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A very simple LLM manager for Python.

Project description

L2M2: A Simple Python LLM Manager 💬👍

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L2M2 ("LLM Manager" → "LLMM" → "L2M2") is a tiny and very simple LLM manager for Python that exposes lots of models through a unified API. This is useful for evaluation, demos, production applications etc. that need to easily be model-agnostic.


  • 15 supported models (see below) – regularly updated and with more on the way
  • Session chat memory – even across multiple models
  • JSON mode
  • Prompt loading tools


  • Simple: Completely unified interface – just swap out the model name
  • Tiny: only one external dependency (httpx)
  • Fast: Fully asynchronous if concurrent calls are needed

Supported Models

L2M2 currently supports the following models:

Model Name Provider(s) Model Version(s)
gpt-4o OpenAI gpt-4o-2024-05-13
gpt-4-turbo OpenAI gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09
gpt-3.5-turbo OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo-0125
gemini-1.5-pro Google gemini-1.5-pro
gemini-1.0-pro Google gemini-1.0-pro
claude-3.5-sonnet Anthropic claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
claude-3-opus Anthropic claude-3-opus-20240229
claude-3-sonnet Anthropic claude-3-sonnet-20240229
claude-3-haiku Anthropic claude-3-haiku-20240307
command-r Cohere command-r
command-r-plus Cohere command-r-plus
mixtral-8x7b Groq mixtral-8x7b-32768
gemma-7b Groq gemma-7b-it
llama3-8b Groq, Replicate llama3-8b-8192, meta/meta-llama-3-8b-instruct
llama3-70b Groq, Replicate llama3-70b-8192, meta/meta-llama-3-70b-instruct

Table of Contents


  • Python >= 3.9
  • At least one valid API key for a supported provider


pip install l2m2


Import the LLM Client

from l2m2.client import LLMClient

Add Providers

In order to activate any of the available models, you must add the provider of that model and pass in your API key for that provider's API. Make sure to pass in a valid provider as shown in the table above.

client = LLMClient({
    "provider-a": "api-key-a",
    "provider-b": "api-key-b",

# Alternatively,
client.add_provider("provider-c", "api-key-c")

Call your LLM 💬👍

The call API is the same regardless of model or provider.

response =
    model="<model name>",

model and prompt are required, while system_prompt, temperature, and max_tokens are optional. When possible, L2M2 uses the provider's default model parameter values when they are not given.

response =
    model="<model name>",
    system_prompt="<system prompt>",
    max_tokens=<max tokens>,

If you'd like to call a language model from one of the supported providers that isn't officially supported by L2M2 (for example, older models such as gpt-4-0125-preview), you can similarly call_custom with the additional required parameter provider, and pass in the model name expected by the provider's API. Unlike call, call_custom doesn't guarantee correctness or well-defined behavior.



import os
from l2m2.client import LLMClient

client = LLMClient()
client.add_provider("openai", os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))

response =
    prompt="How's the weather today?",
    system_prompt="Respond as if you were a pirate.",

>> python3

Arrr, matey! The skies be clear as the Caribbean waters today, with the sun blazin' high 'bove us. A fine day fer settin' sail and huntin' fer treasure, it be. But keep yer eye on the horizon, for the weather can turn quicker than a sloop in a squall. Yarrr!

Multi-Provider Models

Some models are available from multiple providers, such as llama3-70b from both Groq and Replicate. When multiple of such providers are active, you can use the parameter prefer_provider to specify which provider to use for a given inference.

client.add_provider("groq", os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY"))
client.add_provider("replicate", os.getenv("REPLICATE_API_TOKEN"))

response1 =
    prompt="Hello there",
) # Uses Groq

response2 =
    prompt="General Kenobi!",
) # Uses Replicate

You can also set default preferred providers for the client using set_preferred_providers, to avoid having to specify prefer_provider for each call.

    "llama3-70b": "groq",
    "llama3-8b": "replicate",

response1 ="llama3-70b", prompt="Hello there") # Uses Groq
response2 ="llama3-8b", prompt="General Kenobi!") # Uses Replicate


L2M2 provides a simple memory system that allows you to maintain context and history across multiple calls and multiple models. There are two types of memory: ChatMemory, which natively hooks into models' conversation history, and ExternalMemory, which allows for custom memory implementations. Let's first take a look at ChatMemory.

from l2m2.client import LLMClient
from l2m2.memory import MemoryType

# Use the MemoryType enum to specify the type of memory you want to use
client = LLMClient({
    "openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    "anthropic": os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"),
    "groq": os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY"),
}, memory_type=MemoryType.CHAT)

print("gpt-4o", prompt="My name is Pierce"))
print("claude-3-haiku", prompt="I am a software engineer."))
print("llama3-8b", prompt="What's my name?"))
print("mixtral-8x7b", prompt="What's my job?"))
Hello, Pierce! How can I help you today?
A software engineer, you say? That's a noble profession.
Your name is Pierce.
You are a software engineer.

Chat memory is stored per session, with a sliding window of messages which defaults to the last 40 – this can be configured by passing memory_window_size to the client constructor.

You can access the client's memory using client.get_memory(). Once accessed, ChatMemory lets you add user and agent messages, clear the memory, and access the memory as a list of messages.

client = LLMClient({"openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")}, memory_type=MemoryType.CHAT)

memory = client.get_memory() # ChatMemory object
memory.add_user_message("My favorite color is red.")
memory.add_user_message("My least favorite color is green.")
memory.add_agent_message("Ok, duly noted.")

print("gpt-4o", prompt="What are my favorite and least favorite colors?"))
print("gpt-4o", prompt="What are my favorite and least favorite colors?"))
Your favorite color is red, and your least favorite color is green.
I'm sorry, I don't have that information.

You can also load in a memory object on the fly using load_memory, which will enable memory if none is already loaded, and overwrite the existing memory if it is.

client = LLMClient({"openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")}, memory_type=MemoryType.CHAT)"gpt-4o", prompt="My favorite color is red.")
print("gpt-4o", prompt="What is my favorite color?"))

new_memory = ChatMemory()
new_memory.add_user_message("My favorite color is blue.")
new_memory.add_agent_message("Ok, noted.")

print("gpt-4o", prompt="What is my favorite color?"))
Your favorite color is red.
Your favorite color is blue.

External Memory

ExternalMemory is a simple but powerful memory mode that allows you to define your own memory implementation. This can be useful for more complex memory constructions (e.g., planning, reflecting) or for implementing custom persistence (e.g., saving memory to a database or a file). Its usage is much like ChatMemory, but unlike ChatMemory you must manage initializing and updating the memory yourself with get_contents and set_contents.

Here's a simple example of a custom memory implementation that has a description and a list of previous user/model message pairs:


from l2m2.client import LLMClient
from l2m2.memory import MemoryType

client = LLMClient({"openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")}, memory_type=MemoryType.EXTERNAL)

messages = [
    "My name is Pierce",
    "I am a software engineer",
    "What is my name?",
    "What is my profession?",

def update_memory(user_input, model_output):
    memory = client.get_memory() # ExternalMemory object
    contents = memory.get_contents()
    if contents == "":
        contents = "You are mid-conversation with me. Your memory of it is below:\n\n"
    contents += f"Me: {user_input}\nYou: {model_output}\n"

for message in messages:
    response ="gpt-4o", prompt=message)
    update_memory(message, response)
>> python3

Nice to meet you, Pierce!
Nice! What kind of projects do you work on?
Your name is Pierce.
You are a software engineer.

By default, ExternalMemory contents are appended to the system prompt, or passed in as the system prompt if one is not given. Generally, models perform best when external memory is stored in the system prompt; however, you can configure the client to append the memory contents to the user prompt instead as follows:

from l2m2.memory import ExternalMemoryLoadingType

client = LLMClient(
    {"openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")},

Similarly to ChatMemory, ExternalMemory can be passed into client.load_memory to load in new custom memory on the fly, and can be shared across multiple models and providers.

Async Calls

L2M2 provides an asynchronous AsyncLLMClient in addition to the synchronous LLMClient. Its usage is identical to the synchronous client, but it's instantiated using async with and is called using await.

from l2m2.client import AsyncLLMClient

async def main():
    async with AsyncLLMClient({"provider": "api-key"}) as client:
        response = await
            system_prompt="system prompt",
            # ...etc

Under the hood, each AsyncLLMClient manages its own async http client, so calls are non-blocking. Here's an example of using the AsyncLLMClient to make concurrent calls to multiple models and measure the inference times:


import os
import asyncio
import timeit
from l2m2.client import AsyncLLMClient

async def call_concurrent():
    async with AsyncLLMClient(
            "openai": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
            "google": os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY"),
            "anthropic": os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"),
            "cohere": os.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY"),
            "groq": os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY"),
    ) as client:
        calls = [
            ("gpt-4o", "foo"),
            ("claude-3.5-sonnet", "bar"),
            ("gemini-1.5-pro", "baz"),
            ("command-r-plus", "qux"),
            ("llama3-70b", "quux"),
            ("mixtral-8x7b", "corge"),
        system_prompt = "The secret word is {}"

        async def call_and_print(model, secret_word):
            start_time = timeit.default_timer()
            response = await
                prompt="What is the secret word? Respond briefly.",
            time = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
            print(f"{model}: {response} ({time:.2f}s)")

        await asyncio.gather(
            *[call_and_print(model, secret_word) for model, secret_word in calls]
>> python3

llama3-70b: The secret word is quux. (0.21s)
mixtral-8x7b: The secret word is corge. (0.26s)
gpt-4o: foo (0.62s)
command-r-plus: The secret word is qux. (0.66s)
claude-3.5-sonnet: The secret word is bar. (0.70s)
gemini-1.5-pro: baz (0.73s)

As a general rule, I typically find it's best to use the synchronous LLMClient for research and demos, and AsyncLLMClient for apps.

Tools: JSON Mode

L2M2 provides an optional json_mode flag that enforces JSON formatting on LLM responses. Importantly, this flag is applicable to all models and providers, whether or not they natively support JSON output enforcement. When JSON mode is not natively supported, json_mode will apply strategies to maximize the likelihood of valid JSON output.


response =
    prompt="What are the capitals of each state of Australia?",
    system_prompt="Respond with the JSON format {'region': 'capital'}",

>> python3

  "New South Wales": "Sydney",
  "Victoria": "Melbourne",
  "Queensland": "Brisbane",
  "South Australia": "Adelaide",
  "Western Australia": "Perth",
  "Tasmania": "Hobart",
  "Northern Territory": "Darwin",
  "Australian Capital Territory": "Canberra"

[!IMPORTANT] Regardless of the model and even when json_mode is enabled, it's crucial to ensure that either the prompt or the system prompt mentions to return the output in JSON - and ideally, to specify the JSON format, as shown above.

The following models natively support JSON mode:

  • gpt-4o
  • gpt-4-turbo
  • gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gemini-1.5-pro

JSON Mode Non-Native Strategies

For models that do not natively support JSON mode, L2M2 will attempt to enforce JSON formatting by applying one of the following two strategies under the hood:

  1. Strip: This is usually the default strategy. It will attempt to extract the JSON from the response by searching for the first instance of { and the last instance of } in the response, and returning the between substring (inclusive). If no JSON is found, the response will be returned as-is.
  2. Prepend: This strategy will attempt to enforce a valid JSON output by inserting a message ending with an opening { from the model into the conversation just after the user prompt and just before the model response, and re-prepending the opening { to the model response. By default this message is "Here is the JSON output:", but can be customized. More information is available on this strategy here. Importantly, the Prepend strategy is available whether or not memory is enabled, and will not interfere with memory.

If you'd like, you can specify a strategy by passing either JsonModeStrategy.strip() or JsonModeStrategy.prepend() to the json_mode_strategy parameter in call. If no strategy is given, L2M2 defaults to Strip for all models except for Anthropic's models, which will default to Prepend (more on this below).


from l2m2.client import LLMClient
from import JsonModeStrategy

client = LLMClient({"anthropic": os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")})

response =
    prompt="What are the capitals of each Canadian province?",
    system_prompt="Respond with the JSON format {'region': 'capital'}",

>> python3

  "Alberta": "Edmonton",
  "British Columbia": "Victoria",
  "Manitoba": "Winnipeg",
  "New Brunswick": "Fredericton",
  "Newfoundland and Labrador": "St. John's",
  "Nova Scotia": "Halifax",
  "Ontario": "Toronto",
  "Prince Edward Island": "Charlottetown",
  "Quebec": "Quebec City",
  "Saskatchewan": "Regina"

If using prepend, you can customize the message that gets prepended to the opening { by passing custom_prefix as follows:

response =
    prompt="What are the capitals of each Canadian province?",
    system_prompt="Respond with the JSON format {'region': 'capital'}",
    json_mode_strategy=JsonModeStrategy.prepend(custom_prefix="Here is the JSON with provinces and capitals:"),

Ideally, this wouldn't change anything on the output – just under the hood – but this is useful for working with foreign languages, etc.

[!TIP] As mentioned above, L2M2 defaults to prepend for Anthropic models and strip for all others. I highly recommend sticking with these defaults, especially with Anthropic's models. From my personal testing, valid JSON is almost always produced when using prepend with Anthropic's models and almost never produced with strip, and vice versa for other models. I'll gather rigorous data on this eventually, but if anyone has any insights, please let me know!

Tools: Prompt Loader

L2M2 provides an optional prompt-loading utility that's useful for loading prompts with variables from a file. Usage is simple:


Your name is {{name}} and you are a {{profession}}.

from import PromptLoader

loader = PromptLoader()
prompt = loader.load_prompt(
    variables={"name": "Pierce", "profession": "software engineer"},
>> python3

Your name is Pierce and you are a software engineer.

The default variable delimiters are {{ and }}. You can also optionally specify a prompt directory or customize the variable delimiters if needed.


Your name is <<name>> and you are a <<profession>>.

from import PromptLoader

loader = PromptLoader(
    variable_delimiters=("<<", ">>"),
prompt = loader.load_prompt(
    variables={"name": "Pierce", "profession": "software engineer"},
>> python3

Your name is Pierce and you are a software engineer.

Planned Features

  • Support for OSS and self-hosted (Hugging Face, Gpt4all, etc.)
  • Basic (i.e., customizable & non-opinionated) agent & multi-agent system features
  • Tools for common application workflows: RAG, prompt management, search, etc.
  • ...etc.


If you'd like to contribute, have feature requests, or have any other questions about l2m2 please shoot me a note at, open an issue on the Github repo, or DM me on the GenAI Collective Slack Channel.

Project details

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Source Distribution

l2m2-0.0.22.tar.gz (27.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

l2m2-0.0.22-py3-none-any.whl (24.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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