A collection of scripts to visualize SeisSol output using pyvista
Project description
Light Quake Visualizer
A collection of scripts to visualize SeisSol output using PyVista.
- Visualize SeisSol output files in XDMF and HDF-VTK formats
- Support for multiple datasets and variables
- Customizable color maps, color ranges, and scalar bar settings, lighting
- Slicing options
- And more...
For more information on available options and their descriptions, run:
light_quake_visualizer --help
A simple example of use
Plot the volume output file at time 10s, variable u with a pvcc (saved from ParaView):
light_quake_visualizer output_tpv5_ref/tpv5_sym.xdmf --var u --time 10.0 --cmap broc --view output_tpv5_ref/tpv5.pvcc --scalar_bar "0.9 0.1" --color_range "-0.5 0.5" --zoom 1.0 --lighting 0.6 0.4 0.6
Plotting several datasets
Here sliced volume output (variable u), and (unsliced) fault output (variable ASl):
light_quake_visualizer "output_tpv5_ref/tpv5_sym.xdmf;output_tpv5_ref/tpv5_sym-fault.xdmf" --var "u;ASl" --time 10.0 --cmap "broc;viridis" --view output_tpv5_ref/tpv5.pvcc --scalar_bar "0.8 0.1" --color_range "-0.5 0.5;0 5" --zoom 1.0 --light 0.5 0.5 0.5 --slice "0 0 -2000 0 0 1" "1;0"
Support for the new HDF-VTK
Example usage with the new HDF-VTK format:
light_quake_visualizer output_tpv5_new_format/tpv5_sym-wavefield-2.hdf --var u --time "i0" --cmap broc --view output_tpv5_ref/tpv5.pvcc --scalar_bar "0.9 0.1" --color_range "-0.5 0.5" --zoom 1.0 --lighting 0.6 0.4 0.6
Generate vector graphic color bar image
Example usage:
generate_color_bar vik --crange -2 2 --labelfont 8 --height 1.2 3.6 --nticks 3
Combining snapshots with possible overlap
Change the background to white, and combine several images with partial overlap:
image_combiner --i image1.png image2.png --o combined_image.png --col 2 --rel 0.5 1.0
Project details
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Source Distribution
(13.7 kB
view hashes)
Built Distribution
Hashes for lightquakevisualizer-0.0.6.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 74fc6843a6179f51179e0e2795fa855c42f5fd7472019eedc1d395de30737d6c |
MD5 | 7b69320a844fa29e3ebae7b5035ad15d |
BLAKE2b-256 | abd4dcd53ff24e51181650ed3e46363959d83e61cbab8dcaecdcba0d89ad5ff2 |
Hashes for lightquakevisualizer-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 4ad95c53cb0a702bafa2cabf713b2a715bc1e29292acb5832c0de8c795899623 |
MD5 | 54b76b1d5f058c9001481b53dab2f047 |
BLAKE2b-256 | b9530045aa424357c57b7897a5c8ca76d3ca2ec6748b5e9c997328f98ebcaf2c |