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MQTT client to report state of LifeSOS security system and devices.

Project description

LifeSOS MQTT Client

This application provides an MQTT client that interfaces with
`LifeSOS <>`__ alarm systems, sensors and switches.
It will publish the state of all devices to an MQTT broker, which can
then be consumed by any application that provides MQTT support, such as
Home Assistant or OpenHAB. It will also subscribe to topics on the
broker that allow the control of the alarm system (eg. arm, disarm) and
turn on/off any attached switches.

It was written for & tested with the LS-30 model, though it should also
work on the LS-10/LS-20 models. Note that in some markets, they may also
be labelled under the name of the distributor; eg. SecurePro in
Australia, WeBeHome in northern Europe.


- A network-connected LifeSOS LS-30, LS-20 or LS-10 alarm system.
- Something to run this application on. Assuming you want to leave it
running 24/7, a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi or a NAS are
- `Python 3.5.3 or higher <>`__ must
be installed.
- An MQTT broker to connect to; eg.
`Mosquitto <>`__


To install this application, run the following command:


$ pip install lifesospy_mqtt

After installation of the application (and dependencies) has completed,
you should be able to start the application using the ``lifesospy_mqtt``
command. For now, just try displaying the help using the ``-h`` switch
to check it is installed correctly. It should look something like this:


lifesospy_mqtt v0.10.1 - MQTT client to report state of LifeSOS security system and devices.

usage: lifesospy_mqtt [-h] [-e] [-v] [-d] [-w WORKDIR] [-c CONFIGFILE]
[-l [LOGFILE]] [-p [PIDFILE]]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --devices list devices enrolled on base unit and exit
-v, --verbose display all logging output.
-d, --daemon put the application into the background after starting
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
work directory used to store config, log and pid files
(default: ~/.lifesospy_mqtt)
configuration file name (default: config.yaml)
-l [LOGFILE], --logfile [LOGFILE]
if specified, will write to a daily rolling log file
(default: None)
-p [PIDFILE], --pidfile [PIDFILE]
if specified, file will be create to record the
process ID and is used for locking (default: None)


When you run the application for the first time, it will create a new
configuration file and exit.


lifesospy_mqtt v0.10.1 - MQTT client to report state of LifeSOS security system and devices.

A default configuration file has been created:

Please edit any settings as needed then restart.

Open up the new config file. The following sections will step you
through filling in the settings.

LifeSOS settings

This section contains settings needed to interface with the LifeSOS base
unit / ethernet adapter.

.. code:: yaml

# Settings for the LifeSOS interface

# Host and Port for the LifeSOS TCP Server to connect as a client,
# or Port only to listen as a server for the LifeSOS TCP Client
port: 1680

# Master password, if needed by network interface
password: ''

You will first need to determine whether your LifeSOS alarm system is
running in TCP SERVER or TCP CLIENT mode. Please refer to your manual if
unsure. This application is capable of supporting either mode, though
having LifeSOS in TCP SERVER MODE (ie. application will run as a client
and initiate connection) can make it easier to diagnose issues, as
connection failures will be logged.

If your LifeSOS ethernet adapter is configured in TCP SERVER mode:

- **host**: The host name / IP address of your LifeSOS ethernet adapter
to connect to.
- **port**: The port number on your LifeSOS ethernet adapter.

If your LifeSOS ethernet adapter is configured in TCP CLIENT mode:

- **host**: *Unused*; this line must be deleted or prefixed with a hash
(ie. ``#host:``)
- **port**: The port number to listen for incoming connections from

Remaining settings are for either mode:

- **password**: Master password, but **only if required by your LifeSOS
system**. My old LS-30 doesn’t support it, but apparently it is a
configurable setting on newer models to require a password to issue
commands over the network interface.

MQTT settings

This section contains settings needed to connect to your MQTT broker.

.. code:: yaml

# Settings for the MQTT client

# URI providing the details needed to connect to the MQTT broker
# Refer
uri: mqtt://username:password@

# Server certificate authority file/path/data; only for secured connection (mqtts/wss)
#cafile: /some/certfile
#capath: /some/folder

# Unique client identifier; no need to change unless running multiple instances
client_id: lifesos

- **uri**: Provides the protocol, host name / IP address and port for
the MQTT broker, and a username/password for login (if required).
- **cafile**, **capath**, **cadata**: Optional settings used by HBMQTT
on secure connections;
`reference <>`__.
- **client_id**: Name to identify this application to the MQTT broker.

Translator settings

This section contains settings used by the component responsible for
translating between the MQTT client and the LifeSOS ethernet adapter.

.. code:: yaml

# Settings for the translator between LifeSOS and MQTT

# To automatically configure devices in Home Assistant, ensure this line
# matches the setting in Home Assistant's config file. Note any devices and
# switches will need to be assigned a 'ha_name"' to be exported.
# Refer
ha_discovery_prefix: homeassistant

# Topic and Payload to announce Home Assistant has come online. When received,
# our MQTT client will send out the device configurations for discovery.
ha_birth_topic: homeassistant/status
ha_birth_payload: online

# Provide a topic for the Base Unit here
topic: home/alarm
ha_name: "LifeSOS"

# List your enrolled devices here and provide a topic
# Hint: Run with '-e' option to get a list of device ids
#- device_id: '012cba'
# topic: home/remote
#- device_id: '123abc'
# topic: home/lounge/motion
# auto_reset_interval: 180
# ha_name: "Lounge Motion"

# Uncomment any switches you own and provide a topic
#- switch_number: 1
# topic: home/lounge/heater
# ha_name: "Lounge Heater"

Base Unit settings

- **topic**: The topic name for the base unit (alarm panel). Refer to
the Topic section for more detail.

Device settings

Each enrolled device must have an entry here to link the unique device
identifier with a topic name. To determine the device identifier for
each device on your LifeSOS system, run ``lifesospy_mqtt -e``.


lifesospy_mqtt v0.10.1 - MQTT client to report state of LifeSOS security system and devices.

Listing devices...
DeviceID '123456' for Controller zone 01-01, a RemoteController.
DeviceID '789abc' for Controller zone 01-02, a RemoteController.
DeviceID 'def123' for Burglar zone 01-01, a PIRSensor.
DeviceID '456789' for Burglar zone 01-02, a DoorMagnet.
DeviceID 'abcdef' for Burglar zone 03-01, a PIRSensor.
DeviceID 'fedcba' for Burglar zone 02-01, a PIRSensor.
DeviceID '987654' for Burglar zone 04-01, a PIRSensor.
DeviceID '321fed' for Burglar zone 04-02, a DoorMagnet.
DeviceID 'cba987' for Special zone 04-03, a TempSensor.
9 devices were found.

- **device_id**: Unique identifier for the device you want to publish
to the MQTT broker.
- **topic**: The topic name for the device. Refer to the Topic section
for more detail.
- **auto_reset_interval**: all trigger-based sensors (like the PIR
motion detector) only raise a single ``Trigger`` event when
activated, not an ``On``/``Off`` binary state often needed by home
automation software. This application will attempt to simulate a
binary state by setting state to ``On`` when triggered, then reset to
``Off`` after this duration (in seconds) has elapsed. The default is
30 seconds when no value specified.

Switch settings

Each switch you own must have an entry here to link the switch number
with a topic name.

- **switch_number**: Number that identifies the switch on the base
unit. Should be a value between 1 and 16.
- **topic**: The topic name for the switch. Refer to the Topic section
for more detail.

Home Assistant settings

Settings prefixed with ``ha_`` are for `Home
Assistant <>`__ support; specifically,
it’s `MQTT
Discovery <>`__
feature. If you are not intending to use this application with Home
Assistant, these settings can either be ignored or removed.

- **ha_discovery_prefix**: the Home Assistant discovery prefix, as it
is listed in the Home Assistant configuration.yaml file.
- **ha_birth_topic**, **ha_birth_payload**: the topic and payload used
by Home Assistant to notify when it has come online (`refer
here <>`__). This
application will automatically send your LifeSOS configuration to
Home Assistant when it receives this message.
- **ha_name**: When this setting is listed under the device, it’s
configuration will be exported to Home Assistant and the value will
be used as the display name for the device.

Logger settings

This section contains settings to configure application logging.

.. code:: yaml

# Settings to configure logging
# Valid severity levels are:
# critical, error, warning, info, debug

default: info

# lifesos: debug
# hbmqtt: debug

- **default**: The default minimum severity level to log.
- **lifesos**: Minimum severity level for any log entries generated
directly from this application or the associated
`LifeSOSpy <>`__ library.
- **hbmqtt**: Minimum severity level for any log entries generated from
the `HBMQTT <>`__ library.


The topics published and subscribed to by this MQTT client are listed
below. In all cases, the parent topic name can be configured; the
sub-topic names and payloads are fixed to what is shown.

For maximum compatibility with other MQTT clients, all payloads are
plain text (UTF-8).

Base Unit Topics

**home/alarm** *Published*

Current state for the base unit. This is a superset of
``operation_mode``; it also takes into account the exit and entry delay.
One of:

| Value | Description |
| ``Disarm`` | No burglar alarm will be |
| | triggered. |
| ``Home`` | Only perimeter sensors are armed; |
| | eg. outer doors, windows. |
| ``Away`` | All burglar sensors are armed. |
| ``Monitor`` | Disarmed, but triggered sensors |
| | will be logged; ie. for testing. |
| ``AwayExitDelay`` | Disarmed, but transitioning to |
| | Away mode after delay. |
| ``AwayEntryDelay`` | Burglar sensor triggered, delayed |
| | alarm pending. |

**home/alarm/entry_delay** *Published*

When a burglar sensor is triggered, the base unit will wait this many
seconds before triggering the alarm (providing a brief window to disarm
the system).

*Payload Example*: ``15``

**home/alarm/exit_delay** *Published*

When the system is set to Away mode via a remote controller or keypad,
it will wait this many seconds before actually changing state (giving
the owner time to exit the premises).

*Payload Example*: ``15``

**home/alarm/ha_state** *Published*

Provides the state of the base unit in a format recognised by Home
Assistant’s ``alarm_control_panel`` platform. One of:

| Value | Description |
| ``disarmed`` | No burglar alarm will be |
| | triggered. |
| ``armed_home`` | Only perimeter sensors are armed; |
| | eg. outer doors, windows. |
| ``armed_away`` | All burglar sensors are armed. |
| ``pending`` | Pending mode change; ie. due to |
| | exit or entry delay. |
| ``triggered`` | Alarm has been triggered. |

**home/alarm/is_connected** *Published*

Indicates if this LifeSOS MQTT client is operational and connected to
the base unit. One of: ``True`` or ``False``.

*Published*\ \ **home/alarm/operation_mode/set** *Subscribed*

Gets or Sets the current operation mode. One of:

| Value | Description |
| ``Disarm`` | No burglar alarm will be |
| | triggered. |
| ``Home`` | Only perimeter sensors are armed; |
| | eg. outer doors, windows. |
| ``Away`` | All burglar sensors are armed. |
| ``Monitor`` | Disarmed, but triggered sensors |
| | will be logged; ie. for testing. |

**home/alarm/rom_version** *Published*

Current ROM version reported by the Base Unit. May help in determining
the features available, and in diagnosing issues.

*Payload Example*: ``02.4201/13/06``

**home/alarm/clear_status** *Subscribed*

When received, this application will clear the alarm/warning LEDs on
base unit and stop siren. No payload is required; it will be ignored.

**home/alarm/datetime/set** *Subscribed*

When received, the remote date/time will be set to the date/time
specified in the payload, or current local date/time if there is no

This topic is useful when called periodically to fix drift and
automatically correct for Daylight Savings changes.

*Payload Example*: ``2018-07-24-T13:57``

**home/alarm/event** *Published*

Details for an event when it occurs on the base unit. These are provided
in JSON format (if JSON is not available, refer ``event_code`` and
``restore_code`` for an alternative).

| Name | Description |
| ``event_qualifier`` | Context for the type of event. One |
| | of: ``Event``, ``Restore``, |
| | ``Repeat``. |
| ``event_category`` | Category of event. One of: ``Alarm``, |
| | ``Supervisory``, ``Trouble``, |
| | ``OpenClose_Access``, |
| | ``Bypass_Disable``, ``Test_Misc``, |
| | ``Automation`` |
| ``event_code`` | Type of event. For a full list refer |
| | `here < |
| | SOSpy/blob/cae11d0d83190f873f2cdade9f |
| | 8332797c558e9d/lifesospy/ |
| | 3>`__. |
| ``device_category`` | Device category ``code`` and |
| | ``description``, JSON encoded. |
| ``zone`` | Zone where the event occurred, if it |
| | originated from a device. |
| ``user_id`` | Unique identifier for user that |
| | generated the event, if any. |

**home/alarm/event_code** *Published*\ \ **home/alarm/restore_code**

Details for an event when it occurs on the base unit. Provided as an
alternative to the JSON version above, where JSON cannot be parsed by
the MQTT client.

*Payload Example*: ``ACPowerLoss``

Device Topics

**home/room/temp** *Published*

Current state for the device. The payload will depend on the type of

| Type | Description |
| Temperature | Temperature, in celcius. |
| Humidity | Humidity, as a percentage. |
| Light | Illuminance, as Lux. |
| AC Meter | Current, in amps. |
| Remote Control | Does not provide a state. Button press available |
| | through ``event`` topic only. |
| Keypad | Does not provide a state. Button press available |
| | through ``event`` topic only. |
| Magnet | One of: ``Open``, ``Closed``. |
| *Other* | Simulated only; *see below*. One of: ``On``, |
| | ``Off``. |

Most sensors are trigger-based; eg. motion, window break, flood, gas,
smoke, etc. These do not normally provide a state; just a ``Trigger``
event when activated. Since most home automation software requires a
state, this application will attempt to simulate one by providing ``On``
when triggered, and automatically reset to ``Off`` after a set duration.
By default, this is 30 seconds, although it can be customised via the
configuration setting ``auto_reset_interval``.

Also note that motion sensors are designed to trigger as infrequently as
possible, in order to preserve battery life. After being triggered, they
will not trigger again until there has been no movement within the
monitored area for at least 3 minutes. This can make them unsuitable for
home automation tasks, such as lighting an area when movement is

*Published*\ \ **home/room/temp/category/description** *Published*

Code and Description for the category the device belongs to.

| Code | Description |
| ``c`` | ``Controller`` - eg. remote control, keypad. |
| ``b`` | ``Burglar``- eg. magnet, motion, breakage sensors. |
| ``f`` | ``Fire`` - eg. smoke, gas, flood. |
| ``m`` | ``Medical`` - eg. medical wriststrap, emergency button. |
| ``e`` | ``Special`` - eg. temperature, humidity, light, power sensors. |

**home/room/temp/device_id** *Published*

Unique identifier assigned to the device by the manufacturer.

*Payload Example*: ``123abc``

**home/room/temp/rssi_db** *Published*

Wireless signal strength, in dB. Value in range between ``0`` to

**home/room/temp/rssi_bars** *Published*

Wireless signal strength, in bars. Value in range between ``0`` and

**home/room/temp/type** *Published*

Type of device. A full list is available
`here <>`__.

*Payload Example*: ``TempSensor``

**home/room/temp/zone** *Published*

Zone assigned to the device by the owner.

*Payload Example*: ``04-03``

*Published*\ \ **home/room/temp/low_limit** *Published*

*-Only for devices in the ``Special`` category-*

Upper / Lower limit of allowable range; readings taken outside these
limits will trigger an alarm. When topic omitted or value is null, there
is no limit.

*Example*: A temperature sensor with a ``high_limit`` of ``40`` will
trigger a ``HighTemp`` alarm when the reading hits ``41``.

**home/lounge/temperature/characteristics/Repeater** *Published*
**home/lounge/temperature/characteristics/BaseUnit** *Published*
**home/lounge/temperature/characteristics/TwoWay** *Published*
**home/lounge/temperature/characteristics/Supervisory** *Published*
**home/lounge/temperature/characteristics/RFVoice** *Published*

Device characteristics. Each property is ``True`` or ``False`` depending
on whether the characteristic is applies or not.

| Name | Description |
| ``Repeater`` | *TODO* |
| ``BaseUnit`` | *TODO* |
| ``TwoWay`` | Most devices are one-way transmitters. If |
| | ``True``, this device is also capable of |
| | receiving messages from the base unit. |
| ``Supervisory`` | Device issues a ``Heartbeat`` event periodically, |
| | which can be used by the base unit to determine |
| | if the device is still functional. |
| ``RFVoice`` | *TODO* |

**home/room/temp/switches/SW01** .. **SW16** *Published*

Switches that will be turned on when the device is triggered. One of:
``True``, ``False``.

**home/room/temp/enable_status/Bypass** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Delay** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Hour24** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/HomeGuard** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/WarningBeepDelay** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/AlarmSiren** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Bell** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Latchkey** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Inactivity** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/TwoWay** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/Supervised** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/RFVoice** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/enable_status/HomeAuto** *Published*

Behaviour setting on the base unit for the device. Each property is
``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the setting is enabled or

| Name | Description |
| ``Bypass`` | Ignore the alarm signal for device. |
| ``Delay`` | For controller devices, the ``exit_delay`` will |
| | be imposed on the Away button. For burglar |
| | devices, the ``entry_delay`` will be imposed on |
| | the burglar alarm signal. |
| ``Hour24`` | 24-Hour zone; the alarm signal will be processed |
| | regardless of operating mode. |
| ``HomeGuard`` | Alarm signal will be raised when in ``Home`` |
| | operating mode. |
| ``WarningBeepDel | Issue warning beeps during ``entry_delay`` before |
| ay`` | alarm signalled. |
| ``AlarmSiren`` | Enable the siren when alarm triggered by device. |
| ``Bell`` | When in ``Disarm`` mode, triggering this burglar |
| | device will sound a door bell chime. |
| ``Latchkey`` | Pressing Disarm or Away on controller will phone |
| | the Latchkey number. |
| ``Inactivity`` | Burglar device is reassigned to be an inactivity |
| | sensor (eg. for monitoring the elderly). Instead |
| | of signalling a burglar alarm, it will signal a |
| | medical inactivity alarm. |
| ``TwoWay`` | *TODO* |
| ``Supervised`` | The base unit will listen for the periodic |
| | ``Heartbeat`` event sent from the device, and |
| | issue a warning when the device is no longer |
| | responding. |
| ``RFVoice`` | *TODO* |
| ``HomeAuto`` | *TODO* |

**home/room/temp/special_status/ControlAlarm** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/special_status/HighLowOperation** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/special_status/HighTriggered** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/special_status/LowTriggered** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/special_status/HighState** *Published*\
**home/room/temp/special_status/LowState** *Published*

*-Only for devices in the ``Special`` category-*

Behaviour setting on the base unit for a ``Special`` device. Each
property is ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the setting is
enabled or not.

| Name | Description |
| ``ControlAlarm`` | When ``True``, the high/low limit is used only to |
| | control switches. When ``False``, the limits are |
| | used to trigger an alarm. |
| ``HighLowOperati | When ``True``, the high limit is enabled. When |
| on`` | ``False``, the low limit is enabled. |
| ``HighTriggered` | *TODO* |
| ` | |
| ``LowTriggered`` | *TODO* |
| ``HighState`` | *TODO* |
| ``LowState`` | *TODO* |

Switch Topics

**home/room/switch** *Published*\ \ **home/room/switch/set**

Gets or Sets the current state of the switch. One of: ``On``, ``Off``.

Project details

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Source Distribution

lifesospy_mqtt-0.10.2.tar.gz (39.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

lifesospy_mqtt-0.10.2-py3-none-any.whl (25.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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