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scorecard,logistical regression

Project description


PyPi version Python version

Lapras is designed to make the model developing job easily and conveniently. It contains these functions below in one key operation: data exploratory analysis, feature selection, feature binning, data visualization, scorecard modeling(a logistic regression model with excellent interpretability), performance measure.

Let's get started.


1.Exploratory Data Analysis lapras.detect() lapras.quality() lapras.IV() lapras.VIF() lapras.PSI()

2.Feature Selection lapras.stepwise()

3.Binning lapras.Combiner() lapras.WOETransformer() lapras.bin_stats() lapras.bin_plot()

4.Modeling lapras.ScoreCard()

5.Performance Measure lapras.perform() lapras.LIFT() lapras.score_plot() lapras.KS_bucket() lapras.PPSI() lapras.KS() lapras.AUC()

6.One Key Auto Modeling Lapras also provides a function which runs all the steps above automatically: lapras.auto_model()


via pip

pip install lapras --upgrade -i

via source code

python install

install_requires = [ 'numpy >= 1.18.4', 'pandas >= 0.25.1', 'scipy >= 1.3.2', 'scikit-learn =0.22.2', 'seaborn >= 0.10.1', 'statsmodels >= 0.13.1', 'tensorflow >= 2.2.0', 'hyperopt >= 0.2.7', 'pickle >= 4.0', ]


import lapras

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 100
import math
%matplotlib inline
# Read in data file
df = pd.read_csv('data/demo.csv',encoding="utf-8")
to_drop = ['id'] # exclude the features which not being used, eg:id
target = 'bad' # Y label name
train_df, test_df, _, _ = train_test_split(df, df[[target]], test_size=0.3, random_state=42) # to divide the training set and testing set, strongly recommended
# EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)
# Parameter details:
# dataframe=None 
type size missing unique mean_or_top1 std_or_top2 min_or_top3 1%_or_top4 10%_or_top5 50%_or_bottom5 75%_or_bottom4 90%_or_bottom3 99%_or_bottom2 max_or_bottom1
id int64 5502 0.0000 5502 3947.266630 2252.395671 2.0 87.03 820.1 3931.5 5889.25 7077.8 7782.99 7861.0
bad int64 5502 0.0000 2 0.073246 0.260564 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 1.00 1.0
score int64 5502 0.0000 265 295.280625 66.243181 0.0 0.00 223.0 303.0 336.00 366.0 416.00 461.0
age float64 5502 0.0002 34 27.659880 4.770299 19.0 21.00 23.0 27.0 30.00 34.0 43.00 53.0
wealth float64 5502 0.0244 18 4.529806 1.823149 1.0 1.00 3.0 4.0 5.00 7.0 10.00 22.0
education float64 5502 0.1427 5 3.319483 1.005660 1.0 1.00 2.0 4.0 4.00 4.0 5.00 5.0
period float64 5502 0.1714 5 7.246326 1.982060 4.0 4.00 6.0 6.0 10.00 10.0 10.00 14.0
max_unpay_day float64 5502 0.9253 11 185.476886 22.339647 28.0 86.00 171.0 188.0 201.00 208.0 208.00 208.0
# Calculate IV value of features(Calculate by default decision tree binning)
# Parameter details:
# dataframe=None original data
# target = 'target' Y label name
lapras.quality(train_df.drop(to_drop,axis=1),target = target)
iv unique
score 0.758342 265.0
age 0.504588 35.0
wealth 0.275775 19.0
education 0.230553 6.0
max_unpay_day 0.170061 12.0
period 0.073716 6.0
# Calculate PSI betweet features
# Parameter details:
# actual=None actual feature
# predict=None prediction feature
# bins=10 count of binning
# return_frame=False return the dataframe of binning if set to true
cols = list(lapras.quality(train_df,target = target).reset_index()['index'])
for col in cols:
    if col not in [target]:
        print("%s: %.4f" % (col,lapras.PSI(train_df[col], test_df[col])))
score: 0.1500
age: 0.0147
wealth: 0.0070
education: 0.0010
max_unpay_day: 0.0042
id: 0.0000
period: 0.0030
# Calculate VIF
# Parameter details:
# dataframe=None 
wealth            1.124927
max_unpay_day     2.205619
score            18.266471
age              17.724547
period            1.193605
education         1.090158
dtype: float64
# Calculate IV value
# Parameter details:
# feature=None feature data
# target=None Y label data
# Features filtering
# Parameter details:
# frame=None original data
# target=None Y label name
# empty=0.9 empty feature filtering, feature will be removed if data missing ratio greater than the threshold
# iv=0.02 IV value filtering, feature will be removed if IV value lesser than the threshold
# corr=0.7 correlation filtering, feature will be removed if correlation value greater than the threshold
# vif=False multicollinearity filtering, feature will be removed if multicollinearity value greater than the threshold, default False due to a large number of calculations 
# return_drop=False reture the removed features if set to true
# exclude=None features will be remained if set into this parameter
train_selected, dropped =,axis=1),target = target, empty = 0.95, \
                                                iv = 0.05, corr = 0.9, vif = False, return_drop=True, exclude=[])
{'empty': array([], dtype=float64), 'iv': array([], dtype=object), 'corr': array([], dtype=object)}
(5502, 7)
bad wealth max_unpay_day score age period education
4168 0 4.0 NaN 288 23.0 6.0 4.0
605 0 4.0 NaN 216 32.0 6.0 4.0
3018 0 5.0 NaN 250 23.0 6.0 2.0
4586 0 7.0 171.0 413 31.0 NaN 2.0
1468 0 5.0 NaN 204 29.0 6.0 2.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5226 0 4.0 171.0 346 23.0 NaN 3.0
5390 0 5.0 NaN 207 32.0 NaN 3.0
860 0 6.0 NaN 356 42.0 4.0 3.0
7603 0 3.0 NaN 323 34.0 NaN 3.0
7270 0 4.0 NaN 378 24.0 10.0 4.0

5502 rows × 7 columns

# Feature Binning, following methods are supported: monotonous binning, decision tree binning, Kmeans binning, equal frequency binning, equal step size binning
# Parameter details:
# X=None original data
# y=None Y label name
# method='dt' Binning method:'dt':decision tree binning(default),'mono':monotonous binning,'kmeans':Kmeans binning,'quantile':equal frequency binning,'step':equal step size binning
# min_samples=1 the least sample numbers in each binning, represent the count of numbers when greater than 1, represent the ratio of total count when between 0 and 1
# n_bins=10 maximun binning count
# c.load(dict) adjust the binning by loading a customized dict
# c.export() export current binning information by dict format
c = lapras.Combiner(), y = target,method = 'mono', min_samples = 0.05,n_bins=8) #empty_separate = False
# # c.load({'age': [22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 28.5,36.5],
# #  'education': [ 3.5],
# #  'max_unpay_day': [59.5],
# #  'period': [5.0, 9.0],
# #  'score': [205.5, 236.5, 265.5, 275.5, 294.5, 329.5, 381.5],
# #  'wealth': [2.5, 3.5, 6.5]})
{'age': [23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, 28.0, 29.0, 37.0],
'education': [3.0, 4.0],
'max_unpay_day': [171.0],
'period': [6.0, 10.0],
'score': [237.0, 272.0, 288.0, 296.0, 330.0, 354.0, 384.0],
'wealth': [3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0]}
# To transform the original data into binning data
# Parameter details:
# X=None original data
# labels=False binning label will be shown when set to true
c.transform(train_selected, labels=True).iloc[0:10,:]
bad wealth max_unpay_day score age period education
4168 0 02.[4.0,5.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 03.[288.0,296.0) 01.[23.0,24.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 02.[4.0,inf)
605 0 02.[4.0,5.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 00.[-inf,237.0) 06.[29.0,37.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 02.[4.0,inf)
3018 0 03.[5.0,7.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 01.[237.0,272.0) 01.[23.0,24.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 00.[-inf,3.0)
4586 0 04.[7.0,inf) 01.[171.0,inf) 07.[384.0,inf) 06.[29.0,37.0) 00.[-inf,6.0) 00.[-inf,3.0)
1468 0 03.[5.0,7.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 00.[-inf,237.0) 06.[29.0,37.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 00.[-inf,3.0)
6251 0 03.[5.0,7.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 01.[237.0,272.0) 01.[23.0,24.0) 02.[10.0,inf) 00.[-inf,3.0)
3686 0 00.[-inf,3.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 00.[-inf,237.0) 01.[23.0,24.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 00.[-inf,3.0)
3615 0 02.[4.0,5.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 03.[288.0,296.0) 06.[29.0,37.0) 02.[10.0,inf) 02.[4.0,inf)
5338 0 00.[-inf,3.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 04.[296.0,330.0) 03.[25.0,26.0) 02.[10.0,inf) 00.[-inf,3.0)
3985 0 03.[5.0,7.0) 00.[-inf,171.0) 01.[237.0,272.0) 01.[23.0,24.0) 01.[6.0,10.0) 02.[4.0,inf)
# To output bin_stats and bin_plot
# Parameter details:
# frame=None data transformed by Combiner, keeping binning labels
# col=None features to be outputed
# target='target' Y label name

# Note:The binning details may be different between traning set and testing set due to Population Stability. 
cols = list(lapras.quality(train_selected,target = target).reset_index()['index'])
for col in cols:
    if col != target:
        print(lapras.bin_stats(c.transform(train_selected[[col, target]], labels=True), col=col, target=target))
        lapras.bin_plot(c.transform(train_selected[[col,target]], labels=True), col=col, target=target)
          score  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0   00.[-inf,237.0)        136          805  0.168944  0.146310  0.944734
1  01.[237.0,272.0)        101          832  0.121394  0.151218  0.558570
2  02.[272.0,288.0)         46          533  0.086304  0.096874  0.178240
3  03.[288.0,296.0)         20          295  0.067797  0.053617 -0.083176
4  04.[296.0,330.0)         73         1385  0.052708  0.251727 -0.350985
5  05.[330.0,354.0)         18          812  0.022167  0.147583 -1.248849
6  06.[354.0,384.0)          8          561  0.014260  0.101963 -1.698053
7    07.[384.0,inf)          1          279  0.003584  0.050709 -3.089758

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.194867  0.735116
1  0.059912  0.735116
2  0.003322  0.735116
3  0.000358  0.735116
4  0.026732  0.735116
5  0.138687  0.735116
6  0.150450  0.735116
7  0.160788  0.735116


          age  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0  00.[-inf,23.0)         90          497  0.181087  0.090331  1.028860
1  01.[23.0,24.0)         77          521  0.147793  0.094693  0.785844
2  02.[24.0,25.0)         57          602  0.094684  0.109415  0.280129
3  03.[25.0,26.0)         38          539  0.070501  0.097964 -0.041157
4  04.[26.0,28.0)         58          997  0.058175  0.181207 -0.246509
5  05.[28.0,29.0)         20          379  0.052770  0.068884 -0.349727
6  06.[29.0,37.0)         57         1657  0.034400  0.301163 -0.796844
7   07.[37.0,inf)          6          310  0.019355  0.056343 -1.387405

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.147647   0.45579
1  0.081721   0.45579
2  0.009680   0.45579
3  0.000163   0.45579
4  0.009918   0.45579
5  0.007267   0.45579
6  0.137334   0.45579
7  0.062060   0.45579


      wealth  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0  00.[-inf,3.0)        106          593  0.178752  0.107779  1.013038
1   01.[3.0,4.0)         84         1067  0.078725  0.193929  0.078071
2   02.[4.0,5.0)         88         1475  0.059661  0.268084 -0.219698
3   03.[5.0,7.0)         99         1733  0.057126  0.314976 -0.265803
4   04.[7.0,inf)         26          634  0.041009  0.115231 -0.614215

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.169702  0.236205
1  0.001222  0.236205
2  0.011787  0.236205
3  0.019881  0.236205
4  0.033612  0.236205


   education  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0  00.[-inf,3.0)        225         2123  0.105982  0.385860  0.405408
1   01.[3.0,4.0)         61          648  0.094136  0.117775  0.273712
2   02.[4.0,inf)        117         2731  0.042841  0.496365 -0.568600

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.075439  0.211775
1  0.009920  0.211775
2  0.126415  0.211775


 max_unpay_day  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0  00.[-inf,171.0)        330         5098  0.064731  0.926572 -0.132726
1   01.[171.0,inf)         73          404  0.180693  0.073428  1.026204

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.015426  0.134699
1  0.119272  0.134699


      period  bad_count  total_count  bad_rate     ratio       woe  \
0  00.[-inf,6.0)         52         1158  0.044905  0.210469 -0.519398
1  01.[6.0,10.0)        218         2871  0.075932  0.521810  0.038912
2  02.[10.0,inf)        133         1473  0.090292  0.267721  0.227787

     iv  total_iv  
0  0.045641  0.061758
1  0.000803  0.061758
2  0.015314  0.061758


# WOE value transformation
# X=None data transformed by Combiner
# y=None Y label
# exclude=None features exclude from transformation

# transer.transform():
# X=None 

# transer.export():

# Note: Only training set need to be fit
transfer = lapras.WOETransformer(), train_selected[target], exclude=[target])

train_woe = transfer.transform(c.transform(train_selected))
{'age': {0: 1.0288596439961428,
1: 0.7858440185299318,
2: 0.2801286322797789,
3: -0.041156782250006324,
4: -0.24650930955337075,
5: -0.34972695582581514,
6: -0.7968444812848496,
7: -1.387405073069694},
'education': {0: 0.4054075821430197,
1: 0.27371220345368763,
2: -0.5685998002779383},
'max_unpay_day': {0: -0.13272639517618706, 1: 1.026204224879801},
'period': {0: -0.51939830439238,
1: 0.0389118677598222,
2: 0.22778739438526965},
'score': {0: 0.9447339847162963,
1: 0.5585702161999536,
2: 0.17824043251497793,
3: -0.08317566500410743,
4: -0.3509853692471706,
5: -1.2488485442424984,
6: -1.6980533007340262,
7: -3.089757954582164},
'wealth': {0: 1.01303813013795,
1: 0.0780708378046198,
2: -0.21969844672815222,
3: -0.2658032661768855,
4: -0.6142151848362123}}
# Features filtering could be done once more after transformed into WOE value. This is optional.
train_woe, dropped =,target = target, empty = 0.9, \
                                                iv = 0.02, corr = 0.9, vif = False, return_drop=True, exclude=[])
{'empty': array([], dtype=float64), 'iv': array([], dtype=object), 'corr': array([], dtype=object)}
(5502, 7)
bad wealth max_unpay_day score age period education
4168 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 -0.083176 0.785844 0.038912 -0.568600
605 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 0.944734 -0.796844 0.038912 -0.568600
3018 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.558570 0.785844 0.038912 0.405408
4586 0 -0.614215 1.026204 -3.089758 -0.796844 -0.519398 0.405408
1468 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.944734 -0.796844 0.038912 0.405408
6251 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.558570 0.785844 0.227787 0.405408
3686 0 1.013038 -0.132726 0.944734 0.785844 0.038912 0.405408
3615 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 -0.083176 -0.796844 0.227787 -0.568600
5338 0 1.013038 -0.132726 -0.350985 -0.041157 0.227787 0.405408
3985 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.558570 0.785844 0.038912 -0.568600
# stepwise regression, to select best features, this is optional
# Parameter details:
# frame=None original data
# target='target' Y label name
# estimator='ols' model for regression, supporting 'ols', 'lr', 'lasso', 'ridge'
# direction='both' direction for stepwise, supporting 'forward', 'backward', 'both' 
# criterion='aic' metric, supporting 'aic', 'bic', 'ks', 'auc'
# max_iter=None max iteration times
# return_drop=False return cols being removed if set to true
# exclude=None exclude features
final_data = lapras.stepwise(train_woe,target = target, estimator='ols', direction = 'both', criterion = 'aic', exclude = [])
bad wealth max_unpay_day score age
4168 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 -0.083176 0.785844
605 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 0.944734 -0.796844
3018 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.558570 0.785844
4586 0 -0.614215 1.026204 -3.089758 -0.796844
1468 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.944734 -0.796844
... ... ... ... ... ...
5226 0 -0.219698 1.026204 -1.248849 0.785844
5390 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 0.944734 -0.796844
860 0 -0.265803 -0.132726 -1.698053 -1.387405
7603 0 0.078071 -0.132726 -0.350985 -0.796844
7270 0 -0.219698 -0.132726 -1.698053 0.280129

5502 rows × 5 columns

# Scorecard modeling
# Parameter details:
# base_odds=1/60,base_score=600 When base_odds is 1/60, the corresponding base_score will be 600
# pdo=40,rate=2 If the base_odds decrease by half, the corresponding pdo will increase by 40, these are the default parameters
# combiner=None Combiner, input the fitted object
# transfer=None WOETransformer, input the fitted object

# X=None WOE value
# y=None Y label
card = lapras.ScoreCard(
    combiner = c,
    transfer = transfer
col = list(final_data.drop([target],axis=1).columns)[col], final_data[target])
ScoreCard(base_odds=0.016666666666666666, base_score=600, card=None,
combiner=<lapras.transform.Combiner object at 0x000001EC0FB72438>,
pdo=40, rate=2,
transfer=<lapras.transform.WOETransformer object at 0x000001EC0FDAEF98>)
# ScoreCard class method expaination
# ScoreCard.predict() predict score for each sample:
# X=None 

# ScoreCard.predict_prob() predict prob for each sample:
# X=None 

# ScoreCard.export() output the details of scorecard by dict format

# ScoreCard.get_params() to get the parameters of scorecard by dict format, usually used in deployment

# card.intercept_  intercept of logical regression
# card.coef_  coefficient of logical regression

final_result = final_data[[target]].copy()
score = card.predict(final_data[col])
prob = card.predict_prob(final_data[col])

final_result['score'] = score
final_result['prob'] = prob
print("card.intercept_:%s" % (card.intercept_))
print("card.coef_:%s" % (card.coef_))
card.coef_:[0.32080944 0.3452988  0.68294643 0.66842902]

{'age': {'[-inf,23.0)': -39.69,
'[23.0,24.0)': -30.31,
'[24.0,25.0)': -10.81,
'[25.0,26.0)': 1.59,
'[26.0,28.0)': 9.51,
'[28.0,29.0)': 13.49,
'[29.0,37.0)': 30.74,
'[37.0,inf)': 53.52},
'intercept': {'[-inf,inf)': 509.19},
'max_unpay_day': {'[-inf,171.0)': 2.64, '[171.0,inf)': -20.45},
'score': {'[-inf,237.0)': -37.23,
'[237.0,272.0)': -22.01,
'[272.0,288.0)': -7.02,
'[288.0,296.0)': 3.28,
'[296.0,330.0)': 13.83,
'[330.0,354.0)': 49.22,
'[354.0,384.0)': 66.92,
'[384.0,inf)': 121.77},
'wealth': {'[-inf,3.0)': -18.75,
'[3.0,4.0)': -1.45,
'[4.0,5.0)': 4.07,
'[5.0,7.0)': 4.92,
'[7.0,inf)': 11.37}}
# model performance metrics, including KS, AUC, ROC curve, KS curve, PR curve
# Parameter details
# feature=None predicted value
# target=None actual label
KS: 0.4160
AUC: 0.7602




# Parameter details
# frame=None original dataframe
# score='score' score label name
# target='target' Y label name
# score_bond=None score boundary, default by 30, customized by list, e.g. [100,200,300]
lapras.score_plot(final_result,score='score', target=target)
bad: [42, 78, 70, 104, 61, 28, 18, 1, 1, 0]
good: [129, 249, 494, 795, 1075, 972, 825, 282, 164, 114]
all: [171, 327, 564, 899, 1136, 1000, 843, 283, 165, 114]
all_rate: ['3.11%', '5.94%', '10.25%', '16.34%', '20.65%', '18.18%', '15.32%', '5.14%', '3.00%', '2.07%']
bad_rate: ['24.56%', '23.85%', '12.41%', '11.57%', '5.37%', '2.80%', '2.14%', '0.35%', '0.61%', '0.00%']


# LIFT show
# feature=None predicted value
# target=None actual label
# recall_list=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] default
recall precision improve
0 0.1 0.240000 3.202779
1 0.2 0.261290 3.486897
2 0.3 0.240964 3.215642
3 0.4 0.189535 2.529327
4 0.5 0.179170 2.391013
5 0.6 0.174352 2.326707
6 0.7 0.161622 2.156831
7 0.8 0.126972 1.694425
8 0.9 0.113936 1.520466
9 1.0 0.074935 1.000000

Automatical modeling

# auto_model parameters  df,target,to_drop are necessary, others are optional
# bins_show=False showing the binning graphs when set to true
# iv_rank=False feature IV values will be ranked when set to true
# perform_show=False showing performance(training set)
# coef_negative=True coefficient can be negative if set to true
# return: ScoreCard object
auto_card = lapras.auto_model(df=train_df,target=target,to_drop=to_drop,bins_show=False,iv_rank=False,perform_show=False,
                              coef_negative = False, empty = 0.95, iv = 0.02, corr = 0.9, vif = False, method = 'mono',
                              n_bins=8, min_samples=0.05, pdo=40, rate=2, base_odds=1 / 60, base_score=600)
——data filtering——
original feature6  filtered features6

——feature binning——

——WOE value transformation——

——feature filtering once more——
original feature6  filtered features6

——scorecard modeling——
intercept: -2.520670026708529
coef: [0.66928671 0.59743968 0.31723278 0.22972838 0.28750881 0.26435224]

——model performance metrics——
KS: 0.4208
AUC: 0.7626
   recall  precision   improve
0     0.1   0.238095  3.188586
1     0.2   0.254777  3.411990
2     0.3   0.239521  3.207679
3     0.4   0.193742  2.594611
4     0.5   0.182805  2.448141
5     0.6   0.171510  2.296866
6     0.7   0.160501  2.149437
7     0.8   0.130259  1.744435
8     0.9   0.110603  1.481206
9     1.0   0.074671  1.000000

Automatic modeling finished, time costing 0 second

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