LeafcutterITI implementation
Project description
Alamancos, G. P., Pagès, A., Trincado, J. L., Bellora, N., & Eyras, E. (2015). Leveraging transcript quantification for fast computation of alternative splicing profiles. RNA , 21(9), 1521–1531. https://doi.org/10.1261/rna.051557.115
Li, Y. I., Knowles, D. A., Humphrey, J., Barbeira, A. N., Dickinson, S. P., Im, H. K., & Pritchard, J. K. (2018). Annotation-free quantification of RNA splicing using LeafCutter. Nature Genetics, 50(1), 151–158. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-017-0004-9
Patro, R., Duggal, G., Love, M. I., Irizarry, R. A., & Kingsford, C. (2017). Salmon provides fast and bias-aware quantification of transcript expression. Nature Methods, 14(4), 417–419. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4197
Requirements (versions used for development)
- python (v3.10.11)
Python Dependencies
- numpy
- pandas
- pyranges
- scipy
Additional Requirement for isoform quantification
- salmon (v1.10.0)
Other dependencies for Leafcutter as listed in https://github.com/davidaknowles/leafcutter/tree/master, especially for Leafcutter_ds
A modified version of Leafcutter that detects and analyzes alternative splicing events by quantifying excised introns by utilizing isoform abundance and transcriptome annotation. Can also be install as a command line tool with pip install leafcutterITI
There are three parts of LeafcutterITI:
- LeafcutterITI_map_gen
- LeafcutterITI_clustering (for bulk & pseudobulk)
- LeafcutterITI_scITI (for single-cell)
usage: python leafcutterITI_map_gen.py [-a/--annot] [--annot_source] [-o/--outprefix]
[--maxintronlen] [--minintronlen] [-v/--virtual_intron] [--single_cell]
or when install with pip
leafcutterITI-map [-a/--annot] [--annot_source] [-o/--outprefix] [--maxintronlen]
[--minintronlen] [-v/--virtual_intron] [--single_cell]
Mandatory parameters:
-a, --annot The transcriptome annotation gtf file for LeafcutterITI_map_gen to run with
Optional Parameters:
--annot_source The annotation source for the annotation, currently support Gencode and Stringtie
(default: gencode)
-o, --outprefix The prefix for output files (default: Leafcutter_)
--maxintronlen The maximum allowed intron length for introns (default: 5,000,000)
--minintronlen The minimum allowed intron length for introns (default: 50)
--quality_control Whether to remove pseudogene, and decay transcript (default: True)
-v, --virtual_intron Whether to compute virtual intron that can be used to capture
AFE and ALE usage, a testing feature (default: None)
--single_cell Whether to build matrices for isoform to intron and exon, required if dealing with\
single cell data from alevin-fry (default: True)
usage: python leafcutterITI_clustering.py [--map] [--count_files] [--connect_file] [-a/--annot]
[--cluster_def] [-o/--outprefix] [-n/--normalization] [--samplecutoff]
[--introncutoff] [-m/--minclucounts] [-r/--mincluratio]
or when install with pip
leafcutterITI-cluster [--map] [--count_files] [--connect_file] [-a/--annot]
[--cluster_def] [-o/--outprefix] [-n/--normalization] [--samplecutoff]
[--introncutoff] [-m/--minclucounts] [-r/--mincluratio]
Mandatory parameters:
--map The isoforms to introns map generated from leafcutterITI_map_gen
--count_files A txt file that contain the sample names
--connect_file The intron-exon connectivity file generated from leafcutterITI_map_gen
-a, --annot The transcriptome annotation gtf file
Optional Parameters:
--cluster_def The definition used for cluster refinement, three def available, 1: overlap, 2: overlap+share_intron_splice_site,
3: overlap+share_intron_splice_site+shared_exon_splice_site (default: 3)
-o, --outprefix The prefix for output files (default: Leafcutter_)
-n, --normalization whether to performance normalization, if not use TPM directly (default: True)
--preprocessed whether the files provided are already normalized, mainly for rerunning the pipeline and don't
perform normalization again (default: False)
--samplecutoff minimum Normalized count/TPM for an intron in a sample to count as exist (default: 0)
--introncutoff minimum Normalized count/TPM for an intron to count as exist(default 5)
--m, --minclucounts minimum Normalized count/TPM to support a cluster (default: 30)
-r, --mincluratio minimum fraction of reads in a cluster that supports an intron (default 0.01)
usage: python leafcutterITI_scITI.py [--alevin_dir] [--salmon_ref] [--ref_dir] [--barcodes_cluster] [--pseudobulk_samples]
[-n/--num_cell] [-k/--num_bootstrapping] [--min_eq] [--group_method] [--ref_prefix]
[--thread] [--cluster_def] [-o/--outprefix] [-n/--normalization] [--samplecutoff]
[--introncutoff] [-m/--minclucounts] [-r/--mincluratio] [--preprocessed]
or when install with pip
leafcutterITI_scITI [--alevin_dir] [--salmon_ref] [--ref_dir] [--barcodes_cluster] [--pseudobulk_samples]
[-n/--num_cell] [-k/--num_bootstrapping] [--min_eq] [--group_method] [--ref_prefix]
[--thread] [--cluster_def] [-o/--outprefix] [-n/--normalization] [--samplecutoff]
[--introncutoff] [-m/--minclucounts] [-r/--mincluratio] [--preprocessed]
Mandatory parameters:
--alevin_dir The directory for alevin results, the file should contain the eq matrix and other files
--salmon_ref The reference used for salmon index, The salmon reference, maybe spliceu or splicei
--ref_dir leafcutterITI reference directory, which should contain the matrices for isoform to intron and exon
--barcodes_cluster The file that records which barcodes belong to which cluster/cell type in the format 'barcode,cluster'
this file will be used to generate pseudobulk samples
--pseudobulk_samples a txt file with barcodes to pseudobulk sample are expected in format 'barcode pseudobulk_ample', if \
this option != None, then it will overwrite the input to --barcodes_cluster, and use the file in this option \
for computation. Only one of barcodes_cluster or pseudobulk_samples is required
Optional Parameters:
--ref_prefix The prefix that is used to generate isoform to intron map using
leacutterITI_map_gen (default: '')
--n,--num_cell The number of cell/barcode that you would like to include in a pseudobulk sample, cluster/cell type that has fewer
cell/barcodes than this number will not included in the computation (default: 100)
-k,--num_bootstrapping the number of bootstrapping samples generated for each cluster/cell type if using bootstrapping to generate pseudobulk sample (default: 30)
--min_eq minimum count for each eq class for it to be included in the EM (default: 5)
--pseudobulk_method the pseudobulk sample generate method, could be metacells or bootstrapping (default: metacells)
--cluster_def The definition used for cluster refinement, three def available, 1: overlap, 2: overlap+share_intron_splice_site,
3: overlap+share_intron_splice_site+shared_exon_splice_site (default: 3)
-o, --outprefix The prefix for output files (default: leafcutter_)
--thread The number of threads used for parallel computation, should not be too large to avoid crash
--normalization Whether to use normalized counts. If not, use TPM directly (default: True)
--preprocessed Whether pseudobulk generation and EM were done, if true, then the pipeline starts from counting intron (default: False)
-v,--with_virtual Whether the map that contain virtual intron to capture AFE and ALE(default: False)
--samplecutoff minimum Normalized count/TPM for an isoform in a sample to count as exist (default: 0.1)
--introncutoff minimum Normalized count/TPM for an intron to count as exist(default: 80)
--m, --minclucounts minimum Normalized count/TPM to support a cluster (default: 100)
-r, --mincluratio minimum fraction of reads in a cluster that supports an intron (default 0.01)
Detailed Tutorial to run the LeafcutterITI
In this tutorial, we walk through all the steps to run the LeafcutterITI pipeline. For each step, we discuss the possible parameters that can be changed, how to do so and the considerations involved in each of the parameters. Finally, we show example inputs and outputs of each step (with column explanations) so the user knows what to expect and can make custom files as needed.
Step 0: Transcriptome annotation download or generation and Salmon isoform quantification
Example human transcriptome annotation can be downloaded from https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/
Step 1: Isoform to intron map generation
In this step, LeafcutterITI_map_gen will be used to generate a map that contains information about which isoform is generated by splicing which introns. The map will also contain information about which exon is in which isoform. This step only needs to run once for each unique transcriptome annotation gtf file.
Sample run:
python LeafcutterITI_map_gen -a gencode.v45.annotation.gtf --annot_source gencode -o sample_run_ --maxintronlen 5000000 --minintronlen 50 -v False
Depending on the setting, two or four files will be generated.
- {out_prefix}isoform_intron_map.tsv
- {out_prefix}intron_exon_connectivity.tsv
- {out_prefix}isoform_intron_map_with_virtual.tsv
- {out_prefix}intron_exon_connectivity_with_virtual.tsv
where with_virtual mean virtual intron was used to capture AFE and ALE (testing feature). Both transcript_intron_map.tsv and intron_exon_connectivity.tsv
if annotation_source='gencode', an additional file will be generated to give out information about the possible isoform type that can be generated by splicing out each intron
- {out_prefix}intron_source_map.tsv
This is a testing feature that haven't been tested yet
A record file that contains the parameters will also be generated
When --single_cell == True, five additional files will be generated. Two for sparse matrices in npz format, rows are isoforms, and columns are introns or exons. Three txt files record the row and column names.
Step 2: Salmon isoform quantification
LeafcutterITI utlized pseudoalignment method Salmon for bulk and preprocessed pseudobulk data. For usage of Salmon please refer https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html
For single-cell data, leafcutterITI utilized alevin-fry pipeline form Salmon. The usage of alevin-fry please refer https://alevin-fry.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. Specific notices, please use -d, --dump-eqclasses flag when using alevin-fry quant to obtain the eqclass matrix. Also, t2t mapping should be used instead of normal t2g mapping. t2t mapping can be easily obtained by replacing the gene col in t2g file with the transcripts.
In the rest of the tutorial, we assume RNA-seq data aligned to the transcriptome using Salmon or Alevin-fry.
Step 2.1: Single-cell clustering after alevin-fry
For single-cell data, after pseudoaligment, we will need to process the data and obtain a barcodes to clusters/cell_types csv file that have row in format 'barcode,cluster/cell_type'.
There are different single-cell analysis tool can achieve this goal. For examples, Seurat and Scanpy. Any analysis tool could work as long as the barcodes to clusters/cell_types csv file is provided.
For our analysis, we used Scanpy and tutorial for cell clustering with Scanpy could be found at https://scanpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/basics/clustering.html.
After the clustering and cell labeling, the barcodes to clusters/cell_types could be export like
adata.obs[['cell_barcodes', 'cluster_name']].to_csv('barcode_to_cluster.csv', index = False, header = None)
Step 3.1: LeafcutterITI clustering for bulk or pseudobulk data
For this step, we assume the data we are processing are bulk or pseudobulk data, we will need the file generated from step 1, the file path and the name for the isoform quantification files generated by Salmon, and the transcriptome annotation
Sample run:
python LeafcutterITI_clustering --map transcript_intron_map.tsv --count_files quantification_files.txt --connect_file intron_exon_connectivity.tsv -a gencode.v45.annotation.gtf --cluster_def 3 \
--normalization True -o sample_run_ --minclucounts 30 --mincluratio 0.01
Two main output files will be obtained:
- {out_prefix}refined_cluster
- {output_prefix}ratio_count
sample {out_prefix}refined_cluster
sample1.sf sample2.sf sample3.sf sample4.sf sample5.sf sample6.sf
chr1:17055:17233:clu_1 21.1 13 18 20 17 12
chr1:17055:17606:clu_1 4 11.4 12 7 2 0 5
chr1:17368:17606:clu_1 127 132 128 55 93 90 68
chr1:668593:668687:clu_2 3 11.3 1 3 4 4 8
chr1:668593:672093:clu_2 11 16 23 2.5 3 20 9
These two files are equivalent to Leafcutter clustering numers.counts.gz and counts.gz. It is worth noticing that the normalized count or TPM is not necessarily an integer, but the normalized count will exhibit a count-like property.
Step 3.2: LeafcutterITI clustering for single-cell data
For this step, we assume the data we are processing are single-cell data. Results from Step 2 and Step 2.1 were obtained. The files required for this step will be the salmon/alevin directory that contains files gene_eqclass.txt.gz
, geqc_counts.mtx
, and other relevant files from alevin-fry.
Sample run:
LeafcutterITI-scITI --alevin_dir salmon/out_permit_know/quant_spliceu_t2t [--salmon_ref] [--ref_dir] [--barcodes_cluster] [--pseudobulk_samples]
--map transcript_intron_map.tsv --count_files quantification_files.txt --connect_file intron_exon_connectivity.tsv -a gencode.v45.annotation.gtf --cluster_def 3 \
--normalization True -o sample_run_ --minclucounts 30 --mincluratio 0.01
Step 4:
The output from step 3 is equivalent to results from leafcutter clustering, and the results are compatible with downstream analysis for Leafcutter, such as Leafcutter_ds and Leafviz. Further information and downstream analysis please refer to https://davidaknowles.github.io/leafcutter/index.html
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Hashes for leafcutterITI-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | f581294eb7e14aa7777d82fc2f883e673c051c6c0232a81e129004403df3f78b |
MD5 | 208e402b0b0207c003aed0f2932b30ee |
BLAKE2b-256 | 31bf5ffd5be6f3bf72eda1d958d03f2573d8a07471b512b424f0b542a521a779 |