Asterix data processing library
Project description
Asterix data processing library for python
- asterix data parsing/decoding from bytes
- asterix data encoding/unparsing to bytes
- precise conversion functions for physical quantities
- support for many asterix categories and editions
- support for Reserved Expansion Fields (REF)
- support for categories with multiple UAPs, eg. cat001
- support for context dependent items, eg. I062/380/IAS
- pure python implementation
- type annotations for static type checking, including subitem access by name
Encoding and decoding asterix example.
This example also includes type annotations for static
type checking with mypy
. In a simple untyped environment,
the type annotations and assertions could be skipped.
from typing import *
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from dataclasses import dataclass
from asterix.base import *
import asterix.generated as gen
# Select particular asterix categories and editions
Cat034 = gen.Cat_034_1_29
Cat048 = gen.Cat_048_1_32
# Example messages for this application
class Token:
class NorthMarker(Token):
class SectorCrossing(Token):
azimuth: float
class Plot(Token):
rho: float
theta: float
ssr: str
# example message to be encoded
tx_message = [
Plot(rho=10.0, theta=45.0, ssr='7777'),
print('sending message:', tx_message)
# encode token to datablock
def encode(token: Token) -> bytes:
if isinstance(token, NorthMarker):
rec034 = Cat034.cv_record.create({
'000': 1, # North marker message
'010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)),
datablock034 = Cat034.create([rec034])
return datablock034.unparse().to_bytes()
if isinstance(token, SectorCrossing):
rec034 = Cat034.cv_record.create({
'000': 2, # Sector crossing message
'010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)),
'020': ((token.azimuth, "°")),
datablock034 = Cat034.create([rec034])
return datablock034.unparse().to_bytes()
if isinstance(token, Plot):
rec048 = Cat048.cv_record.create({
'010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)),
'040': (('RHO', (token.rho, "NM")), ('THETA', (token.theta, "°"))),
'070': (0, 0, 0, 0, ('MODE3A', token.ssr)),
datablock048= Cat048.create([rec048])
return datablock048.unparse().to_bytes()
raise Exception('unexpected token', token)
datablocks = [encode(token) for token in tx_message]
tx = b''.join(datablocks)
print('bytes on the wire:', hexlify(tx))
assert hexlify(tx) == \
# decode bytes to message list
def decode(rx_bytes: bytes) -> List[Token]:
message: List[Token] = []
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(Bits.from_bytes(tx))
assert not isinstance(raw_datablocks, ValueError)
for db in raw_datablocks:
cat = db.get_category()
if cat == 34:
result034 = Cat034.cv_uap.parse(db.get_raw_records())
assert not isinstance(result034, ValueError)
for rec034 in result034:
i000 = rec034.get_item('000')
assert i000 is not None
val = i000.as_uint()
if val == 1:
elif val == 2:
i020 = rec034.get_item('020')
assert i020 is not None
azimuth = i020.variation.content.as_quantity("°")
message.append(SectorCrossing(azimuth = azimuth))
elif cat == 48:
result048 = Cat048.cv_uap.parse(db.get_raw_records())
assert not isinstance(result048, ValueError)
for rec048 in result048:
i040 = rec048.get_item('040')
i070 = rec048.get_item('070')
assert i040 is not None
assert i070 is not None
rho = i040.variation.get_item('RHO').variation.content.as_quantity("NM")
theta = i040.variation.get_item('THETA').variation.content.as_quantity("°")
ssr = i070.variation.get_item('MODE3A').variation.content.as_string()
message.append(Plot(rho = rho, theta = theta, ssr = ssr))
return message
rx = tx
rx_message = decode(rx)
# expect the same message
print('received message:', rx_message)
assert rx_message == tx_message
Use any of the following methods:
Method 1
Install from python package index
pip install libasterix
Method 2
Install from github:
# (default branch)
pip install -e "git+"
# ('devel' branch)
pip install -e "git+"
Method 3
Manually copy library files from repository.
Download and copy files either alongside your project sources or
to some location where python
can find it.
# check default python path
python3 -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"
Check library installation.
python3 -c "import asterix.base as base; print(base.AstSpec)"
python3 -c "import asterix.generated as gen; print(gen.manifest['CATS'].keys())"
This tutorial assumes importing complete asterix
module into the current
namespace. In practice however only the required objects could be imported
or the module might be imported to a dedicated namespace.
from asterix.base import *
from asterix.generated import *
Error handling
Some operation (eg. parsing) can fail on unexpected input. In such case,
to indicate an error, this library will not raise an exception, but will
return ValueError('problem description')
With this approach, a user can handle errors in a type safe way, for example:
def parse_datablocks(s: bytes) -> List[RawDatablock]:
dbs = RawDatablock.parse(Bits.from_bytes(s))
if isinstance(dbs, ValueError):
return [] # or raise exception, or ...
return dbs
For clarity, the error handling part is skipped in some parts of this tutorial.
Immutable objects
All operation on asterix objects are immutable.
For example:
from asterix.generated import *
Spec = Cat_002_1_1
# create empty record
rec0 = Spec.cv_record.create({})
# this operation does nothing (result is not stored)
rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec0.get_item('000') is None
# store result to 'rec1'
rec1 = rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec1.get_item('000') is not None
# use multiple updates in sequence
rec2a = rec0.set_item('000', 1).set_item('010', (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)))
rec2b = Spec.cv_record.create({'000': 1, '010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2))})
assert rec2a.unparse() == rec2b.unparse()
# mutation can be simulated by replacing old object with the new one
# (using the same variable name)
rec0 = rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec0.get_item('000') is not None
Miscellaneous project and source code remarks
stands for class variable, to avoid name clash with instance variable with the same name (which are without prefix).RuleContent
are necessary to cope with some small number of irregular cases with asterix definitions (that is: context dependent definitions).NonSpare
is (as name suggests) an item with some defined content. It is a separate class fromItem
, to reuse definition in different contexts, for exampleCompound
subitems areNonSpare
Datagram is a raw binary data as received for example from UDP socket.
This is represented with bytes
data type in python.
Raw Datablock
Raw datablock is asterix datablock in the form cat|length|data
with the
correct byte size. A datagram can contain multiple datablocks.
This is represented in python with class RawDatablock
In some cases it might be sufficient to work with raw datablocks, for example in the case of asterix category filtering. In this case, it is not required to fully parse asterix records.
Example: Category filter, drop datablocks if category == 1
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from asterix.base import *
def receive_from_udp() -> bytes: # UDP rx text function
return unhexlify(''.join([
'01000401', # cat1 datablock
'02000402', # cat2 datablock
def send_to_udp(s: bytes) -> None: # UDP tx test function
input_data = Bits.from_bytes(receive_from_udp())
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(input_data) # can fail on wrong input
assert not isinstance(raw_datablocks, ValueError)
valid_datablocks = [db.unparse().to_bytes() \
for db in raw_datablocks if db.get_category() != 1]
output_data = b''.join(valid_datablocks)
Datablock, Record
Datablock (represented as class Datablock
) is a higher level, where we
have a guarantee that all containing records are semantically correct
(asterix is fully parsed or correctly constructed).
Datablock/Record is required to work with asterix items and subitems.
Example: Create 2 records and combine them to a single datablock
from binascii import hexlify
from asterix.generated import *
Spec = Cat_002_1_1 # use cat002, edition 1.1
rec1 = Spec.cv_record.create({
'000': 1,
'010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)),
rec2 = Spec.cv_record.create({
'000': 2,
'010': (('SAC', 1), ('SIC', 2)),
db = Spec.create([rec1, rec2])
s = db.unparse().to_bytes() # ready to send over the network
Example: Parse datagram (from the example above) and extract message type from each record
from binascii import unhexlify
from asterix.base import *
from asterix.generated import *
Spec = Cat_002_1_1 # use cat002, edition 1.1
s = unhexlify(b'02000bc0010201c0010202') # ... use data from the example above
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(Bits.from_bytes(s)) # can fail on wrong input
assert not isinstance(raw_datablocks, ValueError)
for db in raw_datablocks:
records = Spec.cv_uap.parse(db.get_raw_records()) # can fail on wrong input
assert not isinstance(records, ValueError)
for record in records:
i000 = record.get_item('000') # returns None if the item is not present
assert i000 is not None
raw_value = i000.as_uint()
description = i000.variation.content.table_value()
print('{}: {}'.format(raw_value, description))
Example: Asterix filter, rewrite SAC/SIC code with random values.
import time
import random
from asterix.base import *
from asterix.generated import *
# categories/editions of interest
Specs = {
48: Cat_048_1_31,
62: Cat_062_1_19,
63: Cat_063_1_6,
# ...
def process_record(sac, sic, rec):
"""Process single record."""
return rec.set_item('010', (('SAC', sac), ('SIC', sic)))
def process_datablock(sac, sic, db):
"""Process single raw datablock."""
cat = db.get_category()
Spec = Specs.get(cat)
if Spec is None:
return db
# second level of parsing (records are valid)
records = Spec.cv_uap.parse(db.get_raw_records())
new_records = [process_record(sac, sic, rec) for rec in records]
return Spec.create(new_records)
def rewrite_sac_sic(sac : int, sic : int, s : bytes) -> bytes:
"""Process datagram."""
# first level of parsing (datablocks are valid)
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(Bits.from_bytes(s))
result = [process_datablock(sac, sic, db) for db in raw_datablocks]
output = b''.join([db.unparse().to_bytes() for db in result])
return output
def rx_bytes_from_the_network():
"""Dummy rx function (generate valid asterix datagram)."""
Spec = Cat_048_1_31
rec = Spec.cv_record.create({'010': 0, '040': 0})
db1 = Spec.create([rec, rec]).unparse().to_bytes()
db2 = Spec.create([rec, rec]).unparse().to_bytes()
return b''.join([db1, db2])
def tx_bytes_to_the_network(s_output):
"""Dummy tx function."""
# main processing loop
while True:
s_input = rx_bytes_from_the_network()
new_sac = random.randint(0,127)
new_sic = random.randint(128,255)
s_output = rewrite_sac_sic(new_sac, new_sic, s_input)
except Exception as e:
print('Asterix exception: ', e)
Reserved expansion fields
TODO: Add parsing/constructing expansion field example
Multiple UAP-s
Make sure to use appropriate UAP name, together with a correct UAP selector value, for example for CAT001:
['020', 'TYP'] = 0
['020', 'TYP'] = 1
from asterix.base import *
from asterix.generated import *
Cat1 = Cat_001_1_4
rec01_plot = Cat1.cv_uap.spec('plot').create({
'010': 0x0102,
'020': ((('TYP',0),0,0,0,0,0,None),),
'040': 0x01020304
rec01_track = Cat1.cv_uap.spec('track').create({
'010': 0x0102,
'020': ((('TYP',1),0,0,0,0,0,None),),
'040': 0x01020304,
rec01_invalid = Cat1.cv_uap.spec('plot').create({
'010': 0x0102,
'020': ((('TYP',1),0,0,0,0,0,None),),
'040': 0x01020304
Library manifest
This library defines a manifest
structure in the form:
manifest = {
'CATS': {
1: [
2: [
This structure can be used to extract latest editions for each defined category, for example:
from asterix.generated import *
Specs = {cat: manifest['CATS'][cat][-1] for cat in manifest['CATS']}
for spec in Specs.values():
print(spec.cv_category, spec.cv_edition)
Alternatively, a prefered way is to be explicit about each edition, for example:
from asterix.generated import *
Specs = {
48: Cat_048_1_31,
62: Cat_062_1_19,
63: Cat_063_1_6,
# ...
Generic asterix processing
Generic processing in this context means working with asterix data where the subitem names and types are determined at runtime. That is: the explicit subitem names are never mentioned in the application source code.
This is in contrast to application specific processing, where we are explicit about subitems, for example ["010", "SAC"].
Example: Show raw content of all toplevel items of each record
from binascii import unhexlify
from asterix.generated import *
Specs = {
48: Cat_048_1_31,
62: Cat_062_1_19,
63: Cat_063_1_6,
# ...
# some test input bytes
s = unhexlify(''.join([
def handle_nonspare(cat, name, nsp):
print('cat{}, item {}, {}'.format(cat, name, nsp.unparse()))
# depending on the application, we might want to display
# deep subitems, which is possible by examining 'nsp' object
for db in RawDatablock.parse(Bits.from_bytes(s)):
cat = db.get_category()
Spec = Specs.get(cat)
if Spec is None:
print('unsupported category', cat)
for record in Spec.cv_uap.parse(db.get_raw_records()):
for (name, nsp) in record.items_regular.items():
handle_nonspare(cat, name, nsp)
Example: Generate dummy single record datablock with all fixed items set to zero
from binascii import hexlify
from asterix.generated import *
# we could even randomly select a category/edition from the 'manifest',
# but for simplicity just use a particular spec
Spec = Cat_062_1_20
rec = Spec.cv_record.create({})
all_items = Spec.cv_record.cv_items_dict
for name in all_items:
if name is None:
nsp = all_items[name]
var = nsp.cv_rule.cv_variation
if issubclass(var, Element):
rec = rec.set_item(name, 0)
elif issubclass(var, Group):
rec = rec.set_item(name, 0)
elif issubclass(var, Extended):
pass # skip for this test
elif issubclass(var, Repetitive):
pass # skip for this test
elif issubclass(var, Explicit):
pass # skip for this test
elif issubclass(var, Compound):
pass # skip for this test
raise Exception('unexpected subclass')
s = Spec.create([rec]).unparse().to_bytes()
Using mypy
static code checker
Note: Tested with mypy
version 1.9.0
mypy is a static type checker for Python. It is recommended to use the tool on asterix application code, to identify some problems which would otherwise result in runtime errors.
Consider the following test program (
from asterix.generated import *
Spec = Cat_008_1_3
rec = Spec.cv_record.create({'010': (('SA',1), ('SIC',2))})
The program contains the following bugs:
- Misspelled item name,
instead ofSAC
, on lines 4 and 5 - `get_item('010') result is not checked if the item is actually present, which might result in runtime error
$ python
... results in runtime error (wrong item name)
$ pip install mypy
$ mypy
... detects all problems, without actually running the program
Found 3 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
Correct version of this program is:
from asterix.generated import *
Spec = Cat_008_1_3
rec = Spec.cv_record.create({'010': (('SAC',1), ('SIC',2))})
i010 = rec.get_item('010')
if i010 is not None:
$ mypy
Success: no issues found in 1 source file
$ python
Project details
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File details
Details for the file libasterix-0.6.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: libasterix-0.6.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 422.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.11.9
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e8e5c344d40385a0d87a60f4b4040514c97bb91c79fc6dd409d52f146e39e83b |
MD5 | 537ef1de1531b5d6cb67be33327e9cb8 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 494899158b89c61df2132daca24fb5f305ba156beb669c8c05a6a528cb25639f |
File details
Details for the file libasterix-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: libasterix-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 430.4 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.11.9
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 046d97d3252978a6f4da4e9e72f73dd73c3cc6c7057abaa71beeb58aa1ecd7e1 |
MD5 | d98384359d5caaff97da8add15eba9e5 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 5172c1da8a50d1cb500f2cb954a48727518f58306f98290518cd8996488dabf9 |