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🐧 Linux Profile Management CLI Tool

Project description

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English: Linuxp is a CLI tool for Linux profile management. With this project it is possible, from commands executed in the console, to create a file in json format to store the backup settings. For example, information about packages, aliases, scripts, texts and files. It also allows with a single command to restore the saved settings.

Português: Linuxp é uma ferramenta de CLI para gerenciamento de perfil do Linux. Com este projeto é possível, a partir de comandos executados no console, criar um arquivo no formato json para armazenar as configurações de backup. Como por exemplo, informações sobre pacotes, alias, scripts, textos e arquivos. Também permite com um único comando restaurar as configurações salvas.


English: With the need to automate processes and execution of scripts, Linuxp emerged, a project developed in python that aims to create a standard in the chaos of storing information about packages, aliases, scripts, texts and files in a single place, fully customizable from according to the user.

Português: Com a necessidade de automatizar os processos e execução de scripts, surgiu Linuxp, projeto desenvolvido em python que tem como objetivo criar um padrão no caos do armazenamento de informações de pacotes, alias, scripts, textos e arquivos em um único local, totalmente personalizável de acordo com o usuário.

Quick URLs


  • PIP

    pip install linuxp
  • Poetry

    poetry add linuxp
  • Bash/Curl

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Pacman

    git clone
    cd linux-profile
    sudo pacman -U linux-profile-1.0.19-1-any.pkg.tar.zst


  • PIP

    pip uninstall linuxp
  • Poetry

    poetry remove linuxp
  • Bash/Curl

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Pacman

    sudo pacman -R linux-profile


Command Description Docs
linuxp config Settings file management. Link
linuxp profile Profile file management. Link
linuxp add Parameter used to add a new item to the list in your profile file. Link
linuxp remove Removes items from the profile file. Link
linuxp install This parameter is used to install the modules, package, alias and script. Link
linuxp uninstall Command used to uninstall items. Be very careful when running. Link
linuxp list Lists all modules in the terminal and can also apply filters to find items. Link

Example Profile File

Commit Style

  • ⚙️ FEATURE
  • 📝 PEP8
  • 📌 ISSUE
  • 🪲 BUG
  • 📘 DOCS
  • 📦 PyPI
  • ❤️️ TEST
  • ⬆️ CI/CD


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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