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KRATOS Multiphysics ("Kratos") is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.

Project description

Mapping Application

The Mapping Application contains the core developments in mapping data between non matching grids. It works both in shared and distributed (MPI) memory environments as well as in 1D, 2D and 3D domains.


List of features

  • Parallelism:
    • Serial (no parallelism)
    • Shared memory (OpenMP)
    • Distributed memory (MPI)
  • Domain sizes: 1D / 2D / 3D
  • Matching and non matching grids
  • Different mapping technologies (see here):
    • Nearest Neighbor
    • Nearest Element
    • Barycentric
  • Metamappers
    • 3D/2D metamapper (metamapper which obtains the solution for the 3D destination model part from the original 2D solution)
  • Mapping operations (see here)


The serial / shared memory parallel compilation of the Mapping Application doesn't have any dependencies (except the KratosCore).

The distributed compilation of the Mapping Application depends on the Trilinos library. Also most of the MPI-solvers in Kratos depend on Trilinos, see the Trilinos Application.

Mapping in CoSimulation

The Mapping Application can be used for mapping within the CoSimulation Application. This can be done by using the KratosMappingDataTransferOperator.

Basic Usage

The Mapper maps nodal data from one ModelPart to another. This means that the input for the Mapper is two ModelParts, the Origin and the Destination. Furthermore settings in the form of Kratos::Parameters are passed.

The Mapper is constructed using the MapperFactory. See the following basic example.

# import the Kratos Core
import KratosMultiphysics as KM
# import the MappingApplication to load the mappers
import KratosMultiphysics.MappingApplication as KratosMapping

# create ModelParts
# ...

mapper_settings = KM.Parameters("""{
    "mapper_type": "nearest_neighbor",
    "echo_level" : 0

# creating a mapper for shared memory
mapper = KM.MapperFactory.CreateMapper(

For constructing an MPI-Mapper use the MPIExtension instead:

# creating a mapper for distributed memory
from KratosMultiphysics.MappingApplication import MPIExtension as MappingMPIExtension
mpi_mapper = MappingMPIExtension.MPIMapperFactory.CreateMapper(

After constructing the Mapper / MPI-Mapper it can be used immediately to map any scalar and vector quantities, no further initialization is necessary.
The Map function is used to map values from the Origin to the Destination. For this the Variables have to be specified. See the following example for mapping scalar quantities.

# mapping scalar quantities
# this maps the nodal quantities of TEMPERATURE on the origin-ModelPart
# to the nodal quantities of AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE on the destination-ModelPart


The Map function is overloaded, this means that mapping vector quantities works in the same way as mapping scalar quantites.

# mapping vector quantities
# this maps the nodal quantities of VELOCITY on the origin-ModelPart
# to the nodal quantities of MESH_VELOCITY on the destination-ModelPart.


Mapping from Destination to Origin can be done using the InverseMap function which works in the same way as the Map function.

# inverse mapping scalar quantities
# this maps the nodal quantities of AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE on the destination-ModelPart
# to the nodal quantities of TEMPERATURE on the origin-ModelPart


# inverse mapping vector quantities
# this maps the nodal quantities of MESH_VELOCITY on the destination-ModelPart
# to the nodal quantities of VELOCITY on the origin-ModelPart


For the 3D/2D metamapper the settings to consider are the following, where base_mapper is the backend mapper to be considered.

mapper_params = KM.Parameters("""{
    "mapper_type"     : "projection_3D_2D",
    "base_mapper"     : "nearest_neighbor",
    "search_settings" : {},
    "echo_level"      : 0

Advanced Usage

The previous section introduced the basics of using the MappingApplication. The more advanced usage is explained in this section.

Customizing the behavior of the mapping with Flags

By default the mapping functions Map and InverseMap will overwrite the values where they map to. In order to add instead of overwrite the values the behavior can be customized by using Kratos::Flags. Consider in the following example that several forces are acting on a surface. Overwritting the values would cancel the previously applied forces.

# Instead of overwriting, this will add the values to the existing ones


Sometimes it can be necessary to swap the signs of quantites that are to be mapped. This can be done with the following:

# Swapping the sign, i.e. multiplying the values with (-1)


The flags can also be combined:


Historical nodal values are used by default. Mapping to an from nonhistorical nodal values is also supported, the following examples show the usage:

This maps the values from the origin (REACTION) as historical values to the destination (FORCE) as nonhistorical values:


This maps the values from the origin (REACTION) as nonhistorical values to the destination (FORCE) as historical values:


This maps the values from the destination (FORCE) as historical values to the origin (REACTION) as nonhistorical values:


This maps the values from the destination (FORCE) as nonhistorical values to the origin (REACTION) as historical values:


Of course it is possible to use both origin and destination nonhistorical. This maps the values from the origin (REACTION) as nonhistorical values to the destination (FORCE) as nonhistorical values:


Many Mappers internally construct a mapping matrix. It is possible to use the transpose of this matrix for mapping with USE_TRANSPOSE. This is often used for conservative mapping of forces in FSI, when the virtual work on both interfaces should be preserved.


Updating the Interface

In case of moving interfaces (e.g. in a problem involving Contact between bodies) it can become necessary to update the Mapper to take the new geometrical positions of the interfaces into account.
One way of doing this would be to construct a new Mapper, but this is not efficient and sometimes not even possible.

Hence the Mapper provides the UpdateInterface function for updating itseld with respect to the new geometrical positions of the interfaces.
Note that this is potentially an expensive operation due to searching the new geometrical neighbors on the interface.


Checking which mappers are available

The following can be used to see which Mappers are available:

# available mappers for shared memory

# available mappers for distributed memory

# check if mapper for shared memory exists

# check if mapper for distributed memory exists

Search settings

The search of neighbors / partners on the other side of the interface is a crucial task when creating the mapper. Especially in distributed computations (MPI) this can be very expensive and time consuming. Hence the search of the mapper is very optimized to provide robust and fast results. For this the search works in several iterations where the search radius is increased in each iteration. The default settings of the search are working fine in most cases, but in some special cases it might still be necessary to tweak and optimize the settings. The following settings are available (as sub-parameter search_settings of the settings that are given to the mapper):

name type default description
search_radius double computed The search radius to start with in the first iteration. In each next iteration it will be increased by multiplying with search_radius_increase_factor (search_radius *= search_radius_increase_factor)
max_search_radius double computed The max search radius to use.
search_radius_increase_factor double 2.0 factor by which the search radius is increasing in each search iteration (see above). Tuning this parameter is usually the best way to achieve a faster search. In many cases decreasing it will speed up the search, especially for volumetric mapping, but it is case dependent.
max_num_search_iterations int computed (min 3) max number of search iterations that is conducted. If the search is successful before then it will terminate earlier. The more heterogeneous the mesh the larger this will be.

It is recommended to set the echo_level to 2 or higher for getting useful information from the search. This will help to debug the search in case of problems.

Available Mappers

This section explains the theory behind the mappers.

Nearest Neighbor

The NearestNeighborMapper is a very simple/basic Mapper. Searches its closest neighbor (node) on the other interface. During mapping it gets/sets its value to the value of its closest neighbor.

This mapper is best suited for problems where both interfaces have a similar discretization. Furthermore it is very robust and can be used for setting up problems when one does not (yet) want to deal with mapping.

Internally it constructs the mapping matrix, hence it offers the usage of the transposed mapping matrix. When using this, for very inhomogenous interface discretizations it can come to oscillations in the mapped quantities.

Supported mesh topologies: This mapper only works with nodes and hence supports any mesh topology

Nearest Element

The NearestElementMapper projects nodes to the elements( or conditions) on other side of the inteface. Mapping is then done by interpolating the values of the nodes of the elements by using the shape functions at the projected position.

This mapper is best suited for problems where the NearestNeighborMapper cannot be used, i.e. for cases where the discretization on the interfaces is different. Note that it is less robust than the NearestNeighborMapper due to the projections it performs. In case a projection fails, it uses an approximation that is similar to the approach of the NearestNeighborMapper. This can be disabled by setting use_approximation to false in the mapper-settings.

Internally it constructs the mapping matrix, hence it offers the usage of the transposed mapping matrix. When using this, for very inhomogenous interface discretizations it can come to oscillations in the mapped quantities.

Supported mesh topologies: Any mesh topology available in Kratos, which includes the most common linear and quadratic geometries, see here.


The BarycentricMapper uses the closest nodes to reconstructs a geometry. This geometry is used in the same way as the NearestElementMapper for interpolating the values of the nodes using the shape functions.

This mapper can be used when no geometries are available and interpolative properties of the mapper are required. E.g. for particle methods when only nodes or point-based entities are available. Overall it can be seen as combining the advantages of the NearestNeighborMapper (which only requires points as input) with the advantages of the NearestElementMapper (which has interpolative properties). The disadvantage is that the reconstruction of the geometry can cause problems in complex situations, hence it should only be used if the NearestElementMapper cannot be used.

Furthermore, the geometry type for the reconstruction/interpolation has to be chosen with the interpolation_type setting. The following types are available: line, triangle and tetrahedra

Internally it constructs the mapping matrix, hence it offers the usage of the transposed mapping matrix. When using this, for very inhomogenous interface discretizations it can come to oscillations in the mapped quantities.

Supported mesh topologies: This mapper only works with nodes and hence supports any mesh topology

When to use which Mapper?

  • Matching Interface
    For a matching interface the NearestNeighborMapper is the best / fastes choice. Note that the ordering / numbering of the nodes doesn't matter.

  • Interfaces with almost matching discretizations
    In this case both the NearestNeighborMapper and the NearestElementMapper can yield good results.

  • Interfaces with non matching discretizations
    The NearestElementMapper is recommended because it results in smoother mapping results due to the interpolation using the shape functions.

  • Interfaces with non matching discretizations when no geometries are available for interpolation
    The NearestElementMapper cannot be used as it requires geometries for the ionterpolation. Here the BarycentricMapper is recommended because it reconstructs geometries from the surrounding nodes and then uses it to interpolate.

Using the Mapper for ModelParts that are not part of all ranks

In MPI parallel simulations usually all ModelParts are distributed across all ranks. However in some cases this does not hold, for example in FSI when the fluid runs on all ranks but the structure runs serial on one rank. In this case it is necessary to do the following:

  • Create a dummy-ModelPart on the ranks that do not have the original ModelPart.
  • IMPORTANT: This ModelPart must have a DataCommunicator that is not defined on the ranks that are not part of the original ModelPart.
  • Create and MPI-mapper as explained above, using the original and the dummy ModelParts on the respective ranks.

Check this test for more details and usage example.

For an example the following assumptions are made:

  • Overall 4 MPI processes are used
  • model_part_fluid is distributed across all 4 ranks
  • model_part_structure is not distributed and exists only on rank 0
import KratosMultiphysics as KM
import KratosMultiphysics.mpi as KratosMPI

# "model_part_fluid" was already read and exists on all ranks
# "model_part_structure" was already read and exists only on rank 0

# getting the DataCommunicator that wraps `MPI_COMM_WORLD` i.e. contains all ranks
world_data_comm = KM.ParallelEnvironment.GetDataCommunicator("World)

# define the ranks on which the structure ModelPart exists
# structure can also be distributed across several (but not all) ranks
structure_ranks = [0]

# create a DataCommunicator containing only the structure ranks
structure_ranks_data_comm_name = "structure_ranks"
data_comm_all_structure_ranks = KratosMPI.DataCommunicatorFactory.CreateFromRanksAndRegister(

# create a dummy ModelPart on the ranks where the original ModelPart does not exist
if world_data_comm.Rank() not in structure_ranks:
    dummy_model = KM.Model()
    model_part_structure = dummy_model.CreateModelPart("structure_dummy")

    # Important: set the DataCommunicator so that the Mapper knows on which ranks the ModelPart is only a dummy
    KratosMPI.ModelPartCommunicatorUtilities.SetMPICommunicator(model_part_structure, data_comm_all_structure_ranks)

# now the Mapper can be created with the original and the dummy ModelParts
mpi_mapper = MappingMPIExtension.MPIMapperFactory.CreateMapper(

Miscellaneous functionalities

  • serial_output_process: This process can be used to map results to one rank and then do postprocessing on this rank. This has two advantages:

    • Some output formats write one file per rank in distributed simulations, which leads to many files when running with many cores. This process collects the results on one rank and can hence reduce the number of files significantly
    • Different meshes can be used to do the postprocessing. This is in particular useful when the computational mesh is very fine, but a coarser mesh would be sufficient for postprocessing.

    The following input parameters are used:

    • model_part_name_origin: name of the origin ModelPart where the data comes from (is being mapped from)
    • model_part_name_destination: name of destination ModelPart where the data is mapped to. This ModelPart is being read.
    • mdpa_file_name_destination: name of the mdpa file containing the mesh that is used for the destination
    • historical_variables_destination list of historical variables that are allocated on the destination ModelPart
    • destination_rank rank on which the processing of the destination happens (i.e. the rank on which the destination ModelPart is read). Note that this increases the memory usage significantly, especially for large destination meshes. The default is rank 0, which in most distributed simulations acts as the master rank with already increased computational effort. Hence it can make sense to use another rank, preferably on another compute node, to optimize the memory and computational load balance
    • mapper_settings: setting that are passed to the mapper, as explained above
    • mapping_settings: list of mapping steps to be executed before the postprocessing is done. variable_origin and variable_destination must be specified, while mapping_options is optional and can contain the flags as explained above.
    • output_process_settings: The settings for the output process (which will be only executed on the destination rank). Important: For mapping onto a serial ModelPart, the DataCommunicator is set as explained here. This means that the destination ModelPart is not valid on other ranks and can hence not be used in the regular postprocessing (which happens also on the ranks where it is not valid and hence some MPI-functionalities would fail) Example input:
    "python_module" : "serial_output_process",
    "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics.MappingApplication",
    "Parameters"    : {
        "model_part_name_origin"      : "FluidModelPart",
        "model_part_name_destination" : "PostProcessing",
        "mdpa_file_name_destination"  : "coarse_mesh",
        "historical_variables_destination" : ["REACTION", "DISPLACEMENT"],
        "mapper_settings" :  {"mapper_type" : "nearest_neighbor"},
        "mapping_settings" : [{
            "variable_origin" : "REACTION",
            "variable_destination" : "REACTION"
            "variable_origin" : "REACTION",
            "variable_destination" : "REACTION",
            "mapping_options" : ["add_values"]
            "variable_origin" : "MESH_DISPLACEMENT",
            "variable_destination" : "DISPLACEMENT"
        "output_process_settings" : {
            "python_module" : "vtk_output_process",
            "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
            "Parameters"    : {
                // ...


  • Is mapping of elemental / conditional data or gauss-point values possible?
    The mapper only supports mapping of nodal data. In order to map other quantities, those have to first be inter- / extrapolated to the nodes.

  • Something is not working with the mapping. What should I do?
    Problems with mapping can have many sources. The first thing in debugging what is happening is to increase the echo_level of the Mapper. Then in many times warnings are shown in case of some problems.

  • I get oscillatory solutions when mapping with USE_TRANSPOSE
    Research has shown that "simple" mappers like NearestNeighbor and NearestElement can have problems with mapping with the transpose (i.e. when using USE_TRANSPOSE) if the meshes are very different. Using the MortarMapper technology can improve this situation. This Mapper is currently under development.

  • Projections find the wrong result
    For complex geometries the projections can fail to find the correct result if many lines or surfaces are close. In those situations it helps to partition the mapping interface and construct multiple mappers with the smaller interfaces.

  • Creation of the mapper takes very long
    Often this is because of of unfit search settings. If the settings are not suitable for the problem then the mapper creation time can increase several magnitudes! Check here for an explanation of how to set the search settings in case the defaults are not working well.

Project details

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