a software for analysis of RNA editing sites from long-read RNA-seq data
Project description
L-GIREMI (Long-read Genome-independent Identification of RNA Editing by Mutual Information) is a method for identification of RNA editing sites from long-read RNA-seq data.
The L-GIREMI software was developed with python3 on Linux, which demands several python packages.
- python3.5+: with sys, argparse, re, logging, functools, collections, multiprocessing.
- scikit-learn: 0.20+
- scipy: 1.5+
- numpy: 1.10+
- pandas: 1.0+
- pysam: 0.16+
And the analysis with L-GIREMI also needs additional software:
It's recommended to install the software into a virtual environment.
Create virtual environment:
conda create -n l_giremi
conda activate l_giremi
virtualenv l_giremi
source bin/activate
From github
Download from github:
git clone https://github.com/gxiaolab/L-GIREMI
Install the package:
python setup.py install
From pip
pip install l-giremi
Reference data
Users should make sure to use reference files with the same assembly version and the same chromosome naming convention in all the processes.
Genome fasta file
L-GIREMI requires a genome fasta file as input. For the human genome, the fasta file can be obtained from UCSC or NCBI. The fasta file should include sequences from all the chromosomes.
SNP vcf file
L-GIREMI will use a SNP vcf file to get putative heterozygous SNPs. A vcf of dbSNP is acceptable. Alternatively, the users can provide a sample-specific SNP vcf file, if available. The vcf file should be converted into the bcf format, sorted, and indexed.
The following is an example flow to obtain dbSNP vcf and convert the dbSNP chromosome names into UCSC format.
wget "https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/latest_release/VCF/GCF_000001405.38.gz"
wget "https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/latest_release/VCF/GCF_000001405.38.gz.md5"
md5sum -c GCF_000001405.38.gz.md5
wget "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/001/405/GCA_000001405.28_GRCh38.p13/GCA_000001405.28_GRCh38.p13_assembly_report.txt"
egrep -v "^#" GCA_000001405.28_GRCh38.p13_assembly_report.txt | cut -f 7,10 | tr "\t" " " > GRCh38-to-hg38.map
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs GRCh38-to-hg38.map GCF_000001405.38.gz -Ob -o dbsnp.38.hg38.bcf
bcftools index dbsnp.38.hg38.bcf
Gene annotation gtf
A gene annotation gtf is required for L-GIREMI, which can be obtained from gencode. The gtf file should be sorted, zipped, and indexed.
The following is an example flow to prepare the gtf file:
(grep ^"#" gencode.v37.annotation.gtf; \
grep -v ^"#" gencode.v37.annotation.gtf | \
sort -k1,1 -k4,4n) | \
bgzip > gencode.v37.annotation.sorted.gtf.gz
tabix -p gff gencode.v37.annotation.sorted.gtf.gz
Simple repeat region table
A table containing annotated simple repeats is used by L-GIREMI to pre-filter sites. It can be obtained from UCSC table browser. The table format should be: chromosome, start, end. No header is needed for the file.
usage: l-giremi [-h] -b BAM_FILE [-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] [-t THREAD] --genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA
--snp_bcf SNP_BCF --repeat_txt REPEAT_TXT --annotation_gtf ANNOTATION_GTF
[--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD] [--min_allele_count MIN_ALLELE_COUNT]
[--gene_padding GENE_PADDING] [--exon_padding EXON_PADDING] [--min_rc_cov MIN_RC_COV]
[--homopoly_length HOMOPOLY_LENGTH] [--min_AB MIN_AB] [--min_AC MIN_AC]
[--min_het_snp_ratio MIN_HET_SNP_RATIO] [--max_het_snp_ratio MAX_HET_SNP_RATIO]
[--mi_min_common_read MI_MIN_COMMON_READ] [--mi_min_read MI_MIN_READ] [--mip_threshold MIP_THRESHOLD]
L-GIREMI (Long-read Genome-independent Identification of RNA Editing by Mutual Information)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, sorted and indexed
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
cores to be used
--genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA
path of genome fasta file
--snp_bcf SNP_BCF path of dbSNP bcf file
--repeat_txt REPEAT_TXT
path of txt file of simple repeats [chromosom, start, end] (0 based)
--annotation_gtf ANNOTATION_GTF
gtf (gz and tabix indexed) file of genome annotation (gencode)
--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD
Min MAPQ to be considered in bam file (default: 20)
--min_allele_count MIN_ALLELE_COUNT
Min allele read count (default: 2)
--drop_non_spliced_read DROP_NON_SPLICED_READ
Drop non spliced reads (default: True)
--min_dist_from_splice MIN_DIST_FROM_SPLICE
Drop sites within the distance from splice junctions (default: 4)
--gene_padding GENE_PADDING
expand the range when searching gene gtf (default: 500)
--exon_padding EXON_PADDING
expand the range when searching exon gtf (default: 10)
--min_rc_cov MIN_RC_COV
min coverage of read cluster to be considered (default: 2)
--homopoly_length HOMOPOLY_LENGTH
left and right sequence length to be searched for the homopoly around sites (default: 5)
--min_AB MIN_AB Min mismatch ratio to be considered (default: 0.1)
--min_AC MIN_AC Min mismatch read count to be considered (default: 3)
--min_het_snp_ratio MIN_HET_SNP_RATIO
Min ratio to be considered as heterogenous SNPs (default: 0.35)
--max_het_snp_ratio MAX_HET_SNP_RATIO
Max ratio to be considered as heterogenous SNPs (default: 0.65)
--mi_min_common_read MI_MIN_COMMON_READ
Min common read for site pairs to calculate MI (default: 6)
--mi_min_read MI_MIN_READ
Min read for a variant of a site in a site pair to calculate MI (default: 1)
--mip_threshold MIP_THRESHOLD
MI p value threshold to be used to separate RNA editing sites (default: 0.05)
Analysis process
Once the following files are available (see above):
- reference FASTA file: for example hg38 fasta.
- SNP VCF file: dbSNP VCF file (the chromosome names should be agreed with the reference FASTA file), or known SNP VCF file for teh sample.
- genome annotation GTF file: with exon annotation and gene annotation, for example GENCODE gtf file.
First, align the long-read RNA-seq fastq file using
minimap2 with cs tag, which is
required by l-giremi
minimap2 -t 8 -ax splice -uf \
--secondary=no -N 5 --cs \
Then, remove the unmapped and non-uniquely mapped reads from the SAM file, and sort it into an indexed BAM file.
samtools view -O BAM -F 2052 -h $SAM_FILE | \
samtools sort -O BAM -@ 7 -o $BAM_FILE -
samtools index $BAM_FILE
Next, run l-giremi
l-giremi \
-t 8 \
--bam_file $BAM_FILE \
--output_prefix $OUTPREFIX \
--genome_fasta $GENOME_FILE \
--snp_bcf $SNP_FILE \
--repeat_txt $REPEAT_FILE \
--annotation_gtf $GTF_FILE \
--chromosomes chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 \
chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 \
chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 \
chr20 chr21 chr22 chrX chrY
generates several output files:
- corrected read strand files: the files are stored as
. columns:- read_name: the read name.
- seq_strand: original read mapping strand.
- read_strand: corrected read strand.
- site position files: stored as
. columns:- chromosome: chromosome name.
- pos: position on the chromosome, 0-based.
- ref: sequence of reference genome, strandless.
- snp: SNP mark, 0 for not found overlapping with input SNP annotations, 1 for overlapping with input SNP annotations.
- mutual information files: stored as
. columns:- type: het_snp, for mismatch sites that overlapping with SNP annotations and with mismatch ratio satisfying the parameters. mimatch for other types.
- chromosome: chromosome name.
- pos: position on the chromosome, 0-based.
- strand: strand of the mismatch sites.
- change_type: the mismatch type, [ref]>[alt].
- mi: site mutual information.
- n: n sites pairs for the calculation of site mutual information.
- pairs: the names of the paired sites.
- jakarta: Jakarta index for each site pairs.
- mis: mutual information for each site pairs.
- mi_cov: mutual information read coverage.
- mip: emperical p value of the MI
- mismatch score file: stored as
. columns:- type: het_snp, for mismatch sites that overlapping with SNP annotations and with mismatch ratio satisfying the parameters. mimatch for other types.
- chromosome: chromosome name.
- pos: position on the chromosome, 0-based.
- strand: strand of the mismatch sites.
- change_type: the mismatch type, [ref]>[alt].
- read_count: the read count for the mismatch.
- depth: the total read count for the site.
- ratio: the mismatch ratio.
- up_seq: a 5' nucleotide ahead of the mismatch sites.
- down_seq: a 3' nucleotide after the mismatch sites.
- score: RNA editing score by the GLM model.
- score performance file: stored as
. columns:- score: score from mismatch score file
- tp: true positive count, the number of sites with score larger than or equal to the score in the line used as positive training data
- fp: false positive count, the number of sites with score larger than or equal to the score in the line used as negative training data
- fn: false negative count, the number of sites with score smaller than the score in the line used as positive training data
- tn: true negative count, the number of sites with score smaller than the score in the line used as negative training data
- precision: tp / (tp + fp)
- recall: tp / (tp + fn)
- f1: 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
- sensitivity: tp / (tp + fn)
- specificity: tn / (tn + fp)
- tpr: true positive rate, tp / (tp + fn)
- fpr: false positive rate, fp / (fp + tn)
- max_f1: bool, indicating the max f1
Useful scripts
There are also some useful scripts provided with the main l-giremi code.
is used for the calculation of Alu Editing Index (AEI)
from long-read RNA-seq data (Roth et al., 2019). Calculation of
AEI neads the read strand files (output of l-giremi
), the genome
fasta file, a txt file with Alu locations, and the SNP BCF reference.
usage: get_aei [-h] -b BAM_FILE --strand_file STRAND_FILE [-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX]
--genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA --snp_bcf SNP_BCF --alu_txt ALU_TXT [-t THREAD]
Calculate AEI from bam file, both in read level and Alu level
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, with cs tags, sorted and indexed
--strand_file STRAND_FILE
corrrect strand file for reads, generated by the L-GIREMI
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
--genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA
path of genome fasta file
--snp_bcf SNP_BCF path of dbSNP bcf file
--alu_txt ALU_TXT path of bed file of simple repeats [chromosom, start, end, name] (0 based)
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
cores to be used
output a table that has the read name, genomic
position, and the nucleotide of the position on the read. Running the
script requires a file that provides the genomic position of sites
that are interested.
usage: get_read_site [-h] -s SITE_FILE -b BAM_FILE [-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX]
[--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD] [-t THREAD]
Get read and site information from bam file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_FILE, --site_file SITE_FILE
input site file: [chromosome, pos], without header, separated by tab
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, with cs tags, sorted and indexed
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD
Min MAPQ to be considered in bam file (default: 20)
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
cores to be used
is similar to get_read_site
, except that
it only outputs the read name and the mismatched sites, without matched
sites. get_read_mismatch
also requires a file that provides the
genomic position of sites that are interested.
usage: get_read_mismatch [-h] -s SITE_FILE -b BAM_FILE [-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX]
[--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD] [-t THREAD]
Get read and mismatch site information from bam file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SITE_FILE, --site_file SITE_FILE
input site file: [chromosome, pos], without header, separated by tab
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, with cs tags, sorted and indexed
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD
Min MAPQ to be considered in bam file (default: 20)
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
cores to be used
outputs read names and the splicing sites
detected by minimap2 in the reads.
usage: get_read_splice [-h] -b BAM_FILE [-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX]
[--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD] [-t THREAD]
Get read and splice sites from bam file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, with cs tags, sorted and indexed
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
--mapq_threshold MAPQ_THRESHOLD
Min MAPQ to be considered in bam file (default: 20)
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
cores to be used
Since the raw splice sites detected in the long-read RNA-seq data may
not be accurate, a correction procedure is needed (Wyman and Mortazavi, 2019). correct_splice_site
adopted similar correction strategies with TranscriptClean. The correction needs a GTF annotation file.
usage: correct_splice_site [-h] -s SPLICE_FILE --annotation_gtf ANNOTATION_GTF
[-c [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--window WINDOW]
Correct splice sites by gtf file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SPLICE_FILE, --splice_file SPLICE_FILE
input splice file [read_name, chromosome, pos, type] with column names
--annotation_gtf ANNOTATION_GTF
gtf (gz and tabix indexed) file of genome annotation (gencode)
-c [CHROMOSOMES ...], --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES ...]
chromosomes to be analyzed
prefix of output file
--window WINDOW window to be considered as the same splice site (default: 10)
can calculate the mutual information for
mismatched sites (RNA editing sites or SNPs) and splicing sites.
usage: calculate_site_splice_mi [-h] [-m READ_SITE] [-s READ_SPLICE] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX]
calculate the mutual information of mismatch site and splice site pairs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m READ_SITE, --read_site READ_SITE
read-site file: [read_name, chromosome, pos, seq]
-s READ_SPLICE, --read_splice READ_SPLICE
corrected read-splice file: [read_name, chromosome, pos, type, corrected_pos,
prefix of output file
can fetch reads that cover one genomic location
and save the reads into separate SAM files by the location, which can
be used in IGV ploting.
usage: split_bam_by_site [-h] -b BAM_FILE [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] [-c CHROMOSOME] [-p POS]
Save reads that cover one position into separated SAM files by the genomic location
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM_FILE, --bam_file BAM_FILE
input bam file, with cs tags, sorted and indexed
prefix of output file
-p POS, --pos POS
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Details for the file l-giremi-0.1.11.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: l-giremi-0.1.11.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 40.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.8.0 pkginfo/1.8.2 readme-renderer/34.0 requests/2.24.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 urllib3/1.26.9 tqdm/4.50.2 importlib-metadata/4.11.3 keyring/21.4.0 rfc3986/2.0.0 colorama/0.4.4 CPython/3.8.5
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | da9aec42d9e4f54c8489900bb7289dcb56c4c29a4d0c3cdabaadb6d670663cb9 |
MD5 | 927c5304d514bfda9b4b2ee952d5f4d1 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 6af48d91d2ddd5562b9faaba37618bfcb6893c9cb007809535f11e61f3bdab2a |