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An example flow for kabaret

Project description


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning[^1].


[1.6.6] - 2021-06-23


  • When a user logs in, the Libreflow ID (computed from the Kitsu ID) is changed to lowercase before the map of users is looked up. This prevents multiple users from having the same IDs with different character cases, and thus ensures the same behaviour in Windows and Linux when the user creates and access working copies.

[1.6.5] - 2021-06-09


  • All files in a tracked folder working copy are properly zipped when a publication is made.
  • Make the revision upload after publication work again.
  • Make Keep editing option work again when publishing a working copy from a file history.


  • Brute-force integration of the module implementation (with subtle corrections) to manage jobs.
  • Based on, the possibility for studios to handle playblast renderings as jobs.
    • Jobs can be submitted in one of the pools of the current site.
    • The feature can be used choosing the Submit job option when rendering a playblast.
  • Adaptations of
    • Make view's job filter case-sensitive, and include pool name in filtering attributes
    • Provide a job with a label and definable owner and creator
    • Define a JOBS_DEFAULT_FILTER environment variable, usable by the JobsView as a default filter. If not explicitly provided at session startup, the variable defaults to the current site name.

[1.6.4] - 2021-05-27


  • Allow Kitsu admin sites to upload playblasts toward any Kitsu task type available for the project.


  • Users are warned whenever one or more users have a working copy on a file, but are not prevented anymore from publishing in that case.
  • Reference revision name in the dialog to create a working copy is set to the file's last publication name by default (if it exists).

[1.6.3] - 2021-05-21


  • Copy of runner command to clipboard is handled by native Qt application clipboard object, instead of TKinter features (not integrated to Python main package on all LInux distributions).
  • A new action to request elements related to a shot (assets, scenes, misc), including their dependencies.

[1.6.2] - 2021-05-20


  • Runner implementation provides additional information, such as the command used, the time of the last run, etc.
  • A panel in the SubprocessView displays information about the currently selected runner.
  • A new option in the SubprocessView menu allows to hide completed runner instances.


  • A runner instance is now identified by a Universal Unique Identifier, which eases its deletion in the subprocess manager.

[1.6.1] - 2021-05-11


  • A new flow utility function get_context_value can be used to recursively find and concatenate the values of all flow params of a given name declared in the parents of an object, including itself. To improve the flexibility of the context value parameterisation, the function makes use of the contextual dict when param values are specified between braces.

[1.6.0] - 2021-05-11


  • A new kabaret.subprocess_manager utility module has been created to redefine and extend the core classes of the original Kabaret extension.
    • Core classes have been extended to keep track of runner instances.
    • A bunch of commands has been added to manage the underlying processes of these instances (launch, terminate, kill).
    • A new view, which inherits from the original SubprocessView, lists all the runners instanciated from the current session, and allow to display the output of the subprocess launched by the selected runner in the list. For now, the list has to be manually refreshed.
  • A shortcut to the current site's job queue is available in the Synchronization section of the project's root page.


  • The base runner class has been adapted as required by the first version of the SubprocessView. Notable changes are:
    • The redirection of both stdout and stderr of the subprocess to the same file.
    • Additional data and operators to manage the subprocess, usable by the actor commands.


  • The SubprocessManager does not add a runner's data in the list of runner infos if it has not run at least once. This is a temporary check which prevents from accessing unavailable data about a subprocess, because currently not provided by some runner types (e.g. DefaultEditor).

[1.5.12] - 2021-05-07


  • Exchange sites have been removed from the RequestAs action's lists of requesting and requested sites.
  • The revision published in a target file is automatically made current. Consequently, the last comment in the file list updates to the published revision's comment.
  • Revision upload after publishing into another file has been fixed.


  • A new action allows to upload a published revision on the exchange server.

[1.5.11] - 2021-05-04


  • Playblast upload dialog messages have been reworked.


  • An additional test checks if the current's user data retrieved with Kitsu API provides the user's role. If not, the user is considered as not having the required rights to upload the target playblast while not assigned to the corresponding task.

[1.5.10] - 2021-04-30


  • The revision drop-down menu display isn't raising an error anymore when the file reference is not set.


  • The option to use simplified rigs has been made available on the action dialog to publish and render a playblast.
  • JSX file format is available.

[1.5.9] - 2021-04-22


  • Kitsu entity data is retrieved only when the preview uploading action shows up or run (not in the constructor). This fixes an issue occuring whenever the action object was instantiated, since it tried to get data from flow object not yet instantiated.

[1.5.8] - 2021-04-22


  • Checking if a user is assigned to a Kitsu task is done exclusively by the preview uploading action. This means the internal function used to upload a preview assumes the user has sufficient rights.

[1.5.7] - 2021-04-22


  • Kitsu supervisors and studio managers can upload previews regardless of their task assignment.

[1.5.6] - 2021-04-22


  • Two choice values have been redefined to select a file's revision:
    • One list all available revisions of the file
    • The other list all available published revisions
  • Revision type (working copy or publication) is no longer checked from the revision creator's name but a name pattern (currently, v\d\d\d).

[1.5.5] - 2021-04-21


  • A new action allows to upload files with eligible names as Kitsu previews. For now, uploadable files are defined in the project's Kitsu configuration.


  • Change time format in log files, to make it human readable

[1.5.4] - 2021-04-20


  • Single files are checked to see if they match a folder in the flow, before checking if they match a file. It prevents folders containing a single file from being considered files.

[1.5.3] - 2021-04-20


  • Two new features of the Blender playblast are used by the playblast action:
    • to enable the use of low-definition rigs in the Blender scene, available as a checkbox
    • to print on the sequence the name of the selected revision
  • A new action GetDependencies allows to summarise dependency information of a given object and request all those which can be requested.
    • As of now, real dependencies are collected from the Blender Asset Tracer tracing result. The feature is thus truly practical for Blender files, and dependencies related to files of any other format remain theoretical.


  • Open file action displays by default last revision, or user's working copy if it does not exist.
  • A revision is systematically made current when published.


  • Project root path is added to the environment when opening a revision from a file history.
  • File relation to department has been temporarily removed, allowing to define files elsewhere than in a department.
  • Users can publish in files which are not related to a department in the flow.

[1.5.2] - 2021-04-16


  • Login page shows up when accessing bookmarks if user is not connected to Kitsu.

[1.5.1] - 2021-04-02


  • Publishing into another file creates the necessary intermediate directories when the target file has not been created on the current site.

[1.5.0] - 2021-04-01


  • JSON file format has been made available.
  • libreflow.utils.b3d has been created with a wrapper for python-expressions to handle specific launch cases on windows.


  • The python expression wrapper is applied to playblasts so they work when Blender is called through a .bat file.

[1.4.3] - 2021-03-30

  • Force Kabaret version to 2.2.0rc2

[1.4.2] - 2021-03-26


  • Allow the creation of working copies only on authorised files.


  • A workaround has been added to make GUI display on latest MacOS version (Kabaret issue #96).
  • Requested and requesting sites are properly taken into account when requesting revisions.


  • An additional parameter on revisions indicates if they are ready for synchronisation. A typical use case motivating this change is to prevent files not entirely created and initialised to be synchronised.
  • An action now allows to request (for both source and target sites) elements of a given sequence.
    • Requestable elements: sets, characters, props, sound files, storyboards and layout scenes
  • An action allows to resize all PNG images in a tracked folder revision into another tracked folder. Resulting tracked folder has the same name of source folder suffixed with _half.
  • Revision oid pattern has been updated:
    • to include multiple subpatterns separated by ;
    • so that each subpattern can include multiple substrings in the form {substring0, substring1, ...}
  • A new action now allows to remove jobs emitted for a site before a given date, and of given type and status.

[1.4.1] - 2021-03-22


  • Redefinition of TrackedFolder open and history related types have been removed, as it mistakenly redefined the same relations in the TrackedFile class.
  • Force the indices of open and history in TrackedFolder relation list to be the same as for TrackedFile in order to bypass submenu display issue.

[1.4.0] - 2021-03-22


  • The way the names of new users are computed has been updated to take into account mail IDs.
  • User class is now injectable


  • A warning message appears in home page when the computed name of a new user is already registered in the project's user list.
  • Revisions now hold a dict of dependencies stored at publication. This feature applies exclusively for Blender files using pil library blender-asset-tracer (aka BAT) which is now mandatory.


  • Submenus show up again when right clicking on tracked folders.

[1.3.4] - 2021-03-18


  • Publish action has been made injectable.
  • Some improvements on advanced action dialogs have been made (message content, reset of file reference).

[1.3.3] - 2021-03-16


  • Action for requesting file revisions now displays a list of found oids given a wildcard-based oid pattern (** not supported).
  • Using [last] keyword in the pattern allows to get the latest published revision of a file. For instance, according to how the base flow is currently designed, /project/sequences/*/shots/*/departments/*/files/*/history/revisions/[last] allows to retrieve the latest publications of all files of the project named project.

[1.3.2] - 2021-03-15


  • Action for requesting file revisions does not stop anymore when it falls onto a revision already available on requesting site, or not available on requested site.
  • Current user is stored when profile has not already been registered.


  • Actions on tracked files have been refined and reorganised.


  • Two new actions on tracked files allow respectively:
    • to publish changes made in a file into another file
    • to create a working copy on a file from a selected revision of another file
  • Users can now publish their changes made to a file from their working copy in the revision history.

[1.3.1] - 2021-03-10


  • project settings are now injectable

[1.3.0] - 2021-03-10


  • File maps now display tracked element latest revisions and their availability. These can be requested directly from the file map.


  • Site definitions have been updated to distinguish working and exchange sites.
  • Exchange server configuration is held by the project's exchange site.
  • A working site's job queue can be accessed by right-clicking on its entry in the site map.
  • Default exchange site has been renamed as default_site, to be distinguished from default working site.


  • Job emission date is stored as a floating point timestamp (not a formatted date string anymore) to be easily processed.
  • Corrections on file list UI for untracked items.
  • Publication option is not available anymore when rendering a playblast on a Blender file if the user hasn't a working copy on this file. This fixes an error which causes the resulting publication to be empty.

[1.2.8] - 2021-03-10


  • Logout from project has been fixed.

[1.2.7] - 2021-03-09


  • Subprocess environments are updated with the current site's root path. In particular, this makes root path, required in scene builder, accessible in Blender environment whenever a Blender scene is opened from Libreflow.


  • Subprocess extra environments also include the current user name and contextual settings.

[1.2.6] - 2021-03-05


  • Added FBX file format in PyPI package data to make FBX template available.

[1.2.5] - 2021-03-01

  • Omitted in 1.2.4: script folder made as a valid Python package.

[1.2.4] - 2021-03-01


  • An action to batch revisions request as another site (currently not publicly available).


  • A new Blender template file.


  • script folder made as a valid Python package.
  • Project object is systematically touched when accessed from a home page widget to ensure user environment update.

[1.2.3] - 2021-02-15


MP4, Illustrator and FBX file formats support


  • Actions to render a Blender file playblast is available in the base flow. Moreover, rendering a revision playblast generate a revision of the same index in a .mov tracked file.
  • Map clearing action relations have been removed to prevent unfortunate deletions.
  • Folder hierarchy in which user settings are stored has been changed to <user_folder>/.libreflow/<project_name>/<user_name>/<user_settings>.. This allows:
    • a single user to be part of multiple projects
    • multiple users to authenticate on a project on the same workstation.
  • Revisions display the time elapsed since their publication

[1.2.2] - 2021-02-09


  • Change Request action allowing context condition

[1.2.1] - 2021-02-09


  • User name is now computed from Kitsu ID at first connection
  • Files and folders of any type can be revealed in file explorer

[1.2.0] - 2021-02-08


  • Bookmarks have been changed from a local json file to a dedicated map on the project's flow. #12
  • File extensions and icons are now constants
  • Revisions and TrackedFiles are now injectable
  • A site can now request file revisions for other sites, if authorized (request_files_from_anywhere BoolParam).


  • The project thumbnail flow can now be saved within the project admin/project settings area. So the thumbnail is available from anywhere no matter the site or OS. The old system is still present. #13


  • The old system for the thumbnail will soon be removed.


  • At publish of a trackedFolder on python 3.7 an error appears because of a 3.8 update of stdlib shutil. Made a dirty fix for that.

[1.1.7] - 2021-02-04


Users can log out from the project, sending them back to the login page.


User Kitsu id and the one used in the flow are distinguished, in order to ensure users are identified with a unique flow id which matches the pattern of a valid Python attribute, as required by Kabaret features. This currently implies users working on the project to be registered in this map.

[1.1.6] - 2021-02-01


File data formats have been added in to make template files available within PyPI package. Unforgivable hard-coded paths of several scripts have been changed for relative ones.

[1.1.5] - 2021-01-29


Fix revision playblast rendering: Get playblast folder path from Computed department path.

[1.1.4] - 2021-01-29


Fix revision upload: Revision.get_relative_path() gets parent file Computed path, instead of wrongly accessing get_contextual_dict.

[1.1.3] - 2021-01-29


Until now, the computation of File and Revision paths implied implying a costly non-linear look-up of contextual edits, and long wait for maps to display. There is now only one contextual settings look-up to compute a Department path, from which department's file paths are computed and cached.

[1.1.2] - 2021-01-21


User environment map items are now SessionValues to make environment variable values stored at session's scope.

[1.1.1] - 2021-01-20


MinIO and timeago added in setuptools requirements.

[1.1.0] - 2021-01-20

Multisite v1 release


  • A ComputedParam named root_dir is now available in admin and it's cached as requiered by issue #4. A function get_root() at the Project level use it and is able to provide the root folder of the project according to the operative system. Call it from anywhere in the flow with self.root().project().get_root().
  •, LICENCE and AUTORS files have been added to the repo
  • Multi-site file synchronization features (related to issue #5):
    • Add and configure project's sites (type - studio, user or exchange -, per-OS root directories, exchange server properties)
    • Request tracked file's revisions unavailable on current site for download, based on a job submission feature
    • A SynchronizeFile action allow users to process files they requested, and files other sites requested from theirs. This currently uses a MinIO client.
    • Retrieve the current site and exchange site in the flow with self.root().project().[get_current_site()|get_exchange_site()]
    • UI improvement: revision history maps can toggle site sync statuses
  • Runners redirect their logs in a file placed in the user folder (bce8aadf)
  • A new DefaultRunner is available to let the OS choose the default application for a given file path.
  • Previews and renders of AfterEffects file revisions can be launched at revision and episode level, given AfterEffectsRender render settings and output module templates
  • Playblasts of blender file revisions can be made with an action (preview folder created in department's files if not already added)
  • Md5 hash is computed for publishes for later features (cc0478e8)


  • According to the new get_root() function added and requiered by issue #4, the default contextual dict doens't provide a ROOT_DIR value anymore. Calls to that value have been changed, and you must define ROOT_DIR_WINDOWS, ROOT_DIR_LINUX and/or ROOT_DIR_MAC in the admin panel.
  • Cosmetic changes to get some maps expanded or not (832605d8).
  • There is no need to manually specify the user folder anymore: project's get_user_folder() method now returns the path to a .libreflow in the user's home directory.
  • For sake of readability, file maps showcase the time elapsed since file last modification, instead of date (59d364a8).

[1.0.3] - 2020-12-24


issue #7 libreflow icons are missing from the distributed package (and also the example packages where not accessible)

[1.0.2-1.0.1] - 2020-12-23

Initial public commit and pypi setup. This version is an early version of libreflow. It includes a baseflow and examples flows overriding the baseflow. We have been working on departments, files, file version history, and stuff like that.


issue #6 : Pip Package is now ready for use

[^1]: Except we started libreflow MAJOR version number at 1, as we consider our in-house previous flow being version 0.

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libreflow-1.6.6.tar.gz (763.0 kB view hashes)

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