Database agnostic query system
Project description
link.dbrequest is a database agnostic query system.
See documentation for more informations.
pip install link.dbrequest
database agnostic
lazy query resolving
cached queries
queries are unique
Getting a backend:
from link.middleware.core import Middleware
# Will open a QueryManager using a MongoDB backend
manager = Middleware.get_middleware_by_uri('query+mongo://localhost:27107/mydatabase/mycollection')
# Will open a QueryManager using a SQL backend
manager = Middleware.get_middleware_by_uri('query+sql://localhost:5432/mydatabase/mytable')
Operations on the backend:
from link.dbrequest.expression import E, F
from link.dbrequest.assignment import A
from link.dbrequest.comparison import C
query = manager.all() # get an iterable over all elements
manager.create(A('foo', 'bar')) # put document {'foo': 'bar'} into database
doc = manager.get(C('foo') != 'bar') # get single element, or None
Operations on queries:
docs = list(query) # iterate over query to execute the request
docs = list(query) # use cache when iterating again
# create a new query from the first one
q2 = query.filter(C('foo') == 'bar')
assert query is not q2
# exclude documents without a field named "bar"
q3 = q2.exclude(~C('bar'))
# filter documents "weight > 5" and "prop1 < prop2 * 5"
q4 = q3.filter((C('weight') > 5) & (C('prop1') < (E('prop2') * 5)))
# set "prop3 = prop1 + prop2" on q2 result
docs = q2.update(A('prop3', E('prop1') + E('prop2')))
# delete documents
Operations on documents:
# save/delete a single document
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Built Distribution
Hashes for link.dbrequest-0.17-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 2df2bb1c9415c4ca693b94839043a87c3c8f3c70a35dd3bf380788d42b1f05e2 |
MD5 | 4c02c8a3c49319411b254e0f3822143b |
BLAKE2b-256 | 101daf7a8bd115cbbe1c44db0d9182ed0054d12c9204307c7121f7cff6f4b9af |