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Reusable configuration definition for a Python application.

Project description



leetconfig is a package for parsing and aggregating structured configs from multiple sources, including CLI, YAML, and environment variables. The general workflow is:

  1. Define the structure of the config, including detailed information about each option (such as name, type, help text, etc.). Each option is a ConfigEntry, and a group of these is a ConfigGroup.
  2. Define an aggregator for the config, including what sources to look at (only parse CLI, parse CLI and environment variables, parse only YAML, etc.). The aggregator is a ConfigParser, and the sources are represented by ConfigFormat.
  3. At runtime, extract structured config options from the specified sources.


The ConfigParser is the top-level object that aggregates all of the options for an application, along with information about where to find the values for those options. It also provides an entry point to extract and parse all of the values.

ConfigParser Example

Let's begin by saving the following code in

from leetconfig.parser import ConfigParser

my_app_parser = ConfigParser(
    "a very cool application",


There are no config options yet, but we already have some functionality. If we run this script with --help, we see:

$  python3 --help
usage: cool application [--help] [--show-config]

a very cool application

Configuration sources (ordered by priority):
    Parse config values from the command line arguments.

Configuration options:

This confirms that we have not yet defined any config options. To add config options, ConfigEntrys, ConfigGroups, and/or ConfigNamespaces must be defined.


A ConfigEntry is the basic unit of this package. Each ConfigEntry defines a single config option. All config entries must have a parser (a ConfigEntryConverter implementation), a help string, and at least one name. An entry may also have several other flags, like is_positional or is_required. Default values and static lists of choices can also be set for each entry.

Note that if the name of a ConfigEntry contains any underscores _, these are converted to dashes - when parsing from the command line.


Config options come in a wide variety of formats, so each config entry must define how to deserialize its options from a raw string. This is done via the ConfigEntryConverter implementation.

A ConfigEntryConverter is a parser that deserializes an entry's value from string values, and vice versa. The raw string is parsed from the source (like CLI or YAML) for each config entry and then fed to the ConfigEntryConverter that is set as the parser for that respective config entry.

Included in this package are many predefined converters such as IntegerConfigEntryConverter, or EnumConfigEntryConverter. Each expects the raw string to be of a certain form, and each outputs an instance of the relevant type (int or enum, respectively).

Converters can be nested. For example: The ArrayConfigEntryConverter creates lists of arbitrary types. How does it know how to parse each element of the list? Well, the constructor for this class expects to be passed a parser that will be called for each element of the list. In this way one can parse lists of ints, enums, floats, etc.

ConfigEntry and ConfigEntryConverter Example

from leetconfig.parser import ConfigParser
from leetconfig.entry import ConfigEntry
from leetconfig.entry_converter import StringConfigEntryConverter, IntegerConfigEntryConverter

hostname_config = ConfigEntry(
    help="The host to connect to the server",
)  # type: ConfigEntry[str]
port_config = ConfigEntry(
    help="The port to connect to the server",
)  # type: ConfigEntry[int]

connect_retries_config = ConfigEntry(
    help="Max retries when attempting to connect to the server (default 0)",
)  # type: ConfigEntry[int]

my_app_parser = ConfigParser(
    "a very cool application",
    entries=[hostname_config, port_config, connect_retries_config],

hostname = hostname_config.get_value()
port = port_config.get_value()
connect_retries = connect_retries_config.get_value()

print(hostname, port, connect_retries)

When the preceding code is saved in and then run, it returns the following:

$  python3 --help
usage: cool_application [--help] [--show-config] --hostname VAL --port VAL
                        [--connect-retries VAL]

very cool

Configuration sources (ordered by priority):
    Parse config values from the command line arguments.

Configuration options:
  hostname, hn: string
      The host to connect to the server
  port, p: integer
      The port to connect to the server
  connect_retries, cr: [integer]
      Max retries when attempting to connect to the server (default 0)
        (default: 0)
$  python3 --hostname localhost --port 1337
localhost 1337 0


A ConfigGroup aggregates related config entries together. For example, the options from the previous example can be bundled into a basic server-client ConfigGroup with three config entries named hostname, port, and connect-retries:

class ServerClientConfigGroup(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        self.hostname = ConfigEntry(
            help="The host to connect to the server",
        )  # type: ConfigEntry[str]
        self.port = ConfigEntry(
            help="The port to connect to the server",
        )  # type: ConfigEntry[int]
        self.connect_retries = ConfigEntry(
            help="Max retries when attempting to connect to the server (default 0)",
        )  # type: ConfigEntry[int]
        super(ServerClientConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            entries=[self.hostname, self.port, self.connect_retries],

Groups can be nested. A ConfigGroup can contain other ConfigGroups as well as ConfigEntrys. This allows config groups to compose into a larger config group. For example, we can combine the ServerClientConfigGroup with a PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup group into a ServerClientLoginConfigGroup with five config entries named hostname, port, connect-retries, username, password:

class PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        self.username = ConfigEntry(
            help="The username to authenticate with the service",
        )  # type: ConfigEntry[str]
        self.password = ConfigEntry(
            help="The password to authenticate with the service",
        )  # type: ConfigEntry[str]
        super(PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            entries=[self.username, self.password],

class ServerClientLoginConfigGroup(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        self.server = ServerClientConfigGroup()
        self.authentication = PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup()
        super(ServerClientLoginConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            groups=[self.server, self.authentication],


A ConfigNamespace is a special case of ConfigGroup and can be used the same ways. The only difference is that the ConfigEntrys are also grouped under a namespace, so that the group can be distinguished from other groups or entries. This is useful for when there are multiple similar but distinct configs. For example, one could have multiple ServerClientLoginConfigGroup groups for different services that an application relies on, and separate them via namespaces:

class MyApplicationConfigDefinition(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyApplicationConfigDefinition, self).__init__(

This group has ten config entries. They are named: redis-hostname, redis-port, redis-connect-retries, redis-username, redis-password, git-hostname, git-port, git-connect-retries, git-username, git-password.

Notice that the namespace is prepended to each config entry, making it uniquely identifiable. Without the ability to create a namespace (a name string), separate ConfigEntries would have to be defined for the Redis port and the Git port in order to distinguish those arguments. ConfigNamespaces can thus help reduce duplicated code.

We could simplify the example shown above by making ServerClientLoginConfigGroup a namespace from the beginning:

class ServerClientLoginConfigGroup(ConfigNamespace):
    def __init__(
        service_name,  # type: str
        service_short_name,  # type: str
        self.server = ServerClientConfigGroup()
        self.authentication = PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup()
        super(ServerClientLoginConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            service_name, service_short_name, groups=[self.server, self.authentication],

class MyApplicationConfigDefinition(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyApplicationConfigDefinition, self).__init__(
                ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("redis", "r"),
                ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("git", "g"),

This results in the same ten config entries as before.

ConfigGroup and ConfigNamespace Example

Very similar implementations of the above definitions of ServerClientConfigGroup and PasswordAuthenticationConfigGroup are already built into leetconfig as ServerClientConfigDefinition and PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition. Using those, the full previous ConfigGroup example could be written as:

from leetconfig.parser import ConfigParser
from import ConfigGroup
from leetconfig.namespace import ConfigNamespace
from leetconfig.definitions.server_client import ServerClientConfigDefinition
from leetconfig.definitions.authentication import PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition

class ServerClientLoginConfigGroup(ConfigNamespace):
    def __init__(
        service_name,  # type: str
        service_short_name,  # type: str
        self.server = ServerClientConfigDefinition(service_name)
        self.authentication = PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition(service_name, is_required=True)
        super(ServerClientLoginConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            service_name, service_short_name, groups=[self.server, self.authentication],

    def export(self):
        return self.server.export(), self.authentication.export()

class MyApplicationConfigDefinition(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        self.redis_config = ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("redis", "r")
        self.git_config = ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("git", "g")
        super(MyApplicationConfigDefinition, self).__init__(
            groups=[self.redis_config, self.git_config],

my_app_config = MyApplicationConfigDefinition()
my_app_parser = ConfigParser(
    "a very cool application",

redis_options = my_app_config.redis_config.export()
git_options = my_app_config.git_config.export()

Notice the export method we've added, and that ServerClientConfigDefinition and PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition also have this method. This is a common pattern to extract config options in a convenient form factor, such as a dataclass.

Running with --help we get:

$  python3 --help
usage: cool_application [--help] [--show-config] --redis-hostname VAL
                        --redis-port VAL [--redis-connect-retries VAL]
                        --redis-username VAL --redis-password VAL
                        --git-hostname VAL --git-port VAL
                        [--git-connect-retries VAL] --git-username VAL
                        --git-password VAL

a very cool application

Configuration sources (ordered by priority):
    Parse config values from the command line arguments.

Configuration options:
    hostname, redis_hostname, rhn: string
        The host to connect to the redis server
    port, redis_port, rp: integer
        The port to connect to the redis server
    connect_retries, redis_connect_retries, rcr: [integer]
        Max retries when attempting to connect to the redis server (default 0)
          (default: 0)
    username, redis_username, ru: [string]
        The username to authenticate with the redis service
    password, redis_password, rpw: [string]
        The password to authenticate with the redis service
    hostname, git_hostname, ghn: string
        The host to connect to the git server
    port, git_port, gp: integer
        The port to connect to the git server
    connect_retries, git_connect_retries, gcr: [integer]
        Max retries when attempting to connect to the git server (default 0)
          (default: 0)
    username, git_username, gu: [string]
        The username to authenticate with the git service
    password, git_password, gpw: [string]
        The password to authenticate with the git service

So far, this is a complete and usable config definition. It is annoying to type out all of the flags every time though, so next we will instead parse these options from a config file.

ConfigFormat and sources

The role of the ConfigFormat is to do the intial extraction of config option values before feeding each individual option to the ConfigEntryConverters to be deserialized. These raw values are parsed from a source, such CLI arguments. Three main ConfigFormat implementations exist:

  • CLIConfigFormat

    Read config options from sys.args using the argparse library. This source is always enabled by default in every ConfigParser. (This can be disabled with force_no_cli flag to ConfigParser constructor.)

  • YAMLConfigFormat

    Read config options from one or more YAML config files. The paths to these files are constructed inone of two ways:

    1. The YAMLConfigFormat is instantiated with one or more file names to find, and optionally with a list of search directories to check. If no directories are supplied, the current working directory and /etc/leetconfig/ are searched by default. Every file in one of the search directories whose name matches a filename will be read. A dictionary of key-value pairs is aggregated across all opened files and then passed to the ConfigEntryConverters for deserialization.

    2. An option --yaml-config-path is added to the CLI arguments, so a user can specify an absolute or relative path to a config file. This option is always available in the CLI when a ConfigParser is using YAMLConfigFormat, even if force_no_cli is set!

  • EnvironmentConfigFormat

    Reads config options from the OS environment variables.

ConfigFormat Example

Consider the following code, saved to

from leetconfig.parser import ConfigParser
from import ConfigGroup
from leetconfig.namespace import ConfigNamespace
from leetconfig.definitions.server_client import ServerClientConfigDefinition
from leetconfig.definitions.authentication import PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition
from leetconfig.format.file_yaml import YAMLConfigFormat

class ServerClientLoginConfigGroup(ConfigNamespace):
    def __init__(
        service_name,  # type: str
        service_short_name,  # type: str
        self.server = ServerClientConfigDefinition(service_name)
        self.authentication = PasswordAuthenticationConfigDefinition(service_name, is_required=True)
        super(ServerClientLoginConfigGroup, self).__init__(
            service_name, service_short_name, groups=[self.server, self.authentication],

    def export(self):
        return self.server.export(), self.authentication.export()

class MyApplicationConfigDefinition(ConfigGroup):
    def __init__(self):
        self.redis_config = ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("redis", "r")
        self.git_config = ServerClientLoginConfigGroup("git", "g")
        super(MyApplicationConfigDefinition, self).__init__(
            groups=[self.redis_config, self.git_config],

my_app_config = MyApplicationConfigDefinition()
my_app_parser = ConfigParser(
    "a very cool application",
    sources=[YAMLConfigFormat("cool_application.config.yaml")],  # This is new!

redis_options = my_app_config.redis_config.export()
git_options = my_app_config.git_config.export()

When run, notice that there is an additional valid option listed in --help:

$  python3 --help
usage: cool_application [--help] [--show-config] --redis-hostname VAL
                        --redis-port VAL [--redis-connect-retries VAL]
                        --redis-username VAL --redis-password VAL
                        --git-hostname VAL --git-port VAL
                        [--git-connect-retries VAL] --git-username VAL
                        --git-password VAL
                        [--yaml-config-path [VAL [VAL ...]]]

a very cool application

Configuration sources (ordered by priority):
    Parse config values from the command line arguments.
    Parse config values from file(s) named cool_application.config.yaml in the
      current working directory.
[ ... ]

A populated a YAML config file cool_application.config.yaml in that path might look like:

  hostname: localhost
  port: 1111
  username: cooluser
  password: "me0w!"
  hostname: localhost
  port: 2222
  username: cooluser
  password: "m3ow?"

Alternatively, we could give the file an arbitrary name and pass its path with the --yaml-config-path option. We could also define multiple config files, perhaps one for local and one for remote services. Then, we could pass the local config file when we are testing locally and, when we are ready to hit the remote services, we can change the entire configuration of the program by simply passing in a different config file.

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leetconfig-0.0.1.tar.gz (26.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

leetconfig-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (29.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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