /v1.0/connector/classes/{id} Update a connector class.
ConnectorClassApi connector_instances_by_class_id_list GET /v1.0/connector/classes/{id}/instances Get all connector instances by class id.
ConnectorConfigApi connector_config_create POST /v1.0/connector/configs Create a connector config parameters.
ConnectorConfigApi connector_config_delete DELETE /v1.0/connector/configs/{id} Delete a specific connector config parameters.
ConnectorConfigApi connector_config_get GET /v1.0/connector/configs/{id} Get a connector config parameters by ID.
ConnectorConfigApi connector_config_list GET /v1.0/connector/instances/{id}/configs Get a connector config parameters for connector instance by ID.
ConnectorConfigApi connector_config_update PUT /v1.0/connector/configs/{id} Update a connector config parameters.
ConnectorInstanceApi connector_instance_create POST /v1.0/connector/instances Create a connector instance.
ConnectorInstanceApi connector_instance_delete DELETE /v1.0/connector/instances/{id} Delete a specific connector instance.
ConnectorInstanceApi connector_instance_get GET /v1.0/connector/instances/{id} Get a connector instance by ID.
ConnectorInstanceApi connector_instance_update PUT /v1.0/connector/instances/{id} Update a connector instance.
ConnectorInstanceApi connector_instances_list GET /v1.0/connector/instances Get all connector instances.
ConnectorStreamApi connector_stream_create POST /v1.0/connector/streams Create a connector stream parameters.
ConnectorStreamApi connector_stream_delete DELETE /v1.0/connector/streams/{id} Delete a specific connector stream parameters.
ConnectorStreamApi connector_stream_get GET /v1.0/connector/streams/{id} Get a connector stream parameters by ID.
ConnectorStreamApi connector_stream_list GET /v1.0/connector/instances/{id}/streams Get a connector stream parameters for connector instance by ID.
ConnectorStreamApi connector_stream_update PUT /v1.0/connector/streams/{id} Update a connector stream parameters.
ContainerRegistryApi container_registry_create_v2 POST /v1.0/containerregistries Create a container registry profile.
ContainerRegistryApi container_registry_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/containerregistries/{id} Delete a container registry profile by profile ID.
ContainerRegistryApi container_registry_get_v2 GET /v1.0/containerregistries/{id} Get a container registry profile by profile ID.
ContainerRegistryApi container_registry_list_v2 GET /v1.0/containerregistries Get container registry profiles.
ContainerRegistryApi container_registry_update_v2 PUT /v1.0/containerregistries/{id} Update a container registry profile.
ContainerRegistryApi project_get_container_registries_v2 GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/containerregistries Get container registry profiles by project ID.
DataPipelineApi data_pipeline_create POST /v1.0/datapipelines Creates a data pipeline.
DataPipelineApi data_pipeline_delete DELETE /v1.0/datapipelines/{id} Deletes data pipeline by its ID.
DataPipelineApi data_pipeline_get GET /v1.0/datapipelines/{id} Lists data pipeline by its ID.
DataPipelineApi data_pipeline_list GET /v1.0/datapipelines Gets data pipelines.
DataPipelineApi data_pipeline_update PUT /v1.0/datapipelines/{id} Updates a data pipeline by its ID
DataPipelineApi get_data_pipeline_containers GET /v1.0/datapipelines/{id}/containers/{edgeId} Get containers of a data pipeline specified by Datapipeline ID running on a specific edge.
DataPipelineApi project_get_data_pipelines GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/datapipelines Gets data pipelines for a project.
DataSourceApi data_source_create_v2 POST /v1.0/datasources Create a data source.
DataSourceApi data_source_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/datasources/{id} Delete a specific data source.
DataSourceApi data_source_get_artifact_v2 GET /v1.0/datasources/{id}/artifacts Get data source artifacts according to its ID.
DataSourceApi data_source_get_v2 GET /v1.0/datasources/{id} Get a data source according to its ID.
DataSourceApi data_source_list_v2 GET /v1.0/datasources Get all data sources.
DataSourceApi data_source_update_v3 PUT /v1.0/datasources/{id} Update a data source.
DataSourceApi edge_get_datasources_v2 GET /v1.0/edges/{edgeId}/datasources Get all data sources associated with an edge.
EventApi query_events_v2 POST /v1.0/events Lists events matching the provided filter.
FunctionApi function_create POST /v1.0/functions Create a function.
FunctionApi function_delete DELETE /v1.0/functions/{id} Delete a function by its ID.
FunctionApi function_get GET /v1.0/functions/{id} Get a function by its ID.
FunctionApi function_list GET /v1.0/functions Get functions.
FunctionApi function_update PUT /v1.0/functions/{id} Update function by its ID
FunctionApi project_get_functions GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/functions Get functions by project ID.
HTTPServiceProxyApi h_ttp_service_proxy_create POST /v1.0/httpserviceproxies Create a HTTP service proxy.
HTTPServiceProxyApi h_ttp_service_proxy_delete DELETE /v1.0/httpserviceproxies/{id} Delete HTTP service proxy.
HTTPServiceProxyApi h_ttp_service_proxy_get GET /v1.0/httpserviceproxies/{id} Get a HTTP service proxy by its ID.
HTTPServiceProxyApi h_ttp_service_proxy_list GET /v1.0/httpserviceproxies Get all HTTP service proxies.
HTTPServiceProxyApi h_ttp_service_proxy_update PUT /v1.0/httpserviceproxies/{id} Update a HTTP service proxy by its ID.
HelmApi helm_application_create POST /v1.0/helm/apps Create Helm Application.
HelmApi helm_application_update PUT /v1.0/helm/apps/{id} Update Helm Application.
HelmApi helm_template POST /v1.0/helm/template Run Helm Template.
KialiApi app_dashboard GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/apps/{app}/dashboard
KialiApi app_details GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/apps/{app}
KialiApi app_health GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/apps/{app}/health
KialiApi app_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/apps
KialiApi app_metrics GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/apps/{app}/metrics
KialiApi error_traces GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/errortraces
KialiApi get_config GET /v1.0/kiali/config
KialiApi get_status GET /v1.0/kiali/status
KialiApi graph_app GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/applications/{app}/graph
KialiApi graph_app_version GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/applications/{app}/versions/{version}/graph
KialiApi graph_namespaces GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/graph The backing JSON for a namespaces graph.
KialiApi graph_service GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/graph The backing JSON for a service node detail graph.
KialiApi graph_workload GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads/{workload}/graph The backing JSON for a workload node detail graph.
KialiApi istio_config_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/istio
KialiApi istio_status GET /v1.0/kiali/istio/status
KialiApi namespace_health GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/health
KialiApi namespace_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces
KialiApi namespace_metrics GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/metrics
KialiApi namespace_tls GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/tls
KialiApi namespace_validations GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/validations
KialiApi pod_details GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod}
KialiApi pod_logs GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod}/logs
KialiApi root GET /v1.0/kiali
KialiApi service_dashboard GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/dashboard
KialiApi service_details GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}
KialiApi service_health GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/health
KialiApi service_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services
KialiApi service_metrics GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/metrics
KialiApi spans_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/spans
KialiApi traces_detail GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}/traces
KialiApi workload_dashboard GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads/{workload}/dashboard
KialiApi workload_details GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads/{workload}
KialiApi workload_health GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads/{workload}/health
KialiApi workload_list GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads
KialiApi workload_metrics GET /v1.0/kiali/namespaces/{namespace}/workloads/{workload}/metrics
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_cluster_installer GET /v1.0/kubernetescluster-installer Get the kubernetes clusters helm installer.
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_clusters_create POST /v1.0/kubernetesclusters Create a kubernetes cluster.
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_clusters_delete DELETE /v1.0/kubernetesclusters/{id} Delete a kubernetes cluster as specified by its ID.
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_clusters_get GET /v1.0/kubernetesclusters/{id} Get single kubernetes cluster.
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_clusters_list GET /v1.0/kubernetesclusters Get all kubernetes clusters.
KubernetesClusterApi kubernetes_clusters_update PUT /v1.0/kubernetesclusters/{id} Update a kubernetes cluster by its ID.
LogApi application_log_entries_get_v2 GET /v1.0/logs/applications/{id} Lists applications log entries specific to an application.
LogApi application_log_entries_list_v2 GET /v1.0/logs/applications Lists application log entries.
LogApi edge_log_entries_get_v2 GET /v1.0/logs/edges/{id} Lists infrastructure log entries for an edge.
LogApi edge_log_entries_list_v2 GET /v1.0/logs/edges Lists infrastructure log entries for edges.
LogApi log_entries_list_v2 GET /v1.0/logs/entries Lists log entries.
LogApi log_entry_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/logs/entries/{id} Delete log entry by ID.
LogApi log_request_download_v2 POST /v1.0/logs/requestdownload Request log download.
LogApi log_request_upload_v2 POST /v1.0/logs/requestupload Request log upload.
LogApi log_stream_endpoints POST /v1.0/logs/stream/endpoints Get the endpoints to stream logs for a given container from an edge.
LogCollectorApi log_collector_create POST /v1.0/logs/collector Create a log collector.
LogCollectorApi log_collector_delete DELETE /v1.0/logs/collector/{id} Delete a log collector.
LogCollectorApi log_collector_get GET /v1.0/logs/collector/{id} Get information about log collector
LogCollectorApi log_collector_start POST /v1.0/logs/collector/{id}/start Start a log collector.
LogCollectorApi log_collector_stop POST /v1.0/logs/collector/{id}/stop Stop a log collector.
LogCollectorApi log_collector_update PUT /v1.0/logs/collector/{id} Update a log collector.
LogCollectorApi log_collectors_list GET /v1.0/logs/collector Get configured log collectors in a system.
MLModelStatusApi m_l_model_status_get GET /v1.0/mlmodelstatuses/{id} Get ML model status by model ID.
MLModelStatusApi m_l_model_status_list GET /v1.0/mlmodelstatuses Get status for all ML models.
MLModelApi m_l_model_create POST /v1.0/mlmodels Create a machine learning model.
MLModelApi m_l_model_delete DELETE /v1.0/mlmodels/{id} Delete a machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_get GET /v1.0/mlmodels/{id} Get machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_list GET /v1.0/mlmodels Lists machine learning models.
MLModelApi m_l_model_update PUT /v1.0/mlmodels/{id} Update a machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_version_create POST /v1.0/mlmodels/{id}/versions Create a new version of the machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_version_delete DELETE /v1.0/mlmodels/{id}/versions/{model_version} Delete the version of the machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_version_update PUT /v1.0/mlmodels/{id}/versions/{model_version} Update the version of the machine learning model by its ID.
MLModelApi m_l_model_version_url_get GET /v1.0/mlmodels/{id}/versions/{model_version}/url Get a pre-signed URL for the machine learning model according to its ID and version.
MLModelApi project_get_ml_models GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/mlmodels Lists project machine learning models by project ID.
NodeApi node_create POST /v1.0/nodes Create a node.
NodeApi node_delete DELETE /v1.0/nodes/{nodeId} Delete a node as specified by node ID.
NodeApi node_get GET /v1.0/nodes/{nodeId} Get a node as specified by node ID.
NodeApi node_list GET /v1.0/nodes Get all service domain nodes.
NodeApi node_onboarded POST /v1.0/nodeonboarded Update node post onboard info.
NodeApi node_update PUT /v1.0/nodes/{nodeId} Update a node as specified by node ID.
NodeApi project_get_nodes GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/nodes Get all service domain nodes associated with a project by project ID.
NodeInfoApi node_info_get GET /v1.0/nodesinfo/{nodeId} Get all node information by node ID.
NodeInfoApi node_info_list GET /v1.0/nodesinfo Get node resource, build, and version details.
NodeInfoApi node_info_update PUT /v1.0/nodesinfo/{nodeId} Update node information by node ID.
NodeInfoApi project_get_nodes_info GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/nodesinfo Get all node information for a project by project ID.
ProjectApi project_create_v2 POST /v1.0/projects Create a project.
ProjectApi project_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/projects/{id} Delete a project by ID.
ProjectApi project_get_v2 GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId} Get project by its ID.
ProjectApi project_list_v2 GET /v1.0/projects Get projects.
ProjectApi project_update_v3 PUT /v1.0/projects/{id} Update a project by its ID.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi project_get_runtime_environments GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/runtimeenvironments Gets runtime environments for a project by project ID.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi runtime_environment_create POST /v1.0/runtimeenvironments Create a runtime environment for functions.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi runtime_environment_delete DELETE /v1.0/runtimeenvironments/{id} Delete a runtime environment by its ID.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi runtime_environment_get GET /v1.0/runtimeenvironments/{id} Get a runtime environment by its ID.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi runtime_environment_list GET /v1.0/runtimeenvironments Get runtime environments.
RuntimeEnvironmentApi runtime_environment_update PUT /v1.0/runtimeenvironments/{id} Update the runtime environment by its ID.
SSHApi setup_ssh_tunneling POST /v1.0/setupsshtunneling Configure SSH tunneling to the service domain.
SSHApi teardown_ssh_tunneling POST /v1.0/teardownsshtunneling Disable service domain SSH tunneling.
ServiceBindingApi service_binding_create POST /v1.0/servicebindings Create a Service Binding.
ServiceBindingApi service_binding_delete DELETE /v1.0/servicebindings/{svcBindingId} Delete a Service Binding.
ServiceBindingApi service_binding_get GET /v1.0/servicebindings/{svcBindingId} Get a Service Binding.
ServiceBindingApi service_binding_list GET /v1.0/servicebindings List Service Bindings.
ServiceBindingApi service_binding_status_list GET /v1.0/servicebindings/{svcBindingId}/status Get the status of Service Binding.
ServiceClassApi service_class_get GET /v1.0/serviceclasses/{svcClassId} Get a Service Class.
ServiceClassApi service_class_list GET /v1.0/serviceclasses List Service Classes.
ServiceDomainApi project_get_service_domains GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/servicedomains Get all service domains associated with a project by project ID.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_create POST /v1.0/servicedomains Create service domain.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_delete DELETE /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId} Delete a service domain as specified by its ID.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_get GET /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId} Get a service domain by its ID.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_get_effective_profile GET /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/effectiveprofile Get a service domain effective profile by ID.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_get_nodes GET /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/nodes Retrieves all nodes for a service domain by service domain ID {svcDomainId}.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_get_nodes_info GET /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/nodesinfo Get nodes info for a service domain by service domain ID.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_list GET /v1.0/servicedomains Get service domains.
ServiceDomainApi service_domain_update PUT /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId} Update a service domain by its ID.
ServiceDomainClusterApi service_domain_clusters_create POST /v1.0/servicedomainclusters Create a service domain cluster.
ServiceDomainClusterApi service_domain_clusters_delete DELETE /v1.0/servicedomainclusters/{id} Deletes a service domain cluster by its ID {id}.
ServiceDomainClusterApi service_domain_clusters_get GET /v1.0/servicedomainclusters/{id} Get single service domain cluster.
ServiceDomainClusterApi service_domain_clusters_list GET /v1.0/servicedomainclusters Get all service domain clusters.
ServiceDomainClusterApi service_domain_clusters_update PUT /v1.0/servicedomainclusters/{id} Updates a service domain cluster by its ID {id}.
ServiceDomainInfoApi project_get_service_domains_info GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/servicedomainsinfo Get all service domain information for a project as specified by project ID.
ServiceDomainInfoApi service_domain_info_get GET /v1.0/servicedomainsinfo/{svcDomainId} Get all service domain information by service domain ID.
ServiceDomainInfoApi service_domain_info_list GET /v1.0/servicedomainsinfo Get service domain additional information like artifacts.
ServiceDomainInfoApi service_domain_info_update PUT /v1.0/servicedomainsinfo/{svcDomainId} Update service domain information by service domain ID.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_create POST /v1.0/serviceinstances Create a Service Instance.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_delete DELETE /v1.0/serviceinstances/{svcInstanceId} Delete a Service Instance.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_get GET /v1.0/serviceinstances/{svcInstanceId} Get a Service Instance.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_list GET /v1.0/serviceinstances List Service Instances.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_status_list GET /v1.0/serviceinstances/{svcInstanceId}/status Get the status of the Service Instance.
ServiceInstanceApi service_instance_update PUT /v1.0/serviceinstances/{svcInstanceId} Update a Service Instance.
StorageProfileApi storage_profile_create POST /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/storageprofiles Create a storage profile.
StorageProfileApi storage_profile_update PUT /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/storageprofiles/{id} Update storage profile.
StorageProfileApi svc_domain_get_storage_profiles GET /v1.0/servicedomains/{svcDomainId}/storageprofiles Get storage profiles according to service domain ID.
UserApi is_email_available GET /v1.0/isemailavailable Check if the given email is available for create user.
UserApi project_get_users_v2 GET /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/users Get project users.
UserApi user_create_v2 POST /v1.0/users Create user.
UserApi user_delete_v2 DELETE /v1.0/users/{id} Delete user by ID.
UserApi user_get_v2 GET /v1.0/users/{id} Get user by ID.
UserApi user_list_v2 GET /v1.0/users Get users.
UserApi user_update_v3 PUT /v1.0/users/{id} Update user with a given ID.
UserAPITokenApi user_api_token_create POST /v1.0/userapitokens Create a user API token.
UserAPITokenApi user_api_token_delete DELETE /v1.0/userapitokens/{id} Delete current user API token.
UserAPITokenApi user_api_token_get GET /v1.0/userapitokens Get current user API tokens.
UserAPITokenApi user_api_token_list GET /v1.0/userapitokensall Get all user API tokens.
UserAPITokenApi user_api_token_update PUT /v1.0/userapitokens/{id} Update user API token.
UserPublicKeyApi user_public_key_delete DELETE /v1.0/userpublickey Delete current user public key.
UserPublicKeyApi user_public_key_get GET /v1.0/userpublickey Get current user public key.
UserPublicKeyApi user_public_key_list GET /v1.0/userpublickeyall Get all user public keys.
UserPublicKeyApi user_public_key_update PUT /v1.0/userpublickey Upsert current user public key.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


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kps_api-1.3.10-py3-none-any.whl (930.4 kB view hashes)

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