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Link Tools



python & pip (3.6及以上):



# 也可以直接使用github上的最新版本:"linktools @ git+"
python3 -m pip install -U "linktools[requests,frida]" # 按需添加依赖包


linktools[frida]:集成frida hook框架,支持android、ios hook




🙋 ct-grep

类似linux中的grep,正则匹配文件内容 ,额外添加解析zip、elf等格等功能
$ ct-grep -h
usage: ct-grep [-h] [--version] [-v] [-i] pattern [file ...]

match files with regular expression

positional arguments:
  pattern            regular expression
  file               target files path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose      increase log verbosity
  -i, --ignore-case  ignore case

🙋 ct-tools



$ ct-tools -h
usage: ct-tools [-h] [--version] [-v] [-c | --download | --clear | -d] ...

tools wrapper

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  -c, --config          show the config of tool
  --download            download tool files
  --clear               clear tool files
  -d, --daemon          execute tools as a daemon

🙋 ct-shell

$ ct-shell -c env


🙋 at-adb

$ at-adb -h
usage: at-adb [-h] [--version] [-v]
              [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | -i INDEX | -c IP[:PORT] | -l]

adb wrapper

positional arguments:
  adb_args              adb args

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  -c IP[:PORT], --connect IP[:PORT]
                        use device with TCP/IP
  -l, --last            use last device

🙋 at-pidcat

$ at-pidcat -h
usage: at-pidcat [-h] [--verbose] [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | --index INDEX | --connect IP[:PORT] | --last] [-w N] [-l {V,D,I,W,E,F,v,d,i,w,e,f}] [--color-gc]
                 [--always-display-tags] [--top] [-c] [-t TAG] [-i IGNORED_TAG] [-v] [-a]
                 [package ...]

Filter logcat by package name

positional arguments:
  package               application package name(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             increase log verbosity
  -w N, --tag-width N   width of log tag
  -l {V,D,I,W,E,F,v,d,i,w,e,f}, --min-level {V,D,I,W,E,F,v,d,i,w,e,f}
                        minimum level to be displayed
  --color-gc            color garbage collection
                        always display the tag name
  --top, --current      filter logcat by current running app
  -c, --clear           clear the entire log before running
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     filter output by specified tag(s)
  -i IGNORED_TAG, --ignore-tag IGNORED_TAG
                        filter output by ignoring specified tag(s)
  -v, --version         print the version number and exit
  -a, --all             print all log messages

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  --index INDEX         use device with given index
  --connect IP[:PORT]   use device with TCP/IP
  --last                use last device

🙋 at-top

$ at-top -h
usage: at-top [-h] [--version] [-v] [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | -i INDEX | -c IP[:PORT] | -l] [-p | -a | --path | --kill | --apk [DEST] | --screen [DEST]]

show current running app's basic information

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  -p, --package         show current running package name
  -a, --activity        show current running activity name
  --path                show current running package path
  --kill                kill current running package
  --apk [DEST]          pull current running apk file
  --screen [DEST]       capture screen and pull file

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  -c IP[:PORT], --connect IP[:PORT]
                        use device with TCP/IP
  -l, --last            use last device

🙋 at-inetnt

$ at-intent -h
usage: at-intent [-h] [--version] [-v] [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | -i INDEX | -c IP[:PORT] | -l]
                 (--setting | --setting-dev | --setting-dev2 | --setting-app [PACKAGE] | --setting-cert PATH | --install PATH | --browser URL)

common intent action

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  --setting             start setting activity
  --setting-dev         start development setting activity
  --setting-dev2        start development setting activity
  --setting-app [PACKAGE]
                        start application setting activity (default: current running package)
  --setting-cert PATH   install cert (need '/data/local/tmp' write permission)
  --install PATH        install apk file (need '/data/local/tmp' write permission)
  --browser URL         start browser activity and jump to url (need scheme, such as

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  -c IP[:PORT], --connect IP[:PORT]
                        use device with TCP/IP
  -l, --last            use last device

🙋 at-app

$ at-app -h
usage: at-app [-h] [--version] [-v] [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | -i INDEX | -c IP[:PORT] | -l] (-a | -t | -p pkg [pkg ...] | --system | --non-system) [-b] [-dang]
              [-o field [field ...]]

fetch application info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  -a, --all             fetch all apps
  -t, --top             fetch current running app only
  -p pkg [pkg ...], --packages pkg [pkg ...]
                        fetch target apps only
  --system              fetch system apps only
  --non-system          fetch non-system apps only
  -b, --basic-info      display basic info only
  -dang, --dangerous    display dangerous permissions and components only
  -o field [field ...], --order-by field [field ...]
                        order by target field

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  -c IP[:PORT], --connect IP[:PORT]
                        use device with TCP/IP
  -l, --last            use last device



🙋 at-frida



  1. 可以支持根据设备和本地安装的frida版本,自动下载并推送frida server到设备,启动frida server自动化完成
  2. 监听了spawn进程变化情况,可以同时hook主进程和各个子进程
  3. 监听js文件变化,实时加载
  4. 注入了内置脚本,封装常用功能,如:过ssl pinning
$ at-frida -h
usage: at-frida [-h] [--version] [-v] [-s SERIAL | --device | --emulator | -i INDEX | --connect IP[:PORT] | --last] [-p PACKAGE] [--spawn] [-P KEY VALUE] [-l SCRIPT] [-e CODE] [-c URL] [--redirect-address ADDRESS]
                [--redirect-port ADDRESS] [-a] [-d]

easy to use frida

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
                        target package (default: current running package)
  --spawn               inject after spawn (default: false)
  -P KEY VALUE, --parameters KEY VALUE
                        user script parameters
  -l SCRIPT, --load SCRIPT
                        load user script
  -e CODE, --eval CODE  evaluate code
  -c URL, --codeshare URL
                        load share script url
  --redirect-address ADDRESS
                        redirect traffic to target address (default: localhost)
  --redirect-port ADDRESS
                        redirect traffic to target port (default: 8080)
  -a, --auto-start      automatically start when all processes exits
  -d, --debug           enable debug mode

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  --device              use USB device (adb -d option)
  --emulator            use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  --connect IP[:PORT]   use device with TCP/IP
  --last                use last device

1) 以命令行方式运行

android.js 文件:

Java.perform(function () {

    // [*] Hook method: java.lang.Integer Integer.valueOf(int)
    JavaHelper.hookMethod("java.lang.Integer", "valueOf", ["int"], function(obj, args) {
        return this.apply(obj, args);

    // [*] Hook method: java.lang.Integer Integer.valueOf(int)
    // [*] Hook method: java.lang.Integer Integer.valueOf(java.lang.String)
    // [*] Hook method: java.lang.Integer Integer.valueOf(java.lang.String, int)
    JavaHelper.hookMethods("java.lang.Integer", "valueOf", function(obj, args) {
        return this.apply(obj, args);

    // [*] Hook method: int Integer.undefined()
    // [*] Hook method: void Integer.Integer(int)
    // [*] Hook method: void Integer.Integer(java.lang.String)
    // [*] Hook method: int Integer.bitCount(int)
    // [*] ...
    // [*] Hook method: long Integer.longValue()
    // [*] Hook method: short Integer.shortValue()
    JavaHelper.hookClass("java.lang.Integer", function(obj, args) {
        return this.apply(obj, args);

    // hook HashMap.put, print stack and args
    JavaHelper.hookMethods("java.util.HashMap", "put", JavaHelper.getHookImpl({printStack: false, printArgs: true}));

    // hook HashMap.put, print stack and args
    var HashMap = Java.use("java.util.HashMap");
    HashMap.put.implementation = function() {
        var ret = JavaHelper.callMethod(this, arguments); //, arguments)
        JavaHelper.printArguments(arguments, ret);
        return ret;


$ at-frida -l android.js

2) 当然也可以使用python方式调用


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from linktools.frida import FridaApplication, FridaEvalCode
from import AndroidFridaServer

jscode = """
Java.perform(function () {
        "java.util.HashMap", "put", JavaHelper.getEventImpl({stack: false, args: true})

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with AndroidFridaServer() as server:

        app = FridaApplication(

        for target_app in app.device.enumerate_applications():
            if target_app.identifier == "com.topjohnwu.magisk":


$ python3

3) 输出效果


4) 内置js使用方式


 * 获取java类的类对象
 * :param className:    java类名
 * :param classloader:  java类所在的classLoader,若不填则遍历所有classloader
 * :return:             类对象
function findClass(className, classloader) {}

 * hook指定方法对象
 * :param clazz:        java类名/类对象
 * :param method:       java方法名/方法对象
 * :param signatures:   java方法签名,为null表示不设置签名
 * :param impl:         hook实现,如调用原函数: function(obj, args) { return this(obj, args); }
function hookMethod(clazz, method, signatures, impl) {}

 * hook指定方法名的所有重载
 * :param clazz:        java类名/类对象
 * :param method:       java方法名
 * :param impl:         hook实现,如调用原函数: function(obj, args) { return this(obj, args); }
function hookMethods(clazz, methodName, impl) {}

 * hook指定类的所有构造方法
 * @param clazz java类名/类对象
 * @param impl hook实现,如调用原函数: function(obj, args) { return this(obj, args); }
function hookAllConstructors(clazz, impl) {}

 * hook指定类的所有成员方法
 * @param clazz java类名/类对象
 * @param impl hook实现,如调用原函数: function(obj, args) { return this(obj, args); }
function hookAllMethods(clazz, impl) {}

 * hook指定类的所有方法
 * :param clazz:        java类名/类对象
 * :param impl:         hook实现,如调用原函数: function(obj, args) { return this(obj, args); }
function hookClass(clazz, impl) {}

 * 根据当前栈调用原java方法
 * :param obj:          java对象
 * :param args:         java参数
 * :return:             java方法返回值
function callMethod(obj, args) {}

 * 获取hook实现,调用原方法并展示栈和返回值
 * :param options:      hook选项,如:{stack: true, args: true, thread: true}
 * :return:             hook实现
function getEventImpl(options) {}

 * 获取当前java栈
 * :param printStack:   是否展示栈,默认为true
 * :param printArgs:    是否展示参数,默认为true
 * :return:             java栈对象
function getStackTrace() {}

 * 打印当前栈
function printStack() {}

 * 打印当前参数和返回值
 * :param args:         参数
 * :param ret:          返回值
function printArguments(args, ret) {}

hook native方法

// xxxxxx为方法名
Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName(null, 'xxxxxx'), {
    onEnter: function (args) {
        send("xxxxxx called from:\\n" +
            Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE)
    onLeave: function (retval) {
        send("xxxxxx retval: " + retval);


// 如 CallStack callStack("ABCDEFG", 10);
var CallStackPtr = Module.findExportByName(null, '_ZN7android9CallStackC1EPKci');
var CallStack = new NativeFunction(CallStackPtr, 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer', 'int']);
var callStack = Memory.alloc(1000);
var logtag = Memory.allocUtf8String("ABCDEFG");
CallStack(callStack, logtag, 10);

🙋 at-agent

$ at-agent -h
usage: at-agent [-h] [--version] [-v] [-s SERIAL | -d | -e | -i INDEX | -c IP[:PORT] | -l] ...

used for debugging android-tools.apk

positional arguments:
  agent_args            agent args

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity

adb optional arguments:
  -s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
                        use device with given serial (adb -s option)
  -d, --device          use USB device (adb -d option)
  -e, --emulator        use TCP/IP device (adb -e option)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  -c IP[:PORT], --connect IP[:PORT]
                        use device with TCP/IP
  -l, --last            use last device


🙋 it-frida

$ it-frida -h
usage: it-frida [-h] [--version] [-v] [-u UDID | -i INDEX | --last] [--socket SOCKET] [-b BUNDLE_ID] [--spawn] [-P KEY VALUE] [-l SCRIPT] [-e CODE] [-c URL] [-a] [-d]

easy to use frida

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase log verbosity
  -b BUNDLE_ID, --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID
                        target bundle id (default: frontmost application)
  --spawn               inject after spawn (default: false)
  -P KEY VALUE, --parameters KEY VALUE
                        user script parameters
  -l SCRIPT, --load SCRIPT
                        load user script
  -e CODE, --eval CODE  evaluate code
  -c URL, --codeshare URL
                        load share script url
  -a, --auto-start      automatically start when all processes exits
  -d, --debug           debug mode

device optional arguments:
  -u UDID, --udid UDID  specify unique device identifier
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        use device with given index
  --last                use last device
  --socket SOCKET       usbmuxd listen address, host:port or local-path

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

linktools-0.7.2.tar.gz (1.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

linktools-0.7.2-py3-none-any.whl (213.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page