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"Helpers to build a dash kws application"

Project description

A Dash Infrastructure Framework


Architecture of an application



This package defines a standard framework for the development of Dash Applications, both in the context of prototyping and production applications.

The core idea of this framework is to separate core logic from display and interaction elements.

The framework relies on several core concepts, which are the building blocks of an application.

  • Callbacks are an abstraction for Dash Apps function. They perform the conversion between the Dash inputs, the core function and the Dash outputs. Therefore a callback should at least be composed of a _pre_function_hook and a _post_function_hook, wrapping a function representing the core functionality.
  • Components are an abstraction for Dash components. A Component is an object which has self contained Dash callbacks. Those callbacks should only operate on the functionality of the Component, but have no meaningful functionality. For instance, the StoreComponent has a callback to store the outputs from an another Callback into its state.
  • Dash Apps are an abstraction for Dash standard Application. A Dash Application has one or multiple Components, and Callbacks.
  • Super Apps are a grouping of multiple DashApps inside a global application. Super apps expose an API for every core Callback registered inside it.

In addition to this framework, this package adds a few helper classes, such as a StoreComponent or a FigureComponent.

Core Concepts



from dash_infra import as_callback
import numpy as np

def to_linspace(state, num_points):
    # A hook function takes the state of the callback as a first argument

    return np.linspace(0, 100, num_points)

def to_figure(state, array: np.ndarray):
    return {"data": [dict(x=state.current_inputs[0], y=outputs, mode="markers")]}

@as_callback(                           # Changes the function into an unbound callback
    NumpySerializer,                    # Mixins adds capabilities to the callback
    pre_func_hooks=[to_linspace],       # Takes the input and changes it into a np.array
    post_func_hooks=[to_figure],        # Takes the output and converts it into a plotly graph
def square(x: "Arrayable") -> np.ndarray:
    Computes the square of an array x
    # the function is defined as it would normally be
    return np.array(x) ** 2

At this point the callback square is not bound to any app or inputs. It is still a callable, and square([1,2,3]) returns [1, 4, 9].



from dash_core_components import Graph, Slider

from dash_infra import as_component
from dash_infra.components.groups import ComponentGroup
from dash_infra.html_helpers.divs import Col

graph_square = as_component(Graph, "square", container=Col(s=6))
slider = as_component(Slider, "input", container=Col(s=6))
group = ComponentGroup("main", slider, graph_square, graph_cube)

Standard dash components can be transferred into our framework with as_component(obj, id, container). This conversion allows easier registry in the Dash application

Dash Apps



from dash_infra import KWSDashApp
from .components import group
from .callbacks import square

dash_app = KWSDashApp("A multplier component", doc=__doc__)
    outputs=("square", "figure"), 
    inputs=[("input", "value")]

Super Apps

Super apps wrap Dash apps, and provide the Dash callbacks with a restful API.


Store Components are an abstraction used to store callback outputs for later usage. Store contents are available for all callbacks to use.


Project details

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Source Distribution

kws_dash_infra-0.3.6.tar.gz (114.9 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file kws_dash_infra-0.3.6.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: kws_dash_infra-0.3.6.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 114.9 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/46.1.3 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.45.0 CPython/3.6.9

File hashes

Hashes for kws_dash_infra-0.3.6.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 42921abcfb084ecef0c2bb56c00ea6631908d0e656807c6df737a57e56d7e606
MD5 9aef73705a5679974ab5fe22f217dcc5
BLAKE2b-256 ffa65d7df4cb5b1047473b423cef4ab9c4a775a3e7641080b07e1544aaf57e89

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