LIONtoolkit - machine learning and intelligent optimization through the browser
Project description
LIONtoolkit is a web application that allows data science enthusiasts to create and run experiments involving machine learning and optimization techniques via a simple browser-based drag-and-drop interface.
It is an idea and is currently maintained by the people at LIONlab, University of Trento - Italy, and it is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
Run inside a Docker container
Install Docker for your platform following the instructions here. No need to install other dependencies.
Once Docker is installed and running, by using any kind of terminal launch a new container with the latest version of our image with:
$ docker run -d -p 8080:5000 liontoolkit/liontoolkit
Now, as long as the container is up and running, you can use LIONtoolkit by pointing your browser to:
http://localhost:8080 or
For other methods (pip,setuptools) and more detailed installation instructions, see docs/install.rst.
We welcome all contributions. Do you like LIONtoolkit and want to make it better? You can fix some bugs or add your own plugin/module!
And before opening a Pull Request, please have a look at docs/extending.rst and CONTRIBUTING.rst to make sure your code complies with our guidelines.
Thank you!