lakeFS API
Project description
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.48.2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import lakefs_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import lakefs_sdk
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import lakefs_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = lakefs_sdk.Configuration(
host = "/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
configuration = lakefs_sdk.Configuration(
username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
# Configure API key authorization: cookie_auth
configuration.api_key['cookie_auth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookie_auth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: oidc_auth
configuration.api_key['oidc_auth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['oidc_auth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: saml_auth
configuration.api_key['saml_auth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['saml_auth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): jwt_token
configuration = lakefs_sdk.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with lakefs_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = lakefs_sdk.ActionsApi(api_client)
repository = 'repository_example' # str |
run_id = 'run_id_example' # str |
# get a run
api_response = api_instance.get_run(repository, run_id)
print("The response of ActionsApi->get_run:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ActionsApi->get_run: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to /api/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActionsApi | get_run | GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id} | get a run |
ActionsApi | get_run_hook_output | GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id}/hooks/{hook_run_id}/output | get run hook output |
ActionsApi | list_repository_runs | GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs | list runs |
ActionsApi | list_run_hooks | GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id}/hooks | list run hooks |
AuthApi | add_group_membership | PUT /auth/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | add group membership |
AuthApi | attach_policy_to_group | PUT /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies/{policyId} | attach policy to group |
AuthApi | attach_policy_to_user | PUT /auth/users/{userId}/policies/{policyId} | attach policy to user |
AuthApi | create_credentials | POST /auth/users/{userId}/credentials | create credentials |
AuthApi | create_group | POST /auth/groups | create group |
AuthApi | create_policy | POST /auth/policies | create policy |
AuthApi | create_user | POST /auth/users | create user |
AuthApi | create_user_external_principal | POST /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | attach external principal to user |
AuthApi | delete_credentials | DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/credentials/{accessKeyId} | delete credentials |
AuthApi | delete_group | DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId} | delete group |
AuthApi | delete_group_membership | DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | delete group membership |
AuthApi | delete_policy | DELETE /auth/policies/{policyId} | delete policy |
AuthApi | delete_user | DELETE /auth/users/{userId} | delete user |
AuthApi | delete_user_external_principal | DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | delete external principal from user |
AuthApi | detach_policy_from_group | DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies/{policyId} | detach policy from group |
AuthApi | detach_policy_from_user | DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/policies/{policyId} | detach policy from user |
AuthApi | external_principal_login | POST /auth/external/principal/login | perform a login using an external authenticator |
AuthApi | get_credentials | GET /auth/users/{userId}/credentials/{accessKeyId} | get credentials |
AuthApi | get_current_user | GET /user | get current user |
AuthApi | get_external_principal | GET /auth/external/principals | describe external principal by id |
AuthApi | get_group | GET /auth/groups/{groupId} | get group |
AuthApi | get_group_acl | GET /auth/groups/{groupId}/acl | get ACL of group |
AuthApi | get_policy | GET /auth/policies/{policyId} | get policy |
AuthApi | get_user | GET /auth/users/{userId} | get user |
AuthApi | list_group_members | GET /auth/groups/{groupId}/members | list group members |
AuthApi | list_group_policies | GET /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies | list group policies |
AuthApi | list_groups | GET /auth/groups | list groups |
AuthApi | list_policies | GET /auth/policies | list policies |
AuthApi | list_user_credentials | GET /auth/users/{userId}/credentials | list user credentials |
AuthApi | list_user_external_principals | GET /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals/ls | list user external policies attached to a user |
AuthApi | list_user_groups | GET /auth/users/{userId}/groups | list user groups |
AuthApi | list_user_policies | GET /auth/users/{userId}/policies | list user policies |
AuthApi | list_users | GET /auth/users | list users |
AuthApi | login | POST /auth/login | perform a login |
AuthApi | set_group_acl | POST /auth/groups/{groupId}/acl | set ACL of group |
AuthApi | update_policy | PUT /auth/policies/{policyId} | update policy |
BranchesApi | cherry_pick | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/cherry-pick | Replay the changes from the given commit on the branch |
BranchesApi | create_branch | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches | create branch |
BranchesApi | delete_branch | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch} | delete branch |
BranchesApi | diff_branch | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/diff | diff branch |
BranchesApi | get_branch | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch} | get branch |
BranchesApi | list_branches | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches | list branches |
BranchesApi | reset_branch | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch} | reset branch |
BranchesApi | revert_branch | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/revert | revert |
CommitsApi | commit | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/commits | create commit |
CommitsApi | get_commit | GET /repositories/{repository}/commits/{commitId} | get commit |
ConfigApi | get_config | GET /config | |
ExperimentalApi | abort_presign_multipart_upload | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/staging/pmpu/{uploadId} | Abort a presign multipart upload |
ExperimentalApi | complete_presign_multipart_upload | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/staging/pmpu/{uploadId} | Complete a presign multipart upload request |
ExperimentalApi | create_presign_multipart_upload | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/staging/pmpu | Initiate a multipart upload |
ExperimentalApi | create_pull_request | POST /repositories/{repository}/pulls | create pull request |
ExperimentalApi | create_user_external_principal | POST /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | attach external principal to user |
ExperimentalApi | delete_user_external_principal | DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | delete external principal from user |
ExperimentalApi | external_principal_login | POST /auth/external/principal/login | perform a login using an external authenticator |
ExperimentalApi | get_external_principal | GET /auth/external/principals | describe external principal by id |
ExperimentalApi | get_pull_request | GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} | get pull request |
ExperimentalApi | hard_reset_branch | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/hard_reset | hard reset branch |
ExperimentalApi | list_pull_requests | GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls | list pull requests |
ExperimentalApi | list_user_external_principals | GET /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals/ls | list user external policies attached to a user |
ExperimentalApi | merge_pull_request | PUT /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request}/merge | merge pull request |
ExperimentalApi | sts_login | POST /sts/login | perform a login with STS |
ExperimentalApi | update_object_user_metadata | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects/stat/user_metadata | rewrite (all) object metadata |
ExperimentalApi | update_pull_request | PATCH /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} | update pull request |
ExternalApi | create_user_external_principal | POST /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | attach external principal to user |
ExternalApi | delete_user_external_principal | DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals | delete external principal from user |
ExternalApi | external_principal_login | POST /auth/external/principal/login | perform a login using an external authenticator |
ExternalApi | get_external_principal | GET /auth/external/principals | describe external principal by id |
ExternalApi | list_user_external_principals | GET /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals/ls | list user external policies attached to a user |
HealthCheckApi | health_check | GET /healthcheck | |
ImportApi | import_cancel | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/import | cancel ongoing import |
ImportApi | import_start | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/import | import data from object store |
ImportApi | import_status | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/import | get import status |
InternalApi | create_branch_protection_rule_preflight | GET /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection/set_allowed | |
InternalApi | create_commit_record | POST /repositories/{repository}/commits | create commit record |
InternalApi | create_symlink_file | POST /repositories/{repository}/refs/{branch}/symlink | creates symlink files corresponding to the given directory |
InternalApi | delete_repository_metadata | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/metadata | delete repository metadata |
InternalApi | dump_refs | PUT /repositories/{repository}/refs/dump | Dump repository refs (tags, commits, branches) to object store Deprecated: a new API will introduce long running operations |
InternalApi | get_auth_capabilities | GET /auth/capabilities | list authentication capabilities supported |
InternalApi | get_garbage_collection_config | GET /config/garbage-collection | |
InternalApi | get_lake_fs_version | GET /config/version | |
InternalApi | get_metadata_object | GET /repositories/{repository}/metadata/object/{type}/{object_id} | return a lakeFS metadata object by ID |
InternalApi | get_setup_state | GET /setup_lakefs | check if the lakeFS installation is already set up |
InternalApi | get_storage_config | GET /config/storage | |
InternalApi | get_usage_report_summary | GET /usage-report/summary | get usage report summary |
InternalApi | internal_create_branch_protection_rule | POST /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection | |
InternalApi | internal_delete_branch_protection_rule | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection | |
InternalApi | internal_delete_garbage_collection_rules | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/gc/rules | |
InternalApi | internal_get_branch_protection_rules | GET /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection | get branch protection rules |
InternalApi | internal_get_garbage_collection_rules | GET /repositories/{repository}/gc/rules | |
InternalApi | internal_set_garbage_collection_rules | POST /repositories/{repository}/gc/rules | |
InternalApi | post_stats_events | POST /statistics | post stats events, this endpoint is meant for internal use only |
InternalApi | prepare_garbage_collection_commits | POST /repositories/{repository}/gc/prepare_commits | save lists of active commits for garbage collection |
InternalApi | prepare_garbage_collection_uncommitted | POST /repositories/{repository}/gc/prepare_uncommited | save repository uncommitted metadata for garbage collection |
InternalApi | restore_refs | PUT /repositories/{repository}/refs/restore | Restore repository refs (tags, commits, branches) from object store. Deprecated: a new API will introduce long running operations |
InternalApi | set_garbage_collection_rules_preflight | GET /repositories/{repository}/gc/rules/set_allowed | |
InternalApi | set_repository_metadata | POST /repositories/{repository}/metadata | set repository metadata |
InternalApi | setup | POST /setup_lakefs | setup lakeFS and create a first user |
InternalApi | setup_comm_prefs | POST /setup_comm_prefs | setup communications preferences |
InternalApi | stage_object | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects | stage an object's metadata for the given branch |
InternalApi | upload_object_preflight | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects/stage_allowed | |
MetadataApi | get_meta_range | GET /repositories/{repository}/metadata/meta_range/{meta_range} | return URI to a meta-range file |
MetadataApi | get_range | GET /repositories/{repository}/metadata/range/{range} | return URI to a range file |
ObjectsApi | copy_object | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects/copy | create a copy of an object |
ObjectsApi | delete_object | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects | delete object. Missing objects will not return a NotFound error. |
ObjectsApi | delete_objects | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects/delete | delete objects. Missing objects will not return a NotFound error. |
ObjectsApi | get_object | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/objects | get object content |
ObjectsApi | get_underlying_properties | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/objects/underlyingProperties | get object properties on underlying storage |
ObjectsApi | head_object | HEAD /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/objects | check if object exists |
ObjectsApi | list_objects | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/objects/ls | list objects under a given prefix |
ObjectsApi | stat_object | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/objects/stat | get object metadata |
ObjectsApi | update_object_user_metadata | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects/stat/user_metadata | rewrite (all) object metadata |
ObjectsApi | upload_object | POST /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/objects | |
PullsApi | create_pull_request | POST /repositories/{repository}/pulls | create pull request |
PullsApi | get_pull_request | GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} | get pull request |
PullsApi | list_pull_requests | GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls | list pull requests |
PullsApi | merge_pull_request | PUT /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request}/merge | merge pull request |
PullsApi | update_pull_request | PATCH /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} | update pull request |
RefsApi | diff_refs | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{leftRef}/diff/{rightRef} | diff references |
RefsApi | find_merge_base | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{sourceRef}/merge/{destinationBranch} | find the merge base for 2 references |
RefsApi | log_commits | GET /repositories/{repository}/refs/{ref}/commits | get commit log from ref. If both objects and prefixes are empty, return all commits. |
RefsApi | merge_into_branch | POST /repositories/{repository}/refs/{sourceRef}/merge/{destinationBranch} | merge references |
RepositoriesApi | create_repository | POST /repositories | create repository |
RepositoriesApi | delete_gc_rules | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/settings/gc_rules | |
RepositoriesApi | delete_repository | DELETE /repositories/{repository} | delete repository |
RepositoriesApi | dump_status | GET /repositories/{repository}/dump | Status of a repository dump task |
RepositoriesApi | dump_submit | POST /repositories/{repository}/dump | Backup the repository metadata (tags, commits, branches) and save the backup to the object store. |
RepositoriesApi | get_branch_protection_rules | GET /repositories/{repository}/settings/branch_protection | get branch protection rules |
RepositoriesApi | get_gc_rules | GET /repositories/{repository}/settings/gc_rules | get repository GC rules |
RepositoriesApi | get_repository | GET /repositories/{repository} | get repository |
RepositoriesApi | get_repository_metadata | GET /repositories/{repository}/metadata | get repository metadata |
RepositoriesApi | list_repositories | GET /repositories | list repositories |
RepositoriesApi | restore_status | GET /repositories/{repository}/restore | Status of a restore request |
RepositoriesApi | restore_submit | POST /repositories/{repository}/restore | Restore repository from a dump in the object store |
RepositoriesApi | set_branch_protection_rules | PUT /repositories/{repository}/settings/branch_protection | |
RepositoriesApi | set_gc_rules | PUT /repositories/{repository}/settings/gc_rules | |
StagingApi | get_physical_address | GET /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/staging/backing | generate an address to which the client can upload an object |
StagingApi | link_physical_address | PUT /repositories/{repository}/branches/{branch}/staging/backing | associate staging on this physical address with a path |
TagsApi | create_tag | POST /repositories/{repository}/tags | create tag |
TagsApi | delete_tag | DELETE /repositories/{repository}/tags/{tag} | delete tag |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /repositories/{repository}/tags/{tag} | get tag |
TagsApi | list_tags | GET /repositories/{repository}/tags | list tags |
Documentation For Models
- AbortPresignMultipartUpload
- AccessKeyCredentials
- ActionRun
- ActionRunList
- AuthCapabilities
- AuthenticationToken
- BranchCreation
- BranchProtectionRule
- CherryPickCreation
- CommPrefsInput
- Commit
- CommitCreation
- CommitList
- CommitOverrides
- CommitRecordCreation
- CompletePresignMultipartUpload
- Config
- Credentials
- CredentialsList
- CredentialsWithSecret
- CurrentUser
- Diff
- DiffList
- Error
- ErrorNoACL
- ExternalLoginInformation
- ExternalPrincipal
- ExternalPrincipalCreation
- ExternalPrincipalList
- FindMergeBaseResult
- GarbageCollectionConfig
- GarbageCollectionPrepareResponse
- GarbageCollectionRule
- GarbageCollectionRules
- Group
- GroupCreation
- GroupList
- HookRun
- HookRunList
- ImportCreation
- ImportCreationResponse
- ImportLocation
- ImportStatus
- InstallationUsageReport
- InternalDeleteBranchProtectionRuleRequest
- LoginConfig
- LoginInformation
- Merge
- MergeResult
- MetaRangeCreation
- MetaRangeCreationResponse
- ObjectCopyCreation
- ObjectError
- ObjectErrorList
- ObjectStageCreation
- ObjectStats
- ObjectStatsList
- Pagination
- PathList
- Policy
- PolicyList
- PrepareGCUncommittedRequest
- PrepareGCUncommittedResponse
- PresignMultipartUpload
- PullRequest
- PullRequestBasic
- PullRequestCreation
- PullRequestCreationResponse
- PullRequestsList
- RangeMetadata
- Ref
- RefList
- RefsDump
- RefsRestore
- Repository
- RepositoryCreation
- RepositoryDumpStatus
- RepositoryList
- RepositoryMetadataKeys
- RepositoryMetadataSet
- RepositoryRestoreStatus
- ResetCreation
- RevertCreation
- Setup
- SetupState
- StagingLocation
- StagingMetadata
- Statement
- StatsEvent
- StatsEventsList
- StorageConfig
- StorageURI
- StsAuthRequest
- TagCreation
- TaskInfo
- UnderlyingObjectProperties
- UpdateObjectUserMetadata
- UpdateToken
- UploadPart
- UsageReport
- User
- UserCreation
- UserList
- VersionConfig
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: internal_auth_session
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: oidc_auth_session
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: saml_auth_session
- Location:
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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File details
Details for the file lakefs_sdk-1.48.2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: lakefs_sdk-1.48.2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 120.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 8726d72ca246d7da91f630ff3099157373452809fa81772043611f37c9b3fb87 |
MD5 | 8ee7c0d613297f151e02e256af538a66 |
BLAKE2b-256 | a853c729ad2976cb305c12c4ce944d967005a0ac5d04154adad6ee6a7ce14b8f |
File details
Details for the file lakefs_sdk-1.48.2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: lakefs_sdk-1.48.2-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 211.9 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 669637855b92e5bff6134433efc34d118929a9999edf3306c578fa5594f3eee7 |
MD5 | 91cb6a847cbfe23670d639889fe25a3a |
BLAKE2b-256 | a4b3d697c753c60bb896f7f2cac6b27e42116f44603ecdef34f6b385cff4f012 |