Le Board, a simple leaderboard generator for ranking your algorithms experiments
Project description
Le Board (beta)
Le Board, a simple leaderboard generator for ranking your algorithms experiments.
Install with pip and configure with init, linking a Google account is the recommended choice.
$ pip install leboard
$ leboard init
sketch of leboard init
Choose an option for Data Handler (1):
Google Firebase (recommended)
Local file system (no shared options)
if option 1)
Create a Firebase project at https://console.firebase.google.com/
Get the gcloud credential at https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project
Access the page Database -> activate the Firestore database
if option 2)
Choose a path to store your boards (~/.leboard):
import leboard
letask = leboard.TaskBoard("MNIST")
# other members will have access to the MNIST task too
# (restrict a members definition only when a task is set)
letask.members(["rob@gmail.com", "jane@mail.com"])
# do your stuff
# ...
experiment = letask.Entry()
experiment.set("accuracy", accuracy)
experiment.set("loss", loss)
experiment.set("parameters", params, hide=True)
experiment.set("confusion_image", confusion_image)
# commit will save to DataHandler available/configured
# (proposed is local simple file storage, and shared google firebase)
Show all experiments with links to detailed resources, this can open a page hosted in firebase.
keep experiment data in order of creation
letask.leaderboard("MNIST", "accuracy")
Resource Typing?
Entry can have different types, this can be usefull for handling resources like image, or HTML pages, to show and interact with them.
from leboard import types as lbt
experiment.set("accuracy", accuracy)
experiment.set("loss", loss)
experiment.set("confusion_image", lbt.Image(confusion_image))
experiment.set("notebook_html", lbt.HTML(notebook_html))
Committing an Entry could automatically save a copy of the current notebook state to the DataHandler.
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