PyQt based GUI tool which allows to visualize, design and export the lattice graph models.
Project description
Lattice graph designer is a tool which allows to visualize and create a lattice graph model using the intuitive GUI and interactive 3D drag-and-drop graph manipulation pane. It was primarily created for the ALPS project to deal with a lattice graph of the Heisenberg model defined in ALPS xml graph format. Support of the other formats and projects can be extended.
Git-hub repo:
GUI is based on PyQt. Program is compatible with Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+ and PyQt4 4.6+ or PyQt5 5.2+.
import and visualisation of the lattice graph saved in the ALPS compatible lattice graph xml format.
import the crystal structure providing the unit cell parameters, sites coordinates and the space group symmetry operations.
import the crystal structure from the CIF file.
export the lattice graph to the ALPS compatible xml file.
interactive 3D drag-and-drop graph manipulation pane based on matplotlib
manipulation edges (add, remove, change type) referring to the distance between vertices they connect.
xml code editor (highlighting, synchronization with manipulation pane)
exporting the figure of the lattice graph model.
animation manager allows to animate a 3D model and save the animation in mp4 or gif format.
preferences manager allows setting the visual theme of the lattice graph displayed on the manipulation pane.